132 research outputs found


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    Background: Traditional medicines have less or even no side-effect, are easy to get, and are relatively low price. There are many kinds of plants which are used as medicine material; one of them is teki root or Cyperusrotundus Linn which can be used as an analgesic to relieve pain. Objective ofthe research is to find out how far the ffict of teki root extract as an analgesic with various concentrations on mice is. Method used is bycollecting 30 mice, which are divided into 5 groups wilh 6 mice for each. Group I as control group is treated with aquades 0,5 ml for each; group II as standard of comparison is treated with aspirin 200 mg/kg BW foreach; group III, IV, and V are treated with intake of teki root extract 5%, l0%, and 20%,for each. All treatments and controls are done orally and 15 minutes later, mice reaction-time on hot plates in 5J 13 ,s counted. Result of the research is that the average of mice reaction-time in group I is I 1,46 t 0,55 second; group II is 28,50 + 1,28 second; group III is 16,32 !0,42 seconcl; group IV is 17,38 ! 0,54 second; and group V is 22,75 t 0,8 I second. Statistical test with Varian Analysis Method (P<0,05) and Tuck:y Test result show there is significance of treated group toward control group. In conclusion, based on the research teki root extract has an analgesic effect. Teki root extract in 2A% concentration has the largest effect among treated g'oups and if compared with aspirin the analgesic effect is 0,66 times.Keywords: Cyperus rotundus, analgesic effect, extract, mic

    Anticancer Activity of Bruceine A Isolated from The Seeds of Brucea javanica on Hela Cell

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    Brucea javanica seeds has been used traditionally to treat cancer, even though the scientific base of this has not been completely investigated. Bruceine A from Brucea javanica exhibit biological activities as a antimalarial, antitumor, antiviral and antiamoebic activities. This study is to examine the anticancer activity of Bruceine A from Brucea javanica seeds include cytotoxic activity and induced p53 protein expression on Hela cell. Cytotoxicity test of Bruceine A from Brucea javanica seeds has been performed by counting method of the cell directly with trypan blue exclusion dye. Analysis of induced p53 protein expression on Hela cell was detected by using immunocytochemistry technique. Cell that stained positive p53 protein showed that there was nucleus or cytoplasm stained with brown color, while the one stained negative p53 protein would be purple. From cytotoxicity test results of Bruceine A from Bruceine javanica seeds against Hela cell, value IC 50 obtained as big as 76.4 μg/ml. From observation of p53 protein expression on Hela cells by immunocytochemistry staining, it can be seen that Bruceine A from Brucea javanica seeds can increase the expression of p53 protein Hela cells by 44.3%. From the result of this study, it can be concluded that Bruceine A from Brucea javanica seeds have anticancer activity through inhibition mechanism of Hela cell proliferation, by activating the tumor suppressor gene such as p53.

    Identifikasi Keberadaan Bakteri Leptospira di Daerah Endemis Leptospirosis (Studi di Dukuh Kalitengah Kecamatan Wedi Kabupaten Klaten)

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    Background: Several regions in Indonesia are classified as leptospirosis endemic including Klaten Regency, which ranked 2nd highest case of leptospirosis in Central Java in 2018. Leptospirosis in human was transmitted by animals infected by the Leptospira bacteria, which rat was the main reservoir. This study aimed to identify rat reservoir to the existence of Leptospira bacteria in endemic areas.Methods: This study was an observational survey  with cross sectional approach. The sample was rats caught by traps installed for 6 days in Dukuh Kalitengah, Kalitengah Village, Wedi Subdistrict, Klaten Regency in July 2019. The rats were identified and dissected to take their kidneys for laboratory testing using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test to identity the existence of Leptospira bacteria.Result: The result showed that there were 17 rats and 6 Suncus murinus caught in 6 days and their species were Mus musculus (23.5%), Rattus tanezumi (41.2%), Rattus norvegicus (35.3%). The results of PCR test found 2 positive samples of Leptospira bacteria in Rattus tanezumi. Rattus tanezumi's habitat was close with humans in settlement areas where it can be a source of Leptospira infection and can spread to humans and other environments.Conclusion : The people in Dukuh Kalitengah are recommended to maintain the hygiene of their environment and improve their house’s sanitation so it not become nest and breeding grounds and also reduce the existence of rats

    Factors influencing infections caused by Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria in patients with urinary tract infections at RSUD dr. R. Soetijono Blora

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that is often found in pediatric patients. The prevalence of infections due to ESBL-producing Enterobacterales is increasing worldwide. This study aims to identify and analyze the factors that influence Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria in UTI patients at RSUD dr. R. Soetijono Blora. A cross-sectional study has been carried out at RSUD dr. R. Soetijono Blora in January-March 2023. The results of this study showed that 58 respondents with urine culture results found Enterobacterales pathogenic bacteria. Based on the sensitivity test for the Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) enzyme producer, 39 people (67.2%) were categorized as ESBLs and 19 people (32.8%) Non-ESBLs. The study variables included age, gender, history of catheter insertion, history of stones or urinary tract surgery and history of taking antibiotics in the last 6 months. The chi-square test to determine the relationship between variables was used to determine significant risk factors. Bivariate logistic regression showed that history of catheter insertion and history of use of antibiotics in the last 6 months were significant risk factors. Prevalence of UTIs due to ESBL-producing Enterobacterales in RSUD dr. R. Soetijono Blora is high and the wise use of antibiotics, especially the third generation cephalosporins as therapy, is needed for preventive strategies to reduce antibiotic resistanc

    Ketahanan Pangan Keluarga Orang Rimba Selatan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas Jambi: Studi Mikroetnografi Keluarga Njalo Dalam Menghadapi Pandemik

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    The Orang Rimba are a hunting-gathering group that lives depending on the availability of the forest. Forests not only function as livelihoods but also have cultural significance as a resource for their cultural traditions. However, in the last few decades, forest conversion in Jambi province has increased. The increased function of forests in Jambi from forests as plantation areas, mining areas and industrial plantation forest areas has made the lives of the Orang Rimba as a hunting-gathering group increasingly threatened. Food security is a condition in which all people, at any time, have access both physically, socially, and economically to adequate, safe, and nutritious food which can meet food needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Through the micro ethnography approach, the purpose of this paper is to know and understand the phenomenon of food security from the perspective of the Orang Rimba as seen from its availability, adequacy, affordability, and security. Orang Rimba have food security by relying on food sources available in the forest. In a state of urgency they will return to the forest.The Orang Rimba are a hunting-gathering group that lives depending on the availability of the forest. Forests not only function as livelihoods but also have cultural significance as a resource for their cultural traditions. However, in the last few decades, forest conversion in Jambi province has increased. The increased function of forests in Jambi from forests as plantation areas, mining areas and industrial plantation forest areas has made the lives of the Orang Rimba as a hunting-gathering group increasingly threatened. Food security is a condition in which all people, at any time, have access both physically, socially and economically to adequate, safe and nutritious food which can meet food needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. The purpose of this paper through micro ethnography approach is to know and understand the phenomenon of food security from the perspective of the Orang Rimba as seen from its availability, adequacy, affordability and security