271 research outputs found
Learning achievement in academic activity is avery important thing because
it is the result of learning activities which are identified by the changes of
knowledge, understanding, attitude and behaviour skill, capabiliity, ability of
reacting, power of conceiving and aspects in the leaners them selves. Learning
achievement in influenced by many things, among others are motivation to gain
achievement, self adjustment and the role of guidance counseling.
This research aims to know the relation of motivation of achievement,
adjustment and role of tuition service of counseling with achievement of student
The hypotesis that there is correlation among achievement motivations,
adjustment and role of guidance counseling with achievement of learning
This research subject are students SMP N I Nogosari Boyolali which having
the age between 12 to 15 years that amounts to 70 students of them with the
cluster random sampling technique.
Data collections technique is done by using motivation of achievement
questionaire, self adjustment and role of guidance of counseling of student
learning achievement and document which student value student. Data is analysed
by regression.
The results from the regression are: 1) There is a very significant
correlation between interest motivation of achievement, adjustment and role of
guidance counseling has significant influence to achievement of learning, 2)
There is a positive correlation between the significant interest achievement
motivation with achievement of learning, 3) There is a positive correlation
between the significant interest adjustment with achievement of learning.
4) There is a positive correlation between the significant interest role of
guidance counseling with achievement of learning.
Based on the result of data analysis it can be concluded that : the proposed
hypotetesis is accepted or proven. The result of the regression analysis is that
there is correlation among achievement motivations, self adjustment and role of
guidance of counseling with achievement of learning.This figure comes from
effective countribution of achievement motivations, adjustment and role of
guidance counseling with achievement of learning scores 97, 9% the other 2,1% come from other factors
A research on Aruh, Gupuh, Rengkuh, Lungguh, and Suguh as a Communication Medium in Building Silaturohmi in Java is a cultural study. This research was conducted because Aruh, Gupuh, Rengkuh, Lungguh and Suguh are a welcoming-guest culture becoming the tourism developing media involving Pracimayasa building in Mangkunegaran currently. This study attempted to discuss the meaning and symbol of guest welcoming as the Javanese communication medium. Just like cultural study paradigm in postmodernism area, this study was positioned into critical thinking system, using critical theory and semiotic theory of visual communication. The research was taken place in Mangkunegaran. This study was expected to provide the opportunity of creativity development in interpreting the text thereby obtaining a more in-depth understanding on the meaning of guest welcoming attitude in Java. This study employed a qualitative method and descriptive qualitative and interpretative analysis technique with hermeneutics approach. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, interview, and document and library studies.
The result of research showed that the meaning of Aruh, gupuh, rengkuh, lungguh, and suguh was the embodiment of rukun-kurmat (concord-respect) principle as the Javanese communication medium in the namu/sonjo (visiting others’ house) and ketamon (receiving the guest) event. In Mangkunegaran tradition, it was called royal guest welcoming. Aruh is an expression through action and face expression as the form of grapyak semanak (friendly) attitude. Gupuh is the happy feeling manifested in in-hurry attitude as the form of sincerity. Rengkuh is the attitude of accepting an individual’s presence as the form of protecting attitude. Lungguh means giving a seat as the form of respect. Suguh is to serve the guest physically and spiritually as the form of respect and alms
Gemi Nastiti Lan Ngati-Ati As Interior Awareness Space in Global Era
The study titled gemi nastiti lan ngati-ati as a strategy for developing interior design concepts in the pandemic period
departed from concerns before the Covid 19 Period, appearing interior styles that tend to stick here and there. The period
of Covid 19 encouraged the occurrence of difficulties in the economic field does not mean having to stop developing an
interior design. gemi nastiti lan ngati-ati is a philosophy of Javanese society teaching Javanese people to be able to
manage wealth/abilities even in difficult times. The implementation of the philosophy of lively nastiti lan observing in
the era of modernity is certainly a debate. Therefore in this study the following problems were formulated: (1) how to
gemi nastiti lan ngati-ati as a philosophy of life in Java; (2) how to adapt the gemi nastiti lan ngati-ati concept as an
interior design concept in Java. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach as a strategy to build creativity in
formulating design concepts. Theories used are Michel Foucault’s Theory of Power, and Semiotic Theory. The results of
the study show that gemi nastiti lan ngati-ati is a Javanese philosophy of life that is still applied in the archipelago. The
power relation involved is the awareness of people as Javanese people who have a high-value philosophy of life which in
turn is used as advice to build awareness of children, society, groups/institutions. gemi nastiti lan ngati-ati is no longer
an attitude of resignation to the existing situation but is advice on being frugal, careful, and careful about your potential
to be managed in order to obtain better results. Awareness about interior-related potential is the diversity of forms of
interior elements from Javanese Traditional Houses that represent social strata symbols. During its development, elements
of traditional Javanese interior houses became a symbol of the romantic style of past life. The power relation involved is
awareness about the cultural richness of the archipelago as a commodity making the old interior as the exclusive interior
of a socialite place. The strategy of adaptation to the gemi nastiti lan ngati-ati concept above in the Covid 19 era referred
to the potential of Javanese arts and culture in the global era. It was done not just by taking and sticking but by managing
the potential diversity of interior elements of Javanese traditional house style through modification. Modification is a way
to change goods/objects that are not interesting to be interesting without losing the function and display the form better
than the original, through the intensifier, focuser, duplication, explanaser, reducter
Melestarikan Keanekaragaman Hayati Melalui Pembelajaran Di Luar Kelas Dan Tugas Yang Menantang
Indonesia is a mega-biodiversity country that has a number offlora and fauna number 2worldwide. Biological diversity useful for the purposes offood, clothing, and shelter. Based on theresults of pre-study showed that the majority (80%) of biodiversity in school learning use thelecture method and of course have not touched the realm of attitudes to conserve. The goal of theresearch is to develop the attitude of preserving biodiversity in the candidate educators throughlearning outside the classroom and challenging task. Subjects in this study were students ofbiology education study program participant subjects generation plant diversity by 2012 consist of36 students, 5 male students, and 31 female students. This type of research is the ClassroomAction Research (CAR) conducted during two cycles, the research approach is qualitativedescriptive. Data analysis was done by triangulation of data and percentages. Observationsattitudes using Likert scale, observation sheets, and field notes. The results showed no increase inthe attitude of students as prospective educators before the first cycle, at the end of the first cycleand the end of the second cycle. Biology teacher recommended to apply this method, method toconduct learning outside the classroom and give challenging task in middle and high schoolstudents
Rancangan penelitian berjudul “Pengembangan Bentuk Mebel Jawa Sebagai
Upaya Pengokohan dan Pelestarian Budaya Lokal di Surakarta” tujuan jangka
panjangnya adalah untuk melestarikan etika dan tatakrama Jawa melalui pemahaman
budaya duduk masyarakat Jawa yang tercermin pada budaya duduk masyarakat Jawa
pada Relief Candi. Target khusus penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya informasi
kekayaan bentuk mebel Jawa khususnya berkaitan dengan etika dan tata krama
budaya duduk masyarakat Jawa untuk dikembangkan sebagai desain mebel unggulan
di Surakarta.
Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut ialah research
dengan metode ekploratif, untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk mebel berdasar dari
informasi pada candi-candi di Jawa. Langkah kongkrit yang dilakukan adalah dengan
(1) menelusuri dan mendiskripsikan jenis alat duduk yang ada di candi-candi Jawa;
(2) mengungkap dan menjelaskan nilai filosofis budaya duduk dan alat duduk dalam
pandangan hidup dan tata krama masyarakat Jawa. Data yang dihimpun dari sumber
artefak candi, literatur, dokumen atau arsip, informan selanjutnya dianalisa dengan
model interaktif. Pada tahap identifikasi menggunakan metode studi literatur, analisis
isi, observasi, dan wawancara. Tahap kedua tujuan penelitian meliputi: (1) rumusan
desain sumber ide gaya mebel Jawa, untuk mebel unggulan di Surakarta; (2) adaptasi
konsep dan gambar desain; (3) prototipe; (4) dan usulan Hak Cipta. Data ini
dikumpulkan dengan analisis dokumen atau arsip serta studi pustaka dan pengamatan
artefak. Lokasi dilakukan di Jawa. Sumber data berupa dokumen atau arsip, informan
meliputi pengrajin, budayawan, desainer, masyarakat umum, dan literatur yang
terkait dengan permasalahan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan, analisis isi, studi
literatur, wawancara, dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Keabsahan data dengan
menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan analisis yang digunakan dengan model analisis
interaktif. Hasil penelitian keseluruhan secara deskriptif akan dipublikasikan pada
jurnal terakreditasi dan usulan Hak Cipta
A Simulacrum of Court’s Exalted Guest through Utilizing Pracimayasa Interior
Post-political and economical authority loss, Mangkunegaran acted critically by
comodifying Pracimayasa’s building and interior to meet its life need through Court’s Exalted
Guest Simulacrum. This research aimed to describe the Simulacrum of Court’s Exalted Guest
through Utilizing Pracimayasa’s Interior in Pura Mangkunegaran.
This research was a hermeneutic study. Data derived from informants, library study,
written document, archive and visual data, collected using interview, observation and
documentation techniques. Informants were selected purposively by age, sex, and social status
classification, while additional informants by age and education level classification. Data
validation was carried out using source triangulation. The data was analyzed using an interactive
model of analysis encompassing data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and
The result of research showed that political and economical authority’s loss put
Mangkunegaran as cultural pledge. With technology advance and sign system in modern age,
Mangkunegaran used tourism industry opportunity more sensitively by comodifying
Pracimayasa building to meet abdi dalem’s life need and building maintenance from which the
public could take lesson related to values and customs in Mangkunegaran, particularly court’s
exalted guest feast procession including sitting manner, seat, dress, good and healthy food menu
The objectives of this research are to describe (1) the inside classroom
interaction characteristics between teachers and students in thematic learning in
the beginning classroom of Islamic Elementary School IZZATUL ISLAM
Getasan Semarang. (2) The outside classroom characteristics between teachers
and students in thematic learning in the beginning classroom of Islamic
Elementary School IZZATUL ISLAM Getasan Semarang.
This is qualitative research. The research is conducted in Islamic
Elementary School IZZATUL ISLAM Getasan. The main subjects in this research
are principal, and teachers. Methods of data collection used interviews,
observation, and documentation. The data analysis starts from (1) data reduction,
(2) presentation of data, and (3) making inferences. Test the validity of data using
credibility, transferability, conformabilities and dependability.
The results of this research are (1) the interaction between teachers and
students in beginning classes of thematic learning in Islamic Elementary School
IZZATUL ISLAM Getasan is highly interactive according to the learning plan
that compiled before. Thematic learning in the classroom is taught by two teachers
that explain the material according to theme on learning plan, students is asking
and giving an opinion when the activity is take place. Teachers organize the
subject matter with the media, the use of student worksheets and also closer to
students with learning resources, and also choosing material used spider web.
Formation of learning groups by teachers in Islamic Elementary School
IZZATUL ISLAM is giving students the opportunity to write, read, explained,
and demonstrated the material in front of the classroom. (2) The outside classroom
characteristics between teachers and students in thematic learning in the beginning
classroom of Islamic Elementary School IZZATUL ISLAM Getasan Semarang is
build used constructivism principle. The activity is done by giving an opportunity
to student to build their own knowledge. The student is active in every level that is
asking by teacher and doing their job such as weighing and mix the water and salt.
Teacher is doing three activities so that student will be understood about the material and can implement in their life. That activity is involve (to engage),
explore (to explore), and elaborate (to elaborate)
The problem of research was the comodification of Pracimayasa as
cultural pledge in tourism realm. This research was a cultural study with grand
theory of deconstruction. This research was taken place in Pura Mangkunegaran
Surakarta. The data constituted information related to the comodification of
Pracimayasa Mangkunegaran building supported by relevant document and
literature. Technique of analyzing data used was an interactive model of analysis
encompassing: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.
The result of research showed that Tourism in Pura Mangkunegaran was
born from modernity pressure for the purpose of Surakarta City and Pura
Mangkunegaran development. Stimulating customary life and tradition is a must,
while modernity adaptation is not something tabooed in Pura Mangkunegaran.
Tradition in Pura Mangkunegaran is a unity of commitment prevailing rather than
something independent of conflict; it is because an active cultural value system is
involved in global value order wrestling as the urban community’s need increases
any time. Its implementation in social life in Pura Mangkunegaran has
encountered conflict, particularly in Pracimayasa building comodification. For
that reason, an introduction of new value with differential culture requires
strategic action in interpreting and repositioning tradition in order to create
civilization harmony
Analisis Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Persediaan Obat-Obatan (Studi Kasus pada UPT Puskesmas Ambarawa)
This study aims to determine the application of the drug inventory accounting information system at the UPT Puskesmas Ambarawa. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative. The data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. While the analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. From the results of the studyi it can be concluded that the application of the drug inventory accounting information system at the Ambarawa Health Center has not been effective and efficient, because there are still errors in recording drug supplies. Inventory recording still uses micosoft excel has not used special software for recording drug inventory so that the use of the drug recording information system at UPT Puskesmas Ambarawa has not run effectively and efficiently
Jamu merupakan obat tradisional Indonesia. Jamu telah dikenal dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kebugaran dan pengobatan pada berbagai masalah kesehatan. Berdasarkan penjajakan awal dengan kader kesehatan di Dk. Kalibajing, Pakahan, Kec. Jogonalan, Klaten, masih ditemukan adanya stunting di wilayah tersebut dan kurangnya nafsu makan anak. Pemberian jamu cekok pada anak-anak umum dilakukan pada masyarakat di Jawa untuk mengatasi kurangnya nafsu makan anak. Pemberian makanan yang kaya nutrisi turut membantu dalam meningkatkan status gizi anak. Kelor merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang sangat kaya akan gizi dengan kandungan protein yang tinggi serta berbagai vitamin, dan mineral. Kader kesehatan di wilayah tersebut membutuhkan adanya materi untuk dapat memanfaatkan bahan alam untuk mengatasi stunting pada anak. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Ibu-Ibu PKK Dk. Kalibajing, Pakahan, Kec. Jogonalan, Klaten dalam pengolahan dan pemanfaatan tanaman obat, khususnya untuk membantu mengatasi stunting pada anak. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan tentang stunting dan kelor, praktik pembuatan jamu cekok dan es krim kelor, praktik pembuatan coklat kelor dan nugget kelor. Kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh 35 orang ibu-ibu PKK yang terbagi menjadi 4 kelompokmasing-masing membuat sediaan jamu cekok dan sediaan pangan berupa es krim kelor, cokelat kelor dan nugget kelor. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat bermanfaat dalam meningatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam pengolahan bahan alam untuk membantu mengatasi stunting pada anak
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