880 research outputs found

    Kajian Yuridis Kewenangan Eksepsi Absolut Dan Relatif Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penanganan perkara pidana menurut ketentuan hukum pidana Indonesiadan bagaimana kewenangan eksepsi absolut dan kewenangan eksepsi relatif dalam praktek penanganan perkara pidana di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Penanganan Perkara pidana dalam sistem hukum pidana Indonesia dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan lingkup peradilan, yakni: dalam peradilan Umum, dalam pengadilan agama, dalam pengadilan tata USAha negara, dalam pengadilan militer, dan dalam lingkungan peradilan khusus. Penanganannya mengikuti prosedur yang telah diatur dalam masing-masing lingkup peradilan. 2. Eksepsi kewenangan absolut dan eksepsi kewenangan relatif termasuk dalam kategori eksepsi formil yang dibedakan dari eksepsi materiil. Kewenagan absolut ini diatur dalam Pasal 125 (2), 134 dan pasal 136 HIR,/ Pasal 149 (2) dan Pasal 162 RBg. Istilah lain eksepsi absolut adalah attributief exceptie, sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan eksepsi absolut ialah pernyataan ketidakwenangan suatu pengadilan untuk menerima, memeriksa, mengadili, dan memutus suatu perkara yang sebenarnya menjadi kewenangan pengadilan lain dalam lingkungan peradilan yang berbeda. Sedangkan kekuasaan relatif diartikan sebagai kekuasaan pengadilan yang satu jenis dan satu tingkatan, dalam perbedaannya dengan kekuasaan pengadilan yang sama jenis dan sama tingkatan lainnya, misalnya antara Pengadilan Negeri Magelang dengan Pengadilan Negeri Manado, atau antara pengadilan Agama Manado dengan Pengadilan Agama Batam. Kewenangan relatif ini diatur dalam Pasal 118 dan 133 HIR Pasal 188 dan 133 HIR Pasal 142 dan 159 RBg. Istilah lain dalam eksepsi relatif adalah distributief execptie. Sementara yang dimaksud dengan eksepsi relatif adalah ketidakwenangannya pengadilan untuk menerima, memeriksa, mengadili, dan memutus suatu perkara yang sebenarnya menjadi kewenangan pengadilan lain dalam lingkungan peradilan yang sama. Berbeda dengan eksepsi absolut, bahwa eksepsi relative harus diajukan pada sidang pertama atau pada kesempatan pertama dan eksepsi dimuat bersama-sama dengan jawaban. Kata kunci: Kewenangan, eksepsi, absolut, relatif

    Anonymous Obstruction-free (n,k)(n,k)-Set Agreement with n−k+1n-k+1 Atomic Read/Write Registers

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    The kk-set agreement problem is a generalization of the consensus problem. Namely, assuming each process proposes a value, each non-faulty process has to decide a value such that each decided value was proposed, and no more than kk different values are decided. This is a hard problem in the sense that it cannot be solved in asynchronous systems as soon as kk or more processes may crash. One way to circumvent this impossibility consists in weakening its termination property, requiring that a process terminates (decides) only if it executes alone during a long enough period. This is the well-known obstruction-freedom progress condition. Considering a system of nn {\it anonymous asynchronous} processes, which communicate through atomic {\it read/write registers only}, and where {\it any number of processes may crash}, this paper addresses and solves the challenging open problem of designing an obstruction-free kk-set agreement algorithm with (n−k+1)(n-k+1) atomic registers only. From a shared memory cost point of view, this algorithm is the best algorithm known so far, thereby establishing a new upper bound on the number of registers needed to solve the problem (its gain is (n−k)(n-k) with respect to the previous upper bound). The algorithm is then extended to address the repeated version of (n,k)(n,k)-set agreement. As it is optimal in the number of atomic read/write registers, this algorithm closes the gap on previously established lower/upper bounds for both the anonymous and non-anonymous versions of the repeated (n,k)(n,k)-set agreement problem. Finally, for 1 \leq x\leq k \textless{} n, a generalization suited to xx-obstruction-freedom is also described, which requires (n−k+x)(n-k+x) atomic registers only

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Tema Bumiku Melalui Model Discovery Learning di kelas VI UPTD SDN 02 Taeh Baruah Tahun 2022

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the Indonesian language using a scientific approach to the discovery learning model to improve student learning outcomes in Indonesian subjects in class VI UPTD SD Negeri 02 Taeh Baruah. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. The research was carried out based on classroom action research steps with two cycles starting from the planning, implementation, observation and reflection stages. Research data in the form of test results, learning observations, field notes, and documentation of each learning improvement action. The source of research data is the process of learning activities. The data were obtained from the research subjects, namely teachers and students of class VI, totaling 25 people, which was held from January to March 2022. The results of the research data analysis showed that the use of a scientific approach to the discovery learning model could improve student learning outcomes. This is evident from the increase in student learning outcomes in terms of knowledge and skills. The learning outcomes of the knowledge aspect have increased from 68.00 in pre-cycle activities to 74.00 in the first cycle, increasing again to 91.20 in the second cycle with an increase of 23.20. The learning outcomes of skills aspect obtained an average of 67.60 in the pre-cycle, increasing to 75.20 in the first cycle and increasing again to 97.60 in the second cycle with an increase of 30.00. Based on the results of this study, the conclusions of the study using a scientific approach to the discovery learning model in Indonesian subjects need to be applied and developed in order to improve the quality of education

    Leaderless State-Machine Replication: Specification, Properties, Limits

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    Modern Internet services commonly replicate critical data across several geographical locations using state-machine replication (SMR). Due to their reliance on a leader replica, classical SMR protocols offer limited scalability and availability in this setting. To solve this problem, recent protocols follow instead a leaderless approach, in which each replica is able to make progress using a quorum of its peers. In this paper, we study this new emerging class of SMR protocols and states some of their limits. We first propose a framework that captures the essence of leaderless state-machine replication (Leaderless SMR). Then, we introduce a set of desirable properties for these protocols: (R)eliability, (O)ptimal (L)atency and (L)oad Balancing. We show that protocols matching all of the ROLL properties are subject to a trade-off between performance and reliability. We also establish a lower bound on the message delay to execute a command in protocols optimal for the ROLL properties. This lower bound explains the persistent chaining effect observed in experimental results

    FUNGSI KEPOLISIAN SEBAGAI PENYIDIK UTAMA Studi Identifikasi Sidik Jari dalam Kasus Pidana

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    Proses peradilan pidana terdiri dari serangkaian tahapan mulai dari penyelidikan, penyidikan, penangkapan, penahanan, penuntutan, pemeriksaan di persidangan, hingga pemidanaan. Penyidikan dilaksanakan untuk membuat suatu perkara menjadi terang dengan menghimpun pembuktian-pembuktian mengenai terjadinya suatu perkara pidana. identifikasi diartikan sebagai pengenalan kembali terhadap seseorang, benda atau hewan dengan cara mengenali melalui ciri-ciri yang ada pada orang atau, hewan dan benda tersebut, dengan maksud mencari persamaan atau sejumlah persamaan antara kedua makluk itu. Identifikasi sidik jari merupakan upaya yang dilakukan dengan tujuan membantu penyidik untuk menentukan identitas seseorang, baik identitas korban maupun pelaku tindak pidana. Identitas merupakan suatu permasalahan yang sangat mendasar dalam kasus pidana maupun perdata, menentukan identitas yang tepat merupakan faktor penting dalam penyidikan. Adanya kekeliruan dapat berakibat fatal dalam proses peradilan. Sidik jari merupakan cara yang paling teliti dalam identifikasi yang berlaku di seluruh dunia, karena sidik jari bersifat unik, tidak varian dan dapat dirumuskan. Seseorang terlahir di dunia dengan sidik jari yang sama hingga seseorang tersebut meninggal dunia. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, sidik jari tidak saja diaplikasikan di bidang kriminal, tetapi juga di bidang nonkriminal, misalnya, identifikasi bayi yang baru lahir, administrasi personal, pemegang kartu pengenal/keterangan, penderita amnesia, mayat yang tidak dikenal, dan untuk kepentingan yang lain seperti untuk pengurusan klaim asuransi, pensiun, perbankan, ijazah, Kartu Tanda Penduduk, Surat Izin Mengemudi, dan paspor

    The Weakest Failure Detector for Genuine Atomic Multicast

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    Atomic broadcast is a group communication primitive to order messages across a set of distributed processes. Atomic multicast is its natural generalization where each message m is addressed to dst(m), a subset of the processes called its destination group. A solution to atomic multicast is genuine when a process takes steps only if a message is addressed to it. Genuine solutions are the ones used in practice because they have better performance. Let ? be all the destination groups and ? be the cyclic families in it, that is the subsets of ? whose intersection graph is hamiltonian. This paper establishes that the weakest failure detector to solve genuine atomic multicast is ? = (?_{g,h ? ?} ?_{g ? h}) ? (?_{g ? ?} ?_g) ? ?, where ?_P and ?_P are the quorum and leader failure detectors restricted to the processes in P, and ? is a new failure detector that informs the processes in a cyclic family f ? ? when f is faulty. We also study two classical variations of atomic multicast. The first variation requires that message delivery follows the real-time order. In this case, ? must be strengthened with 1^{g ? h}, the indicator failure detector that informs each process in g ? h when g ? h is faulty. The second variation requires a message to be delivered when the destination group runs in isolation. We prove that its weakest failure detector is at least ? ? (?_{g, h ? ?} ?_{g ? h}). This value is attained when ? = ?

    Pemanfaatan Kebijakan Corporate Social Responsibility Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Inclusive Business Perbankan Di Indonesia

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    The new paradigm in the banking business is a change in corporate goals from profit-oriented to stakeholder-oriented. Efforts to synergize the matter can bank do Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR. The implementation of CSR by banks is intended to develop the economy in increasing the quality of people's lives and the environment that involves community participation because the community is the party that feels the most impact obtained from the implementation of CSR. The research method used in this study is a normative legal research method with a statutory approach and conceptual approach. This study shows that the legality of implementing CSR for banks is contained in Law Number 25 of 2007 concerning Investment, Law Number 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia Banking and other regulations relating to CSR. The implementation of CSR by banks can benefit the banks themselves. For example, being able to create a "brand image" in the midst of a competitive market so that it will be able to create customer loyalty and build or maintain a business reputation, which in turn will increase the bank's Inclusive Business (IB)
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