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    Analisis Perancangan Knowledge Management System Pada PLN Unit Pelaksana Proyek JBB 1 Lontar dengan Model Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization

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    There are several agencies that have not utilized information technology as a medium to increase productivity and learning for human resources. One of them is at PT. PLN (Persero) UIP JBB – UPP JBB 1 Lontar there are obstacles in collecting constraints that arise in the construction sector. The collection of obstacles is still done manually using spreadsheets, and sometimes HR is confused about which obstacles should be discussed at weekly meetings, and the distribution of information related to obstacles is not yet comprehensive to every employee. One solution in processing and providing information systems is in the form of a website. Based on these problems, this research uses a Knowledge Management System (KMS) to collect, store, process and disseminate knowledge so that the information obtained is more accurate and efficient. Assisted by the Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization (SECI) model which can be used in building an application is the basis for creating knowledge and transferring theory. Based on the analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that KMS can be applied as an information system to manage any obstacle data that arises in the construction sector at UPP JBB 1 Lontar. There are features required on a website based on the SECI model, including a column for proposing follow-up on constraints, a constraint data document, and an urgent risk column in the Externalization process, a menu feature for downloading constraint data in the Combination process, as well as a constraint and proposal data feature in the Internalization process.Keywords – Knowledge Management System (KMS), SECI Model, Use Case Diagram, Websit

    Perancangan UI/UX Aplikasi Ngaji Ummi Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking

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    Muslims occupy first place in Indonesia. There are 223 million Indonesian Muslims spread throughout the archipelago, among them there are 153.8 million or around 65% of the Indonesian Muslim population who cannot read the Qur'an, this is a matter of concern for the Indonesian Muslim population in learning the Qur'an. Many factors that affect people are difficult to learn the reading of the Qur'an, and from various observations, the Ummi method is applied as a method that is easy to apply and is a method that is starting to be widely used today. The current technological developments certainly support the ease of learning the Ummi method anywhere, anytime, and by anyone. An important factor of mobile applications is the user interface to provide convenience and comfort for application users. The design thinking method is used in this research, this method solves problems by approaching users, there are 5 stages in this method: The mobile application prototype produced in this study is called "Ngaji Ummi", and testing is carried out using the system usability scale method. The average SUS value obtained is 81.071, it can be concluded that the "Ngaji Ummi" application meets the acceptable category or can be accepted by users. With the "Ngaji Ummi" mobile application, it is hoped that it will help the community to learn the Qur'an easily and pleasantly.Keywords – Al-Qur’an, Ummi Method, Ngaji Ummi, Design Thinking, System Usability Scale

    Design Simulation of Automatic Lifted Bridge System using Arduino Uno

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    The existence of bridges is needed as a means to connect interrupted paths separated by rivers, ravines, or the sea. On the one hand, the existence of bridges is sometimes an obstacle for large ships whose shipping lanes are blocked by bridges, so a bridge is needed that is able to move up to facilitate shipping to the lane. Usually, this raised bridge system is operated manually by the operator, so it is still inefficient. In this paper, we try to create a prototype design using an Arduino Uno microcontroller that displays an automatic raised bridge system. When a large ship is detected to be passing through the bridge, the system will give a warning that traffic on the bridge will be temporarily stopped with a red traffic light marked and the portal for motorists will be closed and then continued with the bridge open to ships. But if it is detected that there are still vehicles on the bridge, then the system will warn the ship to stop for a moment waiting for conditions or conditions on the bridge to become conducive, and then the bridge opens. After the ship has been detected far away from the bridge, the system and traffic on the bridge will return to normal

