27 research outputs found


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    The word Al-Madad in the Al-Kutub Al-Sittah is defined as help, that is, help given by Allah in the form of assistance from angels and help from living humans. However, the Habaib created a poem in the Qasidah "Madad Ya Rasulullah" which was understood as asking for help from the Messenger of Allah, and was charged with an element of shirk in it. The main objective in this study is to examine the various meanings and understandings of the word al-Madad and the concept of Al-Madad in the Al-Kutub Al-Sittah. This study also provides answers to the intentions of Al-Madad in the qasidah "Madad Ya Rasulullah" as well as looking at various controversy issues in the practice of Habaib's dhikr. To achieve these objectives, this study uses a qualitative approach methodology with data collection techniques from interviews and observations at the Habaib dhikr activities in Jakarta. The results of this study found that the word Al-Madad can only be addressed to people who are still alive and able to provide help, not to people who have died. This case became one of the issues of controversy in terms of Tawāṣul and Istighatsah. Because basically the Habaib believe that the word Al-Madad in question is the meaning of hissy or not the true meaning of asking for help from people who have died. Finally, it can be concluded that caution is needed in understanding the purpose rather than recitation of remembrance and qasidah, because it can lead to things that are contradicted shari'ah


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    Penelitian tentang studi kritik matan telah menjadi trend dalam kajian Hadis kontemporer di Malaysia khususnya jika merujuk kepada penelitian tesis Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan disertasi Master. Makalah ini menfokuskan penelitian pada trend studi kritik matan hadis pada tesis dan disertasi dalam kajian Hadis kontemporer di malaysia dengan menfokuskan terhadap 4 universiti utama di Malaysia yaitu Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Berdasarkan data yang berotoritas, penelitian ini mengaplikasi metodologi kualitatif terhadap semua tesis dan disertasi dalam bidang Hadis sebagai kajian Hadis kontemporer yang telah berhasil digraduasikan di 4 universitas tersebut yang dimulai dari tahun 1984 hingga tahun 2012. Temuan kajian ini menemukan ada sebanyak 40 disertasi Doktor Falsafah dan 183 tesis Master dalam bidang kajian Hadis kontemporer di 4 universiti tersebut. Jumlah keseluruhannya ialah 223 tesis dan disertasi yang dimasudkan sebagai kajian Hadis kontemporer di Malaysia. Melalui metodologi Takhrij al-Hadis, temuan utama yang ditemui dalam penelitian ini ialah terdapat 1486 teks hadis dari 1539 telah dianalisis dari 12 buah kitab Jawi yang rinciannya terdapat 696 hadis sahih, 125 hasan, 381 da‘if, 110 mawdu’ dan 131 tidak diketahui statusnya.  

    The concept of Al-Maslaha Wa Al-Nass with special reference to Kitab Al-Buyu in the book of Bulugh Al-Maram

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    This study examines the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass (Public Interest and Islamic legal text) with special reference to Kitab al-Buyu (chapter on business transactions) in the book of Bulügh al-Maram. The analysis moves from the connection formed between al-Maslaha and al-Nass by Muslim jurists to the investigation of the practical principles of al-Maslaha as those principles apply to al-Buyü , as encompassed in the ahadith of the Prophet s. a. w in Kitab al-Buyu. It is for this reason that the book of Bulügh al-Maräm has been chosen by the present researcher; Kitäb al-Buyu represents the most explicit source of ahadith on which to draw for the practical principles discussed. To this end, six chapters have been drawn up in three parts; that is, parts A, B and C. Part A is entitled `The concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass in Islamic Jurisprudence', and consists of three chapters. The first deals with the definition and historical development of the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass. The second chapter extends this with the theoretical development of the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass. This conceptual section closes with the third chapter, which focuses on the significance of Talil al-Ahkam for the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Naas. Part B examines the authenticity of the Hadith, introduces the book of Bulügh al-Maräm and consists of two chapters, chapter four and chapter five. The fourth chapter discusses the main reference sources for the book of the Hadith, while the fifth both introduces the book of Bulügh al-Maram and analyses in detail each successive section. The last part of this thesis is part C, which specifically examines the ahädith. Part C forms the heart of the thesis, building a specific methodology within the juristic framework of the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass for the analysis of alBuyü according to the practical principles drawn up from the 22 sub topics listed in Kitäb al-Buyu (chapter on business transactions) in the book of Bulügh al-Maräm. The thesis concludes that if these principles of public interest are applied to all business transactions in accordance with what is laid down in the ahädith of the Prophet s. a. w, then the public interest of humanity amongst Muslims will be preserved. It is for this reason, that the ahädith of the Prophet s. a. w are given to humanity as a universal living source on which to draw for their eternal well-being. Thus, it is hoped that using the juristic concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass as a new tool with which to analyse the ahädith of the Prophet s. a. w opens the door to further study in this fiel

