55 research outputs found

    Classifying forest stands according to spatial species mingling

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    Legislature and international treaties increasingly underline the importance of biodiversity and sustainability, hence the need for accurate measurements, regarding the aforementioned concepts. Biodiversity is a comprehensive term, which can be very difficult/costly to measure directly. Therefore, surrogate measures can be used to quantify different aspects of biodiversity. An indicator closely linked to biodiversity in forest ecosystems is forest structure. To quantify different aspects of forest structure metrices from the field of point process statistics can be used. In this study we introduce the new function J(̅r) and evaluate its ability to describe species mingling in forest stands. This is done by incorporating data from 20 fully inventoried stands from different parts of the world. Producing curves from J(̅r) and from the mark mingling function, v(r) which is arguably the most similar established function. The curves are classified in groups based on characteristics. This is done separately for each function to be able to investigate how the groups differ between J(̅r) and v(r) and to see what new information J(̅r) could provide, additional to v(r). This study suggests that the new function of J(̅r) provides additional information to the mark mingling function, mostly related to J(̅r) being based on the nearest neighbour (NN) concept and thus providing more information on local neighbourhoods. This research also points to the value of J(̅r) being potentially more suitable to use on smaller plots, such as those commonly used in forest inventories.I lagstiftning och internationella fördrag betonas vikten av biodiversitet och hĂ„llbarhet, vilket medför ett behov av att kunna utföra korrekta mĂ€tningar och övervaka utvecklingen, relaterat till förenĂ€mnda begrepp. Biodiversitet Ă€r en övergripande term, som kan vara vĂ€ldigt svĂ„r och dyr att mĂ€ta i sin helhet. IstĂ€llet för att mĂ€ta biodiversitet direkt, kan man genomföra andra mĂ€tningar, vars resultat korrelerar med biologisk mĂ„ngfald. I skogsekosystem Ă€r bestĂ„ndsstrukturen ofta nĂ€ra kopplad till biodiversitet. Genom att anvĂ€nda sig av mĂ€tetal frĂ„n forskningsomrĂ„det point process statistics Ă€r det möjligt att kvantifiera olika aspekter av bestĂ„ndsstruktur. I denna studie introduceras J(̅r), en ny funktion som Ă€r baserad pĂ„ ett existerande mĂ€tetal. J(̅r) testas angĂ„ende hur vĂ€l funktionen kan beskriva trĂ€dindividers spatiala fördelning i bestĂ„nd, med avseende pĂ„ arttillhörighet. För att Ă„stadkomma detta anvĂ€nds data frĂ„n 20 totalinventerade bestĂ„nd, frĂ„n olika delar av vĂ€rlden. Kurvor frĂ„n bestĂ„nden produceras med den nya funktionen J(̅r), och mark mingling-funktionen, v(r), som antas vara den mest likartade av existerande funktioner. Kurvorna delas dĂ€refter in i grupper baserat pĂ„ egenskaper, detta görs separat för de enskilda funktionerna, med syftet att undersöka hur de resulterade grupperna skiljer sig Ă„t, för J(̅r) och v(r), och för att kunna avgöra vilken ny information som J(̅r) kan tillföra. Denna studie antyder att den nya funktionen J(̅r) genererar delvis skiljaktig information jĂ€mfört med v(r), framförallt relaterat till att J(̅r) utgĂ„r frĂ„n varje specifikt trĂ€d och jĂ€mför arttillhörighet med de nĂ€rmaste trĂ€den i bestĂ„ndet. J(̅r) kan potentiellt vara lĂ€mpligare att anvĂ€nda pĂ„ smĂ„ provytor, vilka vanligen anvĂ€nds i skogliga inventeringar

