60 research outputs found

    Remissvar: Psykiatrin och lagen – tvĂ„ngsvĂ„rd, straffansvar och samhĂ€llsskydd (SOU 2012:17)

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    Psykiatrilagsutredningens betÀnkande behandlar grundlÀggande frÄgor om vÄrd, tvÄng, och straffrÀttslig ansvarsförmÄga. Det handlar bl.a. om vem som kan samtycka till vÄrd och behandling, nÀr samhÀllet kan tillgripa tvÄng för att förhindra nÄgon frÄn att skada sig sjÀlv eller annan. Det handlar ocksÄ om vem som ska anses har förmÄga att bÀra straffrÀttsligt ansvar för sina handlingar och de rÀttsliga följderna av (o)tillrÀknelighet. Samtliga Àr angelÀgna frÄgestÀllningar. En negativ konsekvens av att centrala straffrÀttsliga frÄgor behandlas i relation till personer med psykiska funktionsnedsÀttningar Àr emellertid att perspektivet blir alltför snÀvt i ett socialrÀttsligt perspektiv. Det saknas principiella övervÀganden om huruvida och varför personer med psykiska funktionsnedsÀttningar ska vara föremÄl för sÀrbehandling pÄ det sÀtt som Psykiatrilagsutredningen föreslÄr

    On the preconditions for large-scale collective action

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    The phenomenon of collective action and the origin of collective action problems have been extensively and systematically studied in the social sciences. Yet, while we have substantial knowledge about the factors promoting collective action at the local level, we know far less about how these insights travel to large-scale collective action problems. Such problems, however, are at the heart of humanity’s most pressing challenges, including climate change, large-scale natural resource depletion, biodiversity loss, nuclear proliferation, antibiotic resistance due to overconsumption of antibiotics, and pollution. In this paper, we suggest an analytical framework that captures the theoretical understanding of preconditions for large-scale collective action. This analytical framework aims at supporting future empirical analyses of how to cope with and overcome larger-scale collective action problems. More specifically, we (i) define and describe the main characteristics of a large-scale collective action problem and (ii) explain why voluntary and, in particular, spontaneous large-scale collective action among individual actors becomes more improbable as the collective action problem becomes larger, thus demanding interventions by an external authority (a third party) for such action to be generated. Based on this, we (iii) outline an analytical framework that illustrates the connection between third-party interventions and large-scale collective action. We conclude by suggesting avenues for future research.</p

    Heapy: A Memory Profiler and Debugger for Python

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    Excessive memory use may cause severe performance problems and system crashes. Without appropriate tools, it may be difficult or impossible to determine why a program is using too much memory. This applies even though Python provides automatic memory management --- garbage collection can help avoid many memory allocation bugs, but only to a certain extent due to the lack of information during program execution. There is still a need for tools helping the programmer to understand the memory behaviour of programs, especially in complicated situations. The primary motivation for Heapy is that there has been a lack of such tools for Python. The main questions addressed by Heapy are how much memory is used by objects, what are the objects of most interest for optimization purposes, and why are objects kept in memory. Memory leaks are often of special interest and may be found by comparing snapshots of the heap population taken at different times. Memory profiles, using different kinds of classifiers that may include retainer information, can provide quick overviews revealing optimization possibilities not thought of beforehand. Reference patterns and shortest reference paths provide different perspectives of object access patterns to help explain why objects are kept in memory

    Misuse of anabolic steroids in youth. Trends, attitudes and evaluation of an intervention programme

