131 research outputs found

    Ökológiai szemléletű gyümölcstermesztés - változó termesztő körzetekben

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    A gyümölcsfaiskolák tájformáló szerepe a régi Magyarországon

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    A naspolya hibridizációs korlátai és fontosabb fajtái

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    Ma a különleges gyümölcsök közé sorolják a naspolyát. Kis- és Közép-Ázsia száraz tölgyerdeiben honos, de elsődleges tájain is még mindig nagy az alakgazdagsága, és a termesztése fontos. Csak helyi adatok ismertek a termesztés volumenéről. Főbb termesztők a törökök, örmények és az irániak. Nyugat- Európában is csökkent a szerepe, bár élettani értékei újra divatba hozták. Mindez a M. germanicára vonakoznak; közeli rokona, a Stern-naspolya (M. canescens) Arkansasban keletkezett kuriózum, eddig nincs gazdasági jelentősége. | Today, medlar is classified as a special fruit. Native to the dry oak forests of Asia Minor and Central Asia, but primary its landscapes are still rich in forms, and the terminate is important. Only local producing data are known about the cultivation volume brought into vogue. Leading growers are Turks, Armenians and Iranians. Its role has also decreased in Western Europe, although it has physiological values. All this refers to M. germanica; its close relative, the Stern's medlar (M. canescens) in Arkansas arose as a curiosity, it has no economic significance

    Nemzeti- és szívügyünk III. : A Pándy meggy

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    Az alföldi tanyák történeti gyökeréről — másképpen

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    A szerző — az államhatárok változása ellenére — egységes nagytájnak tekinti a Kárpát-medencét. Az alföldi tanyarendszer kialakulását éppen ezért nem tekinti sajátos keleti, a nomadizálásban kompromisszumot találó gazdálkodási és életmódbeli rendszernek. E felfogás nem számol azzal, hogy a Duna nem volt áthatolhatatlan határa a Római Birodalomnak. A villa gazdaságok egyes sajátos elemeit átvették a Barabaricumban élő szövetséges népek. Az ökológiai adottságok nem adnak elégséges magyarázatot az Alföld tanyás gazdálkodásához

    3D Muographic Inversion in the Exploration of Cavities and Low-density Fractured Zones

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    Muography is an imaging tool based on the attenuation of cosmic muons to observe the density distribution of large objects, such as underground caves or fractured zones. Tomography based on muography measurements -- that is, three dimensional reconstruction of density distribution from two dimensional muon flux maps -- brings up special challenges. The detector field of view covering must be as balanced as possible, considering the muon flux drop at higher zenith angles and the detector placement possibilities. The inversion from directional muon fluxes to 3D density map is usually underdetermined (more voxels than measurements) which can be unstable due to partial coverage. This can be solved by geologically relevant Bayesian constraints. The Bayesian principle results in parameter bias and artifacts. In this work, the linearized (density-length based) inversion is applied, the methodology is explained, formulating the constraints associated with inversion to ensure the stability of parameter fitting. After testing the procedure on synthetic examples, an actual high quality muography measurement data set from 7 positions is used as input for the inversion. The result demonstrates the tomographic imaging of a complex karstic crack zone and provides details on the complicated internal structures. The existence of low density zones in the imaged space was verified by samples from core drills, which consist altered dolomite powder within the intact high density dolomite.Comment: submitted to Geophys. J. In

    SSR based characterization of peach (Prunus persica L.) and apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) varieties cultivated in Hungary

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    The SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers allow the discrimination of the cultivars and determination its specific DNA fingerprints. The aim of this research was to evaluate fifteen apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) and fifty-one peach (Prunus persica L.) genotypes cultivated in Hungary to obtain their DNA fingerprints in 6 SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) loci by allele numbers and sizes. DNAs were extracted from leaves. PCR was carried out with CY-5 fluorescent labeled Prunus microsatellite markers and the products were separated on polyacrylamide gel with ALF (Automated Laser Flourometer)-Express II. According to our results, in the case of peach genotypes, all 6 SSRs were able to amplify alleles. UDP 96 005 was the most informative marker and UCDCH 17 was the least due to its monomorphic pattern. Regarding the apricot samples BPPCT 041 did not amplify any allele. In the case of P. armeniaca UDP 96 005 had the highest heterozygosity index as well and the highest number of alleles. The least informative marker was the UCDCH 17. Since the 6 SSR were not enough to discriminate the apricot and peach genotypes, it is suggested to use more SSR primers