    Gambaran Patologi Embrio Ayam yang Terinfeksi Avian orthoreovirus Isolat Lokal

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    Avian orthoreovirus (ARV) is widespread and found in almost every commercial poultry farm and other poultry species. Virus isolation from local isolates is necessary to obtain vaccine seeds that are homologous to viruses in the field.  The R&D Laboratory of PT Vaksindo Satwa Nusantara successfully isolated ARV from field cases. Inoculation of SPF Embryonated Chicken Eggs (ECE) is the protocol used to evaluate virus titer, especially to calculate the antigen titer of vaccine prototype candidates. The gross pathology of chicken embryos infected with ARV to evaluate virus growth has not been widely reported. This study aims to observe the gross pathology of chicken embryos infected with ARV to measure the virus titer using infectivity test such as the embryo infectious dose 50 (EID50). The virus suspension was diluted from 10-1 to 10-6 then dilutions of 10-4 to 10-6 were inoculated each into five ECE. Incubated ten days and observed for embryonic death. The observations found the embryonic death on day seven. Pathological changes in the embryos are stunted, thin feather, oedema, and less allantois fluid compared to control of uninfected embryo. The results of the embryos necropsy showed cardiac necrosis, greenish liver, and gelatinous exudate in the abdominal cavity.Keywords - Avian Orthoreovirus, Embryonated Chicken Eggs, Embryo Pathology, EID50

    Usulan Strategi Pemasaran Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Menggunakan Metode K-Means Clustering

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    In 2022, the University Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI) was in the second phase of expansion, focusing on increasing the influx of new students. Each year, UAI allocated funds to execute diverse promotional strategies. However, the effectiveness of the undertaken promotional measures is deemed suboptimal, as the student admissions continue to exhibit fluctuations. To address this issue, researchers have employed the data mining method utilizing the K-Means Clustering algorithm. This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Following the data cleaning stage, the initial sample size of 4,342 students is reduced to 2,650. The K-Means Clustering analysis identifies three clusters: the main cluster, minimum cluster, and adaptive cluster. Based on the characteristic data within the first cluster, it is recommended that UAI prioritizes promotional efforts towards students from private high schools in the Jabodetabek area. Additionally, the marketing communication mix, including brochures, banners, printed media, television, and radio, needs to be reassessed. In executing promotional strategies, UAI is advised to carefully consider the unique characteristics of each cluster and to maximize the utilization of social media and websites by incorporating elements of the 7C Framework.Keywords - K-Means, Clustering, Promotion Strateg

    Deteksi Keberadaan Antigen dan Antibodi terhadap Equine Influenza pada Kuda Impor dari Belanda

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    Equine Influenza (EI) is a highly contagious respiratory infection disease in equidae caused by two subtypes of Influenza A Virus (H7N7 and H3N8). Indonesia is recently importing high amounts of horses from The Netherlands intended for equestrian sports, pets, and breeders. This study was aimed to discover the presence of Equine Influenza Virus (EIV) and antibody titres against EIV in imported horses from the Netherlands using Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) techniques. The results obtained were then compared to imported horses’ data. A total of 199 nasopharyngeal swabs and 55 blood samples were collected. The results showed no material genetic of EIV was found in horses imported from the Netherlands, not all recently imported horses had antibodies against EIV, it’s indicated that the imported horses need to be measured the antibody post vaccination before arrived in Indonesia.Keywords - Horse, Equine Influenza, The Netherlands, PCR, ELIS

    Peningkatan Literasi Keuangan dan Perbankan Pada Generasi Alpha

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    Literasi merupakan suatu kemampuan seseorang untuk menggunakan potensi dan keterampilan dalam mengelola informasi saat melakukan aktivitas membaca dan menulis. Literasi ini bertujuan untuk menambah informasi dan pengetahuan kepada Siswa Kelas 6B SD Al-Fityan Tangerang Selatan terhadap keuangan dan perbankan di Indonesia. Literasi keuangan adalah kebutuhan dasar bagi setiap orang agar terhindar dari masalah keuangan. Kebanyakan anak-anak pada era generasi alpha ini, masih tidak mengetahui pentingnya memahami terkait mengelola keuangan dengan baik, kemudian masih tidak mengetahui terkait tempat penyimpanan uang yaitu bank. Oleh karena itu, kami Tim pengajar dan Dosen Pembimbing melakukan penyuluhan terkait literasi keuangan dan perbankan pada anak-anak generasi alpha ini, agar pemahaman mereka lebih luas lagi terkait keuangan dan perbankan. Metode yang kami gunakan yaitu dengan memaparkan materi serta berdiskusi dengan Siswa kelas 6B SD Al-Fityan terkait budaya menabung dan melakukan Quiz games terkait pemahaman mereka seputar perbankan dan budaya menabung. sebelum pemaparan materi para siswa masih tidak bisa membedakan kebutuhan dan keinginan, namun setelah sesi pemaparan materi, para siswa sudah mulai memahami apa itu kebutuhan dan keinginan serta lebih memahami lagi betapa pentingnya dan manfaat dari menabung sejak dini.Kata kunci: Lembaga Keuangan, Literasi, Keuangan, Perbankan, Generasi Alph

    Upaya Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Program Terintegrasi “Beli Lanting: Bersama Lingkungan Lawan Stunting” di Desa Ciledug, Kabupaten Bekasi

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    Stunting merupakan masalah gizi yang dapat menghambat tumbuh kembang anak. Desa Ciledug termasuk area dengan lokus stunting, yaitu masih terdapat 8 orang balita stunting. Hal ini dikarenakan salah satunya akibat pola asuh yang kurang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan perempuan dan remaja serta meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan terkait peningkatan pola asuh anak di tingkat desa untuk memutus rantai stunting di Desa Ciledug. Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah Training of Trainer (TOT) yaitu memberikan edukasi mengenai gizi seimbang dan pencegahan stunting kepada kader untuk selanjutnya disebarluaskan kepada ibu hamil dan calon pengantin. Penilaian keberhasilan program dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pre-test dan post-test. Intervensi pendidikan gizi dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan poster "Stunting" dan leaflet "Gizi Calon Pengantin (Gizi Catin)". Analisis data dengan menggunakan uji paired T-Test. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan gizi sasaran sebelum (pre) dan sesudah (post), yaitu sasaran yang memiliki gizi baik meningkat dari yang sebelumnya 14 orang menjadi 15 orang. Berdasarkan hasil uji Paired T-Test, rerata pengetahuan gizi, diketahui bahwa nilai p adalah sebesar 0,001(p< 0,05). Terdapat pengaruh dari pendidikan gizi melalui Program "Beli Lanting" terhadap pengetahuan kader posyandu, ibu hamil (bumil), dan calon pengantin (catin).Kata kunci: Stunting, Calon Pengantin, Edukasi Gizi, Gizi Seimban


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    The objective of this research was to examine factors that influence the millennial generation's intention to purchase sharia insurance products. The sampling technique used was non propability sampling using. The data was collected through a questionnaire using a google form which was distributed to 136 millennial respondents. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple regression using the Smart-PLS 5.0 tool. The results showed that the insurance literacy variable has a positive and significant effect on the interest of the millennial generation to purchase sharia insurance. Product risk perception has a positive has a positive and significant effect on the interest of the millennial generation to purchase sharia insurance product. This show that the Sharia insurance applications or purchase intentions are based on the level of insurance literacy and the millennial generation's perception of the product. The millennial generation tends to assess how useful and useful the product is.Kata Kunci: Insurance Literacy, Product Risk Perception, Intention to Purchase Sharia Insuranc

    Kegiatan Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental (GNRM): Peningkatan Minat Robotika Melalui Pembuatan Robot Humanoid Menggunakan Arduino

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    Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi pada saat ini memudahkan segala pekerjaan sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas industri dengan sangat baik dibandingkan sebelumnya karena bantuan teknologi yang maju. Salah satu teknologi yang sangat membantu dalam segala pekerjaan adalah robot, yang mana robot dapat bekerja layaknya manusia dengan hasil yang sangat mirip serta dapat dikendalikan. Sedikitnya anak usia remaja yang paham tentang teknologi dan perkembangannya memerlukan bimbingan agar siap menghadapi masa depan dan membangun negeri ini terutama pada bidang teknologi khususnya bidang robotika. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pemahaman serta pembelajaran mengenai robot sebagai bentuk kesadaran terhadap perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi dengan cara mempelajari serta mempraktekkan secara langsung bagaimana cara membuat serta merakit robot humanoid sederhana dan berdiskusi mengenai robot sebagai implementasi Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental yang mengubah cara pikir, cara kerja, cara hidup dan sikap serta perilaku bangsa Indonesia yang mengacu pada nilai-nilai integritas, etos kerja, dan gotong-royong berdasarkan Pancasila yang berorientasi pada kemajuan.. Hasil dari pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa-siswi SMA Al-Fityan Tangerang menunjukkan antusias yang baik selama proses penyampaian materi, tanya jawab, dan juga praktik sehingga sebagian besar dari siswa-siswi dapat membuat robot humanoid sederhana dengan baik.Kata Kunci: Teknologi, Robot, Humanoid, Arduino Un


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