    Changes in winter length and spring flood in a boreal forest in northern Sweden

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    Jordens klimat förĂ€ndras, atmosfĂ€ren och haven blir allt varmare. Dessa förĂ€ndringar pĂ„verkar vattenbalansen. Kandidatarbetes syfte har varit att undersöka huruvida det skett förĂ€ndringar i vinterns lĂ€ngd och basflöde samt vĂ„rflodens tidpunkt, högsta flöde och volym i Krycklans försökspark under perioden 1981-2015. Daglig vattenflödesdata frĂ„n Krycklans Site 7 laddades ned frĂ„n Krycklans öppna databas. Snödata anvĂ€ndes för att kunna definiera vinterns början. För att upptĂ€cka eventuella trender i datat utfördes en regressionsanalys och ett Mann-Kendall test. Resultatet frĂ„n regressionsanalysen och Mann-Kendall testet visade pĂ„ en signifikant trend mot kortare vintrar, lĂ€gre högsta flöde och att vĂ„rfloden startar tidigare. Ingen av analyserna visade pĂ„ nĂ„gon signifikant förĂ€ndring i vĂ„rflodens volym, vinterns basflöde och tidpunkt för högsta flöde. Vinterns basflöde visade inte pĂ„ nĂ„gon förĂ€ndring vilket skulle kunna bero pĂ„ definitionen av vinter som anvĂ€ndes. Studiens definition av vinter var tiden mellan snön har lagt sig till vĂ„rflodens början. Vinterbasflödet var det dagliga flödets medelvĂ€rde under vintern. Genom att studera tiden pĂ„ vintern dĂ„ flödet Ă€r som lĂ€gst skulle eventuellt en förĂ€ndring av vinterbasflödet upptĂ€ckas. Den relativt korta period mellan 1981-2015 som studerats hĂ€r kanske inte Ă€r tillrĂ€cklig för att upptĂ€cka förĂ€ndringar i ett Svenskt klimat pĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt.The Earth’s climate is changing, the atmosphere and oceans are getting warmer. These changes affect the water balance. The aim of this thesis have been to investigate whether there has been any changes in winter length and winter base flow as well as in spring flood timing, maximum flow and volume in the The Krycklan catchment study area during the period of 1981-2015. Daily water flow data from Site 7 in Krycklan was downloaded from Krycklans open database. Snow data was downloaded to help define the start of winter. A regression analysis and a Mann- Kendall test was performed to reveal any trends in investigated parameters. The results from the regression analysis and Mann-Kendall test showed a significant change towards shorter winters, lower maximum flows and earlier spring flood onset. There was no significant change in spring flood volume, winter base flow or timing of maximum flow in any of the statistical analysis. The winter base flow did not show any trend which might be due to the definition of winter that was used. In this study winter is defined as the time between snow arrival and spring flood onset. The winter base flow was defined as the average daily flow during the winter. A trend might been detected by only studying the time during winter where the base flow is at its lowest. The relatively short period 1981-2015 that was used in this study might not be a long enough time scale to show long term changes in a Swedish climate

    Drying and storage costs in existing grain plants

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    Att lagra spannmĂ„len hemma pĂ„ gĂ„rden Ă€r nĂ„got som mĂ„nga lantbrukare gör i hopp om att kunna sĂ€lja det till ett bĂ€ttre pris senare pĂ„ Ă„ret. Att sĂ€lja spannmĂ„len senare pĂ„ Ă„ret kan ge ett högre pris pĂ„ 0,2 kr per kg spannmĂ„l. Tidigare studier av Westlin., et al (2002) har visat att man kan bygga en komplett anlĂ€ggning för under 0,2 kr per kg spannmĂ„l. Detta kan dĂ„ motivera en investering av en spannmĂ„lsanlĂ€ggning hemma pĂ„ gĂ„rden. Kontakt togs med 8 stycken gĂ„rdar som hade investerat i en anlĂ€ggning som inte var Ă€ldre Ă€n 10 Ă„r. Ett frĂ„geformulĂ€r skickades ut dĂ€r de fick skriva in kostnaderna som vi sen rĂ€knade om och sammanstĂ€llde i tabeller. Det vi kunde fĂ„ fram i vĂ„ran undersökning Ă€r att mobiltork i kombination med planlager Ă€r det billigaste alternativet. Det gĂ„r att kombinera planlagring med mobiltorkning för en kostnad av 0,168 kr per kg spannmĂ„l. Detta Ă€r exklusive energiĂ„tgĂ„ng för torkprocessen. Silolagring krĂ€ver mindre arbete Ă€n planlager dĂ„ det mesta sker med skruvar. Det Ă€r individuellt mellan gĂ„rdarna och vad just de har för förutsĂ€ttningar som styr val av tork och lagring, som i sin tur pĂ„verkar den slutliga kostanden. VĂ„r slutsats: ‱Mobiltork i kombination med planlager Ă€r det billigaste alternativet ‱GĂ„rdens förutsĂ€ttningar har stor inverkan pĂ„ val av system ‱Större anlĂ€ggningar blir billigareStoring the grain at the farm is something that many farmers do, and they hope to sell the grain at a better price later on. Selling the grain later in the year can give a higher price of 0,2 kr per kg grain. Previous studies have shown that you can build a complete plant for less than 0.2 kr per kg grain. This can then justify an investment in a grain plant at the farm. We contacted 8 farms that we knew had invested in a plant, not older than 10 years. Then we sent out a questionnaire where they had to enter the costs that we later calculated and compiled in tables. What we found in our study is that the mobile dryer in combination with flatbeds is the cheapest option. It is possible to combine flatbeds with mobile drying for a cost of 0.168 kr per kg of grain. This is excluding energy usage for the drying process. Silo storage requires less work than flatbeds, since the grain are moved with augers. It is very individual between the farms and what conditions they have that control the choice of drying and storage, which in turn affects the final cost. Our conclusion: ‱Mobile drying in combination with flatbeds is the cheapest option ‱The conditions of the farm have a major impact on the choice of systems ‱Larger facilities will be cheape

