443 research outputs found

    Spin-Peierls transition with strong structural fluctuations in the vanadium oxide VOSb2_{2}O4_{4}

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    We report on the magnetic susceptibility and electron spin resonance measurements on polycrystalline samples of the vanadium oxide VOSb2_{2}O4_{4}, a quasi-one dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg system. We show that the susceptibility vanishes at zero temperature, as in a gapped system, and we argue that this is due to a spin-Peierls transition with strong structural fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental study of the competition between Kondo and RKKY interactions for Mn spins in a model alloy system

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    The quasicrystal Al-Pd-Mn is a model system for an experimental study of the competition between Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (RKKY) and Kondo interactions. First, specific of such alloys, only a few Mn atoms carry an effective spin and their concentration x is tunable over several orders of magnitude, even though the Mn amount is almost constant. Second, the characteristic energy scales for the interactions lie in the Kelvin range. Hence we could study the magnetization on both side of these energy scales, covering a range of temperatures [0.1-100 K] and magnetic fields (mu_B H/k_B= 0 to 5 K) for 22 samples and x varying over 2 decades. Using very general Kondo physics arguments, and thus carrying out the data analysis with no preconceived model, we found a very robust and simple result: The magnetization is a sum of a pure Kondo (T_K=3.35K) and a pure RKKY contributions, whatever the moment concentration is and this surprisingly up to the concentration where the RKKY couplings dominate fully and thus cannot be considered as a perturbation.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    Disordered cold regulated 15 proteins protect chloroplast membranes during freezing through binding and folding, but do not stabilize chloroplast enzymes in-vivo

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    Freezing can severely damage plants, limiting geographical distribution of natural populations and leading to major agronomical losses. Plants native to cold climates acquire increased freezing tolerance during exposure to low nonfreezing temperatures in a process termed cold acclimation. This involves many adaptative responses, including global changes in metabolite content and gene expression, and the accumulation of cold-regulated (COR) proteins, whose functions are largely unknown. Here we report that the chloroplast proteins COR15A and COR15B are necessary for full cold acclimation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). They protect cell membranes, as indicated by electrolyte leakage and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Recombinant COR15 proteins stabilize lactate dehydrogenase during freezing in vitro. However, a transgenic approach shows that they have no influence on the stability of selected plastidic enzymes in vivo, although cold acclimation results in increased enzyme stability. This indicates that enzymes are stabilized by other mechanisms. Recombinant COR15 proteins are disordered in water, but fold into amphipathic a-helices at high osmolyte concentrations in the presence of membranes, a condition mimicking molecular crowding induced by dehydration during freezing. X-ray scattering experiments indicate protein-membrane interactions specifically under such crowding conditions. The COR15-membrane interactions lead to liposome stabilization during freezing. Collectively, our data demonstrate the requirement for COR15 accumulation for full cold acclimation of Arabidopsis. The function of these intrinsically disordered proteins is the stabilization of chloroplast membranes during freezing through a folding and binding mechanism, but not the stabilization of chloroplastic enzymes. This indicates a high functional specificity of these disordered plant proteins

    Direct observation of the influence of the As-Fe-As angle on the Tc of superconducting SmFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fx_{x}

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    The electrical resistivity, crystalline structure and electronic properties calculated from the experimentally measured atomic positions of the compound SmFeAsO0.81_{0.81}F0.19_{0.19} have been studied up to pressures ~20GPa. The correlation between the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) and crystallographic parameters on the same sample shows clearly that a regular FeAs4_{4} tetrahedron maximizes Tc, through optimization of carrier transfer to the FeAs planes as indicated by the evolution of the electronic band structures.Comment: 15pages, 4 figure

    Pancreatico-jejunostomy decreases post-operative pancreatic fistula incidence and severity after central pancreatectomy

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    BACKGROUNDS: Central pancreatectomy (CP) is an alternative to pancreaticoduodenectomy and distal pancreatectomy in benign tumours of pancreatic isthmus management. It is known for a high post-operative pancreatic fistula (POPF) rate. The purpose of this study was to compare POPF incidence between pancreatico-jejunostomy (PJ) and pancreatico-gastrostomy (PG). METHODS: Fifty-eight patients (mean age 53.9 ± 1.9 years) who underwent a CP in four French University Hospitals from 1988 to 2011 were analysed. The distal pancreatic remnant was either anastomosed to the stomach (44.8%, n = 25) or to a Roux-en-Y jejunal loop (55.2%, n = 35) with routine external drainage allowing a systematic search for POPF. POPF severity was classified according to the International Study Group on Pancreatic Fistula (ISGPF) and Clavien-Dindo classifications. RESULTS: The groups were similar on sex ratio, mean age, ASA score, pancreas texture, operative time and operative blood loss. Mean follow-up was 36.2 ± 3.9 months. POPF were significantly more frequent after PG (76.9 versus 37.5%, P = 0.003). PG was associated with significantly higher grade of POPF both when graded with ISGPF classification (P = 0.012) and Clavien-Dindo classification (P = 0.044). There was no significant difference in post-operative bleeding (0.918) and delayed gastric emptying (0.877) between the two groups. Hospital length of stay was increased after PG (23.6 ± 3.5 days versus 16.5 ± 1.9 days, P = 0.071). There was no significant difference in incidence of long-term exocrine (3.8 versus 19.2%, P = 0.134) and endocrine (7.7 versus 9.4%, P = 0.575) pancreatic insufficiencies. CONCLUSION: PG was associated with a significantly higher POPF incidence and severity in CP. We recommend performing PJ especially in older patients to improve CP outcomes

    Thermal Conductivity Anisotropy in Superconducting UPt3UPt_3

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    Recent thermal conductivity measurements on UPt3UPt_3 single crystals by Lussier et al. indicate the existence of a strong b--c anisotropy in the superconducting state. We calculate the thermal conductivity in various unconventional candidate states appropriate for the UPt3UPt_3 ``B phase" and compare with experiment, specifically the E2uE_{2u} and E1gE_{1g} (1,i)(1,i) states predicted in some Ginzburg-Landau analyses of the phase diagram. For the simplest realizations of these states over spherical or ellipsoidal Fermi surfaces, the normalized E2uE_{2u} conductivity is found, surprisingly, to be completely isotropic. We discuss the effects of inelastic scattering and realistic Fermi surface anisotropy, and deduce constraints on the symmetry class of the UPt3UPt_3 ground state.Comment: 4 postscript pages, UFL102

    Amorphous Bi2Pb0.6Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox obtained by melt-spinning and its superconductivity after crystallisation

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    Previous quenching experiments on 2212 bismuth containing high T c oxides have been extended to the 2223 compound with lead addition. Amorphous Bi2Pb0.6Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox was prepared by a modified melt-spinning technique and samples in the form of small tapes and wires were obtained. The subsequent evolution of the amorphous oxide during annealing was monitored by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The glass transition was found to occur at Tg = 680 K and the onset of crystallisation at T = 730 K. After oxygen annealing, magnetic susceptibility measurements showed evidence of two superconducting phases with transition temperatures at Tc =110 K and Tc = 75 K respectively

    Thermodynamic phase diagram of Fe(Se0.5Te0.5) single crystals in fields up to 28 tesla

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    International audienceWe report on specific heat Cp , transport, Hall probe, and penetration depth measurements performed on Fe Se0.5Te0.5 single crystals Tc 14 K . The thermodynamic upper critical field Hc2 lines has been deduced from Cp measurements up to 28 T for both H c and H ab, and compared to the lines deduced from transport measurements up to 55 T in pulsed magnetic fields . We show that this thermodynamic Hc2 line presents a very strong downward curvature for T→Tc which is not visible in transport measurements. This temperature dependence associated to an upward curvature of the field dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient confirms that Hc2 is limited by paramagnetic effects. Surprisingly this paramagnetic limit is visible here up to T/Tc 0.99 for H ab which is the consequence of a very small value of the coherence length c 0 4 Å and ab 0 15 Å , confirming the strong renormalization of the effective mass as compared to DMFT calculations previously observed in ARPES measurements A. Tamai, A. Y. Ganin, E. Rozbicki, J. Bacsa, W. Meevasana, P. D. C. King, M. Caffio, R. Schaub, S. Margadonna, K. Prassides, M. J. Rosseinsky, and F. Baumberger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 097002 2010 . Hc1 measurements lead to ab 0 =430 50 nm and c 0 =1600 200 nm and the corresponding anisotropy is approximatively temperature independent 4 , being close to the anisotropy of Hc2 for T→Tc. The temperature dependence of both T2 and the electronic contribution to the specific heat confirm the nonconventional coupling mechanism in this system

    Anomalous dependence of the c-axis polarized Fe B1g_{1g} phonon mode with Fe and Se concentrations in Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1−x_{1-x}Sex_x

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    We report an investigation of the lattice dynamical properties in a range of Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1−x_{1-x}Sex_{x} compounds, with special emphasis on the c-axis polarized vibration of Fe with B1g_{1g} symmetry, a Raman active mode common to all families of Fe-based superconductors. We have carried out a systematic study of the temperature dependence of this phonon mode as a function of Se xx and excess Fe yy concentrations. In parent compound Fe1+y_{1+y}Te, we observe an unconventional broadening of the phonon between room temperature and magnetic ordering temperature TNT_N. The situation smoothly evolves towards a regular anharmonic behavior as Te is substituted for Se and long range magnetic order is replaced by superconductivity. Irrespective to Se contents, excess Fe is shown to provide an additional damping channel for the B1g_{1g} phonon at low temperatures. We performed Density Functional Theory (DFT) ab-initio calculations within the local density approximation (LDA) to calcuate the phonon frequencies including magnetic polarization and Fe non-stoichiometry in the Virtual Crystal Approximation (VCA). We obtained a good agreement with the measured phonon frequencies in the Fe-deficient samples, while the effects of Fe excess are poorly reproduced. This may be due to excess Fe-induced local magnetism and low energy magnetic fluctuations that can not be treated accurately within these approaches. As recently revealed by neutron scattering and ÎŒ\mu-SR studies, these phenomena occur in the temperature range where anomalous decay of the B1g_{1g} phonon is observed, and suggests a peculiar coupling of this mode with local moments and spin fluctuations in Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1−x_{1-x}Sex_{x}
