734 research outputs found

    Pomiar wydajności zarządzania zielonymi łańcuchami dostaw

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    Only what is measured can be managed properly. And the measurement process should serve a continuous improvement of companies and whole supply chains. Data from the performance measurement system should cause an increase of cooperation and help in taking right decisions about changes at the operational level, and on the other hand, are an important information when redefining strategies. This will allow for the development of the supply chain based on knowledge, in which the scope of cooperation is literally unlimited (including green aspects). There are two basic approaches to measuring the performance of supply chains: a comprehensive measurement that measures the results of the entire chain (which can be divided into individual tiers and levels) and partial measurement when we measure only certain aspects. Often, in practice, only measurement of separately operating companies is practiced by companies, not throughout chains. And the problem is even more evident when it comes to measuring performance of green activities in integrated supply chains. The paper presents the possibilities of evaluation of GSCM performance. The major challenges and obstacles are presented and assessed.Tylko to, co jest mierzone, może być właściwie zarządzane. Proces pomiaru powinien służyć ciągłemu doskonaleniu przedsiębiorstw i całych łańcuchów dostaw. Dane z systemu pomiaru powinny powodować wzrost współpracy i pomagać w podejmowaniu decyzji o zmianach na poziomie operacyjnym, a z drugiej strony może to być ważna informacja przy przedefiniowaniu strategii. Pozwala to na rozwój łańcuchów dostaw opartych na wiedzy, gdzie zakres współpracy jest dosłownie nieograniczony (dotyczy to również aspektów ekologicznych). Istnieją dwa podstawowe podejścia do pomiaru wydajności łańcucha dostaw: kompleksowy pomiar, który patrzy na wyniki całego łańcucha (który można rozdzielić na poszczególne szczeble i poziomy), oraz pomiar częściowy, gdy mierzymy tylko niektóre aspekty. Często praktykowany jest tylko pomiar oddzielnie działających firm, a nie całego łańcucha. Problem jest jeszcze bardziej widoczny, jeśli chodzi o pomiar wydajności działań ekologicznych w zintegrowanych łańcuchach dostaw. W artykule opisano możliwości oceny wyników GSCM. Przedstawiono i oceniono główne wyzwania i przeszkody stojące przed pomiarem wyników zielonych łańcuchów dostaw

    Role for DLK1 in neuronal differentiation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells

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    One of the fundamental goals in neuroscience is to understand how the diverse types of neurons are generated by stem and progenitor cells in the vertebrate central nervous system. To understand the mechanism that underlies this process, a greater knowledge of the molecular control of the acquisition of neuronal identity is still required. This knowledge is not only important for understanding of normal central nervous system development, but is also key to uncovering the mechanisms of neurological diseases. In the last decades a great progress in the in vivo studies has been made, thus enabling for generation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) from pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in vitro. There are a few signalling molecules and growth factors known to be involved in the progression of NPCs to neurons in vitro and in vivo, which act as components of signalling pathways such as Notch, Shh and Wnt. Role of Notch pathway is however the best characterised. In this thesis a role for protein that belongs to the family of Notch receptors and ligands, called Delta like 1-homologue (DLK1), in neuronal differentiation of ESCs-derived NPCs was investigated. Firstly time course of DLK1 expression during in vitro neuronal differentiation of mouse ESCs and in the developing mouse brain was examined. The results indicated that the expression of DLK1 is associated with neuronal differentiation. Following that the effect of DLK1 on the differentiation and proliferation of hESCs and mESCs-derived NPCs was tested. Induction of DLK1 in mNPCs, by making use of CreERT2 system, as well exposure of hNPCs to the molecule resulted in positive modulation of the number of differentiated neurons. Moreover DLK1 did not seem to have any effect on cell proliferation. Lastly to addresses a question whether DLK1 acts through Notch pathway, Hes1 luciferase assay was applied. The data showed that DLK1 negatively regulates Hes1 luciferase activity in mNPCs and hNPCs. Downregulation of Hes1 transcript was further confirmed by qPCR. Taken together studies described in this thesis propose a novel function for DLK1 as one of the molecules involved in the complex cascade of factors modulating neuronal differentiation

    Relacje w łańcuchach dostaw w kontekście działań innowacyjnych

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    The paper deals with the issue of Supply Chain Management in the context of relationships between its members and possible innovations. It analyzes the dominating challenges in SCM and the impact they have on trends and future solutions. Supply chains in the future have to be more flexible and adaptive in order to be able to overcome problems stemming from complexity and increased risks. The analysis of secondary data leads to a conclusion that the future of SCM will be shaped by Big Data and technologies using them, knowledge management and talent scarcity avoidance as well as taking up innovative solutions in Green Supply Chain Management.Artykuł podejmuje kwestię zarządzania łańcuchami dostaw w kontekście relacji między jego członkami i możliwymi innowacjami. Analizuje dominujące wyzwania w SCM i wpływ jakie mają one na przyszłe rozwiązania i trendy. Łańcuchy dostaw w przyszłości muszą być bardziej elastyczne i adaptacyjne aby być w stanie rozwiązać problemy wynikające z rosnącej złożoności i zwiększonego ryzyka. Analiza danych prowadzi do wniosku, że przyszłość SCM będzie kształtowana przez Big Data i technologie wykorzystujące te dane, zarządzanie wiedzą i unikanie niedoboru uzdolnionych pracowników, a także podejmowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań w zarządzaniu zielonymi łańcuchami dostaw

    Peroxide impact on the fate of veterinary drugs in fertilizers

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    The presence of veterinary medicines in organic manure causes soil contamination which contributes to increasing resistance of indigenous microflora to drugs and results in greater susceptibility of people to allergies. The main aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of inorganic peroxide mixtures (PM) with calcium peroxide content (CaO2) in the stabilization process of manure contaminated with antiparasitic agents: albendazole (ALB) and levamisole (LEV). As a solid, CaO2 is relatively stable against decomposition. In contact with water, however, it hydrolyzes with release of oxygen. The hydrolyzation of CaO2 proceeds very slowly in soil, which guarantees the constant release of hydrogen peroxide that subsequently becomes the source of free radicals (chemical oxidation) and oxygen (aerobic conditions for the microbes). It may contribute to continuous elimination of drugs from manure. The study has demonstrated that there were significant differences in ALB and LEV conversion stimulated by the PM addition. PM supplementation increased the drug availability (on average 15% and 25% increase in the initial concentration for ALB and for LEV, respectively), thereby increasing the initial rate of reaction. Elimination of ALB and LEV from the manure sorption complex is followed by Ca2+ saturation. The initial degradation rate was affected by PM for both drugs, but the mechanisms of decomposition have been modified only for ALB. The loss of ALB in the peroxide supplemented samples was 92%, and in the samples, without the PM, it did not exceed 61%. Loss of LEV was over 90% irrespective of PM supplementation.Web of Science74132231

    Assessment of the effectiveness of merger process on the basis of the experience of the Polish transactors

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    The article presents the nature and complexity of the merger and acquisition process – transactions resulting from selection of an external development path by enterprises. In addition, the basic grounds for undertaking these projects in the context of their influence on the broadly-understood development, long-term effectiveness as well as growth of the organization’s value have been described. The purpose of this article is to present the basic activities (stages and phases) connected with the mergers / acquisitions process necessary for achievement of success and desired economic and non-economic advantages by participants of the transactions. Furthermore, to describe the market of mergers and acquisitions in Poland in the greatest possible detail, the theoretical reasoning has been complemented with results of an empirical study (opinions of merger transactions participants themselves have also been presented)

    The role of conformational memory effect in propagation of structural variants of insulin amyloid fibrils

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    W sprzyjających warunkach fizykochemicznych molekuły natywnego białka mogą ulec rozwinięciu i asocjacji tworząc tzw. włókna (fibryle) amyloidowe – nierozpuszczalne, β-kartkowe agregaty. Struktury te nie tylko pozbawione są (z reguły) prawidłowej aktywności biologicznej swoich rozpuszczalnych prekursorów, ale ich pojawienie się w organizmie może być powiązane z tzw. chorobami konformacyjnymi m.in. chorobami Alzheimera, Parkinsona, czy Creutzfeldta-Jakoba (choroba prionowa). To sprawia, że badanie molekularnych mechanizmów amyloidogenezy oraz różnorodności struktur i właściwości biochemicznych agregatów amyloidowych jest nie tylko ciekawe, ale przede wszystkim ważne klinicznie. W niniejszej pracy odtworzono w kontrolowanych warunkach in vitro agregację modelowego, niepatogennego białka insuliny. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było podjęcie problematyki związanej z zależną od zasiewania proliferacją zarodków amyloidowych insuliny, a w szczególności: (1) wyjaśnienie kwestii termicznej stabilności zarodków amyloidu insuliny w odniesieniu do ich zdolności do indukowania pokoleń potomnych fibryli, (2) badanie wpływu punktowych podstawień w sekwencji aminokwasowej insuliny poza tzw. rejonem rdzenia amyloidowego na polimorfizm strukturalny powstających fibryli amyloidowych, (3) analiza stabilności fenotypu amyloidowego zarodka w trakcie propagacji w pokoleniach potomnych oraz badanie addytywności efektów pochodzących od konkurencyjnych fenotypów.Under permissive i.e. slightly destabilizing conditions, proteins tend to misfold and aggregate into highly ordered linear β-aggregates – the so-called amyloid fibrils. These structures are linked to several human degenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (“prion disease”). These features make protein amyloidogenesis not only an interesting but also clinically important research topic. In this work aggregation of model, nonpathogenic protein – insulin – was reproduced in vitro under controlled conditions. The central goal was to study seeding-dependent fibrillation patterns of this protein. Particular attention was paid to following issues: (1) thermal stability of amyloid fibrils in terms of capacity to seed daughter fibrils, (2) relation between amyloid polymorphism and variations in the amino acid sequence beyond the critical amyloidogenic regions, and (3) mechanisms of stable propagation of mother amyloid phenotype in daughter generation of fibrils

    Assessment of the effectiveness of merger process on the basis of the experience of the Polish transactors

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    The article presents the nature and complexity of the merger and acquisition process – transactions resulting from selection of an external development path by enterprises. In addition, the basic grounds for undertaking these projects in the context of their influence on the broadly-understood development, long-term effectiveness as well as growth of the organization’s value have been described. The purpose of this article is to present the basic activities (stages and phases) connected with the mergers / acquisitions process necessary for achievement of success and desired economic and non-economic advantages by participants of the transactions. Furthermore, to describe the market of mergers and acquisitions in Poland in the greatest possible detail, the theoretical reasoning has been complemented with results of an empirical study (opinions of merger transactions participants themselves have also been presented).The article presents the nature and complexity of the merger and acquisition process – transactions resulting from selection of an external development path by enterprises. In addition, the basic grounds for undertaking these projects in the context of their influence on the broadly-understood development, long-term effectiveness as well as growth of the organization’s value have been described. The purpose of this article is to present the basic activities (stages and phases) connected with the mergers / acquisitions process necessary for achievement of success and desired economic and non-economic advantages by participants of the transactions. Furthermore, to describe the market of mergers and acquisitions in Poland in the greatest possible detail, the theoretical reasoning has been complemented with results of an empirical study (opinions of merger transactions participants themselves have also been presented).

    Poland : policies dealing with the inflation crisis

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    The aim of the national case study is to investigate the recent inflationary developments in Poland, against the background of tendencies present in the EMU economies. It provides insights into the structural aspects of inflation in Poland, as well as into its outcomes for growth prospects and income distribution. For this purpose, the main tendencies in nominal wages and corporate mark-ups, as well as the up-to-date strategies of the government and domestic trade unions are analysed. The study combines quantitative analysis with qualitative overview of pol-icy making and the activities of social partners, including the trade unions. First, we demonstrate that post-pandemic inflationary dynamics in Poland are similar to the CEE average, yet much higher than in the EMU. This can be attributed to the composition of the consumption basket, with a relatively high share of energy, food and transport expenses. There are also inflationary pressures from a strong expansion, as reflected in low unemployment, full capacity utilisation and exchange rate depreciation. Second, we identified strong redistributive effects of the inflation in Poland, as reflected in declining real wages and labour share in national income. We see extraordinarily high mark-ups and profits in the business sector, particularly in 2021. Finally, we identify the social dialogue in Poland as conflictual, with virtually no coordinated efforts to limit the rate of inflation. Under such conditions, government policies are of even higher importance. These focused primarily on mitigating the social costs of inflation for households, and mostly took form of economy-wide tax cuts and transfers