17 research outputs found

    An empirical studies of purchasing intention towards halal food among non-muslim consumers

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    The concept of halal has not been a major element among non-Muslim consumers, even for those who have lived in an Islamic country all their lives. Non-Muslim consumers lack the knowledge on the true meaning of halal food and view the concept only as a requirement for the Muslim. This has led them to ignore the advantages that could be obtained from purchasing halal food. Thus, the objective of the research is to explore whether attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and knowledge influenced the intention to purchase halal food among non-Muslim consumers in Malaysia. A survey was conducted in Klang Valley where 427 non-Muslim respondents clicked and answered a structured questionnaire via SurveyMonkey to gather the related information. Based on the multiple linear regression analysis, attitude, subjective norm and knowledge significantly influenced the intention to purchase halal food, while perceived behavioral control did not significantly influence the intention to purchase. The research findings indicated that non-Muslim individuals were inclined to purchase halal food when they knew or were informed by their peers on the true meaning of halal. Therefore, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and marketers must create an effective strategy to educate the existing non-Muslim customers in Malaysia as a preparation to attract non- Muslim consumers globally

    Tourism impact analysis - an inter-sectoral analysis of the Malaysian economy

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    Using nation-wide data on tourist expenditures collected by questionnaire method in 1991, the private consumption expenditure and export columns of the 1983 input-output table were broken down into tourist and non-tourist components. The tourist expenditures (local and foreign) were then used to evaluate their impact on each of the sectoral output, employment, commodity taxes and non-competitive imports. The results highlighted a number of tourism strategic sectors and at the same time focus on other sectors which benefit from tourist expenditure through indirect and induced income and employment generations

    Understanding the factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs in Malaysia

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    This study aims to identify the factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs. The instrument in this quantitative study was a questionnaire that consisted of 54 items with Likert Scale 5. The respondents of this study were 377 indigenous youth entrepreneurs, who were selected by random sampling. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program version 21 used to analyze data based on frequency, percentage, and linear regression. The results show that there are nine (9) main factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Factors that inhibit indigenous from becoming successful entrepreneurs include being lacking financial capital, experience, knowledge in information technology and business strategy, entrepreneurial information, management skills, networking skills, difficulty in finding skilled workers, and complicated financial loan bureaucracy. Factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs classify into two categories. The findings of this study showed that the intrinsic and extrinsic factors had a significant influence on the motivation of Malaysian indigenous youth in entrepreneurship development. Therefore, entrepreneurship and information technology courses are necessary to improve the knowledge and skills of indigenous in Malaysia. However, on the whole, it was found that the bureaucracy of complicated financial lending had become the dominant factor that inhibits the success of indigenous entrepreneurs in Malaysia

    Tantangan dan Hambatan : Analisis Problematika Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Era Society 5.0 di Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam di Indonesia

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    Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang diajarkan di perguruan tinggi agama Islam di Indonesia, namun pembelajaran Bahasa Arab era Society 5.0 di perguruan tinggi agama islam di Indonesia sering dihadapi oleh beberapa Permasalahan yang bertalian dengan tantangan dan hambatan, sedangkan permasalahan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab juga erat kaitannya dengan perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan Teknologi. Artikel Ini akan membahas problematika pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Era Society di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dan akan memfokuskan penelitiannya di STAI Assunnah Deli Serdang SUMUT sebagai lokasi Studi Kasusnya, Adapun pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa adanya tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di STAI Assunnah yaitu kurangnya kemampuan dosen terhadap teknologi, keterbatasan media teknologi, pengembangan potensi mahasiswa, sedangkan hambatan yang dihadapi adalah keterbatasan penggunaan teknologi bagi mahasiswa dan penggunaan metode klasik dalam mengaja

    A conceptual framework for customer experience towards COVID-19 preventive measures of Malaysian retailers

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    This study develops a framework on customer experience towards COVID-19 preventive measures of Malaysian retailers. Specifically, it proposes a conceptual framework of In-Store Customer Experience (ISCX) and preventive measures within the implementation of the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs concept. Eventually, the upcoming focus is to investigate the ISCX towards the preventive measures in fulfilling the customers’ physiological and basic needs through the utilisation of this framework. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach utilising the thematic analysis to identify its customers’ experiences on the retailer’s preventive measures during COVID-19 pandemic. These measures were collected and analysed through Atlas.ti software. This study will provide insights for future researches to investigate further on how retailers’ preventive measures affect ISCX; as the new coronavirus, COVID-19 is not the first threatening disease that’s surged worldwide. It also will provide more suggestions to policymakers and businesses on preventive measures deemed to be suitable for future implementation of the guideline. This research will also support Sustainable Development Goal 3 for Good Health and Well-Being which helps end the COVID-19 pandemic as an infectious disease

    Kitab al-Sunan al-Kubra

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    Kesan perdagangan antarabangsa terhadap permintaan pelancongan: kes di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang menentukan permintaan terhadap pelancongan di Malaysia. Secara khusus, kajian menganggarkan magnitud kesan perdagangan terhadap pelancongan berdasarkan hipotesis Marco-Polo yang menyatakan bahawa melancong adalah diransang oleh perdagangan. Kajian ini menggunakan data dari tahun 2007-2019 daripada 5 rakan dagang utama Malaysia iaitu China, Jepun, Singapura, Taiwan dan Amerika Syarikat. Model penganggaran Pooled OLS, Random Effect dan Fixed Effect digunakan. Kajian mendapati terdapat hubungan positif antara ketibaan pelancong dengan perdagangan antarabangsa. Penemuan ini mengesahkan hipotesis Marco-Polo di beberapa negara sampel. Penemuan juga menunjukkan bahawa dalam menggalakkan pelancong antarabangsa, perdagangan antarabangsa perlu ditingkatkan. Dengan itu, dasar perdagangan antarabangsa perlu dikaji semula bagi meningkatkan jumlah pelancong antarabangsa

    Enhancing social sustainability via branding strategies among personal care and cosmetics customers: the moderating role of brand visibility

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    Sustainability has existed since the day it was originated by the Brundtland Commission in the year of 1987. The term sustainability has been vaguely defined and it creates different interpretations. In line with today’s economic situation, organizations increasingly perceive sustainability as an opportunity for them to gain a competitive advantage. In the current era, most of the powerful brands aspire to achieve the same social goal; hence business leaders and marketers are now facing a problem in maintaining its social sustainability. Most studies investigate social sustainability goals from the perspective of business operations. Results from the field study involving 420 customers from six (6) premier shopping malls across Kuala Lumpur demonstrated evidence for construct validity and reliability based on the multiple regression analysis, the result of the study of this study shows that only the Branded House strategy and Halal strategy were proven to have significant relationship with social sustainability. In terms of testing the hypotheses involving the moderating roles of the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable, 2 out of 4 hypotheses were supported in which brand visibility moderates the relationship between Halal branding and social sustainability, whereas brand visibility moderates the relationship between stand-alone strategy and social sustainability The implications of this research are, the organization needs to consider corporate dominant strategy and Halal strategy to ensure long-term business operation and this research also provides additional insight on social sustainability model by investigating the branding strategies namely corporate dominant, brand dominant, mixed branding and Halal brandin

    A framework for reaching common understanding during sketching in design teams

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    In this study, we investigate the communication processes during sketching in design teams on theoretical and empirical levels, and propose two frameworks. The first one, the designcommunication block framework, categorizes the types of activities that take place during sketching, and constitutes the analysis scheme for the empirical dimension of the work. The second framework, a framework for reaching common understanding during sketching in design teams, embodies the outcomes of our analysis. Our main finding is that although drawing activity itself forms the basis of team discourse during sketching, explaining, detailing and transfer activities make ideas more concrete, understandable and transferrable within the team. Our findings also show that when verbal communication is blocked, the distinction between drawing activity, and explaining, detailing and transfer activities become even clearer.Product Innovation ManagementIndustrial Design Engineerin