15 research outputs found

    Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in Nrf2 knock out mice is associated with cardiac hypertrophy, decreased expression of SERCA2a, and preserved endothelial function

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    AbstractIncreased production of reactive oxygen species and failure of the antioxidant defense system are considered to play a central role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. The transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) is a key master switch controlling the expression of antioxidant and protective enzymes, and was proposed to participate in protection of vascular and cardiac function. This study was undertaken to analyze cardiac and vascular phenotype of mice lacking Nrf2. We found that Nrf2 knock out (Nrf2 KO) mice have a left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction, characterized by prolonged E wave deceleration time, relaxation time and total diastolic time, increased E/A ratio and myocardial performance index, as assessed by echocardiography. LV dysfunction in Nrf2 KO mice was associated with cardiac hypertrophy, and a downregulation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2a) in the myocardium. Accordingly, cardiac relaxation was impaired, as demonstrated by decreased responses to β-adrenergic stimulation by isoproterenol ex vivo, and to the cardiac glycoside ouabain in vivo. Surprisingly, we found that vascular endothelial function and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-mediated vascular responses were fully preserved, blood pressure was decreased, and eNOS was upregulated in the aorta and the heart of Nrf2 KO mice. Taken together, these results show that LV dysfunction in Nrf2 KO mice is mainly associated with cardiac hypertrophy and downregulation of SERCA2a, and is independent from changes in coronary vascular function or systemic hemodynamics, which are preserved by a compensatory upregulation of eNOS. These data provide new insights into how Nrf2 expression/function impacts the cardiovascular system

    Endoluminale Behandlung einer subglottischen Stenose bei M. Wegener

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    Einleitung: Die Granulomatose mit Polyangiitis (M. Wegener) ist eine Erkrankung, die typischerweise eine subglottische Stenose hervorrufen kann. Die Erkrankung stellt den HNO-Arzt und den laryngologisch und trachealchirurgisch tätigen Kopf-Hals-Chirurgen immer wieder vor eine Herausforderung.Falldarstellung: Eine 39-jährige Frau stellte sich mit einer subtotalen subglottischen Stenose nach laserchirurgischer Behandlung alio loco vor. Sie war auf eine Tracheotomie angewiesen.Unter einer vorübergehenden Erhöhung der immunsuppressiven Therapie konnte die Stenose nach einer dreimaligen Dilatationsbehandlung verbunden mit einer submukösen Injektion von Triamcinolonacetonid und topischer Applikation von Mitomycin C auf einen Grad von etwa 20% reduziert werden. Nach der letzten endoluminalen Behandlung ist die Situation über 6 Monate stabil. Ein Tracheostomaverschluss ist möglich, wird aber von der Patientin aktuell jedoch noch nicht gewünscht.Schlussfolgerung: Die endoluminale Dilatationsbehandlung einer subglottischen Stenose, verbunden mit einer lokalen medikamentösen Therapie, scheint aktuell die aussichtsreichste Variante zur Behandlung dieser Erkrankung zu sein.Der Erstautor gibt keinen Interessenkonflikt an

    Nrf2 deficiency unmasks the significance of nitric oxide synthase activity for cardioprotection

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    The transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) is a key master switch that controls the expression of antioxidant and cytoprotective enzymes, including enzymes catalyzing glutathione de novo synthesis. In this study, we aimed to analyze whether Nrf2 deficiency influences antioxidative capacity, redox state, NO metabolites, and outcome of myocardial ischemia reperfusion (I/R) injury. In Nrf2 knockout (Nrf2 KO) mice, we found elevated eNOS expression and preserved NO metabolite concentrations in the aorta and heart as compared to wild types (WT). Unexpectedly, Nrf2 KO mice have a smaller infarct size following myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury than WT mice and show fully preserved left ventricular systolic function. Inhibition of NO synthesis at onset of ischemia and during early reperfusion increased myocardial damage and systolic dysfunction in Nrf2 KO mice, but not in WT mice. Consistent with this, infarct size and diastolic function were unaffected in eNOS knockout (eNOS KO) mice after ischemia/reperfusion. Taken together, these data suggest that eNOS upregulation under conditions of decreased antioxidant capacity might play an important role in cardioprotection against I/R. Due to the redundancy in cytoprotective mechanisms, this fundamental antioxidant property of eNOS is not evident upon acute NOS inhibition in WT mice or in eNOS KO mice until Nrf2-related signaling is abrogated.</p

    Anaemia is associated with severe RBC dysfunction and a reduced circulating NO pool: vascular and cardiac eNOS are crucial for the adaptation to anaemia

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    Anaemia is frequently present in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and contributes to an adverse prognosis. We hypothesised that, besides reduced oxygen carrying capacity, anaemia is associated with (1) red blood cell (RBC) dysfunction and a reduced circulating nitric oxide (NO) pool, (2) compensatory enhancement of vascular and cardiac endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity, and (3) contribution of both, RBC dysfunction and reduced circulatory NO pool to left ventricular (LV) dysfunction and fatal outcome in AMI. In mouse models of subacute and chronic anaemia from repeated mild blood loss the circulating NO pool, RBC, cardiac and vascular function were analysed at baseline and in reperfused AMI. In anaemia, RBC function resulted in profound changes in membrane properties, enhanced turnover, haemolysis, dysregulation of intra-erythrocytotic redox state, and RBC-eNOS. RBC from anaemic mice and from anaemic patients with acute coronary syndrome impaired the recovery of contractile function of isolated mouse hearts following ischaemia/reperfusion. In anaemia, the circulating NO pool was reduced. The cardiac and vascular adaptation to anaemia was characterised by increased arterial eNOS expression and activity and an eNOS-dependent increase of end-diastolic left ventricular volume. Endothelial dysfunction induced through genetic or pharmacologic reduction of eNOS-activity abrogated the anaemia-induced cardio-circulatory compensation. Superimposed AMI was associated with decreased survival. In summary, moderate blood loss anaemia is associated with severe RBC dysfunction and reduced circulating NO pool. Vascular and cardiac eNOS are crucial for the cardio-circulatory adaptation to anaemia. RBC dysfunction together with eNOS dysfunction may contribute to adverse outcomes in AMI