43 research outputs found

    Mouse maps of gene expression in the brain

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    Comprehensive atlases of gene expression in the mouse brain will provide a great resource for neurobiology

    Evidence For Temperature Change And Oblique Pulsation From Light Curve Fits Of The Pulsating White Dwarf GD 358

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    Convective driving, the mechanism originally proposed by Brickhill for pulsating white dwarf stars, has gained general acceptance as the generic linear instability mechanism in DAV and dbV white dwarfs. This physical mechanism naturally leads to a nonlinear formulation, reproducing the observed light curves of many pulsating white dwarfs. This numerical model can also provide information on the average depth of a star's convection zone and the inclination angle of its pulsation axis. In this paper, we give two sets of results of nonlinear light curve fits to data on the dbV GD 358. Our first fit is based on data gathered in 2006 by the Whole Earth Telescope; this data set was multiperiodic containing at least 12 individual modes. Our second fit utilizes data obtained in 1996, when GD 358 underwent a dramatic change in excited frequencies accompanied by a rapid increase in fractional amplitude; during this event it was essentially monoperiodic. We argue that GD 358's convection zone was much thinner in 1996 than in 2006, and we interpret this as a result of a short-lived increase in its surface temperature. In addition, we find strong evidence of oblique pulsation using two sets of evenly split triplets in the 2006 data. This marks the first time that oblique pulsation has been identified in a variable white dwarf star.Delaware Asteroseismic Research CenterNational Science Foundation AST-0909107, AST-0607840Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program 003658-0255-2007Crystal Trust FoundationMt. Cuba ObservatoryUniversity of DelawareAstronom

    High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Pulsating White Dwarf G29-38

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    We present the analysis of time-resolved, high resolution spectra of the cool white dwarf pulsator, G29-38. From measuring the Doppler shifts of the H-alpha core, we detect velocity changes as large as 16.5 km/s and conclude that they are due to the horizontal motions associated with the g-mode pulsations on the star. We detect seven pulsation modes from the velocity time-series and identify the same modes in the flux variations. We discuss the properties of these modes and use the advantage of having both velocity and flux measurements of the pulsations to test the convective driving theory proposed for DAV stars. Our data show limited agreement with the expected relationships between the amplitude and phases of the velocity and flux modes. Unexpectedly, the velocity curve shows evidence for harmonic distortion, in the form of a peak in the Fourier transform whose frequency is the exact sum of the two largest frequencies. Combination frequencies are a characteristic feature of the Fourier transforms of light curves of G29-38, but before now have not been detected in the velocities, nor does published theory predict that they should exist. We compare our velocity combination frequency to combination frequencies found in the analysis of light curves of G29-38, and discuss what might account for the existence of velocity combinations with the properties we observe. We also use our high-resolution spectra to determine if either rotation or pulsation can explain the truncated shape observed for the DAV star's line core. We are able to eliminate both mechanisms: the average spectrum does not fit the rotationally broadened model and the time-series of spectra provides proof that the pulsations do not significantly truncate the line.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ (June

    The Peculiar Pulsations of PY Vul

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    The pulsating white dwarf star PY Vul (G~185-32) exhibits pulsation modes with peculiar properties that set it apart from other variable stars in the ZZ Ceti (DAV) class. These peculiarities include a low total pulsation amplitude, a mode with bizarre amplitudes in the ultraviolet, and a mode harmonic that exceeds the amplitude of its fundamental. Here, we present optical, time series spectroscopy of PY Vul acquired with the Keck II LRIS spectrograph. Our analysis has revealed that the mode with unusual UV amplitudes also has distinguishing characteristics in the optical. Comparison of its line profile variations to models suggests that this mode has a spherical degree of four. We show that all the other peculiarities in this star are accounted for by a dominant pulsation mode of l=4, and propose this hypothesis as a solution to the mysteries of PY Vul.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    First Results from the Swarms Survey. SDSS 1257+5428: A Nearby, Massive White Dwarf Binary with a Likely Neutron Star or Black Hole Companion

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    We present the first results from SWARMS (Sloan White dwArf Radial velocity data Mining Survey), an ongoing project to identify compact white dwarf (WD) binaries in the spectroscopic catalog of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The first object identified by SWARMS, SDSS 1257+5428, is a single-lined spectroscopic binary in a circular orbit with a period of 4.56 hr and a semiamplitude of 322.7+-6.3 km/s. From the spectrum and photometry, we estimate a WD mass of 0.92(+0.28,-0.32) Msun. Together with the orbital parameters of the binary, this implies that the unseen companion must be more massive than 1.62(+0.20,-0.25) Msun, and is in all likelihood either a neutron star or a black hole. At an estimated distance of 48(+10,-19) pc, this would be the closest known stellar remnant of a supernova explosion.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, ApJ in pres

    The Peculiar Pulsations of PY Vulpeculae

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    The pulsating white dwarf star PY Vul (G185-32) exhibits pulsation modes with peculiar properties that set it apart from other variable stars in the ZZ Ceti (variable DA white dwarf [DAV]) class. These peculiarities include a low total pulsation amplitude, a mode with bizarre amplitudes in the ultraviolet, and a mode harmonic that exceeds the amplitude of its fundamental. Here we present optical time-series spectroscopy of PY Vul acquired with the Keck II Low Resolution Imaging Spectrograph. Our analysis has revealed that the mode with unusual UV amplitudes also has distinguishing characteristics in the optical. Comparison of its line profile variations to models suggests that this mode has a spherical degree of 4. We show that all the other peculiarities in this star are accounted for by a dominant pulsation mode of l = 4 and propose this hypothesis as a solution to the mysteries of PY Vul

    Activity-dependent translation dynamically alters the proteome of the perisynaptic astrocyte process

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    Within eukaryotic cells, translation is regulated independent of transcription, enabling nuanced, localized, and rapid responses to stimuli. Neurons respond transcriptionally and translationally to synaptic activity. Although transcriptional responses are documented in astrocytes, here we test whether astrocytes have programmed translational responses. We show that seizure activity rapidly changes the transcripts on astrocyte ribosomes, some predicted to be downstream of BDNF signaling. In acute slices, we quantify the extent to which cues of neuronal activity activate translation in astrocytes and show that this translational response requires the presence of neurons, indicating that the response is non-cell autonomous. We also show that this induction of new translation extends into the periphery of astrocytes. Finally, synaptic proteomics show that new translation is required for changes that occur in perisynaptic astrocyte protein composition after fear conditioning. Regulation of translation in astrocytes by neuronal activity suggests an additional mechanism by which astrocytes may dynamically modulate nervous system functioning

    Pulsational Mapping of Calcium Across the Surface of a White Dwarf

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    We constrain the distribution of calcium across the surface of the white dwarf star G29-38 by combining time series spectroscopy from Gemini-North with global time series photometry from the Whole Earth Telescope. G29-38 is actively accreting metals from a known debris disk. Since the metals sink significantly faster than they mix across the surface, any inhomogeneity in the accretion process will appear as an inhomogeneity of the metals on the surface of the star. We measure the flux amplitudes and the calcium equivalent width amplitudes for two large pulsations excited on G29-38 in 2008. The ratio of these amplitudes best fits a model for polar accretion of calcium and rules out equatorial accretion.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal. 16 pages, 10 figures

    Sexual Behavior, Risk Compensation, and HIV Prevention Strategies Among Participants in the San Francisco PrEP Demonstration Project: A Qualitative Analysis of Counseling Notes

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    Abstract Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a viable HIV prevention strategy but risk compensation could undermine potential benefits. There are limited data that examine this phenomenon outside of clinical trials. We conducted a qualitative analysis of counseling notes from the San Francisco site of the US PrEP demonstration project to assess how men who have sex with men used PrEP as a prevention strategy and its impact on their sexual practices. Four major themes emerged from our analysis of 130 distinct notes associated with 26 participants. Prevention strategy decision-making was dynamic, often influenced by the context and perceived risk of a sexual encounter. Counselors noted that participants used PrEP in conjunction with other health promotion strategies like condoms, asking about HIV status of their sex partners, and seroadaptation. With few exceptions, existing risk reduction strategies were not abandoned upon initiation of PrEP. Risk-taking behavior was 'seasonal' and fluctuations were influenced by various personal, psychosocial, and healthrelated factors. PrEP also helped relieve anxiety regarding sex and HIV, particularly among serodiscordant partners. Understanding sexual decision-making and how PrEP is incorporated into existing prevention strategies can help inform future PrEP implementation efforts

    A Novel Single-Domain Na+-Selective Voltage-Gated Channel in Photosynthetic Eukaryotes

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    The evolution of Na+-selective four-domain voltage-gated channels (4D-Navs) in animals allowed rapid Na+-dependent electrical excitability, and enabled the development of sophisticated systems for rapid and long-range signaling. While bacteria encode single-domain Na+-selective voltage-gated channels (BacNav), they typically exhibit much slower kinetics than 4D-Navs, and are not thought to have crossed the prokaryote–eukaryote boundary. As such, the capacity for rapid Na+-selective signaling is considered to be confined to certain animal taxa, and absent from photosynthetic eukaryotes. Certainly, in land plants, such as the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) where fast electrical excitability has been described, this is most likely based on fast anion channels. Here, we report a unique class of eukaryotic Na+-selective, single-domain channels (EukCatBs) that are present primarily in haptophyte algae, including the ecologically important calcifying coccolithophores, Emiliania huxleyi and Scyphosphaera apsteinii. The EukCatB channels exhibit very rapid voltage-dependent activation and inactivation kinetics, and isoform-specific sensitivity to the highly selective 4D-Nav blocker tetrodotoxin. The results demonstrate that the capacity for rapid Na+-based signaling in eukaryotes is not restricted to animals or to the presence of 4D-Navs. The EukCatB channels therefore represent an independent evolution of fast Na+-based electrical signaling in eukaryotes that likely contribute to sophisticated cellular control mechanisms operating on very short time scales in unicellular algae