37 research outputs found

    Tutorial: Introduction to Web 2.0

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    This tutorial outlines major changes in the Internet that enable the world wide web to become more interactive and participative. These changes led to new capabilities such as weblogs (blogs), wikis, social networking sites, and application mashups. Millions of individuals became active users of these facilities. Increasingly, companies are finding ways to monetize these features

    Web 2.0

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    Using the Web as a platform, rich Internet experiences are achieved at websites that are more interactive and robust. High levels of virtual integration are being achieved through mashups, syndication, the continued exposure of interfaces, and the construction of web services. Complex applications can be produced without new coding, or the acquisition of hardware or software. This tutorial discusses what has been done and outlines the possibilities for the future

    Strength, Fatigue, and Fracture Toughness of Ti-6Al-4V Liner from a Composite Over-Wrapped Pressure Vessel

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    It was demonstrated by way of experiment that Composite Over-wrapped Pressure Vessel (COPV) Ti-6Al-4V liner material can sustain the expected service loads and cycles. The experiments were performed as part of investigations on the residual life of COPV tanks being used in Space Shuttle Orbiters. Measured properties included tensile strength, compressive strength, reversed loading cycles to simulate liner proof strains, and cyclic fatigue loading to demonstrate the ability to sustain 1000 cycles after liner buckling. The liner material came from a salvaged 40 in. Columbia (orbiter 102) tank (SN029), and tensile strength measurements were made on both boss-transition (thick) and membrane regions (thin). The average measured yield strength was 131 ksi in the boss-transition and membrane regions, in good agreement with measurements made on 1970 s vintage forged plate stock. However, Young s modulus was 17.4+/-0.3 Msi, somewhat higher than typical handbook values (approx.16 Msi). The fracture toughness, as estimated from a failed fatigue specimen, was 74 ksi/sq in, in reasonable agreement with standardized measurements made on 1970 s vintage forged plate stock. Low cycle fatigue of a buckled test specimen implied that as-imprinted liners can sustain over 4000 load cycles

    Studies on Hot-Melt Prepregging on PRM-II-50 Polyimide Resin with Graphite Fibers

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    A second generation PMR (in situ Polymerization of Monomer Reactants) polyimide resin PMR-II-50, has been considered for high temperature and high stiffness space propulsion composites applications for its improved high temperature performance. As part of composite processing optimization, two commercial prepregging methods: solution vs. hot-melt processes were investigated with M40J fabrics from Toray. In a previous study a systematic chemical, physical, thermal and mechanical characterization of these composites indicated the poor resin-fiber interfacial wetting, especially for the hot-melt process, resulted in poor composite quality. In order to improve the interfacial wetting, optimization of the resin viscosity and process variables were attempted in a commercial hot-melt prepregging line. In addition to presenting the results from the prepreg quality optimization trials, the combined effects of the prepregging method and two different composite cure methods, i.e. hot press vs. autoclave on composite quality and properties are discussed

    A Weakened Transcriptional Enhancer Yields Variegated Gene Expression

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    Identical genes in the same cellular environment are sometimes expressed differently. In some cases, including the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) locus, this type of differential gene expression has been related to the absence of a transcriptional enhancer. To gain additional information on the role of the IgH enhancer, we examined expression driven by enhancers that were merely weakened, rather than fully deleted, using both mutations and insulators to impair enhancer activity. For this purpose we used a LoxP/Cre system to place a reporter gene at the same genomic site of a stable cell line. Whereas expression of the reporter gene was uniformly high in the presence of the normal, uninsulated enhancer and undetectable in its absence, weakened enhancers yielded variegated expression of the reporter gene; i.e., the average level of expression of the same gene differed in different clones, and expression varied significantly among cells within individual clones. These results indicate that the weakened enhancer allows the reporter gene to exist in at least two states. Subtle aspects of the variegation suggest that the IgH enhancer decreases the average duration (half-life) of the silent state. This analysis has also tested the conventional wisdom that enhancer activity is independent of distance and orientation. Thus, our analysis of mutant (truncated) forms of the IgH enhancer revealed that the 250 bp core enhancer was active in its normal position, ∼1.4 kb 3′ of the promoter, but inactive ∼6 kb 3′, indicating that the activity of the core enhancer was distance-dependent. A longer segment – the core enhancer plus ∼1 kb of 3′ flanking material, including the 3′ matrix attachment region – was active, and the activity of this longer segment was orientation-dependent. Our data suggest that this 3′ flank includes binding sites for at least two activators

