83 research outputs found

    Re-alignment of German car producers in times of profound changes

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    This research analyzes and assesses emerging macro-environmental trends in the automotive industry and their evolutionary effect on the competitive advantage of major premium car manufacturers in Germany. To answer this question, the historical key drivers for the success of the German car makers are explored. Furthermore, the probable core competencies and the resulting competitive advantage of the future are examined in order to propose new business strategies for OEMs. Also, the impact of COVID-19 on the companies within the scope of this thesis represents a research object. In order to anser these questions appropriately, in-depth interviews are conducted with five top-level managers from German OEMs and are subjected to a content-analysis. In addition to that, academic literature and business reports are supplemented to critically reflect both sources of knowledge and to get a holistic view on the topic. Also, in order to clarify current industry and market trends, Porter’s five forces and the PESTEL analysis were applied. Building upon the outcome of these frameworks, a TOWS anlysis and Confrontation matrix are conducted to be able to propose new strategies for the underlying companies. OEMs should strive for a stronger customer focus and a faster subsequent adaptability for changing customer needs which they make possible through a even higher innovative power than they had in the past. This enables OEMs to stay ahead of the stiff competition from Asia and China and help them to win the race of sustainability. To create these core competencies, OEMs are urged to engage cross-industry collaborations to avoid the threat of new entrants, increasing the innovative power and ensure sustained competitive advantage. The strong political, social, legal and environmental pressure to decrease CO2 emissions needs to be adressed quickly through the production of electric cars, further optimization of internal combustion engines and the use of lightweight materials.Esta investigação analisa e avalia as tendências macro-ambientais emergentes na indústria automóvel e o seu efeito evolutivo sobre a vantagem competitiva dos principais fabricantes de automóveis premium na Alemanha. Para responder a esta pergunta, são explorados os factores históricos fundamentais para o sucesso dos fabricantes alemães de automóveis. Além disso, são examinadas as prováveis competências nucleares e a vantagem competitiva resultante do futuro, a fim de propor novas estratégias de negócio para OEMs. Além disso, o impacto da COVID-19 sobre as empresas no âmbito desta tese representa um objecto de investigação. A fim de responder adequadamente a estas questões, são realizadas entrevistas aprofundadas com cinco gestores de topo de OEMs alemães e são submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo. Além disso, a literatura académica e os relatórios empresariais são complementados para reflectir criticamente ambas as fontes de conhecimento e para obter uma visão holística sobre o tema. Também, a fim de clarificar as tendências actuais da indústria e do mercado, foram aplicadas as cinco forças de Porter e a análise PESTEL. Com base no resultado destes quadros, é realizada uma matriz de análise e de confrontação TOWS para se poder propor novas estratégias para as empresas subjacentes. Os OEM devem esforçar-se por uma maior concentração no cliente e uma adaptabilidade subsequente mais rápida para a mudança das necessidades do cliente, que tornam possível através de um poder inovador ainda maior do que no passado. Isto permite aos OEM manterem-se à frente da dura concorrência da Ásia e da China e ajudá-los a vencer a corrida da sustentabilidade. Para criar estas competências centrais, os OEM são instados a envolverem-se em colaborações intersectoriais para evitar a ameaça de novos participantes, aumentando o poder inovador e assegurando uma vantagem competitiva sustentada. A forte pressão política, social, legal e ambiental para diminuir as emissões de CO2 precisa de ser rapidamente abordada através da produção de carros eléctricos, de uma maior optimização dos motores de combustão interna e da utilização de materiais leves

    Fernerkundungsgestütze Wärmeverlustdetektion von Dachflächen als Beitrag zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung von Stadträumen – Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie in Graz/Österreich

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    Der Beitrag dokumentiert die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes, das zum Ziel hat, die komplexen Zusammenhänge von Sensor, Atmosphäre, Dachbedeckung, Dachkonstruktion und Nutzung am Fallbeispiel der Gebäude des Campus der Karl-Franzens-Universität näher zu untersuchen. Die Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Dacheindeckungen, die heterogene Altersstruktur der Bausubstanz sowie die Erfassung der Nutzung des Dachraumes geben einen differenzierten Blick auf den Aussagewert der Thermaldaten und dienen somit als ideale Testbasis zur Methodenentwicklung bzw. -verbesserung. Über eine kritische Betrachtung der Datenakquisition und des Zusammenhangs von Emissivität und Oberflächentemperatur sowie über die Erfassung der unterschiedlichen Dachbedeckungen bzw. –konstruktionen und der darunter liegenden Nutzungen kann schließlich eine qualitative Erfassung der Wärmeabgabe und der baulichen Defizitgebiete an den Dächern erfolgen

    Differential DNA extraction of challenging simulated sexual-assault samples: a Swiss collaborative study

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    In sexual-assault cases, autosomal DNA analysis of gynecological swabs is a challenge, as the presence of a large quantity of female material may prevent detection of the male DNA. A solution to this problem is differential DNA extraction, but there is no established best practice for this. We decided to test the efficacy of a number of different protocols on simulated casework samples. Four difficult samples were sent to the nine Swiss laboratories active in forensic genetics. In each laboratory, staff used their routine protocols to separate the epithelial-cell fraction, enriched with the non-sperm DNA, from the sperm fraction. DNA extracts were then sent to the organizing laboratory for analysis. Estimates of male:female DNA ratio without differential DNA extraction ranged from 1:38 to 1:339, depending on the semen used to prepare the samples. After differential DNA extraction, most of the ratios ranged from 1:12 to 9:1, allowing detection of the male DNA. Compared with direct DNA extraction, cell separation resulted in losses of 94-98% of the male DNA. As expected, more male DNA was generally present in the sperm than in the epithelial-cell fraction. However, for about 30% of the samples, the reverse trend was seen. The recovery of male and female DNA was highly variable, depending on the laboratory involved. An experimental design similar to the one used in this study may be of assistance for local protocol testing and improvement

    Direct subthalamic nucleus stimulation influences speech and voice quality in Parkinson's disease patients

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    BACKGROUND DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) considerably ameliorates cardinal motor symptoms in PD. Reported STN-DBS effects on secondary dysarthric (speech) and dysphonic symptoms (voice), as originating from vocal tract motor dysfunctions, are however inconsistent with rather deleterious outcomes based on post-surgical assessments. OBJECTIVE To parametrically and intra-operatively investigate the effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on perceptual and acoustic speech and voice quality in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. METHODS We performed an assessment of instantaneous intra-operative speech and voice quality changes in PD patients (n = 38) elicited by direct STN stimulations with variations of central stimulation features (depth, laterality, and intensity), separately for each hemisphere. RESULTS First, perceptual assessments across several raters revealed that certain speech and voice symptoms could be improved with STN-DBS, but this seems largely restricted to right STN-DBS. Second, computer-based acoustic analyses of speech and voice features revealed that both left and right STN-DBS could improve dysarthric speech symptoms, but only right STN-DBS can considerably improve dysphonic symptoms, with left STN-DBS being restricted to only affect voice intensity features. Third, several subareas according to stimulation depth and laterality could be identified in the motoric STN proper and close to the associative STN with optimal (and partly suboptimal) stimulation outcomes. Fourth, low-to-medium stimulation intensities showed the most optimal and balanced effects compared to high intensities. CONCLUSIONS STN-DBS can considerably improve both speech and voice quality based on a carefully arranged stimulation regimen along central stimulation features

    Meta-analysis of real-time fMRI neurofeedback studies using individual participant data: How is brain regulation mediated?

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    An increasing number of studies using real-time fMRI neurofeedback have demonstrated that successful regulation of neural activity is possible in various brain regions. Since these studies focused on the regulated region(s), little is known about the target-independent mechanisms associated with neurofeedback-guided control of brain activation, i.e. the regulating network. While the specificity of the activation during self-regulation is an important factor, no study has effectively determined the network involved in self-regulation in general. In an effort to detect regions that are responsible for the act of brain regulation, we performed a post-hoc analysis of data involving different target regions based on studies from different research groups. We included twelve suitable studies that examined nine different target regions amounting to a total of 175 subjects and 899 neurofeedback runs. Data analysis included a standard first- (single subject, extracting main paradigm) and second-level (single subject, all runs) general linear model (GLM) analysis of all participants taking into account the individual timing. Subsequently, at the third level, a random effects model GLM included all subjects of all studies, resulting in an overall mixed effects model. Since four of the twelve studies had a reduced field of view (FoV), we repeated the same analysis in a subsample of eight studies that had a well-overlapping FoV to obtain a more global picture of self-regulation. The GLM analysis revealed that the anterior insula as well as the basal ganglia, notably the striatum, were consistently active during the regulation of brain activation across the studies. The anterior insula has been implicated in interoceptive awareness of the body and cognitive control. Basal ganglia are involved in procedural learning, visuomotor integration and other higher cognitive processes including motivation. The larger FoV analysis yielded additional activations in the anterior cingulate cortex, the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, the temporo-parietal area and the visual association areas including the temporo-occipital junction. In conclusion, we demonstrate that several key regions, such as the anterior insula and the basal ganglia, are consistently activated during self-regulation in real-time fMRI neurofeedback independent of the targeted region-of-interest. Our results imply that if the real-time fMRI neurofeedback studies target regions of this regulation network, such as the anterior insula, care should be given whether activation changes are related to successful regulation, or related to the regulation process per se. Furthermore, future research is needed to determine how activation within this regulation network is related to neurofeedback success

    Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies (CRED-nf checklist)

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    Neurofeedback has begun to attract the attention and scrutiny of the scientific and medical mainstream. Here, neurofeedback researchers present a consensus-derived checklist that aims to improve the reporting and experimental design standards in the field.</p

    Dissertatio Theologica, De Impotentiae Moralis Principio

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    Praeses Joh. Christ. Kirchmejer, ... Et Respondens Johan. Henricvs Svlzerus, Vitodvro-Helvetivs, ... A.D. XII. Octobris, Anni [MD]CCXXXV.Autopsie nach Ex. der ULB DüsseldorfVorlageform der Veröffentlichungsangabe: Marbvrgi Cattorvm, Typis Philippi Casimiri Mülleri, Acad. Typogr. Et Bibliob.Universität Marburg, Dissertation, 12. Okt. 173

    19th century family saga re-told by DNA recovered from postcard stamps

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    Old postcards with stamps might help unravelling historical family stories and relationships. By employing ancient DNA recovered from world war I postage stamps, we disprove a family saga of an illegitimate child born in 1887. We developed a protocol to collect DNA from saliva, trapped and protected on the backside of postage stamps glued on postcards. With replicate STR analyses we were able to assemble almost full autosomal and Y-STR profiles of three male, deceased family members. The illegitimate child turned out to be a legitimate child of a later married couple

    Deep Learning-Based Generation of Building Stock Data from Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Demand Modeling

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    Cities are responsible for a large share of the global energy consumption. A third of the total greenhouse gas emissions are related to the buildings sector, making it an important target for reducing urban energy consumption. Detailed data on the building stock, including the thermal characteristics of individual buildings, such as the construction type, construction period, and building geometries, can strongly support decision-making for local authorities to help them spatially localize buildings with high potential for thermal renovations. In this paper, we present a workflow for deep learning-based building stock modeling using aerial images at a city scale for heat demand modeling. The extracted buildings are used for bottom-up modeling of the residential building heat demand based on construction type and construction period. The results for DLbuilding extraction exhibit F1-accuracies of 87%, and construction types yield an overall accuracy of 96%. The modeled heat demands display a high level of agreement of R2 0.82 compared with reference data. Finally, we analyze various refurbishment scenarios for construction periods and construction types, e.g., revealing that the targeted thermal renovation of multi-family houses constructed between the 1950s and 1970s accounts for about 47% of the total heat demand in a realistic refurbishment scenario