17 research outputs found

    Penerapan Prinsip Ekowisata dalam Penyelenggaraan Pariwisata Alam di Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Kawah Ijen

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    Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Kawah Ijen merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata unggulan nasional. Sebagai kawasan konservasi, prinsip ekowisata harus dipenuhi untuk dapat mengakomodasi peruntukan pariwisata dan fungsi konservasinya. Hal ini untuk meminimalkan potensi dampak negatif dari semakin meningkatnya pengunjung TWA Kawah Ijen. Tulisan ini memaparkan kajian penerapan prinsip ekowisata di TWA Kawah Ijen dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik ekowisata di TWA Kawah Ijen belum memenuhi prinsip ekowisata secara menyeluruh. Pelaksanaan ekowisata di kawasan tersebut cenderung memenuhi prinsip kedua, yaitu peningkatan sosial ekonomi masyarakat lokal melalui pelibatan masyarakat, sedangkan prinsip konservasi dan prinsip edukasi masih belum terlaksana dengan baik.   Kata Kunci: ekowisata, konservasi, pariwisata berkelanjutan, taman wisata ala

    Identification of Fishermen Household’s Adaptive Capacity in Responding to Climate Change Impacts (A Case Study of Muncar District, Banyuwangi Regency, Indonesia)

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    Climate change affects the uncertainty of oceanographic condition that has an impact on the marine fisheries, such as changes in fishing areas, winds, and extreme waves. As an archipelagic country, the majority of Indonesian cities are in the coastal area whose the community’s livelihood depends on marine fishery activities. Climate change impacts the coastal community who engages in fishery activities are now being vulnerable group towards climate change. This condition is also experienced by fishermen in Muncar District, the second biggest fishery port in Indonesia. It is necessary to enhance fishermen household’s adaptive capacity which is the key to region’s resilience. This research focuses on adaptive capacity assessment by formulating criteria and indicators based on the expert's theories review. The method that is used in this research is statistic descriptive based on a questionnaire which distributed to 120 households samples. This research also views perception of fishermen on climate change impacts and on how Local Government Units (LGUs) and Community Organizations (COs)support the increase of fishermen household’s adaptive capacity. The result of the assessment showed that 56% of households have ‘medium’ adaptive capacity, 34% of them are in ‘low’ adaptive capacity, and 10% households are in ‘high’ adaptive capacity. The LGUs and COs gives a high endorsement to households to increase their adaptive capacity. The result of this study can be taken into consideration in formulating the strategies to enhance fishermen household’s adaptive capacity in order to realize the resilient fishermen households socially and economically


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    Rajabasa sub-district is one of areas prone to flooding due to the overflow of Way Kandis River. However, there are still many people who live in the flood-prone area for various reasons. This study aims to determine the motivation of people living in flood-prone areas located in Rajabasa sub-district, Bandar Lampung City. The method used is inductive qualitative. The data in the study were obtained by semi-structured interviews with the people of Rajabasa Village who were directly affected by the flood disaster. The data analyzed using induction resulted in a concept related to the motivation of the people to live. Based on the findings of the concepts generated from the research, the motivations of the dweller  in flood-prone areas in the Rajabasa sub-district are 1) The lack of options to live in urban areas due to family legacy and nothing land ownership elsewhwere, resulting the acceptance of flooding by the residents; 2) A sense of security with the community that they do not feel threatened and are used to flood disasters; 3) Affordable accessibility of the area which reached by public transportation and connects with schools and workplaces; 4) A sense of comfortable since they have been settled for a long time in the area

    Urban Green Space Development Strategy–Reconverting Gas Station to Public Parks in the City of Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Urban Green Space Development has become a challenging task for city governments especially in Indonesia, due to high prices of land around urban centers. On the other hand, there are inconsistencies between land use and land allocation within the city planning. In Surabaya City, quite a lot of gas stations were built on areas which are originally intended for green open spaces. Surabaya City Municipality is strongly committed to reconvert Gas Station Areas to green open spaces as determined in the plan. Innovative strategies have enabled the city government to reconvert 13 gas stations to public parks. This paper analyzes the implementation process of the Urban Green Space Reconversion Policy, describing the historical details of the issues, the  taking over of land from gas station owners, and the park development and campaigning. Discussion also includes the most influential factors in this success story

    "Entry Points" in Integrating Climate Risk and Adaptation Asessment into Development Planning: Reflections from Semarang and Tarakan City, Indonesia

