49 research outputs found

    Influences on dynamic behavior of sliding chain conveyors

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    Vibrations appearing in transport chain conveyors cause disadvantageous effects in conveying processes and decrease the durability of chains. In order to investigate these vibrations, a conveyor system with sliding chain made of plastic has been selected. Based on a generalized abstraction of this system, a multi-body simulation model was developed which considers viscoelastic properties of the sliding chain. The model was verified by measurements in the conveyor system. Finally, influencing factors on dynamic behavior were examined in more detail by variant calculations

    Closed-Loop-Recycling von Förderketten aus Kunststoff

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    In Transport- und Verkettungsprozessen werden zunehmend Stetigförderer mit Ketten aus technischen Thermoplasten, vorzugsweise aus Polyoxymethylen (POM), hergestellt. Verschlissene Ketten, die sich im Schnitt ca. 2-10 Jahre im industriellen Einsatz unter verschiedensten Belastungs- und Umgebungsbedingungen befinden, werden ausgetauscht und derzeit ausschließlich im RestmĂŒll entsorgt. Im Beitrag werden die mechanischen und tribologischen Eigenschaften von homo- und copolymerem POM bei mehrfacher Verarbeitung sowie Vermischung der Materialtypen analysiert. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde ein Rezyklat aus mehrjĂ€hrig in industriellen Anwendungen gelaufenen POM-Ketten hergestellt und daraus Proben und Förderketten fĂŒr weitere Untersuchungen gefertigt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die wertvollen Kunststoffe durchaus erfolgreich recycelt und wieder zu neuen Bauteilen verarbeitet werden können. In transport and linking processes, continuous conveyors with chains made of engineering thermoplastics, preferably polyoxymethylene (POM), are increasingly being used. Worn chains, which are used in industrial applications for an average of 2-10 years under a wide variety of load and environmental conditions, are replaced and currently disposed of in the residual waste. The article analyses the mechanical and tribological properties of homo- and copolymeric POM during multiple processing and blending of the material types. Based on this, a recyclate was produced from POM conveyor chains that had been used in industrial applications for several years. Samples and chains were made from this material for further investigations. It is shown that the valuable plastics can be successfully recycled and reprocessed into new components

    Real-time Measuring and Monitoring of Relevant Parameters in Complex Chain Conveyor Systems

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    In continuous conveyor systems with circulating traction mechanisms, e.g. chains, the kinematic-dynamic movement behaviour of the traction mechanism is of great importance. Force and vibration analyses can be used to detect overloads and other irregularities in the conveying process. This helps to prevent damage that can lead to a complete failure of the conveyor system. Such analyses are particularly interesting for slide chain conveyors with plastic chains, as these react very sensitively to system overload due to limited thermal and mechanical characteristics as well as often a complex track layout. This article shows how accelerations and tractive forces can be continuously recorded, transmitted and analysed by sensors integrated into the chain links. In addition to the discussion of test results, potential applications of the measuring chain are shown

    Einfluss der LastabstĂŒtzung und des Antriebssystems auf den Energiebedarf von Zahnriemenförderern

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    Gerade im Hinblick auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen im Bereich der Energiewende rĂŒckt der Leistungsbedarf von elektrisch angetriebenen Systemen immer mehr in den Fokus, so auch bei Zahnriemenförderern fĂŒr den intralogistischen Materialtransport. Von wesentlicher Bedeutung ist dabei die AbstĂŒtzung des Zahnriemens im Obertrum, deren Bewegungswiderstand die entscheidende GrĂ¶ĂŸe sowohl zur Dimensionierung der Anlage also auch fĂŒr ihren Leistungsbedarf ist. Im Beitrag wird zum einen eine neue Art der AbstĂŒtzung fĂŒr Zahnriemenförderer vorgestellt und anhand von Versuchen das hohe Einsparpotential bezĂŒglich der erforderlichen mechanischen Antriebsleistung gegenĂŒber einer konventionellen AbstĂŒtzung aufgezeigt. Zum anderen wird anhand der elektrischen Wirkleistung dargestellt, dass dieses Potential aufgrund von hohen Wirkungsgradverlusten des Antriebssystems nicht direkt auf den Energieverbrauch des Förderers ĂŒbertragbar ist

    Fast T2 Mapping with Improved Accuracy Using Undersampled Spin-echo MRI and Model-based Reconstructions with a Generating Function

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    A model-based reconstruction technique for accelerated T2 mapping with improved accuracy is proposed using undersampled Cartesian spin-echo MRI data. The technique employs an advanced signal model for T2 relaxation that accounts for contributions from indirect echoes in a train of multiple spin echoes. An iterative solution of the nonlinear inverse reconstruction problem directly estimates spin-density and T2 maps from undersampled raw data. The algorithm is validated for simulated data as well as phantom and human brain MRI at 3 T. The performance of the advanced model is compared to conventional pixel-based fitting of echo-time images from fully sampled data. The proposed method yields more accurate T2 values than the mono-exponential model and allows for undersampling factors of at least 6. Although limitations are observed for very long T2 relaxation times, respective reconstruction problems may be overcome by a gradient dampening approach. The analytical gradient of the utilized cost function is included as Appendix.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Thermoplastic Multilayer Slide-Foil

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    The training of movement procedures to increase the skills of athletes is a fundamental part of competitive sports. A realistic training, supported by technical equipment provides athletes a better success of training and is requested by trainers and training centers all over the world. Especially in winter sports, like luge or bob, a realistic training simulation is not always possible and demands adaptations of specific training procedures. As a part of this article, a new multilayer slide-foil will be presented, which allows athletes an even more realistic training. For this purpose the structure and production process of the foil composite will be shown, as well as results of the tribological behaviour of the foil.Das Training von BewegungsablĂ€ufen, zur Steigerung von FĂ€higkeiten, ist ein fundamentaler Bestandteil im Leistungssport. Ein realistisches Training, unterstĂŒtzt durch technische Systeme, ermöglicht es Athleten optimale Trainingserfolge zu erzielen und wird dementsprechend von Trainern und Leistungszentren ĂŒberall auf der Welt gewĂŒnscht. Insbesondere in Wintersportarten, wie z. B. Rennrodeln oder Bobfahren, kann dies allerdings nur bedingt realisiert werden und erfordert oftmals Abstriche bei der Trainingsgestaltung. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags wird daher eine mehrschichtige Verbundfolie vorgestellt, welche den Athleten ein realistischeres Training ermöglichen soll. Hierzu werden zum einen der Aufbau und die Herstellung des Folienverbundes erlĂ€utert sowie tribologische Untersuchungsergebnisse prĂ€sentiert

    Analyse von Wirkungsgradverlusten in Kettenfördersystemen

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    Gerade in der heutigen Zeit, vor dem Hintergrund steigender globaler ErwĂ€rmung, rĂŒckt die Energieeffizienz elektrisch angetriebener technischer Systeme immer mehr in den Fokus. So auch im intralogistischen Materialtransport. Der Gesamtwirkungs­grad eines Stetigförderers, also das VerhĂ€ltnis aus aufgewandter elektrischer Leistung und der Transportleistung, ist dabei von der Effizienz seiner zahlreichen Einzelkomponenten abhĂ€ngig. Bereits durchgefĂŒhrte Messungen zeigen, dass dabei vor allem dem Antriebs­system große Bedeutung beikommt. Die in Kettenförderern am hĂ€ufigsten eingesetzten Antriebe sind Drehstrom-Asynchron-Getriebemotoren. Diese weisen in ihrem Nennlast­bereich zwar gute Wirkungsgrade von ĂŒber 80% auf, werden im Großteil aller FĂ€lle jedoch im unteren Lastbereich betrieben. Die oft viel zu groß ausgelegten Motoren arbeiten somit mit einem erheblich schlechteren Wirkungsgrad, was zu einem erhöhten Energieverbrauch fĂŒhrt. Der Beitrag befasst sich aus den genannten GrĂŒnden mit der Analyse von Wirkungs­gradverlusten am Beispiel von Kettenförderern und geht im Speziellen auf antriebs­technische Komponenten wie Motor, Frequenzumrichter und Getriebe ein. Das Ziel ist die Einordnung dieser Verluste in den Gesamtwirkungsgrad eines Förderers, der u. a. Reibungs- und Hubanteile enthĂ€lt. Weiterhin werden Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Effizienz von Kettenförderern diskutiert

    Research in Sustainability of Chain Conveyor Systems

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    Climate Change is a crucial challenge of today. The main reason is increased man-made emissions of climate gases, like CO2, into the atmosphere. In every part of our life, these emissions have to be reduced. Transport of goods, called intra- or extralogistics, is necessary for economic welfare. Intralogistics means the transport of goods in distribution centres or manufacturing spaces, e. g. between machines. For continuous transport processes chain conveyor systems (CCS) are state of the art. The research group “Plastic Components and Tribology” at professorship of Conveying Engineering and Materials Handling focus on impacts of their whole life cycle, from design over use until end-of-life, on the environment. Another focus is the development of Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for chain conveyor systems. They are useful to promote environmentally-friendly products and to push eco-design activities. But also, activities of circular economy such as recycling of the plastic parts from conveyor chains are examined. The article gives an overview of the goals achieved and the challenges ahead. Some of the achieved results will be presented

    Energy system optimisation and smart technologies - a social sciences and humanities annotated bibliography

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    The challenge: * Systems perspectives on energy involve a holistic view on balancing demand and supply; system optimisation can support security of supply, affordability, sustainability and profitability. * A central, and relatively recent, element of system optimisation is the move towards smart grids, and smart technologies, which concern interconnection of system elements usually through the internet. As well as increasing the resilience of the network, it is hoped this will help “citizens take ownership of the energy transition [and] benefit from new technologies”. * ‘Smartification’ of the energy system introduces a range of new societal conditions and consequences. The aim: * European energy policy has so far mainly relied on research from Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities (energy-SSH) have been significantly underrepresented. The aim of this bibliography is to give policymakers a selected yet broad impression of the SSH research community focusing on ‘energy system optimisation and smart technologies’. Wherever possible, policy deductions or research and innovation recommendations are mentioned. Coverage: * Disciplines covered in this bibliography are broadly representative of the current SSH research community in the area, with a slight bias towards Economics, Sociology and Science & Technology Studies. Nevertheless, robust accounts from Psychology, Politics, Ethnography, Development, Environmental Social Science, Geography, Planning, Law, History and other fields are also included. * Geographically, research presented is primarily from Western and Northern Europe, but with diversity across these regions, and inclusion of some Eastern European and non-European contributions. * Techno-economic accounts are very highly represented in the field of energy system optimisation and smart technologies, a fact highlighted by researchers themselves. Much of this research concentrates on financial cost/benefit of smart grid and technical design, while approaches focusing on social practices or user-centric design are increasing but still underrepresented. The latter were deliberately given higher visibility in this bibliography. Key findings: * Numerous papers presented here focus on how questions of smart technology diffusion, innovation, and adoption might be shifted away from monetary incentives or cost/benefit analyses of technologies. * A unifying message across many topics and disciplines - from energy justice or socio-technical scenarios, to Economics or Ethnography - is that co-operation between techno-economic and SSH approaches needs more attention and is crucial for successful smart grid realisation. * Another important debate for SSH researchers is the deconstruction of overly optimistic visions of smart societies. Many authors urge caution in considering the (financial and social) costs and benefits of smart technologies for all of society, including issues of privacy intrusion. There are calls for more research on both policy initiatives, preferably targeting the community level, and clear communication strategies which fully consider these aspects

    Bedeutung der Kunststofftribologie in der Fördertechnik

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    In der Fördertechnik werden zunehmend Transportketten und Gleitelemente aus thermoplastischen Kunststoffen eingesetzt. Wesentliche Vorteile sind der schmierungsfreie und damit saubere und wartungsarme Betrieb, die geringe Eigenmasse sowie die mit hoher Gestaltungsfreiheit und Effizienz verbundene Fertigungstechnologie im Spritzgießverfahren. Die Bauelemente der Fördersysteme werden in der Praxis sehr unterschiedlich beansprucht. Da jedoch die mechanischen und tribologischen Eigenschaften der Kunststoffe signifikant von den Belastungs- und Umgebungsbedingungen, insbesondere der Temperatur, abhĂ€ngig sind, ist die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung geeigneter Werkstoffsysteme sehr komplex. Im Vortrag werden diese Herausforderungen thematisiert und Möglichkeiten zur praxisnahen Untersuchung und Bereitstellung von Kennwerten vorgestellt.In conveyor systems, transport chains and sliding elements made of thermoplastic materials are increasingly used. Major advantages are lubrication-free and so clean and low-maintenance operation, low weight as well as design-flexible and efficient injection molding manufacturing. In practice, components of conveyor systems are stressed in very different ways. However, mechanical and tribological properties of plastics are significantly dependent on load and environmental conditions, in particular temperature. Therefore, the development and characterization of suitable material systems are very complex. In the talk, these challenges are addressed and opportunities for practical investigation and provision of characteristic properties are presented