
Abstract text, In recent years the growth in the use of new technologies, especially the internet, has given birth to new problems that deserve to be evaluated. The use of technologies of Web 2.0 poses new challenges as to the powers of employers in using the information disclosed by the employees. The new web phase in which we live today offered an active role to the user, removing him from the shade of a passive position. This mutation of borders created new interaction paradigms insofar as the notion of time and space was altered, which could lead to serious consequences as far as the utilization of online social networks is concerned as well as its impact on the employment relationship. The boundary between what may or may not be published by the employee on online social networks like facebook, twitter or blogs is not always clear. But, the employee’s privacy concerning information available in online social networks which can be used by the employer within the employment relationship, also deserves protection. In this article, we intend to analyze the characterization of online social network on the web 2.0 in order to better understand, at a second stage, the effects of its use in the working relationship

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