58 research outputs found

    Temperature Influence Analysis on the Selected Current Sources Stability in the Static and Dynamic Operating States

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    The present work contains the stability test results of the current sources located in an environment of variable temperature. Two types of tests were conducted for four circuits stabilizing the current of the value close to 50 mA. One test consisted in changing the temperature in which the current sources loaded with variable resistance were placed. The other test related to the analysis of the transient state during switching on and off the load for two values of temperature. The article presents the obtained results of experiments and discusses the reasons of the measurement errors

    ‘KRAB’ – new capabilities of the Polish Armed Forces

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    The implementation of 155 mm self-propelled howitzers ‘Krab’ into the Missile and Artillery Forces significantly improve their capabilities. Apart the howitzer, the battalion fire module ‘Regina’ consists of specialized command, reconnaissance, support and ammunition vehicles. The caliber of the howitzer adjusted to NATO standards allows for the application of the common ammunition, including precision-guided, with the range up to 40 km, which will enable striking the important targets in the enemy’s rear combat zone. An artillery battalion (battery) equipped with the self-propelled howitzer ‘Krab’ owing to usage of the precision-guided munitions during the engagement will gain unprecedented capabilities with regards to impacting a target. Moreover, the battalion will be able to successfully fulfill tasks, which until recently could be executed by a general-military commander with the support of anti-tank reserves, tank subunits, special forces or tactical surface-to-surface missiles. The paper proposes organizational structures of the ‘Krab’ artillery battalion, variants of order of battle and methods of fire tasks execution

    Man’s place in the cosmos according to Gregory of Nyssa in the light of the contemporary environmental crisis

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    Ce travail de thĂšse prĂ©sente la pensĂ©e de GrĂ©goire de Nysse sur la corrĂ©lation entre le cosmos et l’homme. La recherche a pour ambition d’expliquer et de comprendre la conception grĂ©gorienne de la crĂ©ation et l’interprĂ©tation du rĂŽle de l’homme dans la crĂ©ation pour voir si elle apporte ou non un complĂ©ment potentiel au dĂ©bat contemporain sur la crise Ă©cologique. Il s’avĂšre que cette problĂ©matique contemporaine conduit Ă  renouveler notre regard sur les textes de GrĂ©goire et Ă  dĂ©gager ses rĂ©flexions sur un mode de comportement envers la crĂ©ation, propre Ă  sa vision thĂ©ologique de GrĂ©goire. L’analyse des concepts concernant le cosmos et l’homme dĂ©montre une bipolaritĂ© de leurs relations possibles, qui s’exprime dans l’idĂ©e d’ontologie et d’éthique cosmique. L’éthique semble alors ĂȘtre la libertĂ© vĂ©cue de l’homme sur cette terre, avec pour rĂ©sultat le principe agissant de son rapport avec le reste de la crĂ©ation au cours de sa vie. D’aprĂšs GrĂ©goire, l’approche humaine en ce qui concerne l’environnement n’est qu’une question de libertĂ© de choix qui pourtant marque le cheminement de l’homme vers la nouvelle crĂ©ation, celle crĂ©Ă©e par le Christ.This thesis presents Gregory of Nyssa’s point of view about the relation between man and the cosmos. The current analysis aims to understand and explain Gregory’s concept of creation and the way this concept perceives the role of the human in the creation; this is in order to verify if it makes any eventual addition to the contemporary debate on ecological crises. Actually, this contemporary problematic contributes in renewing our view on Gregorian texts and shows a way of behaviour towards the nature/creation itself in accordance with the theological vision of Gregory. The analysis of concepts concerning the human and the cosmos stresses a twofold relation between them, expressed through the idea of ontology and cosmic ethics. In this case ethics seem to be the experimental liberty of man on this earth and as a consequence, the active principle of the relation with the rest of the creation in the frame of life. According to Gregory, the human approach towards the environment is only a question of free will which nevertheless determines the way of man to the new creation established by Christ

    Man’s place in the cosmos according to Gregory of Nyssa in the light of the contemporary environmental crisis

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    Ce travail de thĂšse prĂ©sente la pensĂ©e de GrĂ©goire de Nysse sur la corrĂ©lation entre le cosmos et l’homme. La recherche a pour ambition d’expliquer et de comprendre la conception grĂ©gorienne de la crĂ©ation et l’interprĂ©tation du rĂŽle de l’homme dans la crĂ©ation pour voir si elle apporte ou non un complĂ©ment potentiel au dĂ©bat contemporain sur la crise Ă©cologique. Il s’avĂšre que cette problĂ©matique contemporaine conduit Ă  renouveler notre regard sur les textes de GrĂ©goire et Ă  dĂ©gager ses rĂ©flexions sur un mode de comportement envers la crĂ©ation, propre Ă  sa vision thĂ©ologique de GrĂ©goire. L’analyse des concepts concernant le cosmos et l’homme dĂ©montre une bipolaritĂ© de leurs relations possibles, qui s’exprime dans l’idĂ©e d’ontologie et d’éthique cosmique. L’éthique semble alors ĂȘtre la libertĂ© vĂ©cue de l’homme sur cette terre, avec pour rĂ©sultat le principe agissant de son rapport avec le reste de la crĂ©ation au cours de sa vie. D’aprĂšs GrĂ©goire, l’approche humaine en ce qui concerne l’environnement n’est qu’une question de libertĂ© de choix qui pourtant marque le cheminement de l’homme vers la nouvelle crĂ©ation, celle crĂ©Ă©e par le Christ.This thesis presents Gregory of Nyssa’s point of view about the relation between man and the cosmos. The current analysis aims to understand and explain Gregory’s concept of creation and the way this concept perceives the role of the human in the creation; this is in order to verify if it makes any eventual addition to the contemporary debate on ecological crises. Actually, this contemporary problematic contributes in renewing our view on Gregorian texts and shows a way of behaviour towards the nature/creation itself in accordance with the theological vision of Gregory. The analysis of concepts concerning the human and the cosmos stresses a twofold relation between them, expressed through the idea of ontology and cosmic ethics. In this case ethics seem to be the experimental liberty of man on this earth and as a consequence, the active principle of the relation with the rest of the creation in the frame of life. According to Gregory, the human approach towards the environment is only a question of free will which nevertheless determines the way of man to the new creation established by Christ

    Eine neue fahrbare Röntgeneinrichtung fĂŒr Werkstattbetrieb

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    Paradoxe cosmique et éthique eucharistique chez Grégoire de Nysse

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    Dans l’interprĂ©tation des paroles « un moment pour aimer et un moment pour haĂŻr » du livre vĂ©tĂ©rotestamentaire de l’EcclĂ©siaste (3, 8a) par GrĂ©goire de Nysse, on dĂ©couvre une Ă©laboration pertinente de l’éthique concernant la relation de l’homme avec l’univers. Ce concept, soigneusement Ă©laborĂ©, de l’interdĂ©pendance entre ces deux Ă©lĂ©ments n’est pas uniquement une vision ontologique et liturgique, mais Ă©galement une reprĂ©sentation existentielle de la relation entre l’homme, la crĂ©ation sensible et la DivinitĂ©. Ainsi, Ă  travers l’idĂ©e d’une Ă©thique « eucharistique », GrĂ©goire tente de montrer dans quelle mesure l’amour de l’homme pour Dieu influe sur son approche du monde qui l’environne.In the interpretation of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes’ words “a time to love and a time to hate” by Gregory of Nyssa, we discover a compelling elaboration of the ethics related to the human relation to the cosmos. This carefully prepared concept of interdependence between those two entities is not only ontological and liturgical, but also an existential vision of the correlation between man, sensitive creation, and the Godhead. As a result, through the idea of an “Eucharistical” ethics, Gregory intends to show how humans love to God informs their view of their environment

    The HimmÀt party [Socialism and the national question in Russian Azerbaijan, 1904-1920]

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    Tadeusz Swietochowski, The HimmĂ€t party. Socialism and the national question in Russian Azerbaijan 1904-1920. In 1904, a handful of young Azerbaijanis, mainly from among the intelligentsia, initiated propaganda activity directed at their countrymen. The group assumed the name HimmĂ€t after the title of the clandestine publication it issued in the Azerbaijani language. The target of its attack was not so much the system of capitalism as the Tsarist bureaucracy and the Moslem clergy. Under the Stolypin reaction, the HimmĂ€t came to face the harsh policy of repressions. In 1917 the reborn party, by far more Marxist than ten years ago, failed to recapture its following. It broke up in a manner mirroring the alignment within the Russian Social-Democracy in Transcaucasia. The Baku HimmĂątists led by Nanmanov turned pro-Bolshevik, whereas in the provinces the general tendency was to follow the Mensheviks, dominant throughout the rest of the region and notably in Georgia. In 1919, the men linked in the past to the "Tiflis Centre" now labeled as the "Right", kept the name of the Azerbaijani Social-Democratic Party — HimmĂ€t. The "Left", which after the split began to call itself the Azerbaijani Communist Party — HimmĂ€t, accepted as its goal "power to the Soviets in Azerbaijan".Tadeusz Swietochowski, Le parti HĂŒmmet. Le socialisme et la question nationale en AzerbaĂŻdjan russe, 1904-1920. En 1904, une poignĂ©e de jeunes AzerbaĂŻdjanais, issus pour la plupart de l'intelligentsia, furent les premiers Ă  se livrer Ă  une activitĂ© de propagande Ă  l'intention de leurs compatriotes. Le groupe prit le nom de HĂŒmmet d'aprĂšs le titre du journal qu'il publiait clandestinement en azerbaĂŻdjanais. Il ne visait pas tant le systĂšme capitaliste que la bureaucratie russe et le clergĂ© musulman. Au cours de la a rĂ©action Stolypin », le HĂŒmmet subit une politique de rĂ©pression sĂ©vĂšre. En 1917, le parti ressuscitĂ©, infiniment plus marxiste que dix ans auparavant, ne rĂ©ussit pas Ă  reconquĂ©rir son audience. A l'image de la social-dĂ©mocratie russe en Transcaucasie, il Ă©clata. Sous la conduite de Narimanov, les « hĂŒmmetistes » de Bakou devinrent pro-bolcheviks, alors qu'en province — comme ce fut le cas dans le reste du pays et en particulier en GĂ©orgie — ils se ralliĂšrent gĂ©nĂ©ralement aux Mencheviks. En 1919 ceux qui Ă©taient rattachĂ©s auparavant au « Centre de Tiflis », maintenant taxĂ© de « droite » conservĂšrent l'appellation « parti social-dĂ©mocrate azerbaĂŻdjanais HĂŒmmet ». La « gauche » qui aprĂšs la rupture commença Ă  se dĂ©signer « parti communiste azerbaĂŻdjanais HĂŒmmet » accepta la devise : « le pouvoir aux soviets en AzerbaĂŻdjan ».Swietochowski Tadeusz. The HimmĂ€t party [Socialism and the national question in Russian Azerbaijan, 1904-1920]. In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviĂ©tique, vol. 19, n°1-2, Janvier-Juin 1978. Le Caucase. pp. 119-142

    La place de l'homme dans le cosmos selon Gregoire de Nysse Ă  la lumiĂšre de la crise Ă©cologique contemporaine

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    This thesis presents Gregory of Nyssa’s point of view about the relation between man and the cosmos. The current analysis aims to understand and explain Gregory’s concept of creation and the way this concept perceives the role of the human in the creation; this is in order to verify if it makes any eventual addition to the contemporary debate on ecological crises. Actually, this contemporary problematic contributes in renewing our view on Gregorian texts and shows a way of behaviour towards the nature/creation itself in accordance with the theological vision of Gregory. The analysis of concepts concerning the human and the cosmos stresses a twofold relation between them, expressed through the idea of ontology and cosmic ethics. In this case ethics seem to be the experimental liberty of man on this earth and as a consequence, the active principle of the relation with the rest of the creation in the frame of life. According to Gregory, the human approach towards the environment is only a question of free will which nevertheless determines the way of man to the new creation established by Christ.Ce travail de thĂšse prĂ©sente la pensĂ©e de GrĂ©goire de Nysse sur la corrĂ©lation entre le cosmos et l’homme. La recherche a pour ambition d’expliquer et de comprendre la conception grĂ©gorienne de la crĂ©ation et l’interprĂ©tation du rĂŽle de l’homme dans la crĂ©ation pour voir si elle apporte ou non un complĂ©ment potentiel au dĂ©bat contemporain sur la crise Ă©cologique. Il s’avĂšre que cette problĂ©matique contemporaine conduit Ă  renouveler notre regard sur les textes de GrĂ©goire et Ă  dĂ©gager ses rĂ©flexions sur un mode de comportement envers la crĂ©ation, propre Ă  sa vision thĂ©ologique de GrĂ©goire. L’analyse des concepts concernant le cosmos et l’homme dĂ©montre une bipolaritĂ© de leurs relations possibles, qui s’exprime dans l’idĂ©e d’ontologie et d’éthique cosmique. L’éthique semble alors ĂȘtre la libertĂ© vĂ©cue de l’homme sur cette terre, avec pour rĂ©sultat le principe agissant de son rapport avec le reste de la crĂ©ation au cours de sa vie. D’aprĂšs GrĂ©goire, l’approche humaine en ce qui concerne l’environnement n’est qu’une question de libertĂ© de choix qui pourtant marque le cheminement de l’homme vers la nouvelle crĂ©ation, celle crĂ©Ă©e par le Christ
