159 research outputs found

    Gestión de crisis: Desarrollo de estructuras TISP para los desplazados ucranianos en Eslovaquia

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    The way in which PSIT services are provided to national government institutions in Slovakia, the opportunities for professionalisation, training and social recognition of translators and interpreters differ from the standards of quality set by theory (e.g. Giambruno, 2014, Valero-Garcés, Tipton, 2017). The coutry has significant problems in the availability of PSIT in minority language combinations and fluctuation in the quality of the services provided (Štefková, Bossaert, 2019). In the face of a major increase in demand for PSIT in the current crisis situation related to the transfer of a large number of displaced persons from Ukraine the paper (1) reports on an initial research on the state of PSIT provision in this crisis situation in Slovakia and (2) on the basis of the needs analysis, describes the basis for setting up a sustainable PSIT translation and interpreting model.La forma en la que se proporcionan los servicios de TISP a las instituciones gubernamentales nacionales de Eslovaquia, las oportunidades de profesionalización, formación y reconocimiento social de los traductores e intérpretes difieren de los estándares de calidad establecidos por la teoría (por ejemplo, Giambruno, 2014, Valero-Garcés, Tipton, 2017). El país tiene problemas significativos con la disponibilidad de TISP en combinaciones lingüísticas minoritarias y fluctuación en la calidad de los servicios prestados (Štefková, Bossaert, 2019).  Ante el importante aumento de la demanda de TISP en la actual situación de crisis relacionada con el gran número de personas desplazadas desde Ucrania*, el documento (1) informa sobre una investigación inicial acerca del estado de la prestación de TISP en esta situación de crisis en Eslovaquia y, (2) basándose en el análisis de necesidades, describe las bases para establecer un modelo sostenible de traducción e interpretación de TISP.

    Narrative and ideological discourses in representations of the Mašín Brothers

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    This thesis deals with narrative representations of the story of the Mašín brothers who in 1951 established what they called ‘a resistance group’ against the Communist regime and killed three people. They escaped from Czechoslovakia in 1953, heading for West Berlin. Despite being hunted by more than 20,000 East German and Soviet troops, the Mašín brothers together with Milan Paumer got to West Berlin safely. Later, they went to the USA and joined the U.S. army. Their actions are still regarded as controversial in today’s Czech Republic and are a topic of continuous public debate. Since the fall of Communism in 1989, this topic has been tackled by many historians as well as nonfiction writers. The thesis analyses a novel, So Far So Good [Zatím dobrý. Mašínovi a největší příběh studené války] by Jan Novák, and a historical book written by Barbara Masin called Gauntlet: Five Friends, Twenty Thousand Enemy Troops, and the Secret That Could Have Changed the Course of the Cold War. The thesis also examines two narratives about the Mašín brothers produced in Communist Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1980s – a short story by František Vrbecký called The Dead Do Not Talk and one episode of a famous television series Major Zeman’s Thirty Cases entitled Fear. Whereas in the narratives produced in Communist Czechoslovakia the Mašíns are depicted as murderers, in the narratives published after 1989, they are portrayed as freedom fighters. This thesis analyses these narrative representations from a narratological point of view and assesses how their structures are related to the values, beliefs and opinions they promote. The semiotic and narratological approach (Porter Abbott, Seymour Chatman) is used as are contemporary critical theory (Roland Barthes, Theun A. van Dijk) and theory of history (Hayden White). The thesis is divided into three parts: the first two parts analyse the narratives from a narratological point of view and their affiliation to myth and the third part unravels the relationship of the narrative discourse to the beliefs and values inscribed in the narratives – ideological discourse

    Lobster X-ray All Sky Monitor—Novel experiment for monitoring GRBs and XRFs

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    We present a brief review of the X-ray All-Sky Monitor (ASM) based on Lobster Eye(LE) optics. Thesyste m will observe the Whole sky in soft X-rays with the limiting flux up to two orders of magnitude better than current ASMs

    Solving a Diophantine problem using different expressions of the difference of two squares

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    Guided discovery learning can be included in the teaching methods supporting independent and active learning. This paper presents ways how to create and implement guided discovery lessons focused on the investigation of some properties of natural numbers. The subject of divisibility can offer many interesting problems which the teacher may use to develop students' mathematical competencies and the creative thinking. The key elements of the paper are the discovery and proof of the relationship for the sum of the first consecutive odd natural numbers and its application to the investigation of the differences of powers of natural numbers. Numerical and graphical spreadsheet tools are used to increase the students´ interest and speed up calculations in certain stages of learning

    Koraszülöttek kétéves kori pszichomotoros fejlettsége a leggyakoribb krónikus utóbetegségek tekintetében = Psychomotor state of development of preterm children concerning chronic neonatal morbidities at the age of 2 years

