68 research outputs found

    O pensamento geométrico no 1º ano de escolaridade

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    Tese de mestrado em Educação (Didáctica da Matemática), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2008Esta investigação tem como objectivo compreender como se desenvolve o pensamento geométrico dos alunos, no 1º ano de escolaridade, de forma a promover tarefas facilitadoras da sua evolução. Com este propósito considerei pertinente começar por investigar os conhecimentos geométricos dos alunos à chegada ao 1º ciclo. Entendendo por conhecimentos geométricos não apenas os conhecimentos relacionados com figuras e formas geométricas, mas também os aspectos relacionados com o raciocínio espacial, como a orientação e a visualização espacial, centrando este estudo nos aspectos da visualização e no conhecimento das figuras geométricas. Como forma de orientar o estudo formulei as seguintes questões de investigação, no sentido de compreender: 1) Que conhecimentos geométricos, nomeadamente relativos às capacidades de visualização e às formas geométricas, têm os alunos ao chegarem ao 1º ano?; 2) Como é que partindo dos conhecimentos informais se desenvolve o seu pensamento geométrico?; 3) De que forma os novos conhecimentos se relacionam com os conhecimentos que já possuem? O estudo segue uma abordagem de investigação qualitativa, baseada em estudos de caso. A recolha de dados foi feita numa turma do 1º ano e todos os alunos estiveram envolvidos nas tarefas propostas, embora a observação se limitasse apenas a um grupo de quatro alunos. As sessões de trabalho decorreram de Novembro a Março, devido às interrupções lectivas (Natal e Carnaval), o que garantiu também que os dados fossem recolhidos em ambiente natural, sem os constrangimentos próprios de uma intervenção pontual de recolha de dados para investigação. A entrevista feita à professora, no início deste estudo com o objectivo de compreender a sua visão sobre o processo ensino/aprendizagem da Matemática, sobretudo da Geometria, assim como os registos áudio e vídeo das tarefas desenvolvidas nas aulas, os registos resultantes da observação participante e os documentos produzidos pelos alunos constituíram as principais fontes de recolha de dados. Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que os alunos à chegada ao 1º ano possuíam conhecimentos geométricos relativos às capacidades de visualização, mas em diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento, assim como algumas ideias sobre as figuras geométricas, ainda que nem todos os alunos conhecessem as quatro figuras que foram trabalhadas posteriormente. Constatei que os conhecimentos informais destes alunos influenciavam o desenvolvimento do seu pensamento geométrico e que nem todos se encontravam no mesmo nível de desenvolvimento. Com a aprendizagem das figuras geométricas, os alunos puderam relacionar os seus conhecimentos informais com os novos conhecimentos, estabelecendo uma relação entre eles, e desenvolvendo este tipo de pensamento. No final desta investigação os alunos tinham um desempenho correspondente ao esperado para Nível 1 Visualização (van Hiele, 1986) tendo aparentemente havido transição de nível num dos casos e nos outros um desenvolvimento dos seus conhecimentos dentro deste nível.This investigation aims to understand the development of 1st year pupils' geometrical thought in order to promote facilitating tasks of this evolution. Given this aim, it was important to start by investigating the geometrical knowledge of these students at their arrival at 1st Cycle. As geometrical knowledge it is meant, not only the aspects related to geometric shapes and figures, but also aspects related with spatial thinking, such as orientation and spatial visualization, focusing the present study on visualization aspects and geometric figures knowledge. As means to orientate the present study the following investigation questions were formulated: 1) Which geometrical knowledge, namely that related with visualization skills and geometric shapes, do pupils have when they arrive to the 1st year? 2) How does geometrical thought evolve stemming from informal knowledge?; 3) How does new knowledge relate with the knowledge pupils already have? This study has a qualitative approach based on case-studies. The data were collected in a 1st year class and all pupils were involved in the proposed tasks, even though the observation was confined to a group of four pupils. The work sessions took place from November to March, due to Christmas and Carnival holidays, what assured data were collected in a natural environment, without the inner constraints of a data collection for investigation. The main sources for the data collection were the interview to the teacher, done at the beginning of this study with the aim of understanding her vision on the Math teaching/learning process, mainly Geometry; the audio and video records of the tasks developed in the classroom; also the records stemming from the participant observation and the documents produced by the pupils. The obtained results allow to infer that at their arrival to the 1st year, pupils had geometrical knowledge concerning visualization skills though in different development levels and also some ideas about geometric figures, despite not all pupils knew the four figures which were studied later on. I realized these pupils' informal knowledge influenced the development of their geometrical thought and not all pupils were at the same level of development. By learning geometric figures, pupils were able to relate informal knowledge with new knowledge and develop this kind of thought. At the end of the present investigation, pupils had a performance corresponding to what is expected for Level 1 Visualization (van Hiele, 1986) apparently there was a transition of level in one of the cases and in the others a development of their knowledge within this level

