132 research outputs found

    Алгоритмы контроля действий лётного экипажа по управлению летательным аппаратом

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    В статье рассмотрены алгоритмы контроля действий лётного экипажа по управлению летательным аппаратом (ЛА). В этой связи отмечено, что управление летательным аппаратом, реализуемое человеком-оператором, носит кусочно-непрерывный характер и представляет собой совокупность отдельных операций. При этом под операцией понимается такое действие человека по управлению ЛА, для которого существует совокупность условий, определяющих его начало и конец. Логический контроль управления движением летательным аппаратом заключается в проверке соответствия действий оператора требуемой логике управления в текущий момент времени. Проведенный анализ операторской деятельности лётных экипажей при управлении летательного аппарата позволил определить перечень возможных ошибок, возникающих в процессе этой деятельности

    Stable Isotope Composition of Fatty Acids in Organisms of Different Trophic Levels in the Yenisei River

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    We studied four-link food chain, periphytic microalgae and water moss (producers), trichopteran larvae (consumers I), gammarids (omnivorous – consumers II) and Siberian grayling (consumers III) at a littoral site of the Yenisei River on the basis of three years monthly sampling. Analysis of bulk carbon stable isotopes and compound specific isotope analysis of fatty acids (FA) were done. As found, there was a gradual depletion in 13C contents of fatty acids, including essential FA upward the food chain. In all the trophic levels a parabolic dependence of δ13C values of fatty acids on their degree of unsaturation/chain length occurred, with 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 in its lowest point. The pattern in the δ13C differences between individual fatty acids was quite similar to that reported in literature for marine pelagic food webs. Hypotheses on isotope fractionation were suggested to explain the findings

    Full-commanding a network: The dictator

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    A network of chaotic dynamical systems may synchronize. For some networks there is the possibility that, coupling a new node to the network, the synchronization will be commanded by that new node. That possibility depends on the network and on the way the new node is coupled to the network.We consider a coupling that can provide what we call a full-commanding and we define the corresponding full-commandwindow. The limit situations corresponding to a completely connected network and to a completely disconnected one provide us some understanding about what makes a network more receptive or more resistant to commanding

    Induced defect nucleation and side-band instabilities in hexagons with rotation and mean flow

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    The combined effect of mean flow and rotation on hexagonal patterns is investigated using Ginzburg-Landau equations that include nonlinear gradient terms as well as the nonlocal coupling provided by the mean flow. Long-wave and short-wave side-band instabilities are determined. Due to the nonlinear gradient terms and enhanced by the mean flow, the penta-hepta defects can become unstable to the induced nucleation of dislocations in the defect-free amplitude, which can lead to the proliferation of penta-hepta defects and persistent spatio-temporal chaos. For individual penta-hepta defects the nonlinear gradient terms enhance climbing or gliding motion, depending on whether they break the chiral symmetry or not.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Physica

    Characterization of Zoobenthos and Export of Biomass and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids due to Emergence of Midges (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Three Saline Lakes of South Siberia