    Arealrepresentativ overvÄking av skogvernomrÄder gjennom Landsskogtakseringen. Landsskogtakseringen 2017-2021

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    Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over tilstanden i skog som var vernet per. 1.1.2021. Datamaterialet som er utgangspunktet for rapporten er registreringer gjennomfĂžrt av Landsskogtakseringen, gjennom «OvervĂ„kingsprogrammet for skog i verneomrĂ„der». Registreringene er utfĂžrt i lĂžpet av femĂ„rsperioden 2017-2021. Utvalgte resultater: ‱ Vernet skog omfattet per 1.1. 2021 totalt 592 481 ha, tilsvarende 4,9 prosent av det totale skogarealet. ‱ 3,7 prosent av den produktive skogen, og 7,9 prosent av den uproduktive skogen i landet finnes i vernet skog, der skogbruk ikke er tillatt. ‱ I produktiv skog er andelen skogareal i klassene middels og hĂžy+ svĂŠrt hĂžy bonitet underrepresentert samlignet med skogen generelt. ‱ Skogen i verneomrĂ„der er generelt eldre og har en stĂžrre andel skog i senere utviklingstrinn. Biologisk gammel skog etter Landsskogtakseringens definisjon utgjĂžr nĂŠrmere tre ganger sĂ„ hĂžy andel i den produktive delen av vernet skogareal som i produktiv skog totalt. ‱ Det stĂ„ende volumet i verneomrĂ„dene utgjĂžr 4,1 prosent av totalt stĂ„ende volum. ‱ Gjennomsnittlig tilvekst i skog som var vernet per 1.1.2016 er lavere enn gjennomsnittet for skog generelt. ‱ Vernet skog inneholder mer volum dĂžd ved per hektar i gjennomsnitt enn Ăžvrig skog. ‱ I produktiv skog er MiS-livsmiljĂžene “liggende dĂždved” og “stĂ„ende dĂždved”, samt “gamle trĂŠr” vanligere i verneomrĂ„dene. For uproduktiv skog er “gamle trĂŠr” vanligere. I tillegg presenteres resultater som viser hvordan den vernede skogen har utviklet seg siden forrige taksering, som ble gjennomfĂžrt 2012-2016.Arealrepresentativ overvĂ„king av skogvernomrĂ„der gjennom Landsskogtakseringen. Landsskogtakseringen 2017-2021publishedVersio

