1,310 research outputs found


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    Weblogs have powerful effects on the society, millions of people read blogs daily. English is the main language used, but indigenous languages including Javanese are also used to blog. Javanese blogs need to be introduced especially to young generations to maintain the existence of this old language as they tend not to use it in school and at home. The method used in this study is descriptive, the data are mainly taken from internet. By visiting the suggested blogs, readers will realize that Javanese still exists and needs to be maintained by participating themselves in any of these Javanese blogs


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    Research purposes are (1) to know contribution of headmaster leadership, teacher performance, and learning medium to Junior High Schools performance in Grobogan District. (2) to know headmaster leadership contribution to school performance in Junior High Schools performance in Grobogan District. (3) to know teacher discipline contribution to school performance in Junior High Schools performance in Grobogan District. (4) to know learning medium and infrastructure contribution to Junior High Schools performance in Grobogan District. Research has done in Junior High Schools in Grobogan District. Research population is entire of headmaster in Junior High Schools in Grobogan District including 122 headmasters. Samples are 89 samples by using sampling technique as random sampling. Data analysis using double linear regression analysis with F test, t test, and classic assumption test (normality test, autocorrelation test, heterocedastisity, and multicolinearity test). Research results are (1) headmaster leadership, teacher discipline, and learning medium and infrastructure having positive and significant contribution to school performance in Junior High Schools in Grobogan District proved by F count 67,978 with sig value 0,000 < 0,05. (2) Headmaster leadership having positive and significant contribution to school performance in Junior High Schools in Grobogan District proved by t count 4,672 including sig 0,000 means < 0,05. (3) teacher discipline having positive and significant contribution to school performance in Junior High Schools in Grobogan District proved by t count 2,757 with sig 0,007 means < 0,005. (4) Learning medium and infrastructure having positive and significant contribution to school performance in Junior High Schools in Grobogan District with t ratio 2,711 and sig value 0,008 means < 0.05


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    Tropical savannas and dry forests in Indonesia are important types of ecosystems which provide habitat to support various endemic wildlife. Several of these endemic species are now seriously threatened and accordingly have high conservation status according to IUCN, including the Bali starling (Leucopsar rotschildi) which is mostly now restricted to the Bali Barat National Park. Given the high extinction risk facing such species, conservation programmes are likely to require multidisciplinary approaches that address both the biological attributes of the species itself, as well as their habitat requirements. Regrettably, for many species, their habitat ecology remains inadequately understood. The objectives of this paper are to: 1) characterise the habitat of the Bali starling in terms of structure and floristic composition; and 2) document evidence of vegetation cover changes in the Bali Barat National Park. Analysis of remote sensing imagery as well as field sampling for vegetation attributes was conducted to address these objectives. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated from Landsat imageries using red and near infrared bands. Tree cover percentage data were downloaded from Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) product from the University of Maryland’s website. Results showed that forest and savanna are the dominant land cover types in the Bali Barat National Park but their distribution is somewhat dynamic with changes in vegetation cover and greenness found across the years in which increasing cover of woody plants is the general trend. In the Bali Barat National Park, the Bali starling is mostly found at or near distinct vegetation boundaries, such as the border between savanna-forest; savanna-cropland; savanna-shrubland; settlement-cropland; and forest-shrubland. Although Cekik area had planted species that has been known to be able to provide shelter and food for Bali Starling (so was Brumbun), the bird has not been observed to be presence in the area since the 1990s. These results further confirm the importance of examining habitat patterns of endemic bird within a landscape that are influenced by multiple factors that interact in space and time. Addressing data shortage in habitat patterns within endemic species distribution is important for conservation managers developing conservation management strategies. Evaluating the remaining habitat of the species is important for conservation of Bali starling and useful for the reintroduction and release program to their natural habitat

    Pengelolaan Sekolah Efektif (Studi Situs Di SMK PGRI 1 Pacitan)

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    Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas tentang pengelolaan sekolah efektif studi situs di SMK PGRI 1 Pacitan. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan secara khusus dalam penelitian adalah sebagai berikut :Untuk mengetahui ciri-ciri pengelolaan sekolah efektif yang dikembangkan di SMK PGRI 1 Pacitan, Untuk mengetahui ciri-ciri pelaksanaan sekolah efektif yang berkembang di SMK PGRI 1 Pacitan. Berdasarkan tujuan diatas maka yang merupakan sekolah efektif adalah keseluruhan komponen sekolah yang melaksanakan manajemen sekolah secara keseluruhan. Sekolah efektif, yang dikembangkan secara khusus bagi perserta didik yang memiliki kemampuan dan kecerdasan unggul, baik dalam hal potensi intelektual maupun bakat khusus yang bersifat keterampilan, akan dapat dipupuk dan dikembangkan secara optimal. Sehingga, upaya menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas dicapai dalam waktu yang relatif lebih cepat guna menopang tercapainya pembangunan nasional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi adapun lokasi penelitian ini pada SMK PGRI 1 Pacitan, penentuan tempat penelitian dimaksud, karena sekolah SMK PGRI 1 Pacitan merupakan salah satu sekolah PGRI yang cukup representatif di Kabupaten Pacitan dalam arti semua elemen yang berada dalam sekolah secara umum sudah terpenuhi sesuai dengan standart umum bagi sekolah SMK dalam rangka melaksanakan pengelolaan sekolah efektif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pengelolaan sekolah efektif yang dikembangkan pada SMK PGRI 1 Pacitan memiliki standar indikator apabila murid-muridnya dinilai setiap tahun oleh pihak yang independen maka skor penilainannya selalu meningkat. Peningkatan pembelajaran ini merupakan esensi dari eksistensi lembaga pendidikan. Dari peningkatan pembelajaran ini, sekolah dengan lingkup yang kondusif dengan pola manajerial yang mapan memunculkan suatu bentuk sekolah dengan pendidikan yang efektif, kualitas /mutu pendidikan yang memuaskan. Dengan demikian dapat meningkatkan minat dan motivasi siswa dalam belajar, mengurangi perilaku yang tidak tepat sehingga mempertinggi fungsi atau kegunaan waktu pembelajaran yang merupakan faktor penting dalam membentuk sekolah efekti

