53 research outputs found

    Transforming the Traditional Engklek Game Using ATUMICS Method

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    Engklek is a game that used to be played by people in Indonesia, especially children. This game improves balance, trains leg muscle endurance, and encourages direct social interaction between players. Unfortunately, this game is rarely played today because of the lack of availability of space and competition with modern games. The ATUMICS method helps to transform traditions into a current context by maintaining the crucial elements and replacing the elements that inhibit the aspects that are more acceptable to today’s society. In terms of playing techniques, game utilities, the icon of the board games, and game concepts are maintained. From here, the concept of the Engklek game is formed, which can be played anywhere including indoors. The concept of the game has been developed to ensure that (1) the set of the game is easy to carry anywhere and played everywhere, (2) children learn to organize and practice their hand skills through the process of compiling puzzles, releasing, and arranging board games, (3) new pieces tend to be safer when accidentally stepped on, (4) board games, pieces, and bags are made from environmentally friendly materials and support sustainable design, (5) there are new icons from pieces that support icons from other Engklek games, (6) the shape of the game board speeds up the game preparation process, (7) the shape of new pieces is more exciting and easy to remember for children. The concepts found here need to be developed into prototypes and tested on children so that the mapping of product strengths and weaknesses can be mapped better. Keywords: atumics method, transforming tradition, traditional game, Engkle


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    To identify general characteristics of historical-themed 360o animation, visual characteristics, and ways of delivering material in historical learning media, this study attempts to compare three historical-themed 360o animations, namely the game trailler Assassin's Creed Syndicate Jack the Ripper, Dinosaurs World 360 VR, and Dunkirk 'Save Every Breath'. This research method is by determine the benchmark focus, planning and research, data collection, implementation, recommendations, and analysis. In general, historical 360o animation uses 3D animation techniques. The flow used tends to be linear with narrative storytelling. The point of view used is first person. The camera movement used is a follow subject. Key Words: Animation 360 Degree, Learning Media, Histor

    Simplifying the Process of Designing Motion Graphics for Content Creators

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    Animation, apart from being able to make digital content more interesting, is also able to convey information to make it more effective. Content creators, whether in the fields of education, advertising, or entertainment need to use animation, especially motion graphics, to increase the value of the content they create. However, many content creators have difficulty designing animated content with a simple and fast method. The purpose of this research activity is to design a motion graphic using the Animaker software. This process is a guide for content creators in making animations with simpler and faster methods. The method used is design. This process includes data search and analysis, scripting and storyboarding, asset customization, animation, editing, and rendering. The result of this design is a motion graphic bumper video/intro for educational content. Keywords: designing animation, motion graphics, content creator, Animake

    Animated Film Visual Style Preferences of Elementary School Students in Malang Regency

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    In 2013 curriculum-based learning, the availability of learning media is still lacking. Indonesian children like to watch animated films and tend to remember the characters easily. They are also emotionally involved in animated films. Animated films can influence behavior and improve learning outcomes for children, so they are a suitable learning media. To make animation learning media requires studying the visual styles of animated films favored by children, especially elementary school students in Malang Regency. Quantitative and descriptive analyses were used in this study. The results showed that students like animated films that contain heroic actions. In addition, students like the realist-imaginative drawing style for characters and visual composition in animated films. Keywords: visual style, animated film, learning medi

    Designing Animated Infographics About Thesis Defense Registration Procedures

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    The procedure for carrying out the thesis defense continues to change in line with technological developments as well as the overall need for a more effective and efficient system. Many problems have occurred through this process of change. There is website-based information consisting of long texts of procedures and static infographics, but it turns out that these forms of media are not effective in conveying information that is easy to understand. Additionally, the design of these media is unattractive. Therefore, we propose an animated infographic design related to the thesis defense registration procedure. In this research, data were collected via a questionnaire and interviews with experts. The design stage included the steps of narrative concept, asset design, storyboard, animation, voiceover, editing and rendering to produce the final design result. This product was then tested through a questionnaire. The results of testing the previous media were then compared with the results of this media test. The findings demonstrated that the animated infographics significantly increased the understanding of lecturers and students regarding the thesis defense registration procedure. This was indicated by an increase in the results for the aspects of completeness, clarity, and attractiveness of information when compared to text media or static infographics. However, the animation video produced was very dependent on the combination of visual and sound elements, so that information was difficult to obtain when one of these did not function properly. Therefore, the next design stage will involve making a video that remains informative even in the presence of visual or sound disturbances. Keywords: design, infographic animation, thesis defense, visualizing informatio