    [Methodology of Muslim Priests in Preparing Hadith Text in its Validity] Metodologi Imam Muslim dalam Penyusunan Teks Hadith dalam Sahihnya

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    This article aims to reveal the methodology of Sahih Muslim from the aspect of display of hadith text pioneered by Imam Muslim. The research and analysis done shows that he used several approaches while in the process of listing the hadith in his Sahih. Such approaches include aspects related to the narration of hadith al-Mu'al, al-Musahhaf and al-Muharraf, al-Maqlub, al-Abwab al-Hadithiyyah, repetition of hadith, Mushkil al-Hadith, al-Nasikh wa al-Mansukh and hadith al-Mudraj. This approach is a testament to his high level of mastery in the ins and outs of the narrated hadiths besides also showing his meticulous and meticulous nature during the process of collecting, filtering and listing the hadiths. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menzahirkan metodologi Sahih Muslim dari aspek paparan teks hadith yang dirintis oleh Imam Muslim. Penelitian dan analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan beliau menggunakan beberapa pendekatan ketika dalam proses menyenaraikan hadith dalam Sahihnya. Pendekatan tersebut merangkumi aspek yang berkaitan dengan periwayatan hadith al-Mu‘al, al-Musahhaf dan al-Muharraf, al-Maqlub, al-Abwab al-Hadithiyyah, pengulangan hadith, Mushkil al-Hadith, al-Nasikh wa al-Mansukh dan hadith al-Mudraj. Pendekatan ini merupakan satu bukti kepada tahap penguasaaan beliau yang begitu tinggi dalam selok belok hadith-hadith yang diriwayatkan selain turut menunjukkan sifat cermat dan teliti beliau semasa proses pengumpulan, penyaringan dan penyenaraian hadith-hadith   Kata Kunci: Sahih Muslim, metodologi, teks hadith, Imam Muslim


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    This paper aims to investigate the prolific, encyclopedic and ijtihad aspects of an Indonesian hadith figure, Muhammad Syuhudi Ismail.He has brought significant aspects in the development of hadith studies in Indonesia, especially in Islamic Higher Education sectors. This paper is framed by using qualitative approach. In order to collect data, the author compiled both the individual and group work of Syuhudi Ismail; examined other authors work about Syuhudi; and conducted in-depth interviewswith his wife and students. The author used descriptive analysis to analyse the data. The findings show that the productivity of Syuhudi Ismail can be seen from his collections of 59 scientific works dated from the 1970s to 1990s: 8 books, 13 enncyclopedi entries, 38 papers, articles and research reports. From the ijtihad (interpretative) aspect, he is one of proponents of women leadership. Meanwhile, he claimed that plastic surgery for the purpose of enhancing beauty is prohibited. In hadith studies, he introduced the hadith sanad studies by considering the major and minor essence. In understanding the substance of hadith, he preferred the thematic and holistic approach. Finally, this paper concludes by discussing the challenges faced by hadith researchers of Islamic Higher Education sectors today, that is to obtain that aspects, to constantly exploring new methods in hadith studies and producing practical works in the field of hadith studies which are applicable and relevant for wider society

    [Maqasid in Hajj from The Quran and Al-Sunnah: Analysis to Malaysian Pilgrims] Maqasid Ibadah Haji dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Al-Sunnah : Kajian terhadap Hujjaj Malaysia

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    Hajj pilgrimage practice was conducted every year by millions of Muslims from around the world. But most of those who perform the pilgrimage forget to pay attention to the maqasid (objectives) main worship. They ask themselves more in-depth and focused on the aspect of fiqh rulings related to the Hajj pilgrimage and the requirements in terms of goals or maqasid pilgrims and their arguments are ignored. Worship is highlighted as one of the responsibilities and rights of God's servants need to be fulfilled, while the spirit and Maqasid was not directly touched. Therefore pilgrimage that does not help to contribute to a positive impact on the reform of individuals who carry it out and also to the public. The objective of this study was to identify maqasid in Hajj pilgrimage despite the practice based on the observations of Al-Qur'an and hadith texts and analyze the practice of Malaysian pilgrims. Surveys involving 379 respondents was conducted during the Hajj 1433H / 2012M, to answer the research objectives. Writing this article to multiply treasure maqasid pilgrims from the Quran and Al-Sunnah and see how far the practice of Malaysian pilgrims meet the maqasid.   Key words: Maqasid: Hajj: Perspective:Al-Qur`an: Al-Sunnah: Pilgrims:Malaysia

    Pembelajaran capaian teks Hadith berautoriti di internet: kajian terhadap laman sesawang Islamweb

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    ICT telah memberi ruang kepada perkembangan ilmu di alam siber yang mendasari dan mengatasi sempadan geografi. Sejajar dengan perkembangan arus kemajuan tersebut, ilmu hadith dilihat tidak mundur dalam mengecap dan memanfaatkannya. Ia dapat dibuktikan melalui kewujudan beribu-ribu laman sesawang berorganisasi mahupun individu tertentu, khusus membicarakan dan menyediakan kemudahan terhadap capaian maklumat teks hadith di Internet. Justeru artikel ini merupakan analisis terhadap laman sesawang Islamweb sebagai sebuah laman web dakwah yang telah menyediakan perkhidmatan carian hadith secara pantas dan mudah melalui ruangan Mawsu‘ah al-Hadith. Berasaskan metodologi deskriptif dan analisis data, kajian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan Islamweb sebagai aplikasi pembelajaran takhrij hadith di internet berdasarkan beberapa paparan maklumat carian yang tersedia seperti: (1) Sumber hadith. (2) Kedudukannya dalam kitab dan bab. (3) Rantaian sanad berserta maklumat dan kritikan bagi setiap perawi. (4) Hukum hadith. (5) Takhrij, (6) Syawahid. (7) Atraf (8) Al-Asanid. Keberadaan Mawsu‘ah al-Hadithiyyah Islamweb ini sekali gus telah membantu para pengkaji untuk mendapatkan maklumat teks hadith berautoriti memandangkan ianya telah dikelolai oleh para ahli di lapangan hadith

    [Maqasid in Hajj from The Quran and Al-Sunnah: Analysis to Malaysian Pilgrims] Maqasid Ibadah Haji dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Al-Sunnah : Kajian terhadap Hujjaj Malaysia

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    Hajj pilgrimage practice was conducted every year by millions of Muslims from around the world. But most of those who perform the pilgrimage forget to pay attention to the maqasid (objectives) main worship. They ask themselves more in-depth and focused on the aspect of fiqh rulings related to the Hajj pilgrimage and the requirements in terms of goals or maqasid pilgrims and their arguments are ignored. Worship is highlighted as one of the responsibilities and rights of God's servants need to be fulfilled, while the spirit and Maqasid was not directly touched. Therefore pilgrimage that does not help to contribute to a positive impact on the reform of individuals who carry it out and also to the public. The objective of this study was to identify maqasid in Hajj pilgrimage despite the practice based on the observations of Al-Qur'an and hadith texts and analyze the practice of Malaysian pilgrims. Surveys involving 379 respondents was conducted during the Hajj 1433H / 2012M, to answer the research objectives. Writing this article to multiply treasure maqasid pilgrims from the Quran and Al-Sunnah and see how far the practice of Malaysian pilgrims meet the maqasid.   Key words: Maqasid: Hajj: Perspective:Al-Qur`an: Al-Sunnah: Pilgrims:Malaysia

    Strengthening Spiritual Practices among Community: Dhikr Activities in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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    Tarekat tasawuf has been established in Negeri Sembilan since 1900 and began to strengthen its existence in spiritual activities such as the implementation of zikr tarekat tasawuf activities among the local community. This article will highlight the impact of implementing the zikr activities tarekat tasawuf, which is implemented periodically on the spiritual strengthening of the community in Negeri Sembilan. A qualitative approach is used involving library studies, review of relevant documents, and interviews with the Registrar of Tarekat, Tasawuf Division of the Negeri Sembilan Mufti Department, and the Syeikh of the tarekat involved. Basically, there are 13 Sufi practice centers around Negeri Sembilan that conduct regular zikr activities that impact the community. The existence of tarekat practice centers in Negeri Sembilan has been plotted to see the distribution and centralization of tarekat centers. In addition, the form of zikr practiced in the zikr ceremony is also explained through a simple framework built. The results also showed that the Seremban district is the highest area with a tarekat practice center. Indirectly, the zikr activities, tarekat tasawuf, have provided space for the local community to engage in more systematic spiritual activities. The efforts implemented by the Sufi tarekat practice center in Negeri Sembilan are expected to be used as an example by other states in Malaysia so that the community is more interested in the Sufi tarekat zikr ceremony

    Al-Azdawī on the early qiblah orientation based on thematic analysis of al-Hadīth and astrometry

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    After the expansion reached Transoxania- a classical name of Central Asia, al- Bazdawī realized a significant distortion of Qiblah azimuth, hence a need to revise the orientation procedure, based on contextual understanding of al-Ḥadīth. Consequently, al- Bazdawī wrote a treatise to inform that the later Ḥanafīs took the Qiblah in Transoxania as due west, and that the Shāfi„īs took it as due south. This study has employed thematic analysis on al-Ḥadīth used in all the arguments, which were understood mainly by early scholars, textually, without considering it contextually, based on the astronomical aspects. This includes the study of asbāb wurūd al-ḥadīth, authenticity, reviewing al-Bazdawī‟s treatise and mathematical analysis. The outcome of the study suggests that the application of topical ḥadīth on qiblah must critically be applied based on scientific and astronomical calculation. In conclusion, ḥadīth is one of the scientific miracles of the prophet Muhammad that must be applied within its context. Simple application based on textual understanding can lead towards the significant error in „ibādah, both technically and fundamentally