268 research outputs found


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    Abstract text, In recent years the growth in the use of new technologies, especially the internet, has given birth to new problems that deserve to be evaluated. The use of technologies of Web 2.0 poses new challenges as to the powers of employers in using the information disclosed by the employees. The new web phase in which we live today offered an active role to the user, removing him from the shade of a passive position. This mutation of borders created new interaction paradigms insofar as the notion of time and space was altered, which could lead to serious consequences as far as the utilization of online social networks is concerned as well as its impact on the employment relationship. The boundary between what may or may not be published by the employee on online social networks like facebook, twitter or blogs is not always clear. But, the employee’s privacy concerning information available in online social networks which can be used by the employer within the employment relationship, also deserves protection. In this article, we intend to analyze the characterization of online social network on the web 2.0 in order to better understand, at a second stage, the effects of its use in the working relationship


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    Abstract text, In recent years the growth in the use of new technologies, especially the internet, has given birth to new problems that deserve to be evaluated. The use of technologies of Web 2.0 poses new challenges as to the powers of employers in using the information disclosed by the employees. The new web phase in which we live today offered an active role to the user, removing him from the shade of a passive position. This mutation of borders created new interaction paradigms insofar as the notion of time and space was altered, which could lead to serious consequences as far as the utilization of online social networks is concerned as well as its impact on the employment relationship. The boundary between what may or may not be published by the employee on online social networks like facebook, twitter or blogs is not always clear. But, the employee’s privacy concerning information available in online social networks which can be used by the employer within the employment relationship, also deserves protection. In this article, we intend to analyze the characterization of online social network on the web 2.0 in order to better understand, at a second stage, the effects of its use in the working relationship

    P. aeruginosa antimicrobial resistance and cross resistance : the role of sessile growth and induced tolerance

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    Universidade do Minho. Centro de Engenharia Biológica. Instituto de Biotecnologia e Bioengenharia (IBB-CEB) e Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Project PTDC/SAU-ESA/64609/2006, PhD Grant SFRH/BD/31065/200


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    No presente trabalho procuramos abordar os efeitos da digitalização e a forma como esta influenciou o trabalho e o direito.  Neste sentido, com a revolução digital em curso, surge a necessidade de incentivar a desconexão dos indivíduos, de modo a promover o descanso dos trabalhadores para melhorar a saúde deste.  Assim, direito à desconexão surge como um direito recente, fruto da evolução tecnologia da última década e do aumento significativo do teletrabalho, devido à pandemia de COVID-19.  Trata-se de um tema que foi durante anos amplamente debatido e que, finalmente, em 2021, teve consagração legal com o aditamento de um novo artigo ao Código do Trabalho.  Neste trabalho pretendemos fazer uma breve análise das causas que levam à necessidade de consagração expressa do direito à desconexão do trabalho e, posteriormente, à origem deste direito e sua evolução no ordenamento jurídico português


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    Summary This article focuses on a dogmatic reflection on the concept and function of evidence in civil proceedings. To this end, it addresses evidence as the object of instruction as well as a number of problems associated with the burden of proof. This analysis also deals with the dialectics between the burden of proof and the burden of claim. The reflection we propose on the concetual basis of the evidence also covers questions relating to the instructional activity, the value of the evidence, the binding force of the means of proof and its limitations. From the theoretical framework described, it is also fundamental to proceed to the methodological classification of the test, also questioning its extra procedural value, always seeking to find foundations in the principles underlying the instructional activity. Key words: civil procedure, proof, instruction, allegation.   DOI: https://doi.org/10.46294/ulplr-rdulp.v14i1.7474Resumo O presente artigo centra-se numa reflexão dogmática sobre o conceito e a função da prova em processo civil. Para o efeito, é abordada a prova como objeto da instrução bem como um conjunto de problemáticas associadas ao ónus da prova. Esta análise debruça-se, também, sobre a dialética entre ónus da alegação e ónus da prova. A reflexão a que nos propomos sobre o fundamento concetual da prova perpassa ainda questões relacionadas com a atividade instrutória, o valor da prova, a força vinculativa dos meios de prova e as suas limitações. Do quadro teórico descrito revela-se ainda fundamental proceder à classificação metodológica da prova, questionado, igualmente, o seu valor extraprocessual, procurando sempre encontrar alicerces nos princípios subjacentes à atividade instrutória.   Palavras chave: processo civil, prova, instrução, alegação.    DOI: https://doi.org/10.46294/ulplr-rdulp.v14i1.747

    Self-reported psychosocial factors among In Vitro Fertilization patients interviewed alone or with the partner

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    "Published online: 07 Nov 2015"The purpose of this study was to compare the sociodemographic and psychosocial characteristics reported by female in vitro fertilization (IVF) patients interviewed alone or with the partner in heterosexual couples. During 12 months (2011-2012), all patients undergoing IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection at one public reproductive medicine unit, in Portugal, were interviewed on the day of the diagnosis of pregnancy, being recruited 221 women interviewed with the partner and 92 interviewed alone. Interviewers collected data on sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics; and anxiety, depression, social support and partner relationship were collected by self-administered questionnaires. χ(2) test was used to assess the independent association between the categorical variables and being interviewed alone or with the partner. For continuous variables, mean or median differences were compared by the t-test or the Mann-Whitney test, according to data distribution. No statistically significant differences were found in the self-reporting of depression, anxiety, social support and partner relationship or in sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics between women interviewed alone or with the partner. Although women interviewed alone were older and more frequently had children than women interviewed with the partner, no significant associations were observed. Thus, having a male partner present in the research setting during a self-administered questionnaire seems not to influence women's responses to psychosocial measures. Other outcomes and settings need to be evaluated to support evidence-based guidelines for research on infertility.The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding from FEDER by the Operational Programme Factors of Competitiveness – COMPETE and the national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science) (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014453), and the grants IF/00956/2013 (to SS), IF/00829/2013 (to HM), SFRH/BPD/103562/2014 (to EA) and SFRH/BD/75807/2011 (to CS).The authors thank the staff of the reproductive medicine unit for the collaboration and support, and all the patients who participated. The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding from FEDER by the Operational Programme Factors of Competitiveness – COMPETE and the national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science) (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014453), and the grants IF/00956/2013 (to SS), IF/00829/2013 (to HM), SFRH/BPD/103562/2014 (to EA) and SFRH/BD/75807/2011 (to CS)


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    Resumo: Vivemos numa era digital e quanto a isso ninguém tem dúvidas. As tecnologias da comunicação existentes desempenham um papel importante e geram um fluxo mais facilitado de informação e de métodos de trabalho, o que acaba por levar a outros conflitos.O tratamento dos dados pessoais vem permitir a definição do perfil de uma determinada pessoa, de acordo com a análise das suas preferências, caráter, comportamento, atitudes, entre outros. A verdade é que esta recolha pode ser utilizada não só para fins publicitários, com o objetivo do marketing como também no contexto laboral.  O objetivo deste nosso contributo é precisamente o de enquadrar, problematizar, apresentar os direitos dos trabalhadores, bem como a questão do consentimento, no âmbito da relação laboral, no contexto do Direito Laboral português.Palavras-chave: proteção de dados; regulamento geral de proteção de dados; princípios da proteção de dados; direitos dos titulares dos dados; consentimento

    Populational analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains from different appellations of origin and grape varieties by microsatellite analysis.

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate populational relationships among Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from some of the Portuguese most important grapevine varieties in different appellations of origin, using polymorphic microsatellites. 
One hundred ninety two grape samples were collected during the 2006 and 2007 harvest season in the Vinho Verde (grape varieties: Arinto, Alvarinho, Avesso, Loureiro, Touriga Nacional) Bairrada (grape varieties: Arinto, Baga, Castelão Francês, Maria Gomes, Touriga Nacional) Alentejo (grape varieties, Aragonês, Trincadeira, Touriga Nacional), Terras do Sado (grape variety Castelão) Bucelas (grape variety Arinto) and Estremadura (grape varieties: Arinto, Aragonês, Castelão, Trincadeira, Touriga Nacional) appellations of origin. From the final stage of spontaneous fermentations, 2820 yeast isolates were obtained, mainly belonging to the species S. cerevisiae. An initial genetic screen, based on mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP) and/or interdelta sequence analysis was followed by microsatellite analysis of strains with unique genetic profiles, using 10 highly polymorphic microsatellites. Our results showed that microsatellite analysis revealed a high resolution populational screen, showing that genetic differences and populational structures among S. cerevisiae populations derived from both “diagnostic” vineyard-, specific alleles and the accumulation of small allele-frequency differences across ten microsatellite loci. Heterozygosity was three to four times lower than the expected value, confirming the strong populational substructuring. The presented large-scale approach shows that each vineyard contains differentiated S. cerevisiae populations, showing the occurrence of specific native strains that can be associated with a terroir. 

Financially supported by the programs POCI 2010 (FEDER/FCT, POCTI/AGR/56102/2004) and AGRO (ENOSAFE, Nº 762).


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    Com o aumento da propagação da COVID-19 em Portugal, tornou-se necessário proceder à criação de medidas que permitissem a subsistência da segurança dos cidadãos e a garantia da saúde pública. No presente trabalho procuramos estudar 3 das medidas criadas, no âmbito laboral, com vista à proteção dos trabalhadores. Em primeiro lugar, iremos abordar as faltas do trabalhador em consequência do isolamento profilático e da infeção por COVID-19, e o respetivo apoio atribuído. De seguida, procederemos a uma análise do regime de faltas para assistência a filho em consequência da COVID-19. Por último, pretendemos analisar de forma sintética o regime do layoff simplificado, e os sucessivos períodos de apoio