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    Background: Misuse of androgenic anabolic steroids in US is well known. Less is known about the situation in Sweden and Europe. If there does exist a problem of misuse, it is important to investigate prevalence, risk-factors and attitudes towards anabolics. This knowledge is vital in order to design intervention.Aim:. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the prevalence in a Swedish county, rural and urban areas as well as different points in time; analyse attitudes among users and non-users of androgenic anabolic steroids; assess the importance of self-esteem, appearance and peer pressure among male youths; design And evaluate an intervention programme.Methods: Prevalence studies by questionnaires were performed regularly 1993-2000 to follow trends of the misuse and to study attitudes towards androgenic anabolic steroids. Based on background factors for the drug misuse an intervention programme was designed, implemented and evaluated. To add further to our understanding of youths attitudes and lifestyles a quantitative study with individual and focus-groups interviews were performed. The material was analysed in phenomenological tradition. Results: The first prevalence study verified misuse of anabolics with the prevalence rate of 5.8% among male adolescents. Sports activities were protecting factors. An appearance programme, including group discussions catalysed by specially educated health-workers, was implemented. The programme was well received and the misuse figures remain stable with a possible tendency to decline. The prevalence rates were 3.0% 1995 and 1.2% 2000 among male adolescents. The attitudes among misusers and non-misusers differed risk factors for misuse were immigrant status, smoking, drinking more alcohol including home-distilled alcohol, other drug-misuse and muscular training at gyms. Thewell-trained body was reported as an important factor for self-confidence, respect from other boys and girls, for security in nightlife and in the beach culture.Conclusions: Misuse of anabolics among male adolescents is a threatening problem in the community. This intervention programme based on appearance discussions and self-confidence strengthening seems to be a possible way to prevent misuse of anabolics. These findings would be interesting to implement and evaluate in different settings, with possible modifications, in order to find effective ways to reduce the misuse of androgenic anabolic steroids

    Diffusion of financial innovations – A study of the stock index bond’s popularity

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    Titel: Spridningen av finansiella innovationer - En studie av aktieindexobligationernas popularitet Författare: Henrik Hansson och Sverker Nilsson. Handledare: Anders Hederstierna Institution: Managementhögskolan, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Kurs: Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi, 10 poĂ€ng Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att förklara varför sparandet i AIO:er har ökat och hur AIO:en har spridit sig. Metod: Vi har genomfört intervjuer av kvalitativ karaktĂ€r pĂ„ de fyra storbankerna. Vi har sedan analyserat resultatet av intervjuerna med hjĂ€lp av teori om hur innovationer sprids. Slutsats: AIO:ernas relativa fördel har ökat de senaste Ă„ren. AIO:ernas position stĂ€rktes mot aktier och aktiefonder i och med börskraschen. NĂ€r sedan rĂ€ntorna började falla sökte placerarna nya alternativ. I AIO:erna har de hittat en gyllene medelvĂ€g. Under 1990-talet var AIO:ernas utveckling bromsad av att rĂ„dgivarna inte hade kunskap om AIO:erna. Detta medförde att AIO:ernas kommunikationskanal inte fungerade tillfredstĂ€llande och detta hade en starkt bromsande effekt pĂ„ deras spridning. Kring Ă„r 2003 nĂ„dde AIO:erna early majority. DĂ„ dessa Ă€r mĂ„nga fler Ă€n early adopters ökade spridningstakten för AIO:erna.Title: Diffusion of financial innovations – A study of the stock index bond’s popularity Authors: Henrik Hansson and Sverker Nilsson. Supervisor: Anders Hederstierna Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor’s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to explain why the savings in stock index bonds has increased and how this diffusion process can be analysed. Method: We have interviewed employees at the four largest banks in Sweden. The results of the interviews have been analysed whit help of diffusion of innovations theory. Results: The relative advantage of stock index bonds has increased the last few years. The stock index bonds position, compared to stocks, improved when the stock market fell. When the interest decreased the investors begun to search for new alternatives. Stock index bonds have become their middle risk alternative. The fact that the economic advisors didn’t have the knowledge about stock index bonds during the 1990’s held the diffusion of the stock index bonds back. Some time around the year of 2003 the stock index bonds reached the early majority. Because of this group’s much lager size than the early adopters, the rate of diffusion accelerated

    Research Aid Revisited : A historically grounded analysis of future prospects and policy options

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    Finansierat av Expertgruppen för BistÄndsanalys, under RegeringskanslietQC 20171213</p

    Diffusion of financial innovations – A study of the stock index bond’s popularity

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    Titel: Spridningen av finansiella innovationer - En studie av aktieindexobligationernas popularitet Författare: Henrik Hansson och Sverker Nilsson. Handledare: Anders Hederstierna Institution: Managementhögskolan, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Kurs: Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi, 10 poĂ€ng Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att förklara varför sparandet i AIO:er har ökat och hur AIO:en har spridit sig. Metod: Vi har genomfört intervjuer av kvalitativ karaktĂ€r pĂ„ de fyra storbankerna. Vi har sedan analyserat resultatet av intervjuerna med hjĂ€lp av teori om hur innovationer sprids. Slutsats: AIO:ernas relativa fördel har ökat de senaste Ă„ren. AIO:ernas position stĂ€rktes mot aktier och aktiefonder i och med börskraschen. NĂ€r sedan rĂ€ntorna började falla sökte placerarna nya alternativ. I AIO:erna har de hittat en gyllene medelvĂ€g. Under 1990-talet var AIO:ernas utveckling bromsad av att rĂ„dgivarna inte hade kunskap om AIO:erna. Detta medförde att AIO:ernas kommunikationskanal inte fungerade tillfredstĂ€llande och detta hade en starkt bromsande effekt pĂ„ deras spridning. Kring Ă„r 2003 nĂ„dde AIO:erna early majority. DĂ„ dessa Ă€r mĂ„nga fler Ă€n early adopters ökade spridningstakten för AIO:erna.Title: Diffusion of financial innovations – A study of the stock index bond’s popularity Authors: Henrik Hansson and Sverker Nilsson. Supervisor: Anders Hederstierna Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor’s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to explain why the savings in stock index bonds has increased and how this diffusion process can be analysed. Method: We have interviewed employees at the four largest banks in Sweden. The results of the interviews have been analysed whit help of diffusion of innovations theory. Results: The relative advantage of stock index bonds has increased the last few years. The stock index bonds position, compared to stocks, improved when the stock market fell. When the interest decreased the investors begun to search for new alternatives. Stock index bonds have become their middle risk alternative. The fact that the economic advisors didn’t have the knowledge about stock index bonds during the 1990’s held the diffusion of the stock index bonds back. Some time around the year of 2003 the stock index bonds reached the early majority. Because of this group’s much lager size than the early adopters, the rate of diffusion accelerated

    MÄlstyrning i skolan - en studie om problem med att styra med mÄl i Lunds skolor

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    I Sverige infördes mÄlstyrning i skolan i samband med kommunaliseringen 1992. I den hÀr uppsatsen undersöks vilka problem som finns med mÄlstyrning i skolan i praktiken. De undersökta problemen baseras pÄ tidigare forskning om mÄlstyrning i offentlig sektor och handlar i huvudsak om att mÄlen Àr oklara och minskad politisk styrning. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av samtalsintervjuer och enkÀtundersökningar med skolchef, rektor och lÀrare vid tvÄ skolor i Lunds kommun. Resultatet visar att mÄlstyrning uppfattas nÄgot olika pÄ olika nivÄer i skolan, men att de personer som Àr arbetar i verksamheten överlag Àr medvetna om vad som krÀvs för att verksamheten ska fungera. MÄlstyrningen har inneburit att lÀrarna i högre grad kan pÄverka och styra undervisningen

    Using the cue elimination technique to derive an equation between performance in episodic tests

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    Lawful equations describing relations between empirical measurable variables, that are free of fitted parameters, and that can be derived from simple assumptions, are rare in psychology. However, this paper proposes one such equation that describes the relation between the performances on four different explicit episodic memory tests: free recall, cued recall, recognition, and cued recognition. The performance on each test is determined by the strength of three different and independent cues: the event cue, the context cue, and the target cue. The Cue Elimination Technique (CET) is introduced where cues are eliminated so that equations can be rewritten so that performance on three tests can be used to predict performance on the fourth test. Results from five conditions show a nonsignificant deviation between the predicted and the empirical probabilities of retrieval. Two estimates of each cue strength, which are based on different data sets, can be made so that the cue strengths can be empirically validated. Manipulations of psychological variables produce meaningful effect on the cue strengths so that CET can be used to dissociate cue strengths in episodic memory

    Multilevel phase holograms manufactured by electron-beam lithography

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    Ten-level transmission phase holograms (kinoforms) manufactured in one resist layer by electron-beam lithography are reported for the first time to the authors' knowledge. The measured hologram diffraction efficiencies were 70% for the two resist materials used. This corresponds to 82% of the maximum theoretical value for these holograms and is, to the authors' knowledge, the highest reported to dat
