134 research outputs found


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    “TONGGAK RASO”, secara visual pada dasarnya merupakan konsep garapan untuk menghadirkan gerak dalam diri penari yang didasari pada kesadaran ruang dan waktu. Ruang dalam tubuh akan diolah secara maksimal, meskipun pada akhirnya ruang yang diolah juga menentukan waktu itu sendiri. Ruang fisik dipilih untuk mendukung ruang imajinatif yang akan dihadirkan. Budaya silek yaitu; silek tuo, silek kumango dan silek luambek untuk mengaktualisaikan ide dan gagasan melekat didalam koreografi Tonggak Raso. Elemen yang terkait dengan garapan menggunakan kaca timbal balik yang diberi bingkai sekaligus menjadi properti dalam garapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelahiran karya ini diantaranya, observasi, pengolahan data, studi pustaka, pemilihan pendukung karya, eksplorasi, penataan gerak, improvisasi, dan evaluasi. Koreografi ini memiliki tiga bagian, bagian pertama menggambarkan musyawarah untuk mencapai satu tujuan. Bagian kedua menggambarkan kekuatan untuk bertahan, dan bagian ketiga bagaimana penari mampu berkolaborasi untuk bertahan dengan memadukan gerak tradisi berbasis silek dan gerak-gerak tari modern.“TONGGAK RASO”, visually is a basic concept of cultivation to present the motion in the dancer based on the awareness of space and time. The space in the body will be processed optimally, although in the end the treated space also determines the time itself. Physical space is chosen to support the imaginative space that will be presented. Silek culture namely as; silek tuo, silek kumango and silek ulu ambek are used to actualize ideas inherent in Tonggak Raso choreography. The elements associated with this work is a reciprocal glass which is used and then framed, as a property in this artwork. The methods used in the delivery of this work include observation, data processing, literature study, selection of supporting works, exploration, structuring motion, improvisation, and evaluation. This choreography has three parts, the first part describes a discussion to achieve goal. The second part describes the strength to defend, and the third part is about collaborating, to survive, by combining traditional movements based on silek and the motion of modern dance


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    The creation of the concept for the performance My Body, Poetry That Moves is summed up from social reality. This concept is inseparable from the results of observations of the reality of the community where the phenomenon occurs. The results of the observations will be an important note for the creator. The observation results can be used as a basis and it can be concluded that in the era of modernization, with the rapid development of technology, it has positive and negative effects on the younger generation and society. On the positive side, the Indonesian nation has progress in the fields of communication and information, intellectual progress and thinking and so on. Meanwhile, the negative side of the Indonesian nation is unconsciously experiencing a tremendous setback, namely the erosion of morals, mentality, values which eventually becomes an instantaneous life. The process of creating My Body, Moving Poetry is carried out in several stages, namely contemplating the ideas presented and developed, rebuilding the empirical, reading various books as sources and supports in explaining concepts and observing the creation techniques. At the next level, the phenomenon captured is disclosed by pouring it into the form of body text which is expressed through the properties presented and contextual issues that contain message content. In the process of creating the artist, he pours out and marries the concept of contemporary body and choreography with a mix of local content and Minangkabau ideom


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    Silek bagi laki-laki Minangkabau adalah sebuah pengetahuan dan aktivitas yang pada dasarnya wajib dilakukan. Meskipun dalam perkembangan zaman, aktivitas tersebut secara fisik tidak lagi dianggap wajib, tapi secara konseptual kandungan filosofinya tetap diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Minangkabau. Aktivitas silek, selain praktik untuk meningkatkan ketahanan fisik, silek menjadi bekal ketika menghadapi betapa kerasnya dunia terutama ketika berada di rantau. Hal ini bisa dilihat pada masyarakat Minangkabau zaman dahulu yang menganggap bahwa silek ibarat sebuah pakaian atau identitas diri yang wajib dibawa ke manapun pergi. Silek Sitaralak ini mengarah pada pendekatan istilah tradisional Minangkabau, yaitu Kiek Kieh. Istilah Kiek Kieh terdiri atas dua kata yaitu kiek dan kieh. Kiek adalah ‘cara’ atau ‘metode’, atau bisa juga disebut ‘kiat’, sedangkan Kieh bisa diartikan ‘kias’ atau ‘umpama’. Pengertian bahasa kias (figure of speech) adalah pilihan kata tertentu sesuai dengan maksud penulis atau pembicara dalam rangka memperoleh aspek keindahan. Karya ini memiliki dua bentuk yaitu pertama karya dilahirkan di pantai Mangguang waktu sore hari Pukul 17.00 Wib, menginterprestasikan kotak dan penanaman pohon-pohon pinus di sepanjang pantai Mangguang kemudian digabungkan dengan silek dalam bentuk pengembangan. Kedua Pukul 19.00 Wib, memperlihatkan Prosesi adat makan bajamba selanjutnya silek secara filosofis di Rumah Gadang dengan tujuan alih generasi dari pak guru dan hari ini. Karya Silek Sitarak lahir dalam rangka melihat proses pembelajaran silek di Minangkabau yang pada saat ini sudah mulai ditinggalkan generasi muda, begitu juga dengan pantai yang sudah mulai tergerus oleh ombak. Kendati demikian dibutuhkan ada karya seni yang memperlihatkan bahwa silek masih menjadi wilayah yang perlu dikembangkan dan dilestarikan. Hasil penciptaan karya seni Silek Sitaralak ini memunculkan konsep penciptaan dengan metode mengambil nilai-nilai yang ada dalam Silek Sitaralak menjadi karya tari kontemporer

    Garapan Tari “Akegh Cahayegh”: Representasi Budaya Ritual Pengobatan Tolak Bala Suku Talang Mamak, Desa Gedabu

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    The Creation of "Akegh Cahayegh" Dance: The Culture Representation of Medicinal Ritual on Calamity Reversal of Talang Mamak Tribe, Gedabu Village. The Talang Mamak tribe is a group of people included in the KAT category (Remote Indigenous Community), which is another name for the Tribe of Anak Dalam. The Talang Mamak tribe belongs to the Proto Melayu group. The Talang Mamak tribe's life inspires this source of work in the neighborhood where the workmen live. The craftsmen were very interested in the Mahligai treatment (Tolak Bala), which was located in the inland tribal area of Talang Mamak, Gedabu village in Rakit Kulim sub-district—inspired to work on this culture to survive in today's life. The craftsmen certainly feel proud when this culture is preserved and displayed with new cultivation (innovation) without leaving the medicinal ritual's distinctive features. This work was worked on with the results of the interpretation and imagination of the writer. The values contained in this work are the values of loyalty, obedience, and togetherness. The implicit message conveyed is that the development and change of time is not a barrier for the inland tribe of Talang Mamak, Gedabu village to carry out rituals and preserves ceremony, namely the treatment of Mahligai Tolak Bala as a ritual of cleaning the village.Keywords: preserving culture; obeying; togethernes

    Aerodynamic noise measurement in anechoic wind tunnel of rod-airfoil with leading edge serrations

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    Turbulent flow interaction with the leading edge of an airfoil generates a well-known leading edge noise. The present work is an experimental investigation of reducing the leading edge noise by adapting serrations on the leading edge of NACA0012 airfoil. A rod is placed upstream of the airfoil to magnify the turbulence flow-leading edge interaction. Locations and the size of the serrations are two parameters being investigated for the noise reduction. The study found that a noise reduction up to 3.5 dB is obtained when the size of the serration is wider. Additionally, more sound reduction can be obtained when the angle of attack is increased

    Gambus Ensemble and Zapin as Identity of Malay Arts in Riau

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    Gambus and Zapin are art forms that have thrived within the Riau Malay community. The Gambus is characterized as a musical ensemble, while Zapin manifests as a dance form, often accompanied by musical elements. Both arts have their origins in the cultural influences of the Arab world, linked to trade and the spread of Islam. Over time, Gambus and Zapin have evolved alongside traditional Malay arts, transitioning into forms that range from traditional to creative and modern, and have become integral to the artistic identity of the Riau Malay society. This article explores the roles and presence of both Gambus and Zapin within the Riau community. The study gathers data through field studies and literature reviews using qualitative research methods. The findings reveal that the Gambus ensemble and Zapin dance have become potent symbols of identity for the Riau Malay population. Keywords: Gambus, Zapin, identity, Riau Malay arts DOI: 10.7176/ADS/109-04 Publication date: January 31st 202

    OpenFOAM implementation for the study of streamwise vortex-induced vibration-based energy harvester for sensor networks

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    The study of streamwise vortex induced vibration has reached a level of maturity that allows it to be harnessed to generate power. However, studies have primarily concentrated on the variables that measured through point-based instruments. This severely limits our understanding of the fluid forcing mechanism that results in the vibration of the elastically supported bluff body. We proposed the usage of computational fluid dynamics: the open source C++ libraries of OpenFOAM. To implement this successfully to the streamwise vortex-induced vibration problem, which involves near-wall fluid-structure interaction, we explored the method of dynamic mesh handling in OpenFOAM for six degrees of freedom motion of a rigid body fully submerged in fluid. Finally, we argued for the usage of arbitrarily coupled mesh interface to overcome the problem of severely distorted mesh in tight gaps between two walls. We run a short simulation to test this setup and found that the case runs uninterrupted, unlike its former counterpart that relies solely on cell displacement diffusion, suggesting the potential success of a further converged solution of the setup when running on a more powerful machine

    Two factor authentication by using SMS for web based application

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    Two factor authentications had two entry levels for authentication’s mechanism. This study had used Short Messaging Service (SMS) technology as a second factor in doing authentication on the web application. It can minimize the problems that occur regarding to the illegal access over the user privacy information on the Internet. The system that uses two factor authentications is capable to give the priority and safety in aspect of user’s privacy information from the web based applications


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    Seledri diketahui mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin, tanin, dan senyawa-senyawa minyak atsiri salah satunya limonen yang berpotensi sebagai penolak nyamuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ekstrak seledri terhadap karakteristik dan efektivitasnya sebagai losion anti nyamuk serta mencari formula terbaik penambahan ekstrak seledri dalam formulasi losion. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini ialah penambahan ekstrak seledridalam formulasi losion yaitu A (tanpa penambahan ekstrak), B (5%), C (15%), D(25%), dan E(35%). Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA dan uji lanjut dengan Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak seledri dalam formulasi losion berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai daya sebar, viskositas, pH, efektivitas dan uji organoleptik (warna), tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap uji organoleptik (aroma dan rasa lengket). Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan karakteristik, efektivitas dan uji organoleptik adalah perlakuan D (penambahan ekstrak seledri 25%) dengan nilai daya sebar (5,10 cm), viskositas (8940 cPs), pH (4,6), sediaan homogen, indeks iritasi (0), efektivitas anti nyamuk 51,33 menit, nilai kesukaan panelis terhadap warna 3,15 (agak suka), rasa lengket 3,55 (suka) dan aroma 3,20 (agak suka). Kata kunci : Seledri, Losion, Limonen, Antinyamu


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the organizational culture and business performance in star class hotels of Sri Lanka. The study has utilized data collected from 215 senior managers employed in star class hotel sector using self-administered questionnaire. CFA SEM analysis has performed using AMOS 21 to identify the relationship between the variables examined. The quantitative data analysis revealed there is a significant relationship between all four elements of organizational culture and business performance. The organizational culture was reflected through four dimensions organizational climate, flexibility or the support to change, team work and employee empowerment. This study develops a better understanding of elements of organizational culture and their influence on business performance. JEL: D23; L80; L83  Article visualizations