    Taxation and market power

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    "We analyze the incidence and welfare effects of unit sales taxes in experimental monopoly and Bertrand markets. We find, in line with economic theory, that firms with no market power are able to shift a high share of a tax burden on to consumers, independent of whether buyers are automated or human players. In monopoly markets, a monopolist bears a large share of the burden of a tax increase. With human buyers, however, this share is smaller than with automated buyers as the presence of human buyers constrains the pricing behavior of a monopolist." (author's abstract)"Dieser Artikel untersucht Inzidenz- und Wohlfahrtseffekte einer Mengensteuer in experimentellen Monopol- und Bertrand-Märkten. Im Einklang mit der ökonomischen Theorie sind Firmen ohne Marktmacht in der Lage, einen großen Anteil der Last einer Steuererhöhung an die Konsumenten weiterzugeben. Dies gilt unabhängig davon, ob die Käufer simuliert sind oder die Kaufentscheidungen durch reale Käufer getroffen werden. In Monopolmärkten trägt der Monopolist einen großen Anteil der Last einer Steuererhöhung. Werden die Kaufentscheidungen durch reale Käufer getroffen, ist dieser Anteil jedoch kleiner als mit simulierten Käufern, da reale Käufer im Experiment das Preissetzungsverhalten des Monopolisten einschränken." (Autorenreferat

    Improved Innate and Adaptive Immunostimulation by Genetically Modified HIV-1 Protein Expressing NYVAC Vectors.

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    Attenuated poxviruses are safe and capable of expressing foreign antigens. Poxviruses are applied in veterinary vaccination and explored as candidate vaccines for humans. However, poxviruses express multiple genes encoding proteins that interfere with components of the innate and adaptive immune response. This manuscript describes two strategies aimed to improve the immunogenicity of the highly attenuated, host-range restricted poxvirus NYVAC: deletion of the viral gene encoding type-I interferon-binding protein and development of attenuated replication-competent NYVAC. We evaluated these newly generated NYVAC mutants, encoding HIV-1 env, gag, pol and nef, for their ability to stimulate HIV-specific CD8 T-cell responses in vitro from blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected subjects. The new vectors were evaluated and compared to the parental NYVAC vector in dendritic cells (DCs), RNA expression arrays, HIV gag expression and cross-presentation assays in vitro. Deletion of type-I interferon-binding protein enhanced expression of interferon and interferon-induced genes in DCs, and increased maturation of infected DCs. Restoration of replication competence induced activation of pathways involving antigen processing and presentation. Also, replication-competent NYVAC showed increased Gag expression in infected cells, permitting enhanced cross-presentation to HIV-specific CD8 T cells and proliferation of HIV-specific memory CD8 T-cells in vitro. The recombinant NYVAC combining both modifications induced interferon-induced genes and genes involved in antigen processing and presentation, as well as increased Gag expression. This combined replication-competent NYVAC is a promising candidate for the next generation of HIV vaccines

    HOTPC PMC Project Overview

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    A review of NASA GRCs Higher Operating Temperature Propulsion Components Project (HOTPC) on polymer matrix composites (PMCs) will be described. The summary includes research from NASA GRC in-house, university and industry's cooperative programs. Current research emphasis focuses on developing high temperature PMCs used in rapidly heated structures, erosion coatings for PMCs, nano-materials compatible with polyimide resins, and development of more durable high temperature PMCs