45 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk menemukan dan menghasilkan bahan pembelajaran blended learning yang dapat memecahkan masalah pembelajaran pada matakuliah TIK di STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. Hal ini untuk mengetahui kondisi obyektif pelaksanaan pembelajaran matakuliah TIK, mendiskripsikan proses pengembangan bahan pembelajaran blended learning , dan menghasilkan model fisikal bahan pembelajaran blended learning untuk matakuliah TIK. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan model pendekatan sistem penelitian dan pengembangan untuk pendidikan dari Gall, Gall, dan Borg. Pengembangan bahan pembelajaran blended learning matakuliah TIK merupakan kombinasi bahan pembelajaran cetak berupa modul belajar, bahan offline dan bahan online menggunakan media weblog. Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi tentang kondisi obyektif pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata kuliah TIK. Tujuan pembelajaran dan silabus pembelajaran diperbaiki sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembelajaran mahasiswa dan strategi pembelajaran blended learning mata kuliah TIK. Setelah melalui evaluasi formatif, bahan pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak digunakan di STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. Keefektifan penggunaan bahan pembelajaran blended learning yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil perbedaan secara signifikan yakni nilai rata-rata posttest lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata pre-test. Capaian pembelajaran meliputi kompetensi pengetahuan, keterampilan praktik, dan sikap positif dalam pemanfaatan TIK. ************************* ABSTRACT The research objective is to find and produce blended learning materials that can solve learning problems in ICT subjects at STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This is to find out the objective conditions of implementing ICT courses, describe the process of developing blended learning materials, and produce physical models of blended learning materials for ICT courses. This research and development uses a research and development system approach model for education from Gall, Gall, and Borg. The development of blended learning materials for ICT courses is a combination of printed learning materials in the form of learning modules, offline materials and online materials using weblog media. The results of the study provide information about the objective conditions for implementing ICT courses. The learning objectives and learning syllabus are improved according to student learning needs and blended learning learning strategies for ICT subjects. After going through formative evaluation, the learning material developed is suitable for use in STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. The effectiveness of the use of blended learning material is indicated by the results of the significant differences in that the average posttest score is higher than the pre-test average value. Learning outcomes include knowledge competencies, practical skills, and positive attitudes in the use of ICT

    Blended Learning in an Effort to Overcome Learning Materials in Elementary Schools

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    Blended learning is an innovative learning model that integrates relevant technology with learning. This study aims to describe the application of blended learning and its effect on students at the elementary school level as an effort to overcome the risk of falling behind in subject matter after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a case study approach, including qualitative methods. Data collection techniques with interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique uses Cresswell analysis. The research results show that the application of blended learning in Sukarno Hatta elementary school is included in several learning models. These models are station rotation models, blog models, online learning, and independent learning. Blended learning can be a valuable alternative for managing student learning at the elementary school level. By utilizing technology and combining various models of approaches, we can overcome the backwardness of learning materials from the effects of changes in the world's education cycle, especially after Covid-19

    Pengaruh e-commerce terhadap keputusan pembelian produk smartphone xiaomi pada mahasiswa FEB Universitas Ma Chung Malang

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    E-commerce concept offers an efficient product offerings to customers by annuling the additional cost of maintaining physical store. This concept offers lower operational cost but having a problem with trust factor due to the lack of personal touch with the customers. This research was done to analyze the effects of e-commerce towards buying Decisions of Ma Chung University FEB students towards their Xiaomi phones and found out that even if they bought the phone online, several aspects like system quality, information quality, service quality, user satisfaction, system usage and benefit of the website still have a strong considerations before decisionof purchasing the Xiaomis was made

    The effect of milling time on the alumina phase transformation in the AMCs powder metallurgy reinforced by silica-sand-tailings

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    This study aims to determine the effect of milling time and sintering temperature parameters on the alumina transformation phase in the manufacture of Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs) reinforced by 20 % silica sand tailings using powder metallurgy technology. The matrix and fillers use waste to make the composites more efficient, clean the environment, and increase waste utilization. The milling time applied to the Mechanical Alloying (MA) process was 0.5, 6, 24, 48, and 96 hours, with a ball parameter ratio of 15:1 and a rotation of 93 rpm. Furthermore, hot compaction was carried out using a 100 MPa two-way hydraulic compression machine at a temperature of 300 °C for 20 minutes. The temperature variables of the sintering parameter process were 550, 600 to 650 °C, with a holding time of 10 minutes. Characterization of materials carried out included testing particle size, porosity, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), SEM-Image, and SEM-EDX. The particle measurement of mechanical alloying processed, using Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) instrument and based on XRD data using the Scherrer equation, showed a relatively similar trend, decreasing particle size occurs when milling time was increased 0.5 to 24 hours. However, when the milling time increases to 48 and 96 hours, the particle size tends to increase slightly, due to cold-weld and agglomeration when the Mechanical Alloying is processed. The impact is the occurrence of the matrix and filler particle pairs in the cold-weld state. So, the results of XRD and SEM-EDX characterization showed a second phase transformation to form alumina compounds at a relatively low sintering temperature of 600 °C after the mechanical alloying process was carried out with a milling time on least 24 hour

    The comparison pack carburizing-nitriding SUS 316 with gas type Welding Grade and Ultra High Purity

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    The paper discusses the comparison of pack carburizing-nitriding SUS 316 with gas Nitrogen. The purpose of this study was to increase the hardness and corrosion resistance of SUS 316. The research used a pack carburizing-nitriding method with gas type Welding Grade (WG) and Ultra High Purity (UHP). The pack carburizing process uses teak wood activated carbon and barium carbonate as a bio-photo catalyst. The specimens were put into a Sealed Steel Container containing teak wood activated carbon, with a depth of 1 cm below the activated carbon's surface. The test material is then heated until it reaches 850 °C and is held for 1 hour in a heating furnace. Furthermore, the nitriding process, the specimen is put into a tightly closed nitrogen tube, then nitrogen gas flows until the pressure reaches 41 bar and is held for 24 hours. They are using Welding Grade (WG) and Ultra High Purity (UHP) gas types. Furthermore, microVickers hardness testing, optical microscope, and Scan Electron Microscope (SEM) were carried out. The results of the study include a. There was an increase in violence by 41.7 % for UHP and WG (17.3 %). b. The formation of nitride compounds and carbon dissipation on the specimen surface in the UHP carburizing-nitriding pack treatment is more than WG. The formation of a nitride layer is indicated by its fine and dense morphology and film bonding to the substrate. The chemical composition affects the diffusivity of nitrogen atoms in modifying the surface layer of the substrate. The higher the nitride compound formed, the smoother the substrate surface. Also, with UHP treatment, the lower the elemental content of Cr makes SUS 316 more resistant to corrosion. So that SUS 316 UHP can be recommended for use as an implant materia

    Effect of heat treatment and cryogenics on hardness of ductile cast iron microstructure (FCD­50)

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    The results of researches of possibilities of increasing the mechanical properties of pig iron with ball-bearing graphite of brand FCD-50 by the combined heat treatment are described. The scheme of multistage heat treatment, the characteristic feature of which is the operation of cooling in liquid nitrogen, is proposed. The use of such a scheme allows for increased HRC hardness characteristics. The study of the microstructure of cast iron treated with this scheme has proved the efficiency of the cryogenic heat treatment stage and determined its rational regimes.To match or approximate the properties of steel, the mechanical properties of this ductile cast iron 50 (FCD-‎‎50) must be ‎enhanced by methods such as ACTDI (austemper cryogenic and temper Ductile Iron). In this procedure, the FCD-50 specimen is inserted into the electric kitchen heater at 350 °C ‎‎(room temperature), heated to 600 °C and held at this temperature for 45 minutes. Next, the ‎specimen is heated to 900 °C and held at this temperature for 1 hour ‎‎(temperature austenisation). Then, the specimen is placed in furnace 2 at 3,000 °C for 45 minutes ‎‎(austempering process). The specimen subsequently is cooled in ‎liquid nitrogen. In this study, additional specimens were obtained for hardness and ‎microstructure tests. The as-cast test yielded a ‎hardness value of 18.39 HRC. In the hardness test for the ACTDI process, 12 ‎hours of submersion yielded the highest hardness result of 24.25 HRC. ‎In terms of the changes in microstructure after soaking changes, the amount of perlite present in the specimen was greater than that of ferrite, and the arrangement of graphite ‎nodules was better than that of the as-cast material.‎Описаны результаты исследований возможностей повышения механических свойств чугунов с шаровидним графитом марки FCD-50 путем комбинированной термической обработки. Предложена схема многоступенчатой термической обработки, характерной особенностью которой является операция охлаждения в жидком азоте. Использование такой схемы позволяет получить повышенные характеристики твердости HRC. Исследованием микроструктуры чугунов, обработанных по такой схеме, доказана эффективность криогенного этапа термической обработки и определены ее рациональные режимыОписано результати досліджень можливостей підвищення механічних властивостей чавунів з шаровідним графітом марки FCD-50 шляхом комбінованої термічної обробки. Запропоновано схему багатоступінчастої термічної обробки, характерною особливістю якої є операція охолодження у рідкому азоті. Використання такої схеми дозволяє отримати підвищені характеристики твердості HRC. Дослідженням мікроструктури чавунів, оброблених за такою схемою, доведена ефективність кріогенного етапу термічної обробки та визначено її раціональні режим

    Effect of heat treatment and cryogenics on hardness of ductile cast iron microstructure (FCD­50)

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    The results of researches of possibilities of increasing the mechanical properties of pig iron with ball-bearing graphite of brand FCD-50 by the combined heat treatment are described. The scheme of multistage heat treatment, the characteristic feature of which is the operation of cooling in liquid nitrogen, is proposed. The use of such a scheme allows for increased HRC hardness characteristics. The study of the microstructure of cast iron treated with this scheme has proved the efficiency of the cryogenic heat treatment stage and determined its rational regimes.To match or approximate the properties of steel, the mechanical properties of this ductile cast iron 50 (FCD-‎‎50) must be ‎enhanced by methods such as ACTDI (austemper cryogenic and temper Ductile Iron). In this procedure, the FCD-50 specimen is inserted into the electric kitchen heater at 350 °C ‎‎(room temperature), heated to 600 °C and held at this temperature for 45 minutes. Next, the ‎specimen is heated to 900 °C and held at this temperature for 1 hour ‎‎(temperature austenisation). Then, the specimen is placed in furnace 2 at 3,000 °C for 45 minutes ‎‎(austempering process). The specimen subsequently is cooled in ‎liquid nitrogen. In this study, additional specimens were obtained for hardness and ‎microstructure tests. The as-cast test yielded a ‎hardness value of 18.39 HRC. In the hardness test for the ACTDI process, 12 ‎hours of submersion yielded the highest hardness result of 24.25 HRC. ‎In terms of the changes in microstructure after soaking changes, the amount of perlite present in the specimen was greater than that of ferrite, and the arrangement of graphite ‎nodules was better than that of the as-cast material.‎Описаны результаты исследований возможностей повышения механических свойств чугунов с шаровидним графитом марки FCD-50 путем комбинированной термической обработки. Предложена схема многоступенчатой термической обработки, характерной особенностью которой является операция охлаждения в жидком азоте. Использование такой схемы позволяет получить повышенные характеристики твердости HRC. Исследованием микроструктуры чугунов, обработанных по такой схеме, доказана эффективность криогенного этапа термической обработки и определены ее рациональные режимыОписано результати досліджень можливостей підвищення механічних властивостей чавунів з шаровідним графітом марки FCD-50 шляхом комбінованої термічної обробки. Запропоновано схему багатоступінчастої термічної обробки, характерною особливістю якої є операція охолодження у рідкому азоті. Використання такої схеми дозволяє отримати підвищені характеристики твердості HRC. Дослідженням мікроструктури чавунів, оброблених за такою схемою, доведена ефективність кріогенного етапу термічної обробки та визначено її раціональні режим

    Tensile strength and fatigue crack growth rate of chamfered and clamped A6061 friction weld joints

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    Friction welding is a solid-state joining technique. It is suitable to be used to join a round bar of aluminum that has problems in joining. This paper reports measurements of the tensile strength and fatigue crack growth rate of a continuous drive friction welding (CDFW) joint of aluminum alloys A6061. The CDFW process was conducted by using the round bar A6061 machined to form a chamfer angle and applying a clamping process before the upset stage. Various chamfer angles of 0, 30, 45, and 60 degrees were machined on the stationary round bar. In order to increase the tensile strength and to reduce the fatigue crack growth rate of the CDFW joint, round clamps were applied on the CDFW joint. CDFW process was conducted with the revolution speed of 1,100 rpm, the initial compression force of 3.9 kN during friction stage for 4 seconds, and an upset force of 28 kN for 60 seconds. The specimens of friction weld joints were machined to shape the specimens of tensile strength testing and fatigue crack growth testing. Fatigue crack growth testing was performed using a cantilever rotary bending machine. The testing results show that using a small chamfer angle together with the round clamp produced a CDFW joint that exhibited higher tensile strength than the joint without chamfer or clamping. The specimen created with a chamfer angle of 30 degrees and the clamping method had the highest tensile strength and the lowest fatigue crack growth rate among the samples studied. This result was caused by smaller heat input as a result of using a small one-sided chamfer together with two stages of plastic deformation from the clamping process and upset process during CDFW. The fatigue crack growth rate is also confirmed by macro and scanning electron microscope imaging of the fracture surfaces. The area of fatigue crack growth of the specimen with high tensile strength is wider than the specimen with lower tensile strength. The striations are also observed more clearly in the fracture surface of the specimen with the highest tensile strength and the lowest fatigue crack growth rate, namely the specimen, which has a chamfer angle of 30 degrees with clampin

    Kekuatan Tarik Dan Porositas Hasil Sambungan Las Gesek Aluminium 6061 Dengan Berbagai Suhu Aging

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    Aluminum alloy is one of materials that is difficult joining with fusion welding. Friction welding is solution to solve engineering problems in joinning with fusion welding. The parametersthat influence onfriction weldingare frictiontime, rotational speed, compressive force, and upset force. In this study, specimens were friction welded with rotation speed of 1600 rpm, compressive force during friction welding 123 kgf for 120 seconds, and upset force 202 kgf for 120 seconds.The weakness of the friction welding process is a decline in strength, it is due to friction welding is done in solid condition. In order to increase tensile strength of friction welding joint, precipitation hardening methods can be used.Precipitation hardening methods carried out in three stages, solution heat treatment, quenching and agingwith artificial aging process. The artificial aging temperature variated by 150 C, 185 0 C 200 0 C, and 225 0 C with a holding time in 7 hours. The results showed that precipitation hardening cause porosity decreasedin the weld joint. Specimens with a aging temperature 150 0 C and holding time for 7 hours has the smallest porosity of 0,11 % and it has maximum tensile strength of 186,65 MPa