24 research outputs found

    Accuracy Empathy of Student College of Java Tribe and Sunda Tribe

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    This study aims to describe the accuracy of empathy in Javanese and Sundanese students from the Guidance and Counseling Study Program at Ahmad Dahlan University. Samples were taken by purposive sample with 60 students consisting of 30 Javanese students and 30 Sundanese students. The instrument used was empathy accuracy scale. The study results were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and different tests with Anova. The results showed that the accuracy of empathy among Javanese and Sundanese students had a significant value of 0.821 0.05, which means there was no significant difference between the accuracy of empathy among Javanese and Sundanese students. This research also reveals that the highest aspect of empathy accuracy in Javanese students is emotional concern, while Sundanese students are perspective taking. This means that the accuracy of empathy among Javanese students is higher in understanding and feeling the emotional of others, while the accuracy of empathy of Sundanese students is higher in understanding and placing themselves in the minds of others. The results of this study can be used as a base for developing techniques and strategies in guidance and counseling services that focus on developing accuracy of empathy in adolescent

    Efektivitas Teknik Modeling Untuk Meningkatkan Empati Mahasiswa Prodi Bk Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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    Student college of guidance and counseling program as a counselors candidate is required to have concern for others, including empathy. This study aims to determine effectiveness modeling techniques to increase empathy in students majoring in guidance and counseling University of Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is pre experiment with one group pretest-posttest with sampling through purposive sampling technique. The samples are 10 students majoring in guidance and counseling Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta. Data collected by using a scale of empathy that has been proven valid and reliable and by using observation sheet of communicative empathy. The results showed that modeling techniques can effectively increase empathy in students. The results of Wilcoxon statistical test showed that the value of Z = -2810 with p = 0.005 (<0.05), which means there is a significant difference level of empathy before treatment (pre-test) and after the treatment (post-test). The results could be used as consideration for educators in universities in order to develop empathy in students


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    Menipisnya sikap empati pada generasi penerus bangsa termasuk pada anak usia dini menjadi tanggung jawab para orang tua, pendidik dan masyarakat.  Anak-anak cenderung memiliki sifat modeling (meniru) karena anak-anak belajar dari apa yang dilihat dan belum memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam menyaring hal baik maupun buruknya sesuatu.  Modeling merupakan teknik belajar dengan mengamati, menirukan, dengan menambahkan atau mengurangi tingkah laku yang teramati. Teknik simbolik model  yang dikemas dalam kegiatan bimbingan klasikal dapat disajikan dalam video atau cerita moral yang dapat dicontoh anak. Dengan teknik simbolik model, pesan bimbingan moral yang diberikan akan lebih menarik dan sesuai dengan tahapan belajar pada anak yang mudah dipahami oleh anak pada usia dini. Artikel ini membahas strategi untuk meningkatkan empati pada anak usia dini melalui bimbingan format klasikal dengan teknik simbolik model. Diharapkan artikel ini dapat memberi pengetahuan kepada guru pendidikan anak usia dini, guru BK/konselor dalam mengembangkan empati pada anak usia dini menggunakan teknik simbolik model yang memudahkan anak usia dini untuk belajar perilaku empati secara kongkrit

    Surat Permohonan Narasumber SMPUA

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    Naskah Jurnal Psikopedagogia

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    Pengaruh Penyuluhan tentang Menstruasi terhadap Sikap Remaja Putri PRA Menstruasi

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    The extension number of menstrual and reproductive health of adolescents were still low, so that the knowledge about menstrual and reproductive health was less. Method : Research design was one-group pre-test-post test design. Research sample 29 student  at MTs. Ma’arif Srengat in Blitar Regency, its choosed with total sampling. Data collected by questionnaire. Analysis using chi square. Result : The results showed that health education influence pre menstrual adolescents attitude, with asymp, Sig 0.16 nd 5.818 square value in the statistical tables. Discussion : By holding the health education and behavior change, it was expected that the formation of healthy behaviors in order to achieve optimal health status

    Ucapan Terimakasih Tri Sutanti

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    School of Teacher Education (SPG) is a teacher training school equivalent to Senior High School (SMA) which is only achieved for 3 years. After passing the SPG, you can continue to become a teacher. Community Interest in Teacher Education Schools is only interested by the lower classes of society because at that time being a teacher was a good profession. Research on Teacher Education Schools (SPG) has succeeded in finding various facts about SPG such as the curriculum used is different from other school curricula used, the method of treatment that is in accordance with the abilities of the students. Keywords: Education System, Teacher Education School, Surabaya State SPG

    LoA Psikopedagogia

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    Novice Counselor's Work Readiness

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    This descriptive study aims to find out the novice counselors’ work readiness. To this end, fifty-four novice counselors graduated from the guidance and counseling department of Ahmad Dahlan University were recruited. The data were collected using a work readiness scale and analyzed using a quantitative descriptive technique. The result showed that the school counselors’ strongest aspect lay in work attitude, while the weakest aspect lay in interpersonal communication. Based on the focus group discussion, novice counselors still faced some difficulties when providing guidance and counseling services at school. The most frequently found obstacles were their ability to deal with the students’ mental, assertiveness, group counseling services, collaboration service, and service management. This study can be used as the basis to develop a service or training strategy to improve the novice counselors’ work readiness