796 research outputs found

    Real-time and post-processed georeferencing for hyperpspectral drone remote sensing

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    The use of drones and photogrammetric technologies are increasing rapidly in different applications. Currently, drone processing workflow is in most cases based on sequential image acquisition and post-processing, but there are great interests towards real-time solutions. Fast and reliable real-time drone data processing can benefit, for instance, environmental monitoring tasks in precision agriculture and in forest. Recent developments in miniaturized and low-cost inertial measurement systems and GNSS sensors, and Real-time kinematic (RTK) position data are offering new perspectives for the comprehensive remote sensing applications. The combination of these sensors and light-weight and low-cost multi- or hyperspectral frame sensors in drones provides the opportunity of creating near real-time or real-time remote sensing data of target object. We have developed a system with direct georeferencing onboard drone to be used combined with hyperspectral frame cameras in real-time remote sensing applications. The objective of this study is to evaluate the real-time georeferencing comparing with post-processing solutions. Experimental data sets were captured in agricultural and forested test sites using the system. The accuracy of onboard georeferencing data were better than 0.5 m. The results showed that the real-time remote sensing is promising and feasible in both test sites. © Authors 2018. CC BY 4.0 License.Peer reviewe

    Reflectance properties of selected arctic-boreal land cover types: field measurements and their application in remote sensing

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    International audienceWe developed a mobile remote sensing measurement facility for spectral and anisotropic reflectance measurements. We measured reflection properties (BRF) of over 100 samples from most common land cover types in boreal and subarctic regions. This extensive data set serves as a unique reference opportunity for developing interpretation algorithms for remotely sensed materials as well as for modelling climatic effects in the boreal and subarctic zones. Our goniometric measurements show that the reflectances of the most common land cover types in the boreal and subarctic region can differ from each other by a factor of 100. Some types are strong forward scatterers, some backward scatterers, some reflect specularly, some have strong colours, some are bright in visual, some in infrared. We noted that spatial variations in reflectance, even among the same type of vegetation, can be well over 20%, diurnal variations of the same order and seasonal variation often over a factor of 10. This has significant consequences on the interpretation of satellite and airborne images and on the development of radiation regime models in both optical remote sensing and climate change research. We propose that the accuracy of optical remote sensing can be improved by an order of magnitude, if better physical reflectance models can be introduced. Further improvements can be reached by more optimised design of sensors and orbits/flight lines, by the effective combining of several data sources and better processing of atmospheric effects. We conclude that more extensive and systematic laboratory experiments and field measurements are needed, with more modelling effort

    Chromosome evolution in Neotropical Danainae and Ithomiinae (Lepidoptera)

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    Chromosome numbers are given for 1011 populations of 242 species, representing the full range of taxa (49 of the about 52 presently recognized genera) in the Neotropical Nymphalid butterfly subfamily Ithorminae (prime movers for mimicry rings), including many additional geographical subspecies from 47 regions from Mexico and the Caribbean islands throughout all tropical South American countries to southern Brazil. Twelve Neotropical Danainae (in 3 genera), all but one with n = 29 -31, and the Australian Tellervo (n = 32) served as sister groups for comparison. The numbers range near-continuously from n = 5 to n = 120 with modal values (33-84 counts) at n = 12-18, and only 16 and 26 counts at the usual modal number of all butterfly groups, n =30-31. Superimposition of these changes in karyotype on a cladistic phylogeny of the subfamily indicates possible early halving of the complement to n about 14-15, followed by much variation in each genus and tribe. While at least 17 species in 15 genera show stable karyotypes over much of the Nectropics, at least 40 species show large geographical variation in number of chromosomes, rarely accompanied by any evidence for reduction in fertility or incipient speciation. The evolutionary opportunism of the members of this subfamily probably accompanies their known population biology and community ecology: they are common, shade-loving, highly gregarious (occurring in small multispecies "pockets" in deep forest) and often migratory as a community when the environment becomes unfavorable (too hot or dry).141321623

    Mosaic dysfunction of mitophagy in mitochondrial muscle disease

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    Mitophagy is a quality control mechanism that eliminates damaged mitochondria, yet its significance in mammalian pathophysiology and aging has remained unclear. Here, we report that mitophagy contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle of aged mice and human patients. The early disease stage is characterized by muscle fibers with central nuclei, with enhanced mitophagy around these nuclei. However, progressive mitochondrial dysfunction halts mitophagy and disrupts lysosomal homeostasis. Interestingly, activated or halted mitophagy occur in a mosaic manner even in adjacent muscle fibers, indicating cell-autonomous regulation. Rapamycin restores mitochondrial turnover, indicating mTOR-dependence of mitochondrial recycling in advanced disease stage. Our evidence suggests that (1) mitophagy is a hallmark of age-related mitochondrial pathology in mammalian muscle, (2) mosaic halting of mitophagy is a mechanism explaining mosaic respiratory chain deficiency and accumulation of pathogenic mtDNA variants in adult-onset mitochondrial diseases and normal aging, and (3) augmenting mitophagy is a promising therapeutic approach for muscle mitochondrial dysfunction.Peer reviewe

    Isolation of dental stem cell-enriched populations from continuously growing mouse incisors

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    Continuous growth of the rodent incisor is enabled by epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells (ESCs and MSCs) which unceasingly replenish enamel and dentin, respectively, that wear by persistent animal gnawing. Lineage tracing studies have provided evidence that ESCs contribute to all epithelial lineages of the tooth in vivo. Meanwhile, in the mouse incisor, MSCs continuously contribute to odontoblast lineage and tooth growth. However, in vitro manipulation of ESCs has shown little progress, mainly due to lack of appropriate protocol to successfully isolate, culture, expand, and differentiate ESCs in vitro without using the co-culture system. In this chapter we describe the isolation of the Sox2-GFP+ cell population that is highly enriched in ESCs. Isolated cells can be used for various types of analyses, including in vitro culture, single cell-related analyses, etc. Furthermore, we describe ways to obtain populations enriched in the incisor MSCs using FACS sorting of antibody-labeled cells. Easily accessible FACS sorting enables easy and relatively fast isolation of the cells labeled by the fluorescent protein. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019.Peer reviewe

    RNA modification landscape of the human mitochondrial tRNA(LYs) regulates protein synthesis

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    Post-transcriptional RNA modifications play a critical role in the pathogenesis of human mitochondrial disorders, but the mechanisms by which specific modifications affect mitochondrial protein synthesis remain poorly understood. Here we used a quantitative RNA sequencing approach to investigate, at nucleotide resolution, the stoichiometry and methyl modifications of the entire mitochondrial tRNA pool, and establish the relevance to human disease. We discovered that a N-1 -methyladenosine (m(1)A) modification is missing at position 58 in the mitochondrial tRNA(LYs) of patients with the mitochondrial DNA mutation m.8344 A > G associated with MERRF (myoclonus epilepsy, ragged-red fibers). By restoring the modification on the mitochondrial tRNA(LYs), we demonstrated the importance of the m(1)A58 to translation elongation and the stability of selected nascent chains. Our data indicates regulation of post-transcriptional modifications on mitochondrial tRNAs is finely tuned for the control of mitochondrial gene expression. Collectively, our findings provide novel insight into the regulation of mitochondrial tRNAs and reveal greater complexity to the molecular pathogenesis of MERRF.Peer reviewe

    Autonomous robotic drone system for mapping forest interiors

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    During the last decade, the use of drones in forest monitoring and remote sensing has become highly popular. While most of the monitoring tasks take place in high altitudes and open air, in the last few years drones have also gained interest in under-canopy data collection. However, flying under the forest canopy is a complex task since the drone can not use Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for positioning and it has to continually avoid obstacles, such as trees, branches, and rocks, on its path. For that reason, drone-based data collection under the forest canopy is still mainly based on manual control by human pilots. Autonomous flying in GNSS-denied obstacle-rich environment has been an actively researched topic in the field of robotics during the last years and various open-sourced methods have been published in the literature. However, most of the research is done purely from the point-of-view of robotics and only a few studies have been published in the boundary of forest sciences and robotics aiming to take steps towards autonomous forest data collection. In this study, a prototype of an autonomous under-canopy drone is developed and implemented utilizing state-of-the-art open-source methods. The prototype is utilizing the EGO-Planner-v2 trajectory planner for autonomous obstacle avoidance and VINS-Fusion for Visual-inertial-odometry based GNSS-free pose estimation. The flying performance of the prototype is evaluated by performing multiple test flights with real hardware in two different boreal forest test plots with medium and difficult densities. Furthermore, the first results of the forest data collecting performance are obtained by post-processing the data collected with a low-cost stereo camera during one test flight to a 3D point cloud and by performing diameter breast at height (DBH) estimation. In the medium-density forest, all seven test flights were successful, but in the difficult test forest, one of eight test flights failed. The RMSE of the DBH estimation was 3.86 cm (12.98 %)

    An EMG-Assisted Muscle-Force Driven Finite Element Analysis Pipeline to Investigate Joint- and Tissue-Level Mechanical Responses in Functional Activities : Towards a Rapid Assessment Toolbox

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    Publisher Copyright: © 1964-2012 IEEE.Joint tissue mechanics (e.g., stress and strain) are believed to have a major involvement in the onset and progression of musculoskeletal disorders, e.g., knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Accordingly, considerable efforts have been made to develop musculoskeletal finite element (MS-FE) models to estimate highly detailed tissue mechanics that predict cartilage degeneration. However, creating such models is time-consuming and requires advanced expertise. This limits these complex, yet promising, MS-FE models to research applications with few participants and makes the models impractical for clinical assessments. Also, these previously developed MS-FE models have not been used to assess activities other than gait. This study introduces and verifies a semi-automated rapid state-of-the-art MS-FE modeling and simulation toolbox incorporating an electromyography- (EMG) assisted MS model and a muscle-force driven FE model of the knee with fibril-reinforced poro(visco)elastic cartilages and menisci. To showcase the usability of the pipeline, we estimated joint- and tissue-level knee mechanics in 15 KOA individuals performing different daily activities. The pipeline was verified by comparing the estimated muscle activations and joint mechanics to existing experimental data. To determine the importance of the EMG-assisted MS analysis approach, results were compared to those from the same FE models but driven by static-optimization-based MS models. The EMG-assisted MS-FE pipeline bore a closer resemblance to experiments compared to the static-optimization-based MS-FE pipeline. Importantly, the developed pipeline showed great potential as a rapid MS-FE analysis toolbox to investigate multiscale knee mechanics during different activities of individuals with KOA.Peer reviewe

    Conflict between heterozygote advantage and hybrid incompatibility in haplodiploids (and sex chromosomes)

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    In many diploid species the sex chromosomes play a special role in mediating reproductive isolation. In haplodiploids, where females are diploid and males haploid, the whole genome behaves similarly to the X/Z chromosomes of diploids. Therefore, haplodiploid systems can serve as a model for the role of sex chromosomes in speciation and hybridization. A previously described population of Finnish Formica wood ants displays genome-wide signs of ploidally and sexually antagonistic selection resulting from hybridization. Here, hybrid females have increased survivorship but hybrid males are inviable. To understand how the unusual hybrid population may be maintained, we developed a mathematical model with hybrid incompatibility, female heterozygote advantage, recombination, and assortative mating. The rugged fitness landscape resulting from the co-occurrence of heterozygote advantage and hybrid incompatibility results in a sexual conflict in haplodiploids, which is caused by the ploidy difference. Thus, whereas heterozygote advantage always promotes long-term polymorphism in diploids, we find various outcomes in haplodiploids in which the population stabilizes either in favor of males, females, or via maximizing the number of introgressed individuals. We discuss these outcomes with respect to the potential long-term fate of the Finnish wood ant population, and provide approximations for the extension of the model to multiple incompatibilities. Moreover, we highlight the general implications of our results for speciation and hybridization in haplodiploids versus diploids, and how the described fitness relationships could contribute to the outstanding role of sex chromosomes as hotspots of sexual antagonism and genes involved in speciation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved