109 research outputs found

    Bayn ma‘had Tebuireng wa Madrasat Manba‘ al-‘UlĆ«m: Dirāsah tārÄ«khÄ«yah ‘an nash’at mafhĆ«m “Al-Madrasah fÄ« al-Ma‘had”

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    This article discusses the history of modernization in Indonesian Islamic education, and how its traditional education system is open to modernizing forces. By examining Pesantren Tebuireng and Pesantren Mambaul Ulum, Java’s two old Islamic boarding schools  this study explains how the two pesantrens had become the subject of modernization to introduce “madrasah” system. The existing literature in the field suggests that there are two different opinions as to who was the first institution to develop the madrasah model—Pesantren Tebuireng or Pesantren Mambaul Ulum? This study reveals that, historically, Pesantren Tebuireng was the first pesantren that implemented the madrasah model; Pesantren Mambaul Ulum was not, given the fact that the latter is, institutionally, not a boarding school. There are two reasons why Mambaul Ulum is not considered as an Islamic boarding school. Firstly, the main founder of Mambaul Ulum was a King; therefore, intellectually, he did nothave a tradition with the Islamic boarding school system. Secondly, Mambaul Ulum was established with different motives, compared to other Islamic boarding schools established in Java at the time.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v21i1.88


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    This article seeks to examine and analyze how the response of two contemporary Islamic thinkers of democracy. Both thinkers are S.M. Zafar and Mehdi Bazargan. They have a typical thinking about the system of government. Zafar offers a system of government based on the Theo-democrcy parliamentary, because of his opposition to the military system in Pakistan. Whiles Bazargan offers the system of government based on Theo-democracy, because of his opposition to the ‘ulamā’ system of Khomeini’s government. They are looked theo-democrcy governance as a system that needs to be implemented in an Islamic state.***Artikel ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis bagaimana respons dua pemikir Islam kontemporer terhadap demokrasi. Kedua pemikir itu adalah S.M. Zafar dan Mehdi Bazargan. Mereka memiliki pemikiran yang khas mengenai sistem pemerintahan. Zafar menawarkan sebuah sistem pemerintahan yang ber­dasarkan teo-demokrasi parlementer, karena ketidaksetujuannya dengan sistem pemerintahan militer di Pakistan. Sedangkan Bazargan menawarkan sebuah sistem pemerintahan yang berdasarkan teo-demokrasi, karena sikap oposisinya terhadap sistem pemerintahan “keulamaan” Khomeini. Keduanya memandang pemerintahan teo-demokrasi sebagai sistem yang perlu dilaksana­kan dalam sebuah negara Islam


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    State Islamic Universities (UIN) in Indonesia nowadays has developed their study courses by opening the faculty of social science and humanities and the faculty of the natural science. This development is constitutionally “has gone beyond” scientific mandate of UIN, which only had the authority to execute the education in the cluster of religious sciences. Applying the approach of philosiphy of knowledge, this paper tried to commit the reposition the sciences of non Islamic studies cluster in UIN so that there is no gap between the two clusters, by offering the application of the paradigm of theo-antropo-cosmosentrism. Applying content analysis on texts related to the theme of the study, this paper offered the integration model of "Triangle of Science" which is based on the paradigm of Theo-anhropo-cosmosentrism. This paradigm tried to integrate the paradigms of theocentrism, anthropocentrism and cosmocentrism.***Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) di Indonesia dewasa ini telah mengembangkan wilayah studi Islamnya dengan membuka fakultas dalam ilmu-ilmu sosial-humaniora dan ilmu-ilmu kealaman. Perkembangan ini secara konstitusional telah “melampaui batas” mandat keilmuan UIN, yang hanya diberi kewenangan untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan dalam rumpun ilmu agama. Tulisan ini dengan pendekatan filsafat ilmu mencoba mereposisi ilmu-ilmu non-rumpun ilmu agama yang ada di UIN, sehingga tidak terjadi gap antar keduanya, dengan menawarkan penggunaan paradigma teo-antropo-kosmosentrisme. Dengan analisis isi terhadap teks-teks yang terkait dengan tema kajian, tulisan ini menawarkan model integrasi “Segitiga Ilmu” yang berbasiskan pada paradigma teo-antropo-kosmosentrisme. Paradigma ini mencoba mengintegrasikan antara paradigma teosentrisme, antroposentrisme dan kosmosentrisme

    Membina Keluarga Muslim Di Era Global: Pergumulan Antara Tradisi Dan Modernitas

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    This article talks about the patterns of Muslims in raising families with respect to the modern era. The Muslim family often faces forms of identity crises, faced in the global era with the need to hold on to tradition, while at the same time conforming to modernity. The best way to face such a conflict would be to engage in dialogue traditions and modernity. In that context, it needs to be pointed out that Islam does not always give the answers hoped for by its believers with respect to socio-cultural realities. This fact is related to the transcendent nature of Islam, in the form of normative-dogmatic requirements. This ground has led to theological conflicts between the need to hold on to normative doctrine and the desire to give new perpectives towards the doctrine as to be interpreted historically. This conflict has often sparked theological, intellectual and social conflicts within Muslims as a whole. Therefore, the Islamic conception that aims to establish an economically independent, traditionally rich and emotionally sensitive family, needs to be discussed, so that Muslim families can continue to survive in the midst of the global realities

    Implikasi Kebijakan Pendidikan Era Soeharto Pada Eksistensi Madrasah

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    This paper seeks to track a number of political trauma in Soeharto era (New Order) that befall of Islamic education, particularly in madrasah. The discussion is carried out historically and analytically to a number of policies and the implementation of Islamic historical facts under Suharto. Facts and data are reviewed through politics of Islamic education. The study results showed that in general education policies under Suharto are: 1) centralized, 2) discriminatory and 3) tends to be quantitative. They swapped back into the politicization of education in order to preserve power. One of the Islamic educational institutions that became the political victim of Soeharto was madrasah. Ijazaisme policy, equality and accreditation either through the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education and Culture have managed to control the (quality of) the development of madrasah. Although the quantity of madrasah grew very rapidly but the quality is so low that made madrasah marginalized. Until now the madrasah is still considered 'the second-class schools'. The substance of the madrasah as a community empowerment was restricted by the Soeharto regime. As a result, it is still difficult to find qualified private madrasah which is equal/above average quality of the public school


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    Democratization of education can be actualized through, among others, the application of the concept of community-based education. This article is philosophically aimed at exploring the basic ideas and concepts implied in community-based education. What is community-based education? Why does the concept need to be implemented in educational management? The problem of community-based education is a new subject of discourse appearing in the educational world and especially in Indonesian society. Community-based education is a system of education in which the community makes a high proportion of decisions concerning education, starting from matters of the input, process, and output through to the financing of education. The concept of community-based education appears urgent to be implemented for the sake of democratization of education. Community-based education represents a political struggle for social transformation. Thus, community-based education is part of an agenda of critical pedagogy which attempts to liberate education from the shackles of political power. When education has been liberated from the domination and hegemony of such power, it means that democratization of education has been actualized. Key words: democratization of education, community-based education, critical pedagog


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    The article discusses the analysis of errors in the pronunciation of Arabic letters in members of the IAIN Surakarta’s PSM. This study describes: 1) the form of errors in the pronunciation of Arabic letters; and 2) factors causing the occurrence of pronunciation errors in Arabic letters. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method by analyzing the pronunciation errors in singing Qasidah songs. The research findings that 1) The form of pronunciation mistakes made on al-halaq (Űč) mistakes made by respondents in the pronunciation of Arabic letters amounted to 6 errors. 2) Forms of pronunciation errors in al-lisan (ۮی Ű¶ŰŒ Ű·ŰŒ Ű”), pronunciation mistakes made amounted to 2-6 errors. Causes of errors or difficulties in pronouncing the letters al-halaq (throat) and al-lisan (tongue), among others: 1) The influence of mother tongue or first language. 2) Lack of reading practice. 3). There are still many members who aren’t graduated from Islamic boarding schools. These findings can be concluded the misreading of the Arabic letters in singing Qasidah, occurs due to the limitations of the IAIN Surakartas PSM members in pronouncing Arabic pronunciations and still being influenced by the mother tongue and limitations in adding material about pronunciation related to Arabic


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    This paper aims to reveal that this family of general (secular) scientific and religious scientific can be integrated into such a view of the epistemology of science as applied institute non-dichotomous state Islamic University or UIN. