32 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kekerasan Permukaan Material Komposit Matriks Aluminium melalui Proses Thermal Sprayed Coating

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    Pengembangan material komposit matriks aluminium berpenguat partikulat banyak dilakukan untuk berbagai aplikasi komponen karena berat jenisnya yang ringan serta performa yang baik seperti kekuatan tinggi, kekerasan tinggi, sifat tahan aus dan koefisien ekspansi panas rendah. Untuk aplikasi komponen otomotif atau kendaraan tempur, dibutuhkan material yang tahan aus dengan kekerasan permukaan yang tinggi. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencapai kebutuhan tersebut adalah dengan proses pengerasan permukaan melalui metode coating yaitu proses pelapisan permukaan suatu material dengan membentuk permukaan baru atau memodifikasi permukaan. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada proses thermal spray coating untuk meningkatkan kekerasan pada material komposit matriks aluminium Al-3Si-9Zn-6Mg berpenguat 10% alumina (Al2O3). Metode yang digunakan adalah High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) dengan variasi komposisi material coating yaitu 88WC-12Co, 83WC-17Co dan 86WC-10Co4Cr. Hasil pengujian kekerasan pada pelat komposit menunjukkan peningkatan nilai kekerasan dibanding material tanpa coating yang memiliki kekerasan 39 HRB. Penggunaan material coating 88WC-12Co menghasilkan nilai kekerasan 71 HRB, untuk material coating 83WC-17Co nilai kekerasan 57 HRB, dan untuk material coating 86WC-10Co4Cr didapat nilai kekerasan 87 HRB. Untuk material coating tanpa unsur Cr, semakin banyaknya unsur Co maka nilai kekerasan akan semakin kecil. Sedangkan material coating dengan kandungan unsur Cr sebesar 4% menghasilkan nilai kekerasan yang paling tinggi yaitu 87 HRB

    Investigation of the Performance of a Centrifugal Pump Impeller Design with the Addition of a Junction Disc Plate

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    This research analyzes the impeller design performance that has been modified based on previous impeller designs. The previous impeller design used high engine power consumption due to the total head, so the modification of the impeller design is expected to reduce the engine power consumption. The existing design and the modified impeller design with the addition of the junction disc plate are used by this research. This research used experiment methods and theoretical methods to compare both of impeller design performances. The experiment method measures total head, fluid capacity, engine speed, and engine power consumption. The theoretical method analyzes actual fluid velocity, specific velocity, total suction head, NPSH, and pump efficiency. The results showed that the fluid flow rate was able to increase the efficiency of the centrifugal pump by 2.8%. The conclusion explains that the addition of a junction disc plate produces energy from a steady fluid flow rate to reduce the engine power consumption and escalation of pump efficiency

    Learning Management to Stimulate Critical Thinking in Islamic Religious Education Study Program Students

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    This research is motivated by the impact of learning management carried out by lecturers on students to think critically. because critical thinking is very necessary in everyday life. Critical thinking is a way for students to have an attitude of deeply about various things and problems that are different within their scope, which attitude involves activities in solving problems, making decisions, analyzing assumptions and organizing strategies and tactics. By having critical thinking skills, students can understand how to face, analyze and solve problems in facing challenges in the era of industrial revolution.Critical thinking learning management for students is effective in improving students' abilities in mastering concepts and subject matter as well as helping students' abilities in analyzing, interpreting and evaluating and being able to convey logical and systematic data presentations. Critical thinking learning management for students supports students' ability to know their own abilities, can interpret problems critically, strengthens students in searching for new information that was not previously known, in focusing a research, the researcher provides the formulation and objectives of the problem that will be reviewed in this research, namely: what lecturers do in the Islamic religious education study program to improve the critical thinking of students in the Islamic religious education study program. This research is included in descriptive qualitative research, with a qualitative approach. The results of the research show that lecturers in the Islamic religious education study program carry out 3 strategies in improving the critical thinking of students in the Islamic religious education study program: First, develop students' critical thinking skills in the aspect of identifying using methods, models and learning approaches. The methods used are lecture, discussion, question and answer, group assignment, project, collaborative, and inquiry methods by carrying out activities where students provide information to fellow students by explaining verbally and also through presentations from students. Second, the strategy for developing students' critical thinking skills in the analytical aspect is that students are presented with scientific problems and encouraged to analyze the material, then conclude and develop aspects of evaluating the problem, either cross-checking or checking the results of the conclusions. And third, the lecturer's strategy in developing students' critical thinking skills in the Islamic religious education study program in the aspect of evaluating problems


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    This research is aimed to identify the influence of macroeconomic shocks to Islamic banking stability in Indonesia by using Banking Stability Index (BSI). Variables used in this research are Industrial Production Index (IPI), central bank rates (r), exchange rates (ER), Consumer Price Index (CPI), the amount money circulating and Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) within period of January 2005 until December 2016 using VAR/VECM method. The results showed that in the short run there is no significant variables influenced banking stability in Indonesia. Otherwise, in the long run CPI and r have a significant influence to Islamic banking stability. R had negative influence and CPI has a positive influence to Islamic banking stability in Indonesia. According to FEVD results, the biggest variable contribution to BSI after BSI its self are Central Bank Rates (r), Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI)

    Implementasi Prinsip-Prinsip Total Quality Management (TQM) Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Di MA Terpadu Madinatul Munawwarah Pelalawan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Implementasi Prinsip-Prinsip Total Quality Management (TQM) dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di MA Terpadu Madinatul Munawwarah Pelalawan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melakukan observasi dan wawancara kepada informan, Kepala Madrasah (Kamad), Wakil Kurikulum (Wakakur), guru dan siswa MA Terpadu Madinatul Munawwarah Pelalawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi prinsip-prinsip Total Quality Management (TQM) di MA Terpadu Madinatul munawwarah berjalan dengan baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : Implementasi prinsip-prinsip Total Quality Management (TQM) di MA Terpadu Madinatul Munawwarah tercermin setidaknya pada dua aspek unggulan, diantaranya adalah aspek pendidikan formal dan aspek pendidikan non formal

    Peran Penguat Partikel Alumina dan Silikon Karbida terhadap Kekerasan Material Komposit Matriks Aluminium

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    Komposit matriks aluminium berpenguat partikulat banyak dikembangkan untuk aplikasi komponen otomotif dan kendaraan taktis militer, karena mempunyai berat jenis yang lebih ringan dibanding logam ferrous serta memiliki performa yang baik seperti kekuatan tinggi, kekerasan tinggi, sifat tahan aus dan koefisien ekspansi panas rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan material komposit matriks aluminium berpenguat alumina (Al2O3) dan silicon karbida (SiC) yang memiliki sifat mekanis yang paling baik. Komposit dibuat dari matriks Al-3Si-9Zn-6Mg berpenguat partikel alumina (Al2O3) dan silikon karbida (SiC), dengan variasi fraksi volume alumina 10% tanpa tambahan SiC, serta dengan penambahan SiC 5% dan 10%. Proses pengecoran dilakukan dengan metode squeeze casting. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa komposit dengan penguat alumina tanpa silicon karbida memiliki kekerasan yang paling tinggi yaitu rata-rata sebesar 60,28 HRB, dengan harga impak 0.0383 J/mm2. Dengan penambahan silicon karbida 5 % didapat nilai kekerasan yang lebih rendah yaitu 43 HRB dengan harga impak tetap 0.0383 J/mm2, serta untuk penambahan silicon karbida 10% didapat nilai kekerasan 41,8 HRB dengan harga impak 0.0638 J/mm2. Tidak terjadinya peningkatan kekerasan material komposit alumina dengan penambahan penguat silicon karbida ini disebabkan karena ketidaksempurnaan dalam proses peleburan dan pengecoran, dimana partikel silikon karbida sangat sulit bercampur secara merata dengan aluminium dan alumina. serta timbulnya cacat porositas (void) akibat dari masih terdapatnya udara yang terperangkap di dalam material coran yang tidak sepenuhnya terbuang pada saat proses degassing. Dari analisa struktur mikro terlihat partikel SiC tidak tersebar secara merata dan cenderung untuk mengumpal di satu tempat

    Feasibility of Mangrove Forest Products as Fabric Natural Dyes in Garut Regency

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    Mangrove forests have tangible and intangible benefits, but mangrove deforestation and degradation in Indonesia are relatively high due to economic reasons. Mangroves can contribute economically by considering social and economic characteristics, such as natural dye on traditional fabrics. Unfortunately, studies on mangroves' potential as a natural fabric dye and their relationship with social and economic potential are limited. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the feasibility, prospects, and challenges in developing natural dyes from mangroves for traditional fabrics. Through field observations in the Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve in Garut Regency, interviews, and literature studies, this study used a descriptive approach with SWOT and financial analysis. At least three mangrove species can be used as natural dyes to produce brown color variants: Bruguiera gymnorrizha, Rhizophora mucronata, and Rhizophora apiculata. The strategic location, with an intense fabric industry and high community motivation, provided opportunities to develop mangrove dye products. The business was feasible and resistant to the economic crisis. However, even though the community knows the mangrove benefits of natural fabric dyes, there was no development practice because of no assistance in processing. Supports from the government, forestry extension agents, NGOs, and universities are essential for mangrove conservation while improving livelihood and economic welfare through the mangrove natural dyes business


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    PREDIKSI SIFAT MATERIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTING MEDIUM PADA QUASI-ISOSTATIC PRESSING MENGGUNAKAN FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS. Teknik quasi-isostatik pressing merupakan pengembangan dari isostatic pressing yang dibuat lebih sederhana dan efisien. Quasi-isostatic pressing mampu memberikan efek penekanan triaxial volumetrik sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk dengan densitas yang seragam. Dengan keunggulan tersebut, maka teknik quasi-isostatic pressing digunakan dalam proses fabrikasi bahan bakar bola (pebble fuel) untuk high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR). Masalah utama penggunaan teknik quasi-isostatic pressing terletak pada material hiper-elastis sebagai pressure transmitting medium (PTM) untuk mentranser tekanan statis yang seragam ke segala arah pada proses kompaksi. Oleh karena itu, sifat dan karakteristik material PTM yang dibutuhkan untuk quasi-isotatic pressing dengan kondisi batasan proses yang diinginkan harus ditentukan.  Pada penelitian ini digunakan Finite Element Analysis (FEA) untuk mempredisksi sifat dan karakteristik (konstanta) material PTM untuk proses quasi-isostatic pressing dengan menggunakan model Mooney-Rivlin 2 dan 3 parameter dan metode single-acting press. Hasil pengukuran FEA diperoleh nilai C10 sebesar 120 MPa, C01 sebesar 49 MPa dan C11 sebesar 10 Mpa, namun demikian,proses quasi-isostatic pressing pada kompaksi serbuk grafit masih belum terjadi secara sempurna. Penelitian lebih lanjut akan dilakukan dengan perbaikan secara numerik dan penggunaan model Mooney-Rivlin 5 hingga 9 parameter menggunakan metode double-acting press. Kata kunci:Quasi-isostatic pressing, pebble fuel, Mooney-Rivlin, pressure transmitting medium, finite element analysis

    Smoke and Fire Detection Base on Convolutional Neural Network

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    ABSTRAKDeteksi api dan asap adalah langkah pertama sebagai deteksi dini kebakaran. Deteksi dini kebakaran berdasarkan pemrosesan gambar dianggap mampu memberikan hasil yang efektif. Pilihan metode deteksi adalah kunci penting. Metode ekstraksi fitur berdasarkan analisis statistik dan analisis dinamis kadang-kadang memberikan akurasi kurang akurat dalam mendeteksi asap dan api, terutama pada deteksi asap, hal ini disebabkan oleh karakteristik objek asap yang transparan dan bergerak. Dalam penelitian ini, metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) diterapkan untuk deteksi asap dan api. Dari penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa CNN memberikan kinerja yang baik dalam deteksi kebakaran dan asap. Akurasi deteksi tertinggi diperoleh dengan menggunakan 144 data pelatihan, 20.000 iterasi dengan dropout.Kata kunci: Deteksi asap, deteksi kebakaran, Jaringan Syaraf Konvolusional ABSTRACTFire and smoke detection is the first step as early detection of fires. Early detection of fire based on image processing is considered capable of providing effective results. The choice of detection method is an important key. Feature extraction methods based on statistical analysis and dynamic analysis sometimes provide less accurate accuracy in detecting smoke and fire, especially on smoke detection, this is due to the characteristics of transparent and moving smoke objects. In this study, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method was applied for smoke and fire detection. From this study, it is known that CNN provides good performance in fire and smoke detection. The highest detection accuracy is obtained by using 144 training data, 20,000 iterations and dropout is true.Keywords: Smoke detection, Fire detection, Convolutional Neural Networ