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    Pembelajaran IPS sendiri ialah salah satu mata pelajaran yang memiliki sifat aplikatif. Oleh karena itu,. Model yang tepat yaitu model Problem Based Learning, Model ini mengkaitkan materi pembelajaran dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian ini salah satu kelas 9 yang ada di SMP Negeri 22 Samarinda yaitu kelas 9G. kelas berjumlah 35 siswa. Perlakuan yang diberikan kepada subjek penelitian untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mata pelajaran IPS dengan materi pokok perdagangan Internasional dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning. Temuan penelitian ini sebagai berikut: (1) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan model Problem Based Learning sudah sesuai prosedur pelaksanaan pembelajaran. (2) Meningkatkan nilai rata-rata kelas pada test awal sebesar 35,16 dengan tingkat ketuntasan belajar sebesar 11,4%. Pada siklus I nilai rata-rata sebesar 73,6 dengan tingkat ketuntasan belajar 40%. Dan siklus II nilai rata-rata sebesar 82,63 dengan tingkat ketuntasan belajar 94,28%. Dari hasil yang di dapatkan bisa model ini mampu meningkatkan hasil belaja

    Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Berbasis Discovery Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Dasar Siswa Kelas X Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery and Evaluations) desain pembelajaran berbasis discovery learning untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses dasar siswa kelas X-4 SMA Negeri 11 Purworejo tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 yang berjumlah 31 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, angket, dan tes.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pengembangan yang telah dilakukan, telah diperoleh desain pembelajaran yang terdiri dari silabus dan RPP. Rerata skor silabus dari kedua validator sebesar 48 dengan kriteria baik sedangkan rerata skor RPP dari kedua validator sebesar 130,5 dengan kriteria baik, sehingga desain pembelajaran ini layak sebagai perangkat pembelajaran dengan sedikit revisi. Kelayakan desain pembelajaran terdiri dari keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan respon siswa. Rerata keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dari dua observer 96,37% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Respon siswa terhadap desain pembelajaran yang dikembangkan mendapatkan skor rerata 35,32 dengan kriteria baik. Peningkatan pada keterampilan proses dasar siswa kelas X-4 diperoleh rerata persentase sebesar 72,62% dengan kriteria baik. Ketercapian hasil belajar siswa diperoleh rerata 86,54 untuk post-test sehingga sudah mencapai KKM (75). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain pembelajaran berbasis discovery learning yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses dasar siswa ini layak digunakan sebgai perangkat pembelajaran pada tingkat SMA


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    Pembelajaran IPS sendiri ialah salah satu mata pelajaran yang memiliki sifat aplikatif. Oleh karena itu,. Model yang tepat yaitu model Problem Based Learning, Model ini mengkaitkan materi pembelajaran dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian ini salah satu kelas 9 yang ada di SMP Negeri 22 Samarinda yaitu kelas 9G. kelas berjumlah 35 siswa. Perlakuan yang diberikan kepada subjek penelitian untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mata pelajaran IPS dengan materi pokok perdagangan Internasional dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning. Temuan penelitian ini sebagai berikut: (1) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan model Problem Based Learning sudah sesuai prosedur pelaksanaan pembelajaran. (2) Meningkatkan nilai rata-rata kelas pada test awal sebesar 35,16 dengan tingkat ketuntasan belajar sebesar 11,4%. Pada siklus I nilai rata-rata sebesar 73,6 dengan tingkat ketuntasan belajar 40%. Dan siklus II nilai rata-rata sebesar 82,63 dengan tingkat ketuntasan belajar 94,28%. Dari hasil yang di dapatkan bisa model ini mampu meningkatkan hasil belaja

    Analysis of return period and seismic risk of Shallow Earthquake occurrence in Cianjur and surrounding areas

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    Determination of the seismic risk and return period of shallow earthquakes in Cianjur and surrounding areas is very important as a reference in earthquake disaster mitigation programs. Within this return period, structural and non-structural conditions can be prepared in stages that are ready to face disasters if the earthquake recurs. In this study used the least squares statistical method to determine the relationship between frequency and magnitude, level of risk, and earthquake return period. The earthquake data used in this study is sourced from the earthquake catalog of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) spanning 50 years (1973 – 2023). A total of 57 shallow earthquakes that occurred in Cianjur area and its surroundings at coordinates (06°-08°S and 106°-108°E) with magnitude greater or equal to 5.0 at a depth of 0-60 km were used as sample data. Based on the results of data processing and analysis, the return periods are 3.17 to 29.1 years for earthquakes with magnitudes between 5.0 and 6.0, and 29.1 to 267.38 years for earthquakes with magnitudes between 6.0 and 7.0.. Earthquake risk for 10 to 20 years with magnitude greater than 5.0 is 95.74 to 99.82 %, with magnitude greater than 6.0 is 20.09 to 49.70 %, and with magnitude 7.0 is 3.67 to 7.21 %. From the results of processing and analysis of the earthquake data, it shows that the Cianjur area and its surroundings are earthquake-prone areas with a high risk
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