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    One of the most challenging issues in adapting to the possible impact of climate change is whether government able to find and set an appropriate and balance policy between proposed adaptation actions and other development agenda; moreover about how to translate scientific findings into suitable policy. This paper aims to share experience from two cities in Indonesia which are trying to integrate the process and result of climate risk and adaptation assessment (scientific process) into the city spatial and non-spatial development planning system, i.e. Semarang City in Java Island and Tarakan City in Kalimantan Island. The experiences being shared here came from the involvement of authors in the action research for Tarakan City which aims to integrate adaptation actions to development plan and planning studio for Semarang Municipality which develops Local Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation. By far, it can be concluded that local government on both cities still not entirely sure on considering the impact of climate change, even more there are still doubts and misconception about the climate change adaptation concept itself. However, basically local governments are open and welcome the rationale for integrating climate risk and adaptation assessment into their spatial and non-spatial development plan. In addition, each city has their own way to manage the interaction between scientific and policy realm; i.e. in Semarang City through mechanism called Shared Learning Dialogue (SLD) and in Tarakan City through closed collaborative works between researcher and government officials. Both strengths and weakness of each approach will be elaborated further in this paper. Finally, this paper will offer the entry points to integrate climate change adaptation into spatial and non-spatial plan development system in Indonesia, based on reflections from both cases, as well as how it may function elsewhere


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    Marine tourism holds important benefits for the environment and socio-economics of the people who live surrounding. In this condition, it is necessary to realize the importance of managing marine tourism in Indonesia Pangandaran Regency. Several tourist objects in Pangandaran Regency were damaged due to the lack of management due to the lack of attention of stakeholders in tourist objects. This has an impact on reducing the number of tourist visits. In this case it is necessary. implementation on an ongoing basis which aims to support efforts to maintain and preserve conservation areas through marine nature tourism activities by paying attention to educational elements and increasing the level of local communities in prioritizing economic, social, cultural, and political principles environment. The author finds out the parameters of Coastal Tourism with Community. Based principles Tourism in a sustainable manner in managing marine tourism destinations in Pangandaran Regency, which will lead to community participation in managing the potential of natural resources optimal of the parameters studied using the relevant concepts from World Tourism. Organization, then the writer analyzes the causal framework to describe the interaction. between society and the environment or vice versa because of interdependence, by using DPSIR: Drivers, Pressure, State, Impact and Response.Wisata bahari memegang manfaat penting bagi lingkungan dan sosial-ekonomi masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitarnya. Dalam kondisi ini perlu menyadari pentingnya pengelolaan wisata alam bahari di Kabupaten Pangandaran. Beberapa objek wisata di Kabupaten Pangandaran mengalami kerusakan karena minimnya pengelolaan akibat kurangnya perhatian pemangku kepentingan di objek wisata tersebut yang berdampak pada berkurangnya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan. Dalam hal ini perlu adanya penerapan secara berkelanjutan yang bertujuan untuk mendukung upaya menjaga dan melestarikan kawasan konservasi melalui kegiatan wisata alam bahari dengan memperhatikan unsur edukasi dan peningkatan taraf masyarakat lokal dalam mengedepankan prinsip ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik dan lingkungan. Penulis menemukenali parameter Coastal Tourism dengan prinsip Community Based Tourism secara berkelanjutan dalam pengelolaan destinasi wisata bahari di Kabupaten Pangandaran, yang nantinya memunculkan peran serta masyarakat dalam pengelolaan potensi sumber daya secara optimal dari parameter yang dikaji menggunakan konsep yang relevan dari World Tourism Organization, lalu penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka kerja sebab akibat untuk menggambarkan interaksi antara masyarakat dan lingkungan atau sebaliknya karena saling ketergantungan, dengan menggunakan DPSIR: Drivers, Pressure, State, Impact dan Response


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    Forest and land fires (karhutla) in Indonesia cause environmental degradation, economic losses and health problems. The phenomenon of Strong El Nino becomes a natural factor that exacerbates the condition of karhutla, efforts to reduce the risk of karhutla by preventing, reducing and tackling the karhutla continue to be pursued by the government. The haze of karhutla becomes a problem in itself, the extent of exposed areas and dangerous particles disrupt the activities of the community, especially health problems. Disaster risk reduction efforts can be done by increasing capacity, while one type of capacity in the community is household capacity. The purpose of this study is to review the capacity of households in the face of smoke haze karhutla, the location chosen to conduct the study is Kelurahan Bansir Darat, Pontianak City-West Kalimantan. The discussion begins with determining the criteria of household capacity, the data sampling technique is non probability sampling in the form of systematic sampling through questionnaire amounting to 110 and the method of data analysis is done quantitatively descriptive and quantitative associations. Identified household characteristics were age group, occupation group and settlement type, household capacity calculation showed that 21.82% were ready, 28.18% were not ready and 50.00% were adequately prepared for the disaster, found significant relationship between work groups with household capacity and type of settlement with household capacity

    An Integrated Model for Managing Land Contaminated with Mercury due to Small-Scale Gold Mining in Lebak Regency, from the Perspective of Regional Development

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    Managing land contaminated with mercury due to artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Indonesia generally follows an engineering approach. Meanwhile, there is a high level of community dependence on the contaminated land and the gold mining activities using mercury, directly and indirectly. Therefore, an engineering approach cannot solve the complex problem of managing mercury in Indonesia. Moreover, engineering approaches do not address the root problems of ASGM, i.e., poverty and the need for jobs that offer a higher income than agriculture. The implication of this is that the implementation of land restoration may not succeed without a comprehensive study of socio-economic and regional aspects. This is because of the chance that communities will reject the transition from mercury-based livelihoods. To deal with this problem, this study assessed the management of mercury using a transdisciplinary approach and participatory action research (PAR), involving multi-disciplinary experts in developing mercury restoration plans based on an integrated model that considers engineering, socio-economic, regional, and legal aspects. The empirical part of this study was based on a survey in Lebak Regency, one of the regions in Indonesia with the most mercury contamination. The comprehensive research produced a plan for social change, a mercury-free economic plan, and policy recommendations

    An Integrated Model for Managing Land Contaminated with Mercury due to Small-Scale Gold Mining in Lebak Regency, from the Perspective of Regional Development

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    Managing land contaminated with mercury due to artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Indonesia generally follows an engineering approach. Meanwhile, there is a high level of community dependence on the contaminated land and the gold mining activities using mercury, directly and indirectly. Therefore, an engineering approach cannot solve the complex problem of managing mercury in Indonesia. Moreover, engineering approaches do not address the root problems of ASGM, i.e., poverty and the need for jobs that offer a higher income than agriculture. The implication of this is that the implementation of land restoration may not succeed without a comprehensive study of socio-economic and regional aspects. This is because of the chance that communities will reject the transition from mercury-based livelihoods. To deal with this problem, this study assessed the management of mercury using a transdisciplinary approach and participatory action research (PAR), involving multi-disciplinary experts in developing mercury restoration plans based on an integrated model that considers engineering, socio-economic, regional, and legal aspects. The empirical part of this study was based on a survey in Lebak Regency, one of the regions in Indonesia with the most mercury contamination. The comprehensive research produced a plan for social change, a mercury-free economic plan, and policy recommendations

    Identifying Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Efforts for Children into the West Java Development Planning

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    West Java is an Indonesian Province which has a high risk of climate change impacts particularly in terms of increased exposure from many natural disasters. A natural disaster occurs frequently in the West Java Province, making the region vulnerable due to the biggest population in Indonesia it belongs to. Children are the most vulnerable population facing climate change impact because their physiological condition is not fully developed yet. They have a low adaptation ability towards the predicted changes. Therefore, mainstreaming climate change adaptation for children into development planning is important. It is also critical in order to induce more effective adaptation program. This paper analyzes how far the current development plan in the West Java Province reckons child adaptation mainstreaming to climate change. Data collection methods used in this research are the secondary method through the related development plan and the primary method through an in-depth interview to the related government institutions. Based on the analysis results using a content analysis, the region has a potential entry point to mainstream the adaptation of climate change into the development plan, involving seven government institutions. The opportunity of entry point from the West Java development plan is found in Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah/BPLHD (the Regional Environmental Management Agency) work plan. However, among these institutions, it is only BPLHD and the Health Department which almost fulfill all of the institutional capacity components to mainstreaming the adaptation of climate change for children into the West Java development planning. Therefore, both institutions are potentially recommended acting for initiators to induce coordination between the seven government institutions to mainstream the adaptation of climate change for children into the West Java development planning