    Acacia Decurrens di Sebagian Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi YOGYAKARTA

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    - Acacia decurrens, adalah jenis asing yang mulai menjadi perhatian sejak dominasinya di lahan bekas erupsi Gunung Merapi tahun 2006. Tujuan dari kegiatan studi ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan secara kuantitatif Ekologi Acacia decurrens, hubungannya dengan beberapa faktor lingkungan serta potensi keinvasifannya jika dikorelasikan dengan diversity index. Analisis vegetasi dilakukan di empat wilayah Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM) yaitu Kalikining, Kaliadem, Plawangan dan Pranajiwa. Ordinasi menggunakan metode Non metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) serta Canonical Corespondence (CCA) serta korelasi bivariate Spearman dilakukan dalam analisis data. Hasil analisis NMDS (2D stress = 0,14) memperlihatkan bahwa daerah terbuka akibat erupsi di Kaliadem kini didominasi oleh jenis A. decurrens. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan adanya korelasi negatif yang signifikan (Spearman\u27s rho = 0,6) antara kelimpahan jenis A. decurrens dengan tingkat keanekaragaman jenis di dalam lokasi sampling. Dari hasil CCA, A. decurrens, pada tahap semai, nampak hidup berdampingan dengan jenis groundcover lainnya seperti Alangium javanicum, dan Araliaceae. Namun pada fase pohonnya, jenis ini cenderung membentuk tegakan murni. Acacia decurrens tingkat pohon nampaknya lebih memilih sites dengan tingkat pH yang lebih rendah sedangkan A. decurrens tingkat semai lebih banyak ditemui pada site-site ber pH lebih tinggi. A. decurrens berpotensi menjadi gulma di TNGM

    Penggunaan Metode Make-a Match Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Peserta Didik Kelas Viiia SMP Negeri 1 Gumelar Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    Tujuan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini adalah meningkatan keaktifan dan hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakan metode Make a Match pada pokok bahasan Kekayaan Bumi Indonesia kelas VIIIA SMP Negeri 1 Gumelar semester 1 tahun pelajaran 2013/014. PTK dilakukan selama dua siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 3 pertemuan. Subyek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 1 Gumelar yang jumlahnya 32, terdiri dari 14 laki-laki dan 18 perempuan. Hasil penelitian pada siklus 1, jumlah peserta didik yang aktif sebanyak 19 siswa (59,9%) dan yang kurang aktif sebanyak13 siswa (40,1%). Hasil belajar peserta didik menunjukkan bahwa 21siswa (65,63%) tuntas dan 11 siswa (34,37%) tidak tuntas. Hasil siklus 2, jumlah peserta didik yang aktif meningkat menjadi 26 siswa (82,3%), sedangkan jumlah peserta didik yang kurang aktif menurun menjadi 6 siswa(17,7%). Hasil belajar peserta didik pada siklus 2 juga meningkat, terdapat 28 siswa (87,5%) tuntas, sedangkan peserta didik yang tidak tuntas menurun menjadi 4 siswa (12,5%). Kata-kataKunci :keaktifan, hasilbelajar, metode Make aMatc

    Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Sekotong and Kodek Bay Waters, West Lombok

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    Phytoplankton plays important roles of food weeb in aquatic ecosystem, can absorb and release CO2 which is very useful for other organisms and the environment. The purpose of this research was to study the community structure, including abundance, composition and diversity of phytoplankton in the Sekotong and Kodek Bay, West Lombok. The study was conducted in April 2012 at 10 stations in the Sekotong Bay and six stations in Kodek Bay. Sampling was done vertically by using plankton Kitahara net having mesh size of 80 μm. The results showed that the abundance of phytoplankton from 10 stations in Sekotong Bay ranged between 834,134-6,488,888 sel/m3, while in Code Bay ranged between 53,571-191,642 sel/m3. Phytoplankton dominant in the waters of Sekotong Bay were Chaetoceros and Skeletonema, while in Kodek Bay the dominant phytoplankton were Chaetoceros, Hemialus, Lauderia, and Skeletonema. The results of the analysis of the diversity of phytoplankton genera in Sekotong Bay showed the value of diversity index (H')=0.40-1.13 and dominancy index=0.41-0.85. While in Kode Bay, the diversity of phytoplankton genera showed the value of diversity index (H')=1.53-1.98 and dominancy index=0.03-0.28. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the diversity of phytoplankton genera in the waters Sekotong Bay could be classified as less to moderate and there was a tendency of being dominated by one genera in the population. The diversity of phytoplankton genera in Kodek could be classified as moderate and there were low tendency of domination by certain genera in the population