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    В течение двух вегетационных сезонов определяли таксономический состав, численность, биомассу зообентоса трех соленых озер: Шира, Шунет и Учум, расположенных в аридных степях Южной Сибири. Мы также оценили продукцию, потенциальный экспорт биомассы и физиологически ценных омега‑3 полиненасыщенных жирных кислот (ПНЖК) на сушу при вылете комаров-звонцов (Diptera, Chironomidae). Зообентосные сообщества изученных водоемов характеризовались низким таксономическим разнообразием и были представлены в основном личинками насекомых сем. Chironomidae и Ceratopogonidae, а также рачками Gammarus lacustris в озерах Шира и Шунет. В целом таксономический состав, численность и продуктивность изученных сообществ амфибионтных насекомых существенно различались. В оз. Шира доминантами являлись личинки Polypedilum bicrenatum, Сhironomus nigrifrons и Glyptotendipes salinus. В оз. Шунет основную часть численности сообщества обеспечивали личинки рода Procladius и Chironomus salinarius, наряду с P. bicrenatum. Бентос оз. Учум был представлен личинками рода Procladius, подсем. Orthocladiinae и сем. Ceratopogonidae. Продукция хирономид озер Шира, Шунет и Учум за период 30 дней составила в среднем 16,1 ± 4,1, 45,6 ± 13,6 и 9,6 ± 4,6 г сырой массы / м2, соответственно, увеличиваясь с ростом индекса Е. В. Балушкиной, оценивающего степень загрязненности воды. Потенциальный экспорт биомассы имаго хирономид из озер колебался от 0,6 до 3,1 г сырой массы / м2 акватории в год. Величина продуктивности и экспорта биомассы на сушу, вероятно, определялась количеством пищи (органического вещества) в донных отложениях. Имаго Glyptotendipes, вылетающие из озер Шунет и Шира, и имаго Orthocladiinae, роившиеся близ озера Учум, имели близкие величины содержания ПНЖК на единицу сырой массы. Таким образом, продуктивность, а не таксономический состав хирономидного сообщества, может быть более важным фактором при экспорте ПНЖК из соленых озерDuring two growing seasons, we studied the biomass, the number, and the species composition of zoobenthos in three saline lakes, Shira, Shunet, and Uchum, located in arid steppe of South Siberia, Russia. We also estimated productivity and export of biomass and physiologically significant omega‑3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) associated with the emergence of amphibiotic insects from these lakes. All zoobenthic communities had low taxonomic diversity with insect larvae of Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae families and amphipod Gammarus lacustris constituting their major portion. Overall taxonomic composition and productivity of the lakes differed considerably. Among amphibiotic insects, larvae of Polypedilum bicrenatum, Сhironomus nigrifrons, and Glyptotendipes salinus were the most abundant in Lake Shira. In Lake Shunet, in addition to the dominant P. bicrenatum, zoobenthos was mainly represented by larvae of Chironomus salinarius and two Procladius species. Benthos of Lake Uchum was distinctly dominated by the Procladius genus, Orthocladiinae subfamily, and Ceratopogonidae family larvae. Production of chironomids in Shira, Shunet, and Uchum was 16.1 ± 4.1, 45.6 ± 13.6, and 9.6±4.6 g wet weight / m2 for 30 days, respectively, increasing with an increase in E. V. Balushkina’s index, which estimates water quality. Potential export of chironomid biomass ranged from 0.6 to 3.1 g wet weight / m2 of aquatic area per year. We suggested that productivity and biomass export were related with the quantity of food (organic matter) in the sediments. Glyptotendipes adults, which emerged from Lakes Shunet and Shira, and Orthocladiinae adults, which emerged from Lake Uchum, had similar contents of omega‑3 PUFAs per unit of wet weight. Thus, productivity rather than taxonomic composition of chironomid communities might be a more important factor for export of PUFAs from saline lake

    Life-stage-associated remodelling of lipid metabolism regulation in Atlantic salmon

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    Atlantic salmon migrates from rivers to sea to feed, grow and develop gonads before returning to spawn in freshwater. The transition to marine habitats is associated with dramatic changes in the environment, including water salinity, exposure to pathogens and shift in dietary lipid availability. Many changes in physiology and metabolism occur across this life-stage transition, but little is known about the molecular nature of these changes. Here, we use a long-term feeding experiment to study transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism in Atlantic salmon gut and liver in both fresh- and saltwater. We find that lipid metabolism becomes significantly less plastic to differences in dietary lipid composition when salmon transitions to saltwater and experiences increased dietary lipid availability. Expression of genes in liver relating to lipogenesis and lipid transport decreases overall and becomes less responsive to diet, while genes for lipid uptake in gut become more highly expressed. Finally, analyses of evolutionary consequences of the salmonid-specific whole-genome duplication on lipid metabolism reveal several pathways with significantly different (p  < .05) duplicate retention or duplicate regulatory conservation. We also find a limited number of cases where the whole-genome duplication has resulted in an increased gene dosage. In conclusion, we find variable and pathway-specific effects of the salmonid genome duplication on lipid metabolism genes. A clear life-stage-associated shift in lipid metabolism regulation is evident, and we hypothesize this to be, at least partly, driven by nondietary factors such as the preparatory remodelling of gene regulation and physiology prior to sea migration