    Assessment of Platelet Function in Traumatic Brain Injury-A Retrospective Observational Study in the Neuro-Critical Care Setting.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite seemingly functional coagulation, hemorrhagic lesion progression is a common and devastating condition following traumatic brain injury (TBI), stressing the need for new diagnostic techniques. Multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA) measures platelet function and could aid in coagulopathy assessment following TBI. The aims of this study were to evaluate MEA temporal dynamics, influence of concomitant therapy, and its capabilities to predict lesion progression and clinical outcome in a TBI cohort. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Adult TBI patients in a neurointensive care unit that underwent MEA sampling were retrospectively included. MEA was sampled if the patient was treated with antiplatelet therapy, bled heavily during surgery, or had abnormal baseline coagulation values. We assessed platelet activation pathways involving the arachidonic acid receptor (ASPI), P2Y12 receptor, and thrombin receptor (TRAP). ASPI was the primary focus of analysis. If several samples were obtained, they were included. Retrospective data were extracted from hospital charts. Outcome variables were radiologic hemorrhagic progression and Glasgow Outcome Scale assessed prospectively at 12 months posttrauma. MEA levels were compared between patients on antiplatelet therapy. Linear mixed effect models and uni-/multivariable regression models were used to study longitudinal dynamics, hemorrhagic progression and outcome, respectively. RESULTS: In total, 178 patients were included (48% unfavorable outcome). ASPI levels increased from initially low values in a time-dependent fashion (p < 0.001). Patients on cyclooxygenase inhibitors demonstrated low ASPI levels (p < 0.001), while platelet transfusion increased them (p < 0.001). The first ASPI (p = 0.039) and TRAP (p = 0.009) were significant predictors of outcome, but not lesion progression, in univariate analyses. In multivariable analysis, MEA values were not independently correlated with outcome. CONCLUSION: A general longitudinal trend of MEA is identified in this TBI cohort, even in patients without known antiplatelet therapies. Values appear also affected by platelet inhibitory treatment and by platelet transfusions. While significant in univariate models to predict outcome, MEA values did not independently correlate to outcome or lesion progression in multivariable analyses. Further prospective studies to monitor coagulation in TBI patients are warranted, in particular the interpretation of pathological MEA values in patients without antiplatelet therapies

    Utbygd naturareal 2009-2023. Sammenstilling av to ulike metoder for estimering av utbygging av naturareal

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    I dette notatet sammenstilles og dokumenteres to ulike metoder som estimerer utbygging av naturareal i perioden 2009 – 2023, SSBs matrikkelmetode og NIBIOs klimagassregnskap. Det er kun utbyggingen av naturarealer som sammenlignes. Den totale utbyggingen som ogsĂ„ omfatter jordbruksareal og fortetting i bebygde omrĂ„der, er stĂžrre og er ikke omfattet av notatet. Sammenstillingen av de aggregerte tallene gir resultater som stemmer godt overens, og hovedinntrykket fra beregningene etter begge metodene er at utbyggingen av naturareal har ligget relativt jevnt gjennom hele perioden. Metodene har ulike styrker og svakheter, som bĂ„de gjĂžr at de kan komplettere hverandre og at de hver for seg kan brukes til Ă„ forklare ulike forhold. Matrikkelmetoden, som er SSBs forelĂžpige metode, er utviklet for Ă„ kunne gi raske estimater for utbygging per Ă„r, der beregningene gjĂžres for hver enkelt kommune. Resultater fra arbeider der metoden er benyttet, er hittil gitt pĂ„ lands- og fylkesnivĂ„. Metoden gir ogsĂ„ mulighet for Ă„ gjĂžre sammenligninger mellom ulike typer kommuner etter sentralitet, eller se pĂ„ variasjoner i utbygging for avstand til tettsted. Bygninger i matrikkelen, med dato for igangsettingstillatelse, eller for nĂ„r de er tatt i bruk, er kartfesta utbygginger med relativ sikker tidfesting. I matrikkelmetoden blir tall for utbygging per Ă„r derfor basert pĂ„ bygninger fra matrikkelen. Utbygging av veg og andre areal uten bygninger, blir estimert. I det nasjonale klimagassregnskapet for arealbrukssektoren rapporteres Ă„rlig arealbruksendringer til FNs klimapanel. Denne statistikken er basert pĂ„ Landsskogstakseringen. Landsskogtakseringen bestĂ„r at et permanent rutenett med prĂžveflater som dekker hele landet, med alle naturtyper og ulike typer arealbruk. Denne statistikken har et fortrinn ved Ă„ kunne gi oppdatert og detaljert informasjon om naturen som utbygges. Den har ogsĂ„ et har sitt fortrinn nĂ„r det kommer til Ă„ se endringer lenger tilbake i tid, da de permanente prĂžveflatene er fulgt med gjentatte registreringer fra de ble etablert rundt 1990. Matrikkelmetoden og klimagassregnskapet bruker ikke samme startĂ„r for arealtilstanden. For matrikkelmetoden er startĂ„ret 2011, mens for Landsskogtakseringens data kan utbygging beregnes tilbake til da de permanente flatene ble etablert. Den samme bygningen kan derfor treffe et bebygd areal i matrikkelmetoden, og et skogsareal i Landsskogstakseringen. At de to metodene bruker ulik metode for tidfesting, vil nok ha betydning dersom man ser pĂ„ enkeltutbygginger, men ulikhetene kan jevnes noe ut nĂ„r endringene sees over et lengre tidsrom, og pĂ„ et hĂžyere geografisk nivĂ„. I en sammenligning som her, der begge institusjoners resultater er gitt som landstall og for 5-Ă„rsperioder, kan ulik tidfesting ha mindre betydning. I matrikkelmetoden beregnes type utbygd natur basert pĂ„ arealtypene bygningsomrissene treffer. Klimagassregnskapet har en langt mer presis registrering av naturtyper, og dersom vi skulle bruke klimagassregnskapets som er fasit for fordeling av naturtyper, sĂ„ vil vi blant annet se at matrikkelmetoden overestimerer utbygging pĂ„ Ă„pen fastmark. Begge beregningene viser varig utbygging, og ingen av metodene fanger opp gjengroing i dette arbeide

    Seabird surveillance: combining CCTV and artificial intelligence for monitoring and research

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    Ecological research and monitoring need to be able to rapidly convey information that can form the basis of scientifically sound management. Automated sensor systems, especially if combined with artificial intelligence, can contribute to such rapid high-resolution data retrieval. Here, we explore the prospects of automated methods to generate insights for seabirds, which are often monitored for their high conservation value and for being sentinels for marine ecosystem changes. We have developed a system of video surveillance combined with automated image processing, which we apply to common murres Uria aalge. The system uses a deep learning algorithm for object detection (YOLOv5) that has been trained on annotated images of adult birds, chicks and eggs, and outputs time, location, size and confidence level of all detections, frame-by-frame, in the supplied video material. A total of 144 million bird detections were generated from a breeding cliff over three complete breeding seasons (2019–2021). We demonstrate how object detection can be used to accurately monitor breeding phenology and chick growth. Our automated monitoring approach can also identify and quantify rare events that are easily missed in traditional monitoring, such as disturbances from predators. Further, combining automated video analysis with continuous measurements from a temperature logger allows us to study impacts of heat waves on nest attendance in high detail. Our automated system thus produces comparable, and in several cases significantly more detailed, data than those generated from observational field studies. By running in real time on the camera streams, it has the potential to supply researchers and managers with high-resolution up-to-date information on seabird population status. We describe how the system can be modified to fit various types of ecological research and monitoring goals and thereby provide up-to-date support for conservation and ecosystem management

    Managing existing forests can mitigate climate change

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    Planting new forests has received scientific and political attention as a measure to mitigate climate change. Large, new forests have been planted in places like China and Ethiopia and, over time, a billion hectares could become available globally for planting new forests. Sustainable management of forests, which are available to wood production, has received less attention despite these forests covering at least two billion hectares globally. Better management of existing forests would improve forest growth and help mitigate climate change by increasing the forest carbon (C) stock, by storing C in forest products, and by generating wood-based materials substituting fossil C based materials or other CO2-emission-intensive materials. Some published research assumes a trade-off between the timber harvested from existing forests and the stock of C in those forest ecosystems, asserting that both cannot increase simultaneously. We tested this assumption using the uniquely detailed forest inventory data available from Finland, Norway and Sweden, hereafter denoted northern Europe. We focused on the period 1960 - 2017, that saw little change in the total area covered by forests in northern Europe. At the start of the period, rotational forestry practices began to diffuse, eventually replacing selective felling management systems as the most common management practice. Looking at data over the period we find that despite significant increases in timber and pulp wood harvests, the growth of the forest C stock accelerated. Over the study period, the C stock of the forest ecosystems in northern Europe increased by nearly 70%, while annual timber harvests increased at the about 40% over the same period. This increase in the forest C stock was close to on par with the CO2-emissions from the region (other greenhouse gases not included). Our results suggest that the important effects of management on forest growth allows the forest C stock and timber harvests to increase simultaneously. The development in northern Europe raises the question of how better forest management can improve forest growth elsewhere around the globe while at the same time protecting biodiversity and preserving landscapes.Peer reviewe

    Managing existing forests can mitigate climate change

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    Planting new forests has received scientific and political attention as a measure to mitigate climate change. Large, new forests have been planted in places like China and Ethiopia and, over time, a billion hectares could become available globally for planting new forests. Sustainable management of forests, which are available to wood production, has received less attention despite these forests covering at least two billion hectares globally. Better management of existing forests would improve forest growth and help mitigate climate change by increasing the forest carbon (C) stock, by storing C in forest products, and by generating wood-based materials substituting fossil C based materials or other CO2-emission-intensive materials. Some published research assumes a trade-off between the timber harvested from existing forests and the stock of C in those forest ecosystems, asserting that both cannot increase simultaneously. We tested this assumption using the uniquely detailed forest inventory data available from Finland, Norway and Sweden, hereafter denoted northern Europe. We focused on the period 1960 - 2017, that saw little change in the total area covered by forests in northern Europe. At the start of the period, rotational forestry practices began to diffuse, eventually replacing selective felling management systems as the most common management practice. Looking at data over the period we find that despite significant increases in timber and pulp wood harvests, the growth of the forest C stock accelerated. Over the study period, the C stock of the forest ecosystems in northern Europe increased by nearly 70%, while annual timber harvests increased at the about 40% over the same period. This increase in the forest C stock was close to on par with the CO2-emissions from the region (other greenhouse gases not included). Our results suggest that the important effects of management on forest growth allows the forest C stock and timber harvests to increase simultaneously. The development in northern Europe raises the question of how better forest management can improve forest growth elsewhere around the globe while at the same time protecting biodiversity and preserving landscapes

    Suitability Of Nitisinone In Alkaptonuria 1 (SONIA 1): an international, multicentre, randomised, open-label, no-treatment controlled, parallel-group, dose-response study to investigate the effect of once daily nitisinone on 24-h urinary homogentisic acid excretion in patients with alkaptonuria after 4 weeks of treatment.

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    BACKGROUND: Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a serious genetic disease characterised by premature spondyloarthropathy. Homogentisate-lowering therapy is being investigated for AKU. Nitisinone decreases homogentisic acid (HGA) in AKU but the dose-response relationship has not been previously studied. METHODS: Suitability Of Nitisinone In Alkaptonuria 1 (SONIA 1) was an international, multicentre, randomised, open-label, no-treatment controlled, parallel-group, dose-response study. The primary objective was to investigate the effect of different doses of nitisinone once daily on 24-h urinary HGA excretion (u-HGA24) in patients with AKU after 4 weeks of treatment. Forty patients were randomised into five groups of eight patients each, with groups receiving no treatment or 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg and 8 mg of nitisinone. FINDINGS: A clear dose-response relationship was observed between nitisinone and the urinary excretion of HGA. At 4 weeks, the adjusted geometric mean u-HGA24 was 31.53 mmol, 3.26 mmol, 1.44 mmol, 0.57 mmol and 0.15 mmol for the no treatment or 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg and 8 mg doses, respectively. For the most efficacious dose, 8 mg daily, this corresponds to a mean reduction of u-HGA24 of 98.8% compared with baseline. An increase in tyrosine levels was seen at all doses but the dose-response relationship was less clear than the effect on HGA. Despite tyrosinaemia, there were no safety concerns and no serious adverse events were reported over the 4 weeks of nitisinone therapy. CONCLUSIONS: In this study in patients with AKU, nitisinone therapy decreased urinary HGA excretion to low levels in a dose-dependent manner and was well tolerated within the studied dose range. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: EudraCT number: 2012-005340-24. Registered at ClinicalTrials.gov: NCTO1828463
