230 research outputs found

    Reporting Guidelines and Issues to Consider for Using Intracranial Brain Stimulation in Studies of Human Declarative Memory

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    Participants with stimulating and recording electrodes implanted within the brain for clinical evaluation and treatment provide a rare opportunity to unravel the neuronal correlates of human memory, as well as offer potential for modulation of behavior. Recent intracranial stimulation studies of memory have been inconsistent in methodologies employed and reported conclusions, which renders generalizations and construction of a framework impossible. In an effort to unify future study efforts and enable larger meta-analyses we propose in this mini-review a set of guidelines to consider when pursuing intracranial stimulation studies of human declarative memory and summarize details reported by previous relevant studies. We present technical and safety issues to consider when undertaking such studies and a checklist for researchers and clinicians to use for guidance when reporting results, including targeting, placement, and localization of electrodes, behavioral task design, stimulation and electrophysiological recording methods, details of participants, and statistical analyses. We hope that, as research in invasive stimulation of human declarative memory further progresses, these reporting guidelines will aid in setting standards for multicenter studies, in comparison of findings across studies, and in study replications

    Repeating Spatial Activations in Human Entorhinal Cortex

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    SummaryThe ability to remember and navigate spatial environments is critical for everyday life. A primary mechanism by which the brain represents space is through hippocampal place cells, which indicate when an animal is at a particular location [1]. An important issue is understanding how the hippocampal place-cell network represents specific properties of the environment, such as signifying that a particular position is near a doorway or that another position is near the end of a corridor. The entorhinal cortex (EC), as the main input to the hippocampus, may play a key role in coding these properties because it contains neurons that activate at multiple related positions per environment [2–6]. We examined the diversity of spatial coding across the human medial temporal lobe by recording neuronal activity during virtual navigation of an environment containing four similar paths. Neurosurgical patients performed this task as we recorded from implanted microelectrodes, allowing us to compare the human neuronal representation of space with that of animals. EC neurons activated in a repeating manner across the environment, with individual cells spiking at the same relative location across multiple paths. This finding indicates that EC cells represent non-specific information about location relative to an environment’s geometry, unlike hippocampal place cells, which activate at particular random locations. Given that spatial navigation is considered to be a model of how the brain supports non-spatial episodic memory [7–10], these findings suggest that EC neuronal activity is used by the hippocampus to represent the properties of different memory episodes [2, 11]

    Thickness in Entorhinal and Subicular Cortex Predicts Episodic Memory Decline in Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Identifying subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) most likely to decline in cognition over time is a major focus in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research. Neuroimaging biomarkers that predict decline would have great potential for increasing the efficacy of early intervention. In this study, we used high-resolution MRI, combined with a cortical unfolding technique to increase visibility of the convoluted medial temporal lobe (MTL), to assess whether gray matter thickness in subjects with MCI correlated to decline in cognition over two years. We found that thickness in the entorhinal (ERC) and subicular (Sub) cortices of MCI subjects at initial assessment correlated to change in memory encoding over two years (ERC: r = 0.34; P = .003) and Sub (r = 0.26; P = .011) but not delayed recall performance. Our findings suggest that aspects of memory performance may be differentially affected in the early stages of AD. Given the MTL's involvement in early stages of neurodegeneration in AD, clarifying the relationship of these brain regions and the link to resultant cognitive decline is critical in understanding disease progression

    Specific responses of human hippocampal neurons are associated with better memory

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    A population of human hippocampal neurons has shown responses to individual concepts (e.g., Jennifer Aniston) that generalize to different instances of the concept. However, recordings from the rodent hippocampus suggest an important function of these neurons is their ability to discriminate overlapping representations, or pattern separate, a process that may facilitate discrimination of similar events for successful memory. In the current study, we explored whether human hippocampal neurons can also demonstrate the ability to discriminate between overlapping representations and whether this selectivity could be directly related to memory performance. We show that among medial temporal lobe (MTL) neurons, certain populations of neurons are selective for a previously studied (target) image in that they show a significant decrease in firing rate to very similar (lure) images. We found that a greater proportion of these neurons can be found in the hippocampus compared with other MTL regions, and that memory for individual items is correlated to the degree of selectivity of hippocampal neurons responsive to those items. Moreover, a greater proportion of hippocampal neurons showed selective firing for target images in good compared with poor performers, with overall memory performance correlated with hippocampal selectivity. In contrast, selectivity in other MTL regions was not associated with memory performance. These findings show that a substantial proportion of human hippocampal neurons encode specific memories that support the discrimination of overlapping representations. These results also provide previously unidentified evidence consistent with a unique role of the human hippocampus in orthogonalization of representations in declarative memory

    Enhancing the Ecological Validity of fMRI Memory Research Using Virtual Reality

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a powerful research tool to understand the neural underpinnings of human memory. However, as memory is known to be context-dependent, differences in contexts between naturalistic settings and the MRI scanner environment may potentially confound neuroimaging findings. Virtual reality (VR) provides a unique opportunity to mitigate this issue by allowing memories to be formed and/or retrieved within immersive, navigable, visuospatial contexts. This can enhance the ecological validity of task paradigms, while still ensuring that researchers maintain experimental control over critical aspects of the learning and testing experience. This mini-review surveys the growing body of fMRI studies that have incorporated VR to address critical questions about human memory. These studies have adopted a variety of approaches, including presenting research participants with VR experiences in the scanner, asking participants to retrieve information that they had previously acquired in a VR environment, or identifying neural correlates of behavioral metrics obtained through VR-based tasks performed outside the scanner. Although most such studies to date have focused on spatial or navigational memory, we also discuss the promise of VR in aiding other areas of memory research and facilitating research into clinical disorders

    Transient topographical disorientation due to right-sided hippocampal hemorrhage

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    Introduction: Topographical disorientation is defined as the inability to recognize familiar or unfamiliar environments. While its slowly progressive development is a common feature of neurodegenerative processes like Alzheimer's dementia, acute presentations are less frequent and mostly caused by strategic lesions within the cerebral navigation network. Depending on the lesion site, topographical disorientation can originate from deficits in landmark recognition and utilization for route planning (egocentric navigation deficit), or disturbance of an overarching cognitive map of the spatial environment (allocentric navigation deficit). However, objective measurements of spatial navigation performance over time are largely missing in patients with topographical disorientation. Methods: We here report a 55-year-old patient with acute topographical disorientation as the single symptom of right-sided hippocampal hemorrhage and present quantitative gaze-monitoring head camera-based analyses of his path-finding strategy and visual exploration behavior in a real space navigation paradigm. Results: The patient exhibited severe allocentric and also egocentric navigation deficits during the acute phase, shown by higher error rates at finding target items. In addition, he showed a more extensive use of search saccades toward, and fixations on, landmarks that could potentially serve as spatial cues. These deficits had been completely compensated for after four months, when the patient performed unremarkably in the real space navigation task, and used even more strongly allocentric path optimization strategies than age-matched controls. Conclusions: This case report highlights the integral function and right-sided dominance of the hippocampal formation in the cerebral navigation network in humans. It shows that the cognitive map can be restored completely despite a residual hippocampal lesion, which illustrates the enormous plasticity of the cerebral navigation network in humans

    Direct recordings of grid-like neuronal activity in human spatial navigation

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    Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex appear to represent spatial location via a triangular coordinate system. Such cells, which have been identified in rats, bats and monkeys, are believed to support a wide range of spatial behaviors. Recording neuronal activity from neurosurgical patients performing a virtual-navigation task, we identified cells exhibiting grid-like spiking patterns in the human brain, suggesting that humans and simpler animals rely on homologous spatial-coding schemes

    Hippocampal subfields at ultra high field MRI: An overview of segmentation and measurement methods

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    The hippocampus is one of the most interesting and studied brain regions because of its involvement in memory functions and its vulnerability in pathological conditions, such as neurodegenerative processes. In the recent years, the increasing availability of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners that operate at ultra-high field (UHF), that is, with static magnetic field strength ≥7T, has opened new research perspectives. Compared to conventional high-field scanners, these systems can provide new contrasts, increased signal-to-noise ratio and higher spatial resolution, thus they may improve the visualization of very small structures of the brain, such as the hippocampal subfields. Studying the morphometry of the hippocampus is crucial in neuroimaging research because changes in volume and thickness of hippocampal subregions may be relevant in the early assessment of pathological cognitive decline and Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The present review provides an overview of the manual, semi-automated and fully automated methods that allow the assessment of hippocampal subfield morphometry at UHF MRI, focusing on the different hippocampal segmentation produced. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc