401 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi bahasa figuratif dan fungsinya dalam novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata serta kesesuaiannya sebagai alternatif materi pembelajaran analisis gaya bahasa. Jenis penelitian adalah analisis konten. Objek penelitian yaitu novel Sang Pemimpi. Populasi penelitian seluruh mozaik dalam novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata (18 mozaik atau 288 halaman). Sang Pemimpi diterbitkan Bentang tahun 2006 (cetakan pertama). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik baca dan catat. Caranya dengan membaca seluruh mozaik dalam Sang Pemimpi, dilanjutkan dengan tanda pada kalimat mengandung permajasan dan penyiasatan struktur, dan mengetik data tersebut ke komputer dalam bentuk tabel. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis konten dengan mendeskripsikan data identifikasi dan fungsi bahasa figuratif. Validitas data penelitian menggunakan validitas semantik dan reliabitas data berupa reliabilitas intrarater dan interrater. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa bahasa figuratif yang terdapat dalam novel Sang Pemimpi berupa 13 permajasan dan 3 penyiasatan struktur. Permajasannya yaitu simile, metafora, hiperbola, personifikasi, hipokorisme, alusio, sinekdoke, sarkasme, depersonifikasi, metonimia, antomasio, ironi, dan sinisme. Penyiasatan strukturnya berupa repetisi, klimaks, dan antitesis. Fungsi gaya bahasa dalam Sang Pemimpi adalah memperindah penokohan, latar, dan plot. Implementasi identifikasi dan fungsi bahasa figuratif dalam Sang Pemimpi sebagai alternatif materi gaya bahasa dituangkan dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) Kompetensi Dasar 7.2 pada tingkat satuan pendidikan SMA/MA, khususnya kelas XI

    Isu Lingkungan dalam Perspektif Kalam, Fiqh, dan Tasawuf

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    There is no doubt that the problem of environment has become the most formidable issue faced by human being in the modern history. The danger imposed by the environmental crisis is much greater than the danger of any forms of war. This crisis has thus become the greatest enemy of humanity. The level and extent of the danger requires equally a great effort to address and tackle it. It is here that this paper tries to contribute. It attempts to offer an Islamic perspective of environment and its conservation. The paper is convinced that Islam is rich with perspectives on this issue. It therefore, introduces the many theories and views on environment that the sciences of Islam have spoken about. It brings into discussion the view of the science of theology (kalam), jurisprudence (fiqh) and sufism ?(tasawuf) on environment. Each of these sciences is discussed in relation to the others, as well as in the context of what the paper calls fiqh lingkungan (the jurisprudence of environment). The idea that underlines the paper is thatthese sciences are?generally speaking?concerned with the idea of personal and collective responsibility; an idea that already has a direct relevance to the problem of environment


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    One of the pillars of Islam establishment is implementation of Zakat encashment. Zakatbecome one of the five pillars of Islam which one and others work in synergy. How important zakatis, Allah refers to people who are not fulfilled it as religion liars (Surah al-Ma'un). The importance ofthe Zakat can be seen from the mission of Islamic sharia as the teaching that committed toimplement physical and spiritual welfare, spiritual material. Zakat become instruments tend to thewelfare of the people. In Indonesia, it has entered the consciousness of the state. This was evidencedby the publication of two laws on zakat, Law No. 38 of 1999 and Law No. 23 of 2011 on Zakat. Thispaper explores the management of zakat as a part of the responsibility of the state, in addition tomanagement and ethical management

    Peningkatan Kinerja Guru dalam Pembelajaran di Kelas Melalui Supervisi Klinis di SD Negeri 005 Bengkong Kota Batam Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

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    The role of teacher performance in the teaching process is very important, where the teacher is the leader in a learning setting in the classroom. The role of the teacher as a professional educator is expected to be an example or role model for other students and teachers in advancing a better education. Educators are expected to understand and implement components as educators, namely pedagogic, personality, professional and social so that the learning process is in line with our goals as educators. Good educators can not be separated from the many roles in them including the role of students, administrative staff, teachers and school principals, so from the importance of thorough monitoring so that it can run according to its main duties and functions which is in accordance with the title of the research I took, namely "Improving Teacher Performance in Learning in Classes at SDN 005 Bengkong Batam City Academic Year 2017/2018 "from the research I did, the results from 6 teachers showed that the first cycle showed 71.98% and the second cycle 92.44% it could be categorized as very good. Based on the results of the research above, the Research on Improving Teacher Performance in Learning Through Clinical Supervision in Classrooms at SDN 005 Bengkong Batam City for the 2017/2018 Academic Year is feasible to apply

    Kitab Fikih Ulama Banjar Kesinambungan Dan Perubahan Kajian Konsep Fikih Lingkungan

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    FIQH TEXTS BANJARESE ULAMA CONTNUITY AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY OF FIQH ECOLOGY: Fiqh texts play an important role in the Muslim community throughout the ages. Fiqh texts become the code of conduct for Muslim to make their deeds valid and in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Fiqh texts as intellectual products have an important role to determine the level of creation and as means to observe the progress of the intellect of a Muslim community. In addition, fiqh texts produced can be a hint towards a particular school of thought and as critical study materials to perform continuity and development of intellectual work. Banjarese Ulama (from Banjarese ethnic) are known by their religiosity. The work in the field of jurisprudence was also born from them since Sabilal Muhtadin in the 18th century until Mabadi Ilmu ‘Fiqh of the 20th century. However, the continuity of the intellectual work that appreciates for the environment, especially on water ecology, which characterizes the ecology of Banjar, is inadequate. This shows the “unthinkable” in an intellectual creation, as described in the results of this study


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    Corona virus or better known as Covid-19 has a new variant. Where at the beginning of the emergence there was an increase in the death rate, but now it has decreased. But there are new variants that are delta, and omicron. So that efforts to prevent the spread must still be carried out properly without being ignored. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between education and efforts to prevent Covid-19 in Laksamana Village, Sabak Auh District, Siak Regency in 2021. The design of this study was quantitative correlation. The population is the entire community of Laksamana Village. by using purposive sampling technique, a sample of 134 people. Questionnaire instrument. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between education and prevention efforts (p=0.000). Education is expected to increase public awareness and a better understanding of Covid-19 prevention.Corona virus atau lebih dikenal dengan Covid-19 memiliki varian yang baru. Dimana di awal kemunculan memiliki peningkatan angka kematian, tetapi saat ini mengalami penurunan. Tetapi terdapat varian yang baru yang delta, maupun omicron.  Sehingga   upaya   pencegahan   penyebaran tetap harus dilaksanakan dengan baik tanpa perlu diabaikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pendidikan dengan upaya pencegahan Covid-19 di Desa Laksamana Kecamatan Sabak Auh Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2021. Desain Penelitian ini kuantitatif korelasional. Populasi yaitu seluruh masyarakat Desa Laksamana. dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling, sampel sebanyak 134 orang. Instrumen kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pendidikan dengan upaya pencegahan (p=0,000). Pendidikan  diharapkan meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat serta pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang pencegahan Covid-19


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    Cultural contestation is inevitable issue related to fundamental questions of collective identity. Localism, nationalism and globalism is being questioned as the globalized world enable culture experiences transformation and shifting which may endanger identity . This paper is going to explore how cultural contestation in defining identity also happens in food consumption. Ritual food of American Thanksgiving and Javanese Slametan witness that American and Javanese identity is fluid

    Eksistensi Sistem Pernikahan Anak Perempuan Sayyid di Desa Cikoang Kecamatan Mangarabombang Kabupaten Takalar (Perspektif Komunikasi Budaya)

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1)Pola komunikasi budaya Sayyid di Desa Cikoang melalui pola komunikasi yang harmonis antara satu dengan yang lain secara terbuka dan nyaman saat berkomunikasi baik itu melalui pada tahap pertukaran informasi secara lisan maupun tindakan manusia secara terbuka melalui sistem pernikahan anak perempuan Sayyid. 2)Strategi yang dilakukan dalam melaksanakan agar tradisi pernikahan Sayyidini masih bertahan,ada dua yaitu: pertama,sayyid mencarikan jodoh dan kedua,sejak kecil mereka didik diberikan pemahaman, pengetahuan-pengetahuan tentang kebiasaan komunitas mereka yang beda daripada yang lain, serta akibat jika melanggar ketentuan yang telah diatur oleh adat mereka

    KITAB FIKIH ULAMA BANJAR Kesinambungan Dan Perubahan Kajian Konsep Fikih Lingkungan

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    FIQH TEXTS BANJARESE ULAMA CONTNUITY AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY OF FIQH ECOLOGY: Fiqh texts play an important role in the Muslim community throughout the ages. Fiqh texts become the code of conduct for Muslim to make their deeds valid and in accordance with the teachings  of Islam. Fiqh texts as intellectual  products have an important role to determine the level of creation and as means to observe the progress of the intellect of a Muslim community. In addition, fiqh texts produced can  be  a  hint  towards  a  particular  school  of  thought  and  as critical study materials to perform continuity and development of intellectual  work. Banjarese Ulama (from Banjarese ethnic)  are known by their religiosity. The work in the field of jurisprudence was  also  born from  them  since  Sabilal  Muhtadin  in  the  18th century  until Mabadi Ilmu ‘Fiqh of the 20th century.  However, the continuity  of the  intellectual work that  appreciates  for the environment, especially on water ecology, which characterizes the ecology of Banjar, is inadequate. This shows the “unthinkable” in an intellectual  creation, as described in the results of this study