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    Pada Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan pembahasan pengaruh redesain Motorized Operating Valve (MOV) debris filter terhadap efisiensi panas condensor dan perhitungan efisiensi keseluruhan serta efisiensi panas condensor pada beban bervariasi dan pada saat condensor beroperasi satu sisi condensor akibat terjadinya pengotoran pada debris filter. Pengambilan data perhitungan bersumber dari manual book, control room (CCR) dan lokal, dengan pengambilan 5 data. Pengambilan data diambil pada tanggal 02 Februari 2015 beban 138 MW, 27 Februari 2015 beban 225,5 MW, 19 Maret 2015 beban 165 MW, 03 April 2015 beban 110 MW dan 01 Mei 2015 beban 305 MW. Hasil analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa efisiensi panas keseluruhan paling tinggi terjadi pada tanggal 01 Mei 2015 yaitu 66,52% dan paling rendah pada tanggal 03 April 2015 yaitu 55,39%. Efisiensi panas condensor paling tinggi terjadi pada tanggal 01 Mei 2015 yaitu 82,11% dan paling rendah pada tanggal 03 April 2015 yaitu 43,23% saat unit 1 beroperasi satu sisi condensor. Ketika dibandingkan efisiensi panas condensor cenderung turun drastis saat beroperasi satu sisi condensor. Hal ini menyebabkan daya yang dihasilkan tidak dapat maksimal. Kata kunci : debris filter, condensor, efisiensi panas condensor In this final project conducted a discussion on the influence of the redesign Motorized Operating Valve (MOV) debris filter efficiency condensing heat and calculation of overall efficiency and thermal efficiency condensing at varying load and operating condensor when one side of the condensor due to fouling of the debris filter. Retrieval of data calculation derived from manual book, control room (CCR) and local, with the retrieval of 5 data. Collecting data taken on February 2 2015 138 MW, 27 February 225,5 MW, 19 March 2015 165 MW, 03 April 2015 110 MW and 01 May 2015 305 MW. Results of analysis can be concluded that the highest overall thermal efficiency occurred on May 1, 2015 is 66.52% and the lowest was on April 3, 2015 is 55.39%. The most high efficiency condensing heat occurred on May 1, 2015 is 82.11% and the lowest was on April 3, 2015 is 43.23% while unit 1 operates a condensor side. When compared to the efficiency of condensing heat tends to fall drastic when operating the condensing side. This causes the generated power can’t be maximized. Keywords : debris filter, condensor, thermal efficiency condenso

    Natural habitat of Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) in Bali Barat National Park, Indonesia

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    The Indonesian tropical savannas and dry forests provide habitats to various endemic wildlife. Unfortunately, a few of these endemic species are now seriously threatened and are red listed in the conservation status of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Among these species, the Bali starling or Bali mynah Leucopsar rotschildi, locally known as Jalak Bali, is now mostly restricted to the Bali Barat National Park. Given the high extinction risk faced by such species, conservation programs require multidisciplinary approaches that would address both the biological attributes of the species itself and their habitat requirements. Regrettably, for many species, their habitat ecology remains inadequately understood. Hence, this study aimed to: 1. characterize the Bali starling habitat in terms of structure and floristic composition; and 2. document evidences of vegetation cover changes in the Bali Barat National Park. Analysis of remote sensing imagery and field sampling for vegetation attributes were conducted to address these objectives. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated from Landsat imageries using red and near infrared bands. Tree cover percentage data were downloaded from Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) of the University of Maryland\u27s website. Results showed that forest and savanna are the dominant land cover types in the Bali Barat National Park. However, their distribution is somewhat dynamic with changes in vegetation cover and greenness found across the years which increase the cover of woody plants is the general trend. The Bali starling in the Bali Barat National Park is mostly found at or near distinct vegetation boundaries, such as the borders between savanna and forest, savanna and cropland, savanna and shrubland, settlement and cropland and, between forest and shrubland. Although Cekik in Jembrana, Bali and Brumbun Bay in West Bali, as the conservation sites for Bali starling, are both planted with tree species providing shelter and food for Bali starling, the bird has not been seen in the two areas since the 1990s. These results further confirm the importance of examining the habitat patterns of endemic birds within a landscape that are influenced by multiple factors interacting in space and time. Addressing data inadequacy in habitat patterns of endemic species distribution is crucial in developing conservation management strategies. Hence, evaluating the habitat remnants of the Bali starling is vital for its conservation and needed reintroduction and eventual release to its natural habitat
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