    A comunicação como factor de segurança em eventos públicos : o caso do festival Paredes de Coura

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    Comunicação e a Segurança são duas necessidades básicas que garantem uma convivência em harmonia para o ser humano. Como tal, o intuito desta dissertação é perceber se existe uma relação entre estas duas vertentes dentro da área dos eventos públicos em Portugal, optando-se por verificar esta hipótese no Festival Paredes de Coura. Primeiramente foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica que nos elucidou acerca da importância da Comunicação e da Segurança, mesmo que de forma separada, na realização de qualquer evento. A partir daqui, percebemos quais os critérios para a organização de um evento seguro e de que maneira a comunicação, através dos vários instrumentos, poderia contribuir para tal. De seguida, foi feita a observação de campo no festival musical que reuniu cerca de 80.000 pessoas durante os quatro dias de realização. Tentou-se perceber como era gerida a segurança, que instrumentos eram mais utilizados e de que forma correspondiam as pessoas a estes factores. Foi ainda aplicado um inquérito ao público, sendo a amostra de 400 pessoas. Por último, analisaram-se os resultados e tiraram-se as conclusões, comparando-as com as observações e a leitura previamente realizada.Communication and Security are two basic necessities that ensure the harmony amongst human beings in their daily societies. With this in mind, the aim of this dissertation is to understand if there is a relationship between these two factors inside the public area of events in Portugal, choosing to verify the key elements of communication and security taking place during the Festival Paredes de Coura. Firstly, a bibliographic revision was conducted which enlightened us to the importance of Communication and Security when creating an event of any kind. Based on this study we understood what was the criteria for organising of a safe event and how communication throughout the different instruments, could contribute to such an event. Secondly, we observed the entire complex holding the event that attracted around 80 000 people throughout the four day festival. We tried to understand the management of security, which instruments were most commonly used and how the people would respond to these factors. In addition, a survey was taken from 400 members of the general public Finally, we analysed the results and formed our conclusions by comparing the initial revision with the observations and studies carried out during the Festival Paredes de Coura

    Aberrant mechanical loading in knee osteoarthritis: model-based analysis of gait and stair negotiation

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    Four studies were conducted in this PhD aiming to evaluate knee joint loading assessed by calculating knee contact forces (KCF) using a musculoskeletal modeling workflow during common daily-living activities as walking and more demanding tasks, in individuals with varying levels of medial knee osteoarthritis (OA) severities. In study I, KCF were calculated and its relations with knee external knee adduction moments (KAM) and/or flexion moments (KFM) assessed during the stance phase of gait. Knee loading was evaluated in individuals with early medial knee OA, classified based on early joint degeneration on MRI and compared to individuals with established medial knee OA and healthy subjects. The effect of using an anatomical versus a functional axis of rotation (FAR) on KAM in healthy subjects and patients with knee OA was investigated in study II. In addition, this study reports KAM for models with FAR calculated using weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing motion. Study III calculates KCF and contact pressures during gait and step-up-and-over tasks in subjects with early knee OA and those with established knee OA compared to healthy subjects using a multi-body knee model with articular cartilage contact, 14 ligaments, and 6-DoF tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints. Finally, study IV assessed trunk kinematics, KCF and knee contact pressures in individuals with medial knee OA during different stair negotiation strategies: step-over-step (SOS) at controlled speed, and also SOS at self-selected speed and step-by-step (SBS). This PhD contributed to, firstly, describe the importance of calculating the KCF in both medial and lateral knee compartments to better assess loading changes in individuals with varying levels of medial knee OA severities, especially those with early knee OA, during gait. The medial KCF provided a more sensitive metric to knee joint loading than external KAM or total KCF. Secondly, KAM was shown to be sensitive to the knee axis of rotation, indicating that differences between subject groups might be heavily dependent on the knee axis definition. Finally, different mechanisms used by these patients were identified during gait versus step/stair activities when compared to healthy subjects. Stair negotiation forced the use of compensatory mechanisms in patients with knee OA while gait did not

    Cross‑cultural adaptation and validation of the european portuguese Dysphagia handicap index

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    The Dysphagia Handicap Index (DHI) is a valid Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) 25-item questionnaire assessing the physical, functional, and emotional aspects of patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD), of heterogeneous etiologies. The purpose of this study is to translate and validate the European Portuguese-DHI (EP-DHI). This is a prospective study that was carried out at Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto (CHUPorto). The generated EP-DHI was administered to 132 patients with OD and 112 healthy control subjects. 132 patients undergoing fiberoptic endoscopic examination of swallowing (FEES). 15 patients were contacted by phone, 2 or 3 weeks later after the first interview to repeat the questionnaire. The validity of concurrent criteria was evaluated by comparing the results of the EP-DHI score with the score attributed to the pathological findings found in FEES and, consequently, Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS). The internal consistency of EP-DHI was successful: Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for total EP-DHI was 0.874. The test–retest reliability for the total and the three EP-DHI subscales obtained a Pearson's correlation coefficient ranged from 0.990 to 0.712. This study demonstrates that EP-DHI is a valid tool for self-assessment of the handicapping effect of dysphagia on physical, functional, and emotional aspects of patient’s quality of life, among an European Portuguese sample.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring Lean and Green Supply Chain Performance Using Balanced Scorecard Perspective

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    Authors would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia for its support (project MIT-Pt/EDAMIASC/0033/2008). Susana Duarte was supported by a PhD fellowship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/60969/2009).Going lean/green is a trend more manufacturers are beginning to recognize as important in an era of economic aus-terity and environmental responsibility. Unlike lean supply chain, which focuses on ways to improve operations and cut wastes from the customer's perspective, green initiatives look at ways to eliminate waste from the environment's perspective. Looking at operations from a ‘lean/green' perspective has benefits to not only the environment, but to manufacturers and customers as well. Based on the literature review we developed a conceptual model incorporating lean and green supply chain into a performance measurement system, using the balanced scorecard approach.publishersversionpublishe

    A systematic analysis of an industrial pickup and placement production system

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    Surface-mount technology is a method for producing electronic circuits in which the components are mounted or placed directly onto the surface of printed circuit boards. The purpose of this study was to analyze nozzle change in two production lines. Following a previous study, it was proposed that one type of nozzle would place resistors while another type of nozzle would place capacitors, contrary to what happened in the initial process, where the two placed both components. However, the change of nozzle was not done globally, but only applied to two specific types of capacitors that were more critical. Even so, the positive effect of this change was globally visible, both in the decreased number of component rejection and in the reduced number of component defects in the printed circuit boards. It was also possible to estimate the percentage saving and the expected growth from this new implementation. The data were validated using statistical analysis. Finally, the current cleaning periodicity of the nozzles was examined in order to verify if it was compromising their performance.- (undefined

    SCIELO.PT 2.0 - balanço de um ano de operação

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    Comunicação oral realizada na 13.ª Conferência Lusófona de Ciência Aberta", Maputo, Moçambique, 10 - 12 outubro de 2022, em formato híbrido.Esta proposta apresenta o balanço de um ano de operação do novo serviço SciELO Portugal, reconfigurado no sentido de se alinhar com as diretrizes centrais da rede SciELO e na integração com novas normas da comunidade. Apresenta as dificuldades sentidas, consequências da reorganização e impacto na comunidade. Por fim, apresenta os próximos passos do projeto SciELO Portugal

    Delta Beta (δβ) thalassemia: Learning from External Quality Assessment

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    Introduction: External Quality Assessment Programs (EQA) evaluate retrospectively the laboratory results, assessing their performance and competence. They play a key role in the continuous training process of the professionals, contributing not only for precise and accurate results, but also to a correct interpretation. δβ thalassemia results from a deletion in genes delta and beta of chromosome 11. Although its definitive identification demands genetic analysis, the hematologic evaluation allows the presumptive identification. The hematologic phenotype of heterozygotes for δβ-thalassemia is identic to β-thalassemia carrier, with microcytosis and hypochromia where the percentage of HbA2 is not increased and Hb F is usually high, varying from 5 to 20%. In 2018, the National External Quality Assessment Program (PNAEQ), sent a sample that simulated a carrier of delta beta (δβ) thalassemia, in order to evaluate the performance of the participants registered in the Hemoglobinopathies Program. Objective: Evaluate the performance of PNAEQ’s participants in the quantification of HbA2 and HbF, and interpretation of results of a sample that simulated an δβ-thalassemia carrier.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio