24 research outputs found

    Corrélation entre les donnés de limagerie par résonance magnetique (IRM) cardiaque et le cathétérisme droit dans lhypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP)

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    La fraction d'éjection du ventricule droit (FEVD) est un marqueur de survie en cas d'hypertension pulmonaire (PH), mais sa mesure est compliquée et fastidieuse. Le TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) est un bon indice de la FEVD mais il ne mesure que la composante longitudinale de la contraction ventriculaire droite. La fraction de variation surfacique du ventricule droit RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) semble être un meilleur indice de FEVD car il prend en compte le sens longitudinal et transversal des éléments de la contraction du ventricule droit. Le but de notre étude était d'évaluer la performance RVFAC fonction de la sévérité hémodynamique chez les deux groupes de patients atteints de PH:l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HAP) et l'hypertension pulmonaire thromboembolique chronique (CTEPH).Methodes: Soixante-deux patients atteints d'HTAP et CTEPH ont bénéficié d un cathétérisme cardiaque droit et d une IRM cardiaque dans un délai de 72 heures. Les surfaces ventriculaires droite et gauche a la fin de la diastole (RVEDA, LVEDA), la surface du ventricule droit a la fin da la systole (RVESA) et TAPSE ont été mesurés dans la vue quatre cavités. Le RVFAC (RVFAC=RVEDA-RVESA/RVEDA) et le rapport RVEDA/LVEDA ont été calculés. Le diamètre entre la paroi libre et le septum (DF-S) et le diamètre entre les parois antérieure et postérieures du ventricule gauche (DA-P) ont été mesurés et l'indice d excentricité LV (IE) a été calculé (= DA-P / DF-S). Le RVEF a été calculée à l'aide de coupes jointives de 6 mm en petit axe du ventricule droit.Résultats: La population avait un âge moyen de 58 ans avec une majorité des femmes, la plupart des patients étaient en classe fonctionnelle III, 23 avaient des HAP) et 39 des CTEPH. La RVEF était faiblement corrélée aux variables hémodynamiques de la post-charge et de la fonction VD. Le RVFAC était plus fortement corrélée à FEVD (R2 = 0,65, p 8,5 UW (RVFAC: R2 = 0,51, p 8,5 WU avait un rapport RVEDA/LVEDA augmenté et une augmentation de lindice excentricité. Les relations RVEF-RVFAC n étaient pas différentes entre les groupes de HAP et CETPH.Conclusion: La fraction de variation surfacique du ventricule droit RVFAC fournit un reflet simple et fiable de la FEVD peut-être parce que contrairement à TAPSE qui ne prend en compte que le raccourcissement longitudinal, RFVAC prend également en compte la composante transversale de la fonction ventriculaire droite.The right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is a surrogate marker in pulmonary hypertension (PH), but its measurement is complicated and time consuming. The TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) is a good index of RVEF, though it measures only the longitudinal component of right ventricular contraction. The RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) seems to be a better index of RVEF because it takes into account the longitudinal and the transversal components of right ventricular contraction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the RVFAC performance according to hemodynamic severity in two groups of patients with PH: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolicpulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).Methos: Sixty-two patients with PAH and CTEPH underwent right heart catheterization and cardiac MR in a 72-hour delay. The right and left ventricle end diastolic areas (RVEDA, LVEDA), the right ventricle end systolic area (RVESA) and TAPSE were measured in the four chamber view. The RVFAC (RVFAC=RVEDA RVESA/RVEDA) and the RVEDA/LVEDA relationship werecalculated. The diameter between the left ventricle (LV) free wall and the septum (dL-S) and the diameter between the anterior and posterior walls (dAP) were measured and the LV eccentricity index (EI) was calculated (EI=dAP/dL-S). The RVEF was calculated by using 6 mm RV short axis cines.Results: The population had mean age of 58 years with female majority, most of the patients were in functional class III, 23 had pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and 39 had chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The RVEF was weakly correlated to the hemodynamic variables of RV afterload and function. The RVFAC was morestrongly correlated to RVEF (R2=0.65, p8,5 WU (RVFAC: R2=0.51, p8,5WU had an increased RVEDA/LVEDA and an increased EI. There was no differences in the RVEF relationships between the groups of PAH and CETPH.Conclusion: The RVFAC was better correlated to RVEF than TAPSE in the groups with less severe and more severe hemodynamics. In patients with increased hemodynamic severity, with no difference in the performance in theHAP or CTEPH groups. RVFAC was a better index of RVEF possibly because it takes into account the transversal component of right ventricular function.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Quality of life as a prognostic marker in pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Background: Improvement in quality of life together with better survival are the ultimate goals in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients. the objective of this study was to evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients with the SF-36 generic questionnaire and to identify the prognostic implication of this assessment.Methods: Fifty-four consecutive newly diagnosed PAH patients (WHO classification group I) in a single PAH reference center were included. Patients were evaluated at baseline for clinical and hemodynamic parameters, and they subsequently received first-line therapy with either an endothelin receptor antagonist or a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor. After 16 weeks of specific PAH therapy, all patients were re-evaluated using a 6MWT and a SF 36 questionnaire, and then they were followed up for at least 36 months.Results: After treatment, the patients demonstrated an improved 6MWT (414 +/- 124 m vs. 440 +/- 113 m, p = 0.001). Specific PAH therapy also improved the HRQL scores.Patients with a baseline Physical Component Score (PCS) higher than 32 had a better survival rate than those who had a score under 32 (p = 0.04). Similarly, patients with a PCS of at least a 38 after the 16 week therapy period had a better survival rate when compared with those who did not achieve this value (p = 0.016). Unlike the absolute PCS values, the post-treatment PCS variability was unable to predict better survival rates (p = 0.58).Conclusions: Our findings suggest that HRQL is associated with prognosis in PAH. Furthermore, achieving pre-determined PCS scores might represent a specific goal to be reached in treatment-to-target strategies.Univ São Paulo, Sch Med, Pulm Dept, Inst Heart, BR-05403000 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Rheumatol Dept, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Rheumatol Dept, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Lung Cavities in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension

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    OBJECTIVES: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a unique form of pulmonary hypertension (PH) that arises from obstruction of the pulmonary vessels by recanalized thromboembolic material. CTEPH has a wide range of radiologic presentations. Commonly, it presents as main pulmonary artery enlargement, peripheral vascular obstructions, bronchial artery dilations, and mosaic attenuation patterns. Nevertheless, other uncommon presentations have been described, such as lung cavities. These lesions may be solely related to chronic lung parenchyma ischemia but may also be a consequence of concomitant chronic infectious conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the different etiologies that cause lung cavities in CTEPH patients. METHODS: A retrospective data analysis of the medical records of CTEPH patients in a single reference PH center that contained or mentioned lung cavities was conducted between 2013 and 2016. RESULTS: Seven CTEPH patients with lung cavities were identified. The cavities had different sizes, locations, and wall thicknesses. In two patients, the cavities were attributed to pulmonary infarction; in 5 patients, an infectious etiology was identified. CONCLUSION: Despite the possibility of being solely associated with chronic lung parenchyma ischemia, most cases of lung cavities in CTEPH patients were associated with chronic granulomatous diseases, reinforcing the need for active investigation of infectious agents in this setting

    Use of direct oral anticoagulants for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

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    OBJECTIVES: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension is one of the most prevalent forms of pulmonary hypertension and is a major complication of acute pulmonary embolism. One mainstay of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension treatment is lifelong anticoagulation. The recent advent of direct oral anticoagulants for acute pulmonary embolism treatment has provided a viable and effective alternative for treating this condition. However, little is known about the efficacy of this new class of drugs for treating chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. We aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of direct oral anticoagulants in the treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. METHODS: A cohort of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension patients who initiated treatment with direct oral anticoagulants between June 2015 and November 2016 were enrolled in this study. RESULTS: Sixteen patients used rivaroxaban, three used dabigatran and one used apixaban for a mean follow-up of 20.9 months. The mean age was 51 years, and eighteen patients were classified as functional class II/III. Eight patients underwent a pulmonary endarterectomy and exhibited clinical, hemodynamic and functional improvement and currently continue to use direct oral anticoagulants. No episode of venous thromboembolism recurrence was identified during the follow-up period, but there was one episode of major bleeding after a traumatic fall. CONCLUSIONS: Although direct oral anticoagulants appear to be a safe and effective alternative for treating chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, larger studies are needed to support their routine use

    Avaliação do ventrículo direito nos pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar

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    The right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is a surrogate marker in pulmonary hypertension (PH), but its measurement is complicated and time consuming. The TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) is a good index of RVEF, though it measures only the longitudinal component of right ventricular contraction. The RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) seems to be a better index of RVEF because it takes into account the longitudinal and the transversal components of right ventricular contraction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the RVFAC performance according to hemodynamic severity in two groups of patients with PH: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolicpulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).Methos: Sixty-two patients with PAH and CTEPH underwent right heart catheterization and cardiac MR in a 72-hour delay. The right and left ventricle end diastolic areas (RVEDA, LVEDA), the right ventricle end systolic area (RVESA) and TAPSE were measured in the four chamber view. The RVFAC (RVFAC=RVEDA–RVESA/RVEDA) and the RVEDA/LVEDA relationship werecalculated. The diameter between the left ventricle (LV) free wall and the septum (dL-S) and the diameter between the anterior and posterior walls (dAP) were measured and the LV eccentricity index (EI) was calculated (EI=dAP/dL-S). The RVEF was calculated by using 6 mm RV short axis cines.Results: The population had mean age of 58 years with female majority, most of the patients were in functional class III, 23 had pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and 39 had chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The RVEF was weakly correlated to the hemodynamic variables of RV afterload and function. The RVFAC was morestrongly correlated to RVEF (R2=0.65, p8,5 WU (RVFAC: R2=0.51, p8,5WU had an increased RVEDA/LVEDA and an increased EI. There was no differences in the RVEF relationships between the groups of PAH and CETPH.Conclusion: The RVFAC was better correlated to RVEF than TAPSE in the groups with less severe and more severe hemodynamics. In patients with increased hemodynamic severity, with no difference in the performance in theHAP or CTEPH groups. RVFAC was a better index of RVEF possibly because it takes into account the transversal component of right ventricular function.La fraction d'éjection du ventricule droit (FEVD) est un marqueur de survie en cas d'hypertension pulmonaire (PH), mais sa mesure est compliquée et fastidieuse. Le TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) est un bon indice de la FEVD mais il ne mesure que la composante longitudinale de la contraction ventriculaire droite. La fraction de variation surfacique du ventricule droit RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) semble être un meilleur indice de FEVD car il prend en compte le sens longitudinal et transversal des éléments de la contraction du ventricule droit. Le but de notre étude était d'évaluer la performance RVFAC fonction de la sévérité hémodynamique chez les deux groupes de patients atteints de PH:l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HAP) et l'hypertension pulmonaire thromboembolique chronique (CTEPH).Methodes: Soixante-deux patients atteints d'HTAP et CTEPH ont bénéficié d’un cathétérisme cardiaque droit et d’une IRM cardiaque dans un délai de 72 heures. Les surfaces ventriculaires droite et gauche a la fin de la diastole (RVEDA, LVEDA), la surface du ventricule droit a la fin da la systole (RVESA) et TAPSE ont été mesurés dans la vue quatre cavités. Le RVFAC (RVFAC=RVEDA-RVESA/RVEDA) et le rapport RVEDA/LVEDA ont été calculés. Le diamètre entre la paroi libre et le septum (DF-S) et le diamètre entre les parois antérieure et postérieures du ventricule gauche (DA-P) ont été mesurés et l'indice d’excentricité LV (IE) a été calculé (= DA-P / DF-S). Le RVEF a été calculée à l'aide de coupes jointives de 6 mm en petit axe du ventricule droit.Résultats: La population avait un âge moyen de 58 ans avec une majorité des femmes, la plupart des patients étaient en classe fonctionnelle III, 23 avaient des HAP) et 39 des CTEPH. La RVEF était faiblement corrélée aux variables hémodynamiques de la post-charge et de la fonction VD. Le RVFAC était plus fortement corrélée à FEVD (R2 = 0,65, p 8,5 UW (RVFAC: R2 = 0,51, p 8,5 WU avait un rapport RVEDA/LVEDA augmenté et une augmentation de l`indice excentricité. Les relations RVEF-RVFAC n’étaient pas différentes entre les groupes de HAP et CETPH.Conclusion: La fraction de variation surfacique du ventricule droit RVFAC fournit un reflet simple et fiable de la FEVD peut-être parce que contrairement à TAPSE qui ne prend en compte que le raccourcissement longitudinal, RFVAC prend également en compte la composante transversale de la fonction ventriculaire droite

    Right ventricle evaluation in pulmonary hypertension

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    La fraction d'éjection du ventricule droit (FEVD) est un marqueur de survie en cas d'hypertension pulmonaire (PH), mais sa mesure est compliquée et fastidieuse. Le TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) est un bon indice de la FEVD mais il ne mesure que la composante longitudinale de la contraction ventriculaire droite. La fraction de variation surfacique du ventricule droit RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) semble être un meilleur indice de FEVD car il prend en compte le sens longitudinal et transversal des éléments de la contraction du ventricule droit. Le but de notre étude était d'évaluer la performance RVFAC fonction de la sévérité hémodynamique chez les deux groupes de patients atteints de PH:l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HAP) et l'hypertension pulmonaire thromboembolique chronique (CTEPH).Methodes: Soixante-deux patients atteints d'HTAP et CTEPH ont bénéficié d’un cathétérisme cardiaque droit et d’une IRM cardiaque dans un délai de 72 heures. Les surfaces ventriculaires droite et gauche a la fin de la diastole (RVEDA, LVEDA), la surface du ventricule droit a la fin da la systole (RVESA) et TAPSE ont été mesurés dans la vue quatre cavités. Le RVFAC (RVFAC=RVEDA-RVESA/RVEDA) et le rapport RVEDA/LVEDA ont été calculés. Le diamètre entre la paroi libre et le septum (DF-S) et le diamètre entre les parois antérieure et postérieures du ventricule gauche (DA-P) ont été mesurés et l'indice d’excentricité LV (IE) a été calculé (= DA-P / DF-S). Le RVEF a été calculée à l'aide de coupes jointives de 6 mm en petit axe du ventricule droit.Résultats: La population avait un âge moyen de 58 ans avec une majorité des femmes, la plupart des patients étaient en classe fonctionnelle III, 23 avaient des HAP) et 39 des CTEPH. La RVEF était faiblement corrélée aux variables hémodynamiques de la post-charge et de la fonction VD. Le RVFAC était plus fortement corrélée à FEVD (R2 = 0,65, p 8,5 UW (RVFAC: R2 = 0,51, p 8,5 WU avait un rapport RVEDA/LVEDA augmenté et une augmentation de l`indice excentricité. Les relations RVEF-RVFAC n’étaient pas différentes entre les groupes de HAP et CETPH.Conclusion: La fraction de variation surfacique du ventricule droit RVFAC fournit un reflet simple et fiable de la FEVD peut-être parce que contrairement à TAPSE qui ne prend en compte que le raccourcissement longitudinal, RFVAC prend également en compte la composante transversale de la fonction ventriculaire droite.The right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is a surrogate marker in pulmonary hypertension (PH), but its measurement is complicated and time consuming. The TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) is a good index of RVEF, though it measures only the longitudinal component of right ventricular contraction. The RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) seems to be a better index of RVEF because it takes into account the longitudinal and the transversal components of right ventricular contraction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the RVFAC performance according to hemodynamic severity in two groups of patients with PH: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolicpulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).Methos: Sixty-two patients with PAH and CTEPH underwent right heart catheterization and cardiac MR in a 72-hour delay. The right and left ventricle end diastolic areas (RVEDA, LVEDA), the right ventricle end systolic area (RVESA) and TAPSE were measured in the four chamber view. The RVFAC (RVFAC=RVEDA–RVESA/RVEDA) and the RVEDA/LVEDA relationship werecalculated. The diameter between the left ventricle (LV) free wall and the septum (dL-S) and the diameter between the anterior and posterior walls (dAP) were measured and the LV eccentricity index (EI) was calculated (EI=dAP/dL-S). The RVEF was calculated by using 6 mm RV short axis cines.Results: The population had mean age of 58 years with female majority, most of the patients were in functional class III, 23 had pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and 39 had chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The RVEF was weakly correlated to the hemodynamic variables of RV afterload and function. The RVFAC was morestrongly correlated to RVEF (R2=0.65, p8,5 WU (RVFAC: R2=0.51, p8,5WU had an increased RVEDA/LVEDA and an increased EI. There was no differences in the RVEF relationships between the groups of PAH and CETPH.Conclusion: The RVFAC was better correlated to RVEF than TAPSE in the groups with less severe and more severe hemodynamics. In patients with increased hemodynamic severity, with no difference in the performance in theHAP or CTEPH groups. RVFAC was a better index of RVEF possibly because it takes into account the transversal component of right ventricular function

