14 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Managemen Nutrisi Pada Balita

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    Introduction: Complex nutrition is needed to support the growth and development of toddlers. Sufficient preparation must be done by the mother, as long as the toddler enters the process of growth and development so as to provide nutrition that is appropriate for the toddler during a period of growth and development. Nutrition Management for toddlers is very important. This study aims to find a picture of how nutrition management during the growth and development of toddlers, especially those carried out by mothers of toddlers. Method: this research uses a descriptive design with a survey approach. The population of all toddlers in RW 3, Dukuh Mencek, Sukorambi Jember sub-district was 43 mothers of toddlers with a large sample of 30 people. The study was conducted at posyandu in the village of Hamlet checking as many as 5 posyandu, data collection instruments using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Results: this study was presented with a central tendency analysis in the form of the mean. Nutrition management for toddlers with a good category is 6 with a percentage of 20%, enough categories is 20 with a percentage of 66% while those with a less category are 4 people with a percentage of 14%. Conclusion: research shows that evaluation of nutrition management by toddlers by mothers is very important even though the results are in the quite dominant category. Evaluation of nutrition management in infancy by mothers contributes greatly to the toddler's growth and development stage. Increased knowledge in mothers of children under five and the application of nutrition management in Cathelya's community must be further promoted by health workers and cadres in charge. Pendahuluan: Nutrisi kompleks dibutuhkan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Balita, oleh karena itu Manajemen Nutrisi bagi balita ini sangatlah penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran bagaimana manajemen nutrisi pada masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Balita khususnya yang dilakukan oleh ibu balita. Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif dengan pendekatan survey. Populasinya semua balita di RW 3 desa Dukuh Mencek kecamatan Sukorambi Jember sejumlah 43 ibu balita dengan besar sampel 30 orang. Penelitian dilakukan di posyandu yang ada di desa Dukuh mencek sebanyak 5 posyandu, instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala likert. Hasil: penelitian ini disajikan dengan analisis tendensi sentral dalam bentuk mean. Manajemen nutrisi balita dengan kategori baik sejumlah 6 dengan pesentase 20%, kategori cukup sebanyak 20 dengan persentase 66 % sedangkan yang dengan kategori kurang sejumlah 4 orang persentasenya 14%. Kesimpulan: hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi manajemen nutrisi balita oleh ibu sangat penting walaupun hasilnya dalam kategori cukup lebih mendominasi. Evaluasi manajemen nutrisi pada masa balita oleh ibu berkontribusi tinggi pada tahap tumbuh kembang balita. Peningkatan pengetahuan pada ibu balita dan aplikasi manajemen nutrisi diposyandu Cathelya harus lebih disosialisasikan lagi oleh tenaga kesehatan dan kader yang bertugas


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    ABSTRAKIntroduksi : Usia lanjut adalah suatu kejadian yang pasti akan dialami oleh semua orang yang dikaruniai usia panjang. Latihan ROM aktif pada lansia yaitu untuk membimbing lansia dalam melaksanakan pergerakan secara mandiri sesuai dengan rentang gerak sendi normal. Keaktifan fisik adalah Setiap gerakan tubuh yang untuk melakukannya memerlukan tenaga yang cukup dan masih aktif dalam kegiatan fisik setiap hari seperti melakukan olah raga,,dan aktif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan setiap harinya. Metode : Populasi penelitian ini adalah lansia yang mengalami gangguan keaktifan fisik yang berada pada kelompok lansia Nusa Indah 02 di dusun Karang Templek desa Andongsari kecamatan Ambulu dengan jumlah populasi 70 lansia Desain pada penelitian ini adalah (quasy-experiment). dengan menggunakan pre test and post test with control design, sampel yang di ambil 30 sampel secara purposive sampling. Hasil : Hasil penelitian post-test kelompok perlakuan 12 orang (80,0%) kategor


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    BACKGROUND : Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in his ability to organize and perform the specific tasks required to get results as expected. Compliance is the extent to which a person's behavior is committed to a therapeutic regimen that has been agreed with a health care provider. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of self efficacy with low salt diit adherence in elderly hypertension in Jelbuk District Jember Working Area.SUBJECT AND METHODE : This research use correlation research design with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 746 elderly with hypertension, with purposive sampling technique and proportional sampling with inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were obtained as many as 149.RESULTS :  The result of hypertension elderly with high self efficacy was 85.2%, low self efficacy 14.8%. Low salt with obedient 75.8%, low salt diit adherence with non-adherence 24.2%, self efficacy in good category and obdient in low-salt diit equal to 86,6%, whereas self efficacy less with low salt diit compliance in adherence category 13,6% using Chi Square analysis obtained p value 0.000 which means H1 accepted which means there is a relationship of self efficacy with low salt diit compliance.CONCLUSION : In conclusion there is a relationship of self efficacy with adherence of low salt diit in elderly hypertension In Work Area Puskesmas Jelbuk Jember regency. It is expected that elderly increase self efficacy so that they coul run in low-salt diit


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    The improvement of mother behavior in order to set toddler’s eating pattern in Bintoro village Patrang subdistrict of Jember is based on consequenses of the growth and developmental proccess of toddler itself. The purpose of this study is to find out mother’s behavior improvement. It’s a correlational study conducted by cross sectional approach. The population are 139 toddler’s mother in bintoro. There were 103 respondents taken y random sampling. The instruments was a questionnaire and WHO chart. The data analysed by using Spearman Rank test. The result shows that 51 respondents are showing not good while 42 respondents had their toddler with good nutritional status. The correlational analysis obtained p value 0.21 means that there is no significant correlation between mother’s behavior about diet with nutritional status of children under five in Bintoro village Patrang subdistrict of Jember. Keywords : mother behavior,nutritional status, children  under fiv

    Family-Based Maternal Sensitivity Model as a Strategy to Optimize Family Perception on the Role of Parents and the Growth of Infants

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    Introduction: Family perceptions on the role of parents and the growth of infants must be seriously considered by healthcare workers since they can affect the role of family development in taking care of the babies. A family that has optimally understood the role of their development as a parent will be able to give the appropriate care for the babies. Methods: The study aimed to find out the effects of a family-based Maternal Sensitivity Models (MSM) strategy for family perception optimization on the role of parents and the growth of infants. It used a quasi-experimental design with the samples of 50 families. The samples were obtained using purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed using dependent t-test. Results: It confirmed that the Family-Based Maternal Sensitivity Models (MSM) strategy significantly affects family perceptions on the role of parents with t-value 5.915 and p-value 0.000. MSM also significantly affects family perceptions on the growth infants with the t-value -11.257 and p-value 0.000. Conclusions: Maternal Sensitivity Models (MSM) can be well applied as one of the health models provided by healthcare workers to optimize parents’ perceptions and infants’ growth as well as to develop a competent family in giving care for their babies

    Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Self Care Management pada Lansia Hipertensi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan self care management pada lansia hipertensi. Metode penelitian penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif menggunakan desain penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Hasil penelitian melalui uji statistik Spearman Rank (Rho) diperoleh p-value 0,040<(a=0,05) yang artinya terdapat hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan self care management pada lansia hipertensi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan selfcare management pada lansia hipertensi.   Kata Kunci: Hipertensi, Keluarga, Lansia, Self care Management &nbsp

    Program Golansia pada Pengembangan Psikoedukasi Keluarga dalam Meningkatkan Latagis (Lansia Tangguh Psikologis) di Wilayah Kerja Ranting Aisyiyah Patrang Jember

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    Increasing health problems both physical and psychological in elderly partners are of particular concern. Partners' health problems include the increased risk of psychological health problems and the absence of an activity program to maintain the psychological health of the elderly. The Golansia Program in Family Psychoeducation is an elderly health approach program in psychological health education that was developed to increase the mental health strength of the elderly. The Golansia program was developed following the Unmuh Jember community service strategic plan and government policies regarding elderly health care. This program collaborates with the Head of the Aisyiyah Patrang Branch in the field of Elderly Health in the Patrang Village, Patrang District, Jember. The methods that will be used to achieve these goals are 1) education; 2) family psychoeducation practice; and 3) family psychoeducation assistance for the elderly and families through Aisyiyah recitation or health councils with an evaluation of the processes and results of the Golansia Program activities for the elderly to improve Latagis with the Family. The results of this activity obtained an increase in good knowledge of 47.1%. The output of this activity is that it is hoped that there will be continuity for families who provide psychoeducation to the elderly so that psychologically resilient elderly people are formed in the Working Area of the Aisyiyah Patrang Branch, Jember Regency


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    Peran perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan tidak hanya melakukan perawatan kepada pasien, tetapi mampu membuat karya tulis ilmiah sebagai salah satu bentuk karya nyata menjalankan peran perawat sebagai peneliti. Untuk menghasilkan karya ilmiah ini masih banyak perawat yang mengalami kesulitan dan hambatan karena pengetahuan dan kemampuan meneliti sehingga perlu ditingkatkan. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk menambah kemampuan dan kompetensi sebagai peneliti. Berdasarkan peraturan menteri pendayagunaan aparatur negara dan reformasi birokrasi, perawat yang akan naik ke jenjang jabatan fungsional yang lebih tinggi diwajibkan membuat karya ilmiah. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 40 orang perawat yang sebagian besar memiliki latar belakang pendidikan sarjana keperawatan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan selema 4 minggu dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab, dan praktek. Proses pelatihan dilakukan menggunakan 4 tahap kegiatan yaitu pemberian materi tentang metodologi penelitian kuantitatif, praktek penelitian, pemberian materi tentang cara penulisan artikel ilmiah dan praktek menulis artikel ilmiah. Peserta di bimbing oleh fasilitator secara langsung melalui tatap muka maupun secara online. Dengan metode ini peserta mendapatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan sesuai dengan target yang telah disepakati bersama. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik pada pelatihan ini diperlukan komitmen bersama antara peserta dan fasilitator agar target kompetensi pelatihan yang telah disepakati dapat tercapai


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    Since 2005, Indonesia has been issued by the decision that female circumcision does not have any scientific basis and tends to be based on local tradition/culture. Female circumcision brings more adverse effects than its benefits (Juliansyah, 2009). This study aims to explain the phenomenon of female circumcision performed by traditional birth attendants. The research design of phenomenology was conducted in Bandilan hamlet of Arjasa village, Kendal hamlet of Kamal village, Arjasa subdistrict and Wetangunung hamlet of Wonojati village, Jenggawah subdistrict of Jember. The informants involved one traditional birth attendant for circumcision, 12 informants selected by using purposive sampling. The data were collected through interviews and observations. The validity test of the data was conducted by testing the credibility of triangulation. The data were then analyzed using analysis of interwoven and interactive analysis. These research emerging five themes. First theme is the reason why the baby circumcised, the second theme is baby girl circumcision is done by traditional bith attendant through special ritual, the third theme is circumcision equipment, the fourth theme is the procession, and the fifth theme is the baby response when she is being circumcised.Circumcision on baby girl performed by traditional birth attendants does not hurt the reproductive organs and does not eliminate the reproductive rights of women, the goal is to preserve and to maintain the local culture. It requires adequate education to straighten out the myths that is not true such as the infants will become infidels if they do not get the circumcision. Keywords: Circumcision; Baby Girl; Traditional Birth Attendant

    The Improvement of Community Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices After COVID-19 Socialization

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    This study determined community knowledge, attitudes, and practices after COVID-19 socialization in Rambipuji and Suci Village, Jember District, East Java, Indonesia. This study used the analytic observational design study. As many as 40 people were given socialization about COVID-19 by gathering and online. The questionnaires were completed in two parts included before-socialization and after-socialization. The questionnaire data were analyzed descriptively by calculating frequency, percentage, and inferential statistics by t-test, Spearman correlation, and chi-square test. The data analysis used IBM SPSS version 23 software. The mean and standard deviation of percentage of knowledge pre-test, knowledge post-test, high attitude, moderate attitude, low attitude, very high practice, high practice, sufficient practice, and low practice were 58.33 ± 30.97, 77.70 ± 22.52, 62.5±21.7, 31±22.2, 6.5±17.1, 65±13.8, 32.3±13.8, 1.25±2.4, 1.25±1.8, respectively. Knowledge pre-test and post-test correlated 0.819 (p=0.001) and a t-test with p=0.003. Attitudes and practices correlated with p=0.001. Socialization of COVID-19 was useful to improve the community knowledge, attitudes, and practices in Rambipuji and Suci Village, Jember District, East Java, Indonesia that could prevent the transmission and inhibit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Furthermore, continuous encouragement of COVID-19 socialization in wide areas was recommended