36 research outputs found

    Dectin-2 recognises mannosylated O-antigens of human opportunistic pathogens and augments lipopolysaccharide activation of myeloid cells

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) consists of a relatively conserved region of lipid A and core-oligosaccharide, and a highly variable region of O-antigen polysaccharide. While lipid A is known to bind to the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-myeloid differentiation factor 2 (MD2) complex, the role of the O-antigen remains unclear. Here we report a novel molecular interaction between dendritic cell-associated C-type lectin-2 (Dectin-2) and the mannosylated O-antigen found in a human opportunistic pathogen Hafnia alvei PCM 1223, which has a repeating unit of [-Man-α1,3-Man-α1,2-Man-α1,2-Man-α1,2-Man-α1,3-]. H. alvei LPS induced higher levels of TNFα and IL-10 from mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BM-DCs), when compared to Salmonella enterica O66 LPS which has a repeat of [-Gal-α1,6-Gal-α1,4-[Glc-β1,3]GalNAc-α1,3-GalNAc-β1,3-]. In a cell-based reporter assay, Dectin-2 was shown to recognise H. alvei LPS. This binding was inhibited by mannosidase treatment of H. alvei LPS and by mutations in the carbohydrate-binding domain of Dectin-2, demonstrating that H. alvei LPS is a novel glycan ligand of Dectin-2. The enhanced cytokine production by H. alvei LPS was Dectin-2 dependent, as Dectin-2 knockout BM-DCs failed to do so. This receptor crosstalk between Dectin-2 and TLR4 involved events including spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) activation and receptor juxtaposition. Furthermore, another mannosylated LPS from Escherichia coli O9a, also bound to Dectin-2 and augmented TLR4 activation of BM-DCs. Taken together, these data indicate that mannosylated O-antigens from several gram-negative bacteria augment TLR4 responses through interaction with Dectin-2

    The Lipopolysaccharide from Capnocytophaga canimorsus Reveals an Unexpected Role of the Core-Oligosaccharide in MD-2 Binding

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    Capnocytophaga canimorsus is a usual member of dog's mouths flora that causes rare but dramatic human infections after dog bites. We determined the structure of C. canimorsus lipid A. The main features are that it is penta-acylated and composed of a “hybrid backbone” lacking the 4′ phosphate and having a 1 phosphoethanolamine (P-Etn) at 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucose (GlcN). C. canimorsus LPS was 100 fold less endotoxic than Escherichia coli LPS. Surprisingly, C. canimorsus lipid A was 20,000 fold less endotoxic than the C. canimorsus lipid A-core. This represents the first example in which the core-oligosaccharide dramatically increases endotoxicity of a low endotoxic lipid A. The binding to human myeloid differentiation factor 2 (MD-2) was dramatically increased upon presence of the LPS core on the lipid A, explaining the difference in endotoxicity. Interaction of MD-2, cluster of differentiation antigen 14 (CD14) or LPS-binding protein (LBP) with the negative charge in the 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo) of the core might be needed to form the MD-2 – lipid A complex in case the 4′ phosphate is not present

    L-ficolin in children with recurrent respiratory infections

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    The lectin pathway of complement activation is used by a collectin, mannan-binding lectin (MBL), and two ficolins, L-ficolin and H-ficolin, to opsonize microorganisms for phagocytosis. We published evidence recently that MBL insufficiency is associated with recurrent respiratory infections in childhood. We have now measured serum L-ficolin in 313 respiratory infection patients and 74 healthy control children. L-ficolin concentrations below the lower limit of the control group were found in 6% of the patients (P < 0·02) and were associated most strongly with children having co-existing atopic disorders (11%; P = 0·002). We suggest that L-ficolin may have a role in protection from microorganisms complicating allergic disease

    Interaction of human mannose-binding lectin (MBL) with Yersinia enterocolitica lipopolysaccharide

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    tThe lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is involved in the interaction between Gram-negative pathogenic bacteriaand host. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL), complement-activating soluble pattern-recognition receptortargets microbial glycoconjugates, including LPS. We studied its interactions with a set of Yersinia ente-rocolitica O:3 LPS mutants. The wild-type strain LPS consists of lipid A (LA) substituted with an inner coreoligosaccharide (IC) which in turn is substituted either with the O-specific polysaccharide (OPS) or theouter core hexasaccharide (OC), and sometimes also with the enterobacterial common antigen (ECA). TheLPS mutants produced truncated LPS, missing OPS, OC or both, or, in addition, different IC constituentsor ECA. MBL bound to LA-IC, LA-IC-OPS and LA-IC-ECA but not LA-IC-OC structures. Moreover, LA-IC sub-stitution with both OPS and ECA prevented the lectin binding. Sequential truncation of the IC heptosesdemonstrated that the MBL targets the IC heptose region. Furthermore, microbial growth temperatureinfluenced MBL binding; binding was stronger to bacteria grown at room temperature (22◦C) than to bac-teria grown at 37◦C. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that MBL can interact with Y. enterocoliticaLPS, however, the in vivo significance of that interaction remains to be elucidated