    Right ventricle evaluation in pulmonary hypertension

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    Introdução: A fração de ejeção do ventrículo direito (FEVD) é um importante fator prognóstico em pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar (HP), porém a sua medida é complicada e demorada devido à complexidade anatômica do ventrículo direito (VD). O TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) é um bom índice da FEVD, mas ele avalia apenas o componente longitudinal da contração ventricular direita. A RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) parece ser um melhor índice da FEVD por incluir os componentes longitudinal e transversal da contração ventricular direita. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance da RVFAC de acordo com a gravidade do acometimento hemodinâmico em dois grupos distintos de pacientes portadores de HP pré-capilar: hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) e tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo (TEPCH). Métodos: 62 pacientes realizaram cateterismo cardíaco direito e ressonância magnética cardíaca em ±72h. As áreas sistóica e diastólica finais do ventrículo direito (ASFVD, ADFVD), a área diastólica final do ventrículo esquerdo (ADFVE) e o TAPSE foram medidos nas imagens de quatro cavidades. A RVFAC (ADFVD-ASFVD/ADFVD) e a relação entre as áreas diastólica finais ventriculares (ADFVD/ADFVE) foram calculadas. Os diâmetros entre as paredes livre e septal (dL-S) e antero-posterior (dA-P) do ventículo esquerdo (VE) foram medidos nas imagens em eixo curto e o índice de excentricidade do VE (IE) foi calculado (=dA-P/dL-S). A FEVD foi calculada a partir de imagens consecutivas de 6mm no eixo curto. . Resultados: A população tinha 58 anos em média, a maioria era do sexo feminino e estava em classe funcional III, 23 tinham HAP e 39 TEPCH. A FEVD apresentou correlações fracas com as medidas hemodinâmicas de sobrecarga e de função do VD. A RVFAC apresentou melhor correlação (R2=0,65, p 8,5UW (RVFAC: R2=0,51, p8,5UW apresentou maior ADFVD/ADFVE e maior IE. As correlações da RVFAC e TAPSE com FEVD foram semelhantes entre os grupos HAP e TEPCH. Conclusão: A RVFAC se correlacionou melhor com a FEVD do que o TAPSE tanto no grupo com menor como no grupo com maior gravidade hemodinâmica. No grupo com maior gravidade as correlações da RVFAC com a FEVD foram ainda mais significativas, não havendo diferenças na performance da RVFAC entre os pacientes com HAP e TEPCH. A RVFAC foi um melhor índice da FEVD talvez por incluir o movimento transversal da contração ventricularIntroduction: The right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is a surrogate marker in pulmonary hypertension (PH), but its measurement is complicated and time consuming. The TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) is a good index of RVEF, though it measures only the longitudinal component of right ventricular contraction. The RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) seems to be a better index of RVEF because it takes into account the longitudinal and the transversal components of right ventricular contraction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the RVFAC performance according to hemodynamic severity in two groups of patients with PH: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Methos: Sixty-two patients with PAH and CTEPH underwent right heart catheterization and cardiac MR in a 72-hour delay. The right and left ventricle end diastolic areas (RVEDA, LVEDA), the right ventricle end systolic area (RVESA) and TAPSE were measured in the four chamber view. The RVFAC (=RVEDARVESA/RVEDA) and the RVEDA/LVEDA relationship were calculated. The diameter between the left ventricle (LV) free wall and the septum (dF-S) and the diameter between the LV anterior and posterior walls (dA-P) were measured and the LV eccentricity index (EI) was calculated (=dA-P/dF-S). The RVEF was calculated by using 6 mm RV short axis cines. Results: The population had mean age of 58 years with female majority, most of the patients were in functional class III, 23 had PAH and 39 CTEPH. The RVEF was weakly correlated to the hemodynamic variables of RV afterload and function. The RVFAC was more strongly correlated to RVEF (R2=0.65, p8,5 WU (RVFAC: R2=0.51, p8,5WU had an increased RVEDA/LVEDA and an increased EI. There was no differences in the RVEF relationships between the groups of PAH and CETPH. Conclusion: The RVFAC was better correlated to RVEF than TAPSE in the groups with less severe and more severe hemodynamics. In patients with increased hemodynamic severity RVFAC perfomed even better, there was no difference in the performance of RVFAC in PAH or CTEPH. RVFAC was a better index of RVEF possibly because it takes into account the transversal component of right ventricular functio