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    Unsticking American Tort Theory

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    In the United States, the debate over the foundations of tort law is at an impasse. On one side of the dispute, economic theorists contend that tort law is primarily concerned with the forward-looking aim of maximizing societal wealth. The most prominent critics of this view claim that an economic analysis of tort law cannot explain the field’s backward-looking concern with achieving corrective justice by remedying wrongs. Despite the strength of this critique, economic theorists have a legitimate response available to them: corrective justice describes the reparative aspect of tort law, but it stops short of providing a justificatory account of the field’s primary rights. Economic theorists claim that without such an account, their critics’ theory stands in need of justification and cannot serve as the foundational principle of tort law. In this article, I explain how philosopher Alan Gewirth’s work can help make progress toward resolving this impasse by articulating the foundation of tort law’s primary rights and explaining the field’s bilateral structure. Gewirth’s argument for what he calls the principle of generic consistency provides a rational standard for determining the rightness and wrongness of all human action, including the activity of lawmaking. As such, the principle of generic consistency can serve as the rational foundation for the primary rights and duties at the heart of tort law. In this way, Gewirth’s theory can overcome the difficulty corrective justice theorists have in providing an account of tort law’s primary rights. Further, the principle of generic consistency can explain tort law’s backward-looking concern with remedying wrongs in a way that economic theorists cannot

    Idiopathic intracranial hypertension in Sweden : epidemiological studies focused on incidence and risk factors

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    Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a disorder which is not that unusual for neurologists and ophthalmologists to meet in clinical practice even though it only affects around 1 per 100,000 individuals. It gives rise to symptoms of headache and visual disturbances caused by high intracranial pressure (ICP). The first recorded patient with this disorder was described by Quicke in 1893, followed by 22 cases reported by Dandy in 1937, who later summarized the common diagnostic characteristics of the disorder (1). Even though we have known about this disorder for far more than 100 years and several studies have been performed to investigate its origin, we still don’t know what causes the increased pressure. We know that it more commonly affects females of reproductive age, in particular those who are obese. But why this is the case is not known. Several hypotheses have been suggested and studied over the years. Additionally, several risk factors that could be involved in the development of high intracranial pressure have been proposed. However, since the disorder and some of its risk factors are rare, there have been conflicting findings as to the strength of some of the proposed associations between such risk factors and IIH development. The intension of this thesis was to conduct studies investigating the incidence of IIH in Sweden as well as describing a Swedish cohort to shed light onto potential different risk factors. We used Swedish large national registers to investigate if risk factors were more common in IIH cases compared to controls prior to diagnosis. Study I is a descriptive study of all patients with a diagnosis code for IIH in Stockholm County during 2006-2013.We included 207 individuals ≥18 years of age with the diagnosis code G93.2 registered in the national patient register during these years. We validated the diagnosis coding by review of medical records and found that only 65% fulfilled the modified Dandy diagnostic criteria for IIH. The incidence was 0.65 per 100,000 individuals, in the lower range of most reported incidence studies on IIH. Among those fulfilling IIH diagnosis criteria, as reported in other studies, most patients were females (F/M ratio of 6:1) and females were slightly younger than men at time of diagnosis (mean age women 31 (CI 29-33) compared to 43 (CI 36-50) in men). These results provided the motivation to improve finding correctly diagnosed IIH patients to include in register studies. In study II we therefore developed algorithms, that included parameters thought to improve prediction by using data which are possible to extract from registers, to better predict which patients to include as “true” IIH cases. We developed the algorithms by testing these parameters using a stepwise logistic regression model on a randomized one half of study I individuals and then tested how well they predicted on the other half. By using parameters age, receiving 3 or more registrations of the diagnosis code G93.2, and in the second algorithm also adding acetazolamide treatment (needing use of drug register data) prediction of true cases improved to 86% and 88%, respectively. With use of the developed algorithms we continued to do the national case-control register studies looking at exposure to risk factors in the year prior to the first IIH diagnosis to undertake study III and IV. We looked at the whole population over 18 years during 2000-2016. In study III and IV 902 IIH cases and 4510 matched general population (GP) controls and 4510 obese controls were included. Matching factors were age, sex, and region of residence at the time the IIH patient in the matched group was diagnosed. When analyzing drug dispensations, we had 654 IIH cases and 3270 corresponding GP and obese controls, respectively included. In study I, we found that conditions causing an inflammatory response were common. In study III we therefore wanted to analyze this in a larger population. The results from study III showed increased OR for both infectious (OR = 4.3; 95% CI 3.3-5.6) and inflammatory disorders (OR = 3.2; 95% CI 2.4-4.3) the year prior to the first IIH diagnosis compared to GP controls. Similarly, OR were significantly increased though of slightly lower magnitude compared to the obese controls. In Study IV we investigated the incidence of IIH in Sweden and evaluated risk factors previously proposed in the literature. The mean incidence in the adult population over the study period was similar to study I; 0.71 per 100,000 individuals. The incidence showed however a steady increase which we believe is related to increasing obesity worldwide, as well as in Sweden. Regarding risk factors we could conclude that we saw a significant increased risk of exposure to several disorders, especially kidney failure, SLE, PCOS, tetracyclines, and lithium and systemic corticosteroid treatments. We also found surprisingly high OR for arterial hypertension which in recent years has not been considered a risk factor although it has been described. Equally important, our results confirm that hormonal contraceptives and pregnancy are not likely to be risk factors for IIH. In this study and this thesis, we discuss common denominators regarding risk factors for IIH and proposed three main hypotheses; an inflammation theory, an androgen theory and an ICP regulatory mechanism theory to be of interest for further research

    Non-invasive Vascular Structure and Pathology Using Very-high Resolution Ultrasound

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    Very-high resolution ultrasound (VHRU, 25-55MHz) is a recently developed method for non-invasive assessment of vascular structures. With its increased ultrasound frequency, the method allows for noninvasive examination of the vascular wall in vivo with an axial resolution in the range of tens of micrometers. These characteristics make it a feasible method to determine vascular dimensions of superficial arteries and arteries in the pediatric population. The aim of this thesis was the following: 1. To study the application of a semi-automatic border detection software to improve measurement characteristics of the arterial wall layers, 2. To assess accuracy, precision and feasibility of the VHRU method in assessing superficial arterial wall layers in preterm and term neonates, 3. To validate the VHRU method to assess age-related intimal thickening of the arterial wall, and 4. To determine the potential to implement the method as a noninvasive tool in the bedside diagnosis of giant-cell arteritis of the temporal artery. This Thesis shows that there is no significant difference in the technical precision or bias of arterial wall layer dimension measurements using a semi-automated border detection software compared to electronical calipers, but time of analysis is significantly shorter using the automated border detection software. VHRU is feasible, accurate and precise in the measurement of arterial layer thickness (intima-media and intima-media-adventitia thickness) of proximal conduit arteries, such as carotid, brachial and femoral, in preterm and term neonates. The resolution of VHRU is insufficient in the assessment of more peripheral conduit arteries such as the radial artery. VHRU is feasible and able to detect a thickened intimal layer, seen as a four-line pattern of the arterial far wall in the ultrasound image, in superficial peripheral muscular conduit arteries with intima thickness >0.06mm. Measurements leading-to-leading edge of the intimal layer are accurate compared with histological thickness. VHRU is feasible, accurate and precise in assessing transmural inflammation related intimal thickening in patients with giant-cell arteritis of the temporal artery. The method was however not useful in patients with inflammation limited to the adventitia or without inflammation on histology. In conclusion, very-high resolution ultrasound is an emerging method for the assessment of superficial vascular wall layer structures. The harmless and non-invasive method can detect near-microscopical changes in the vascular wall in human subjects from the newborn stage to old age. Very-high resolution ultrasound has a clinical potential in the non-invasive assessment of vascular health and disease related pathology.Kajoamaton korkeataajuusultraääni (VHRU, very-high resolution ultrasound, 25-55MHz) on 2000-luvulla kehitetty ultraäänimenetelmä valtimonseinämän kuvantamiseen. Korkeammilla ultraäänitaajuuksilla kuvan erottelukyky on parempi, lähes mikroskooppitasoa, mutta kuvausalue on rajoittunut lähellä anturia oleviin rakenteisiin. Tässä väitöskirjassa arvioidaan puoliautomaattisen analyysiohjelman käyttöä valtimoseinämän eri kerrosten mittaamisessa. Lisäksi kirjassa selvitetään menetelmän soveltuvuutta vastasyntyneiden lasten valtimoseinämän arvioinnissa, menetelmän käyttöä valtimon sisäkalvon (tunica intima) paksuuden mittauksessa ikääntyneillä, sekä menetelmän hyötyjä jättisoluarteriitin diagnostiikassa. Tutkimme puoliautomaattisen ohjelmankäyttöä kymmenen henkilön eri verisuonista otettujen kuvien arvioinnissa vertailemalla analyysiaikaa ja mittauksien luotettavuutta käsin tehtyihin yksittäismittauksiin. Emme löytäneet eroa menetelmien luotettavuudessa, mutta puoliautomaattisen menetelmän analyysiaika oli merkittävästi lyhyempi. VHRU-menetelmä pystyi luotettavasti ja tarkasti mittaamaan suurten ja keskisuurten valtimoiden seinämän kerrospaksuudet. VHRU-menetelmällä tutkittiin 78 ikääntynyttä potilasta, jotka oli lähetetty ohimovaltimon koepalan ottoon jättisoluarteriittiepäilyn takia. Niiden potilaiden joukossa, joilla ei ollut tulehdusmuutoksia suonen seinämässä, 76 %:lla oli histologisesti paksuuntunut valtimon sisäkalvo joka oli tarkasti ja luotettavasti mitattavissa VHRU-menetelmällä. Jättisoluarteriittipotilailla ohimovaltimon seinämä oli histologiassa selkeästi paksuntunut. VHRU-menetelmällä mitattu yli 0,3 mm:n valtimon sisäkalvo oli tarkka ja herkkä mittari jättisoluarteriitille. Kajoamaton korkeataajuusultraääni on uusi menetelmä, jolla pinnallisten valtimoiden seinämän kerrosten paksuudet voidaan tarkasti ja luotettavasti mitata. Puoliautomaattisella ohjelmalla valtimoseinämän kerroksen paksuuden mittaamista voidaan nopeuttaa. Menetelmän parempi erottelukyky mahdollistaa pienten vastasyntyneiden valtimoseinämän kuvantamisen ja ikääntyvien valtimon sisäkalvon paksuuden mittaamisen. Ohimovaltimon jättisoluarteriitissa suonenseinämä turpoaa tulehduksen seurauksena ja tämä näkyy VHRU-kuvissa paksuuntuneena sisäkalvona. Menetelmä voisi tulevaisuudessa soveltua kliiniseen käyttöön pinnallisten verisuonisairauksien tutkimuksessa ja diagnostiikassa

    Making the Case for Europe? An Exploratory Study of EU Consular Crisis Management Cooperation as a Means of EU Public Diplomacy

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    Initially off to a slow start, European Union (EU) consular crisis management cooperation eventually developed as a response to exogenous factors. Given that guaranteeing the safety of one’s citizens is seen as one of the core responsibilities of the nation state, however, the EU’s Member States still seem reluctant to transfer this responsibility to the European level and the EU institutions. At times equated with propaganda, both the terminology and practice surrounding public diplomacy has received increased attention recently. Though not always labelled as such, public diplomacy efforts have gradually been stepped up by national foreign ministries and the EU institutions. Against the backdrop of this renaissance for consular affairs and public diplomacy, the current study examines EU action in the field of consular crisis management cooperation as a means of EU public diplomacy, potentially affecting the alleged (internal) lack of support for the project of an ever closed Union among the EU citizens, as well as serving the EU’s public diplomacy purposes vis-à-vis foreign audiences.On the basis of legal provisions, budget allocations and proven action thus far in the field of public diplomacy efforts related to EU consular crisis management cooperation, a number of conclusions are suggested: According to existing legal provisions, there is considerable scope for EU efforts in this field. Though it could potentially later be challenged by Member States and/or other EU institutions, the so-called institutional prerogative – which is often used as the legal basis for budgetary commitments in the field of information and communications by the European Commission – could be applied also to EU public diplomacy efforts in this area, i.e. (increasingly) funded through the Community budget. Though the enabling legal conditions are in place, and a number of budget lines exist that could be used to this end, to date a very limited number of initiatives have been realised. Looking at existing data regarding public opinion and EU consular cooperation, it seems that EU citizens (though to a varying degree, depending on the EU Member State and other demographical variations) would welcome an increased role for the EU in the area. Regarding public diplomacy, recent developments cannot be confined to the EU alone, but tend to be part of a broader trend which can be labelled the “societization” of traditional diplomacy, characterised by closer links between diplomacy and society. In terms of the limits of EU consular crisis management cooperation as a means of EU public diplomacy, constraints include the issue of responsibility, the distribution of credit and blame, national sensitivities, and differences in Member States’ resources and representation. Finally, arguing that the potential for European efforts in the field of consular crisis management as a tool of effective EU public diplomacy (both within the Union and outside) is great, it is surprising that not more attention is given to the area – especially in light of the Commission’s discourse on delivering tangible benefits to the EU’s citizens. To move from action as a mere response to exogenous factors to a situation where it is part of an EU policy of deliberate public diplomacy, the Union still has a long way to go

    A summary of the published data on host plants and morphology of immature stages of Australian jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) : with additional new records

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    A summary is given of the published host plant and descriptive immature stage morphology data for 671 species and 11 subspecies in 54 genera of Australian jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). New host data for 155 species and 3 subspecies in 17 genera including the first published data for 75 species are included
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