3,024 research outputs found

    Quem entra na cena do crime deixa sempre a sua marca

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    As polĂ­cias sĂŁo hoje um ator central na investigação criminal, fruto da maior cientificidade que hoje a sua atividade acarreta. Atendendo Ă s particularidades do sistema portuguĂȘs que permite que diferentes ĂłrgĂŁos de polĂ­cia criminal possam proceder aos atos cautelares considerados necessĂĄrios analiso de que forma Ă© que o processo de cientifização policial se reflete na investigação criminal em Portugal. Tendo por base os seus saberes e prĂĄticas, procuro analisar de que forma Ă© que a introdução da identificação por perfis de DNA no trabalho quotidiano de investigação criminal veio contribuir para a eficĂĄcia do seu trabalho. O argumento centra-se na polĂ­tica dos 3 Rs enunciada por Robertson e Roux (2010).Today police is a central actor in criminal investigation, result of a better scientificity that its activity entails. Given the peculiarities of the Portuguese system that allows different criminal police organs may proceed to the precautionary acts considered necessary I analyse the way the process of scientifization of the police work is reflected in criminal investigation in Portugal. Based on their knowledge and practices, I will try to analyse how is that the introduction of identification by DNA profiling in the daily work of criminal investigation has contributed to the effectiveness of thei


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    Internationalization has been widely studied throughout the years. Broadly, it has been predicted as irrevocable and having increasing impact on firm-related strategy. Within entry modes, consortium, has not received as much attention as others. Hence, it seems important to understand how this specific entry mode allows the entrance of firms in the international markets. This study intends to answer the question of “how” to internationalize, anticipating the consortium as the most feasible way for construction firms to enter certain markets. The reasons that determine its choice concern the specificness of the projects, markets and of the firm. In the first part of the study, we review the existent literature on consortia as an entry mode and as a tool of internationalization used by construction firms. Through this review we build a framework that reveals the motivations that lead to this choice. In the second part, we present the case study of Mota-Engil, as a potential source of valuable information which may contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon under study. This case study corroborates the motivations found to create consortia. The paper closes with its contributions, limitations and suggestions for future researches.consortia, internationalization, cooperation, construction

    Domestic Impact of Internationalisation: The case of JM

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    The influence of internationalisation processes in the domestic activities of firms’ has not been considered as an important issue in existing models, because they tend to focus on a partial and restricted view of the firm. The purpose of this paper is to challenge that view by attempting a dynamic view of the firm is which primal importance is given to the relationship between international and domestic activities. The main research question is whether domestic activities can be significantly affected by international activities, namely knowledge transfer. Results confirm the dynamic approach adopted by firms however there are no definitive answers in terms of the domestic impact of internationalisation. Despite clear hints of evidence for the internationaldomestic relationship, there was no confirmation of this relationship at the financial level.

    PrevalĂȘncia lesiva em atletas de voleibol: efeitos da implementação do protocolo “FIFA 11+ S” na funcionalidade do complexo articular do ombro

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado Ă  Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaIntrodução: O ombro dos atletas de voleibol Ă© submetido a forças repetitivas que podem proporcionar alteraçÔes biomecĂąnicas e originar uma alta incidĂȘncia de lesĂ”es nesta articulação. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como propĂłsito analisar a prevalĂȘncia de lesĂ”es em voleibolistas, e demostrar se o protocolo do “FIFA 11+S” promove alteraçÔes funcionais no complexo articular do ombro. Metodologia: Quinze atletas da federação portuguesa de voleibol (FPV) do sexo masculino, do escalĂŁo jĂșnior, divididos em dois grupos foram submetidos a uma avaliação da força muscular dos rotadores do ombro no isocinĂ©tico, e da funcionalidade do complexo articular do ombro atravĂ©s do “shoulder mobility test”. Durante 3 semanas foi aplicado o protocolo “FIFA 11+S” ao grupo experimental (GE), com uma periocidade de quatro vezes por semana, e com a duração de 30 minutos. Resultados: ApĂłs aplicação do protocolo constatou-se que os atletas do GE nĂŁo apresentaram alteraçÔes significativas no “mobility shoulder test”, no peak torque, dĂ©fices, nem a nĂ­vel de rĂĄcios dos mĂșsculos rotadores do ombro. ConclusĂŁo: O protocolo “FIFA 11+S” nĂŁo alterou de um modo significativo a funcionalidade do complexo articular do ombro.Introduction: The shoulder of volleyball athletes is subjected to repetitive forces that can provide biomechanical alterations and lead to a high incidence of lesions in this joint. Objective: This study aims to analyze the prevalence of lesions in volleyball players, and demonstrate whether the protocol of "FIFA 11 + S" promotes functional alterations in the joint shoulder complex. Methodology: Fifteen athletes from Portuguese volleyball Federation (FPV) male junior echelon divided in two groups, were subjected to an evaluation of the rotator of the shoulder muscle strength in isokinetic and mobility of the shoulder joint complex through the "shoulder mobility test". During 3 weeks the Protocol "FIFA 11 + S" has been applied to the experimental group (GE) with a periodicity of four times a week, and with the duration of 30 minutes. Results: After application of the Protocol was found that GE athletes did not show significant changes in the "mobility shoulder test", in peak torque, deficits, or the level of ratios of the rotator shoulder. Conclusion: The Protocol "FIFA 11 + S" did not alter significantly the functionality of shoulder joint complex.N/

    Da eternidade à historicidade : traços das fundaçÔes pias setecentistas na ilha de São Miguel

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    [...]. O exercĂ­cio vincular no arquipĂ©lago dos Açores, tal como em muitas outras zonas da expansĂŁo portuguesa, manifestou-se desde os primĂłrdios do povoamento insular. Na ilha de SĂŁo Miguel, os registos fundacionais acompanham o decorrer de todo o Antigo Regime (1493-1822) num total superior a 1.200 fundaçÔes. Nos primeiros tempos do povoamento e durante o sĂ©culo XVI, o volume vincular corresponde a 33,8% das fundaçÔes. Este valor reflecte como, desde os primeiros tempos, a posse da terra foi relevante como elemento justificativo da hierarquia sĂłcio-econĂłmica e, por consequĂȘncia, em determinados cĂ­rculos sociais, foi salvaguardada para os herdeiros de forma a garantir nĂŁo sĂł a sobrevivĂȘncia material da casa como a dominĂąncia dos seus possuidores. Na centĂșria seguinte, atinge-se o auge da prĂĄtica vincular, com 46,9% de novas fundaçÔes, resultado nĂŁo sĂł da consolidação das elites micaelenses que interferem cada vez mais na formação dos quadros polĂ­tico e econĂłmico, como do mimetismo desta prĂĄtica por parte de alguns sectores de grupos sociais inferiores. O sĂ©culo XVIII apresenta uma quebra considerĂĄvel, uma vez que se assiste apenas a 19,2% do total fundacional, o que corresponde aproximadamente a 228 novos vĂ­nculos – dado significativo se considerarmos o aumento demogrĂĄfico insular deste perĂ­odo - cuja evolução pode ser visualizada no grĂĄfico 16. [...

    A paróquia de São José de Ponta Delgada : da sua criação a meados do século XVIII

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    No ano de 1534, a estrutura religiosa do arquipĂ©lago dos Açores inicia uma nova fase, caracterizada pela criação da Diocese de Angra. Sediado na ilha Terceira, o novo bispado atlĂąntico prestigia a cidade onde jĂĄ estavam localizadas as principais instituiçÔes polĂ­tico-administrativas ilhenses e reflecte o reconhecimento dos poderes rĂ©gio e papal sobre o desenvolvimento açoriano, palpĂĄvel atravĂ©s do crescimento sĂłcio-demogrĂĄfico e econĂłmico. Na ilha de SĂŁo Miguel, a maior no seio arquipelĂĄgico, o povoamento iniciou-se no litoral sul, na zona da Povoação, aonde acederam os primeiros habitantes oriundos da ilha de Santa Maria, a primeira ilha descoberta. A exploração da costa sul continuou, com a consequente ocupação de diversos espaços, baptizados de acordo com as respectivas caracterĂ­sticas climĂĄticas, geolĂłgicas e paisagĂ­sticas: Ponta Garça, Vila Franca do Campo, Água de Pau, Lagoa e, finalmente, Ponta Delgada. No final do sĂ©culo XV, precisamente em 1499, o lugar de Ponta Delgada passa a gozar do estatuto de vila, equiparando-se Ă  jĂĄ existente Vila Franca do Campo que, atĂ© entĂŁo, era o centro de toda a ilha. O terramoto que debelou Vila Franca do Campo, em 1522, o crescimento do povoamento e o implemento de estruturas administrativas na vila recĂ©m criada, como a AlfĂąndega, acabariam por prestigiar, cada vez mais, esta zona da ilha, que vĂȘ reconhecido o seu desenvolvimento atravĂ©s do alvarĂĄ de D. JoĂŁo III de 2 de Abril de 1546, que a eleva a cidade. [...

    Social Perceptions of Nonhumans in Tombali (Guinea-Bissau, West Africa): a contribution to chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) conservation

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    Rainforest biodiversity is particularly vulnerable to loss, since the distribution of forests is limited and the vertebrate species that live within these forests have a limited potential to re-colonize deforested areas, especially when their abundance declines to critical levels. Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) is experiencing significant loss of habitats and species diversity; as such, the establishment of an effective conservation programme is urgent in its remaining forested areas. Despite six legislated protected areas, Guinean forests and their wildlife are not safe in reality. This lack of on-the-ground protection is the case for Cantanhez National Park (Tombali region), where this research took place. The park was established in 2007 to protect remnant forests containing unique and endemic Guinean biodiversity, such as the endangered West African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). Local inhabitant’s attitudes towards protected areas and associated externallydriven conservation programmes are seldom examined in depth in relation to understanding the drivers (livelihood, socio-cultural, and local) of perceptions, which makes conservation problematic. Understanding attitudes to animals, habitats and livelihood risks were the focus of this project, specifically in order to assess perceptions of chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are currently suffering catastrophic declines due to human actions across Africa. Thus a focus on understanding, managing and enhancing people’s perceptions and attitudes towards this species could be vital to its long-term survival. The theoretical approach is based upon (i) examining the construct of sociozoologic scales in this specific socio-cultural context, (ii) elucidating issues in humanwildlife interaction (e.g. conflict such as crop-raiding and positive such as ecotourism potential), (iii) local economies (i.e. level of dependency on forest resources), and (iv) understanding people’s expectations about the future of the National Park as a potential constraint or opportunity for their welfare and livelihoods. Quantitative and qualitative methods were combined to approach these questions. 17 The Guinean sociozoologic scale of Cantanhez clearly divides vertebrate species into (i) “tame”, considered good (e.g. gazelles) and (ii) “hazardous”, considered bad (e.g. hyaenas). Chimpanzees lay exactly in the midpoint. They are considered humans’ close relatives; however, they “misbehave” as astute crop thieves sufficiently to be perceived as a competitor for resources. Since chimpanzees are also seen as very similar to humans, their meat consumption is taboo, which adds the potential for protection. Gender and religion both influence the way locals perceive of and relate to chimpanzees. Women and Muslims tend to be more negative towards this species and the protected area than are men and non-Muslims. Women never exhibited positive attitudes in relation to the protected area, while men appeared to be more engaged with “capitalized” principles, with some awareness about the importance chimpanzees might have in catalyzing the National Park and local economy. This study highlights the need for a management plan to mitigate crop-raiding and the development of sustainable strategies that provide livelihood benefits for both men and women, addressing their distinct needs, outside the protected area

    Cadavre Exquis: motion-controlled interactive film

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    This interactive film, a variation on the surrealist game Cadavre Exquis, seeks the possibility of subverting the filmic discourse by exploring psychosomatic processes that may give the viewer different perceptions of cinematic time, by providing the possibility of intervening into the narrative in a disruptive way.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
