124 research outputs found


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    College Student, is a community of intellectual candidates who will become leaders in the future, the successor of leadership in his era later. Therefore it is fitting to get all of us attention with guidance, direction, and others including by introducing them to the real world that full of challenges, not to mention the students who are in the sub-culture of the pesantren. Although pesantren itself was initially only an entity to deepen the sciences of Islamic science, but in further development, due to its flexibility, and the demands of the people's need for "formal" things, pesantren did not leave the characteristics of independence, simplicity, istikhoroh, considering the aspects of benefits-mafsadah, maslahah-mudorot, began to accept the entry of formal schools, from elementary to college level. And there it is a challenge for the pesantren to prepare a generation that is not behind the times. Globalization, is an inevitable process of the world, will enter and penetrate to all corners of the world no matter how small its form. Therefore, this last term becomes important to be introduced to the pesantren community especially among students, namely students who are studying at university level, not to be surprised to see the future that will and must be faced. Hopefully

    Ideologi Penerjemahan Roman Emil Und Die Detektive Karya Erich Kästner

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: (1) kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang mengandung unsur budaya material dalam novel Emil und die Detektive dan terjemahannya Emil dan Polisi-polisi Rahasia, (2) prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan kata bermuatan budaya material ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan (3) ideologi yang digunakan oleh penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan kata bermuatan budaya material tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Emil und die Detektive karya Erich Kästner dan terjemahannya yang berjudul Emil dan Polisi-polisi Rahasia. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah semua muatan budaya material dalam bentuk kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang terdapat di dalam novel. Pengumpulan data menggunakan simak bebas libat cakap dan teknik baca catat. Uji keabsahan data dilakukan oleh intra-rater dan expert judgment. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode agih teknik ganti, metode padan referensial dan padan translasional. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Terdapat 40 kata bermuatan budaya material dalam novel Emil und die Detektive yang terbagi atas tiga kategori, yaitu makanan sebanyak 15 data, pakaian sebanyak 7 data, dan transportasi sebanyak 18 data. (2) Terdapat 40 data yang terbagi dalam tujuh prosedur penerjemahan. Prosedur penerjemehan tersebut adalah literal sebanyak 10 data, naturalisasi sebanyak 3 data, padanan budaya sebanyak 1 data, padanan fungsional sebanyak 18 data, sinonim sebanyak 5 data, transposisi sebanyak 1 data, dan kuplet sebanyak 2 data. (3) Terdapat 13 prosedur penerjemahan yang menunjukkan ideologi foreignisasi, dan 27 prosedur penerjemahan menunjukkan ideologi domestikasi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerjemahan istilah budaya pada novel Emil und die Detektive ke dalam novel Emil dan Polisi-polisi Rahasia menggunakan ideologi domestikasi berdasarkan prosedur penerjemahan yang paling banyak ditemukan

    Pemberdayaan Pelaku UKM Pada Dinas Koperasi, UKM Dan Perdagangan (KOPUMDAG) Kabupaten Maros

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    This study purposed to find out the empowerment of small and medium businesses (UKM) in the Office of UKM cooperatives and trade in Maros Regency. This study  used  descriptive qualitative method that gave  picture or explanation objectively related to the actual state of the object under study. Data collection techniques were interviews and observation and documentation. The results of this study showed that empowerment (UKM) at the Office of Kopumdag was not running optimally. Empowerment carried out by the government in the initial phase was quite instrumental by providing training and counseling. Furthermore, in the participatory phase the community and government had collaborated in developing UKM. While in the emancipatory phase the government was still constrained by the provision of facilities and infrastructure in developing UKM. Therefore, the empowerment of UKM in Maros Regency should provide adequate facilities and infrastructure, so that the implementation of training or counseling could run optimally and produced output that was in line with expectations

    Misi profetik kiai: dialektika politik kiai khos dan kiai kampung dalam perpolitikan nasional

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    Bagi masyarakat Jawa sendiri, istilah ‘kiai’ digunakan untuk menyebut benda-benda yang dianggap memiliki keistimewaan, yang kemudian dikeramatkan dan dituahkan, seperti keris, tombak, dan benda-benda lain yang diyakini memiliki keistimewaan-keistimewaan tersendiri. Karena itu, istilah kiai yang digunakan untuk menyebut figur seseorang yang ahli dalam bidang keagamaan, sebenarnya berasal dari istilah di mana agama Islam itu muncul, yang merupakan produk lokal Jawa yang kemudian dipakai untuk menyebut nama seorang kiai. Penggunaan istilah ini, menurut hemat penulis, didasari oleh adanya anggapan bahwa kiai adalah seorang figur (yang ahli di bidang keagamaan) yang memiliki keistimewaan dan keahlian tertentu yang jarang dimiliki oleh orang-orang kebanyakan. Misalnya, dalam konteks ke- mampuan ilmu agama dan kemampuan-kemampuan lain yang lazim dimiliki oleh seorang kiai

    Keamanan Sistem Perangkat Lunak dengan Secure Software Development Lifecycle

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    Saat ini, pengembangan perangkat lunak lebih kompleks daripada sebelumnya di mana keamanan menjadi salah satu yang paling krusial. Masalah keamanan menjadi bagian penting untuk developer perangkat lunak.Kebutuhan keamanan dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak menghasilkanpenciptaan yang disebut Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC). Paper ini menyoroti kerentanan perangkat lunak dan pendekatan untuk mengatasinya. Untuk itu akan dibahas beberapa tool keamanan seperti OWASP dan ISSAF. Tujuannya agar dapat mengetahui sejauh mana tool-tool tersebut meminimalkan kerentanan dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak

    Pemberdayaan Pelaku UKM pada Dinas Koperasi, UKM dan Perdagangan (Kopumdag) Kabupaten Maros

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    This study purposed to find out the empowerment of small and medium businesses (UKM) in the Office of UKM cooperatives and trade in Maros Regency. This study used descriptive qualitative method that gave picture or explanation objectively related to the actual state of the object under study. Data collection techniques were interviews and observation and documentation. The results of this study showed that empowerment (UKM) at the Office of Kopumdag was not running optimally. Empowerment carried out by the government in the initial phase was quite instrumental by providing training and counseling. Furthermore, in the participatory phase the community and government had collaborated in developing UKM. While in the emancipatory phase the government was still constrained by the provision of facilities and infrastructure in developing UKM. Therefore, the empowerment of UKM in Maros Regency should provide adequate facilities and infrastructure, so that the implementation of training or counseling could run optimally and produced output that was in line with expectations


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    This study is to explore religious pluralism and pherennial philosophy. Some of conclusions are drawn. Firstly, the pherennial philosophy is a tradition forming intellectual heritage and human spirituality which is originally and directly delivered from the sacred revelation. Secondly, religion is institutionalization of pious experience to God, as the religion is manifestation of an organized pious system. Due to the fact, as an institution, religion continously develops in the certain context and situation. It means that religion could be contextually and situationally different depending on the followers’ personal faith and belief. Thirdly, Indonesia is a unique state with heterogeneous aspects in religion, language, ethnicity, and others, but these different aspects are united in the single ideology of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika firstly coined by Mpu Tantular in Kitab Sutasoma


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    On the transition of operational Geostationary Meteorological Satellite GMS-5 to MTSAT-1R, HiRID’s data packet was introduced. HiRID uses the same frame as of the S-VISSR, with some modifications to accommodate the additional information because of performance improvement of its data imaging system. Performance improvement of instrument is associated with addition of IR4 channel and radiometric resolution improvement of infrared channel to 10 bits/ pixel. The operating lifetime of HiRID as transition data packet to the MTSAT-1R HRIT is limited in the view of giving a grace period to the Earth station operators to upgrade the receiving systems towards HRIT operationalization. This paper reviews the efforts to obtain MTSAT-1R HiRID data and adjustments made in the sub-receiver systems, sub-system of data pre-processing. The discussion includes a glance of RF system integration, data extraction techniques and information extraction of documentation sector, focusing the discussion on the different of structures of HiRID data packets and S-VISSR as well as techniques that are applied to extract image data and any information contained therein. Keyword:S-VISSR, HiRID, Sub-commutation, Decompositio


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    Earing the word education is certainly no stranger to the public. Education is addressed with school and learning. The word education in terms of language is derived from the word "pedagogy" namely "paid" which means child and "agogos" which means guiding. So pedagogy or education is the science of guiding children. Education can also be defined as a process of changing the attitude and behavior of a person or group in an effort to mature a human being or a student through teaching and training efforts. The word management is often heard in our daily lives. Management is used to assist us in doing things. The role of management is needed in daily life which is intended to regulate all work. Through management, all work can be done and done well and systematically. We usually get quality when we discuss about industries related to the provision or delivery of services. The field of education is one area that provides services to its customers. The intended customers in the world of education are divided into 3 groups, namely primary customers (directly involved, namely students), secondary customers (who support education such as parents), and tertiary customers (indirectly involved but have an important role in education, namely employees, community, and government)
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