61 research outputs found
The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts in improving of teacher capacity and education personnel in SMAN 1 Medan, focus on the manufacture of Dupak, Piki and Bandicam. The method used and the reason for the variation of the phenomenological approach. The research method is how to do something by using a mind carefully to achieve the objectives in the study. The finding stated that the activities of making Dupak, Piki and Bandicam have benefits among the teacher
Penerapan Metode Eksperimen pada Materi Suhu dan Kalor di Kelas XI SMA
Metode eksperimen merupakan salah satu metode mengajar, dimana peserta didik melakukan percobaan. Pembelajaran fisika yang diberikan dalam bentuk percobaan akan mengembangkan keterampilan proses sains peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar peserta didik setelah diterapkan pembelajaran dengan metode eksperimen pada materi suhu dan kalor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperimen dengan model one shot case study. Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling dan diperoleh kelas XI MIPA 8 SMA Negeri 2 Palangka Raya sebagai kelas sampel dengan jumlah 40 peserta didik. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen (1) instrumen pengamatan unjuk kerja keterampilan proses sains (2) tes hasil belajar berupa tes uraian. Keterampilan proses sains peserta didik setelah pembelajaran dengan metode eksperimen pada materi suhu dan kalor diperoleh 12 peserta didik dengan keterampilan proses sains sangat baik, 22 peserta didik dengan keterampilan proses sains baik, 2 peserta didik dengan keterampilan proses sains cukup baik, dan 1 peserta didik berkategori tidak baik. Secara keseluruhan, keterampilan proses sains peserta didik dalam kategori baik setelah diterapkan metode eksperimen pada materi suhu dan kalor. Selain itu, diperoleh 32 peserta didik tuntas atau pembelajaran mencapai ketuntasan sebesar 80%
Perkembangan Agama Dan Sikap Toleransi Beragama Desa Ngrangsang Selomartani Kalasan Sleman Yogyakarta: Indonesia
Toleransi beragama perlu ditanamkan dalam sanubari Bangsa Indonesia pada umumnya dan pada masyarakat Desa Ngrangsang, Selomartani, Kalasan, Sleman Yogyakarta. Dalam hal ini peneliti tertarik pada masyarakat yang tinggal Desa Ngransang, Selomartani, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Toleransi dalam pergaulan antar umat beragama bermula dari penghayatan ajaran agama masing-masing. Demi memelihara kerukunan beragama sikap toleransi harus dikembangkan untuk menghindari pertengkaran. Biasanya pertengkaran masyarakat beragama disebabkan oleh perasaan dirinya atau agamanya paling benar, sedangkan orang lain dianggap tidak benar. Negara Indonesia masyarakatnya mayoritas memang beragama Islam, tetapi fakta sejarah mengakui bahwa negeri ini berdiri berdasarkan keanekaragaman suku bangsa, bahasa, agama, dan budaya. Untuk itulah toleransi harus ditanamkan dalam sanubari setiap warga negaranya guna untuk memupuk kebersmaan umat beragama di seluruh Indonesia agar tercapai rasa aman, tenteram, dan damai, tanpa mengurangi rasa kebebasan beragama sesuai yang dianutnya. Dari hasil penelitian ini kerukunan beragama di Desa Ngrangsang, Selomartani, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, sejak jaman kemerdekaan hingga kini tetap aman dan damai, tidak pernah bersinggungan sedikit pun di antara pemeluk agama
Reference values for Down’s cephalometric analysis in Papuans
The asessment of cranio-facial structures forms a part of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment. One of the most frequently used cephalometric analysis is the Down’s analysis. It consists of 10 parameters of which 5 are skeletal and 5 are dental. Down has based his findings on 20 Caucasians, which have physical characteristic differences with Papuans. Indigenous Papuans are people of Melanesian descent consisting of indigenous tribes in Papua province and/or people who are accepted and recognized as Papuans by indigenous Papuans.The use of cephalometric values in different racial types, may result in the incorrect orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plan. According to those, the objectives of this study are to determine reference values for Down’s cephalometric analysis in papuans, to evaluate the differences exists between Papuan adult male and female, and also to compare the mean difference between persent study and established value of Down’s norms. A study was conducted on 16 lateral cephalograms of Papuans that have been selected based on inclusion criteria. The Down’s method was used for the cephalometric analysis. The data obtained was processed statistically to determine the mean, standart deviation, and minimum-maximum value, and presented in the form of frequency, table, or diagram. The result showed that the normal cephalometric values of papuans different from the normal values used in the Down’s analysis. The values obtained in this research is expected to be a reference in conducting Down’s cepahlometric analysis in Papuans for orthodontic treatment purposes
Analisis Metode dan Pendekatan dalam Manajemen Proyek pada Dunia Pendidikan
This study seeks to examine the project management approach and the application of project management in education. In this study using the method of library research (library research). In obtaining research data, researchers collect, analyze, organize, sources from articles, books, previous research on methods and approaches in project management. The results of the research are (1) Project Management is a discipline that must be possessed by every professional individual in an organization because the dynamics of an ever-changing organization requires an organization or must be able to create ideas that are embodied in projects. Projects are complex business activities. , are not routine in nature, have limited time, budget and resources and have special specifications for the products to be produced. (2) The Project Management Method used is CPM (Critical Path Method). 1) critical method (CPM) and linear programming approach (Linear Programming), 2) critical method is basically a time-activated scheduling method. The purpose of the critical method is to establish the relationship between time and cost by reducing the target time and considering operational costs. (3) Waterfall Project Management Approach, Critical Path Method, Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)
Determinant of indonesian commodity coffee export In the era of covid-19 pandemic
This study aims to analyze the factors of gross domestic product, total consumption, exchange rate, and export goods price index on export performance of coffee beans after pandemic Covid-19. This study uses secondary data and (Generalized Method of Moment). The study shows that the variable total consumption and value of exports show a positive and insignificant relationship and the variables of GDP and exchange rates show a negative and significant relationship with coffee commodity exports with exports of coffee commodities
Objective: The present study was undertaken to investigate the ameliorative effect of the bark and leaves of Nothaphoebe coriacea (gemor) on Cadmium (Cd) induced glucose metabolism alteration in liver homogenate in vitro.
Methods: Glucose metabolism alteration in liver homogenate was induced by the administration of Cadmium Sulphate (CdSO4) at a dose 3 mg/l. Ameliorative effect of the leaves and bark extracts was determined by assessing the concentration of glycogen, glucose and Methylglyoxal (MG). Dubois hydrolytic method was used for liver glycogen and glucose concentration estimation. Modified Dinitro Phenyl Hydrazine (DNPH) method was used for MG concentration estimation.
Results: The results of this present studies showed that treatment with CdSO4 significantly decreased the levels of glycogen and MG concentration, and increased the level of glucose in liver homogenate compared to control. The aqueous extracts of bark and leaves of gemor significantly increased the levels of glycogen and MG concentration, and decreased the level of glucose in liver homogenate compared to control. The aqueous extracts of the bark of gemor in comparison with CdSO4 treatment group showed the significant effect to maintain the glycogen, glucose, and MG concentration in liver homogenate. However, when compared to the aqueous extracts of leaves of gemor the result was not significant. The results suggest aqueous extracts of the bark of gemor was more effective to prevent the glucose metabolism alteration induced by CdSO4 than the aqueous extracts of leaves of gemor.
Conclusion: The present study demonstrated Cd could induced the glucose metabolism alteration in liver homogenate, and the aqueous extracts of bark and leaves of gemor showed the ameliorative effect to prevent this alteration. In addition, the bark was more effective than leaves of gemor to prevent the glucose metabolism alteration induced by Cd
Background: Gingivitis is the infection disease with tooth loss effect. Using fixed orthodontic appliance in dentistry can give gingivitis impact with its’ designed way. To determine the effectiveness of papaya leaf extraction and gengigel in gingivitis treatment with fixed orthodontic application in letrature review explanation Methods: Literature searching with Science Direct, NCBI (PubMed), and Google Scholar databases and getting 530 articles. Articles are screened to be 67 articles and selected by inclusion and exclusion criteria getting 37 articles. 37 Articles are ready to be analysed. Results:There is effectiveness of papaya leaf extract and gengigel in patients using fixed orthodontic appliances for giving anti inflammation effect, wound healing and enhance blood circulation. Conclusion: The conclusion is papaya and gengigel leaf extraction giving gingivitis healing effect in fixed orthodontic treatmen
Food Law No. 7 1996 defined food security as a condition in which the fulfillment of food for the household is reflected by the availability of sufficient food both its quantity and quality, safe, evenly distributed and within reach; meanwhile, food quality is defined as the value determined base on the criteria of food safety, nutrition content and trade standard on food stuffs, catables and beverages. The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of food quality and safety principles in the production of food product i.e tempeh at small scale industry in West Lampung. A survey on 15 selected tempeh producers was carried out using a structured questionnaire. Primary and secondary data was collected in this study through interview and observation to the 15 tempeh producers. In the general, all producers had not fully implemented food safety and quality principles as outlined in the GMP guideline. Nevertheless, the tempeh quality produced in West Lampung organoleptically was good. Several issues need to be improved i.e. cleaning raw material (soy bean), using water from safe sources, washing soy bean before and after braising, controlling small animal included mouse, and maintenance and cleany the premises
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