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A neonatológia fejlődésével a koraszülöttek életben tarthatóságának határai kitolódtak, így nőtt az utóbetegségekkel túlélők aránya. A koraszülöttek későbbi életminőségét, életkilátásait és szociális integrációját leginkább befolyásoló kórképek a retinopathia prematurorum (ROP), az intraventricularis haemorrhagia (IVH) és a bronchopulmonalis dysplasia (BPD). Célkitűzés: A 2500 gramm alatti születési súlyú (LBW) kisgyermekek kétéves kori pszichomotoros fejlődésének leírása a leggyakoribb utóbetegségek (ROP, IVH, BPD) tekintetében. Módszer: Vizsgálati mintánkat 200 LBW-kisgyermek alkotta kétéves korban. A pszichomotoros készségeket a Brunet–Lézine-féle fejlődési skálával mértük fel, valamint az újszülöttkori zárójelentéseket elemeztük retrospektív módon. Eredmények: A születési súly az életkori korrekciót követően is pozitívan korrelált a kétéves kori fejlődési kvócienssel (FQ), míg a kórházi tartózkodás hossza negatívan. Az utóbetegségek közül az I/II. stádiumú újszülöttkori IVH nem, a III/IV. stádiumú azonban szignifikáns előrejelzőnek bizonyult az alacsonyabb FQ tekintetében. Hasonló összefüggést találtunk a ROP stádiumaival is, az enyhe fokú nem, a III/IV-es azonban szignifikánsan befolyásolta a kétéves kori pszichomotoros fejlettségi szintet. A BPD-nek nem találtuk jelentős összefüggését az FQ-val. A szignifikánsnak talált kórképek homogenitásvizsgálata azt mutatta, hogy egymástól független hatásokról beszélhetünk. Alátámasztottuk továbbá azon összefüggést, miszerint egy koraszülött minél több betegségben szenved, annál veszélyeztetettebb a későbbi fejlődési elmaradás tekintetében. Következtetés: Ajánljuk az 1500 gramm alatti születési súlyú gyermekek körében a fejlődésük szempontjából leginkább veszélyeztetettek – mint az újszülöttkori súlyos ROP-on és IVH-n átesettek – minél korábbi életszakaszban történő korai fejlesztését az esetleges képességdeficitek csökkentése érdekében és fejlődésük utánkövetését, így megelőzve későbbi mentális, motoros nehézségeket. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(5): 183–192. | Abstract: Introduction: Over the last few years, in the development of neonatology, the limits to which it is possible to sustain the lives of premature babies have been extended, and thus the proportion of survivors with chronic morbidities has increased. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), all of which deeply influence the quality of life, life expectancy and social integration, are the most significant morbidities among premature newborns. Aim: Description of psychomotor development of low birth weight (<2500 g) premature infants at the age of 2 years, in relation to the most common chronic morbidities. Method: Psychomotor development (Brunet–Lézine scale, 1980) of low-birth-weight preterm infants at the age of 2 years (n = 200) was measured and the neonatal final reports were analysed retrospectively. Results: After age correction, birth weight positively correlated with the developmental quotient (DQ), while the length of stay in hospital correlated negatively. Grades I/II of neonatal IVH were not significant predictors of lower DQ, while the opposite was true for grades III/IV. We identified a similar relationship with the stages of ROP. According to the result of the homogeneity test, we can consider the independent effects of significant diseases. We also observed that the more diagnoses the premature baby received, the more they are at risk of later developmental delay at the age of 2 years. Conclusions: We recommend the early childhood interventions of the most vulnerable children of ≤1500 g birth weight with severe ROP and IVH – to reduce deficiencies in capabilities and prevent future mental and motor difficulties. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(5): 183–192

    X-ray imaging with compound refractive lens and microfocus X-ray tube

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    Compound refractive lenses (CRL), consisting of a lot number in-line concave microlenses made of low-Z material were studied. Lenses with focal length 109 mm and 41 mm for 8-keV X-rays, microfocus X-ray tube and X-ray CCD camera were used in experiments. Obtained images show intensity distribution of magnified microfocus X-ray source focal spot. Within the experiments, one lens was also used as an objective lens of the X-ray microscope, where the copper anode X-ray microfocus tube served as a source. Magnified images of gold mesh with 5 microns bars were obtained. Theoretical limits of CRL and experimental results are discussed

    Vorinostat (SAHA) and Breast Cancer: An Overview

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    Simple Summary Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent malignancy diagnosed in 2020 worldwide. Despite significant advances in BC therapy, its pathogenesis is still not fully understood, and effective therapy is one of the most important challenges in current oncology. The article presents the state of the knowledge on vorinostat (SAHA) in the therapy of various histological subtypes of BC, individually or in polytherapy with other active compounds, in in vitro, in vivo and clinical trials settings. Vorinostat (SAHA), an inhibitor of class I and II of histone deacetylases, is the first histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDI) approved for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in 2006. HDIs are promising anticancer agents that inhibit the proliferation of many types of cancer cells including breast carcinoma (BC). BC is a heterogeneous disease with variable biological behavior, morphological features, and response to therapy. Although significant progress in the treatment of BC has been made, high toxicity to normal cells, serious side effects, and the occurrence of multi-drug resistance limit the effective therapy of BC patients. Therefore, new active agents which improve the effectiveness of currently used regimens are highly needed. This manuscript analyzes preclinical and clinical trials data of SAHA, applied individually or in combination with other anticancer agents, considering different histological subtypes of BC.</p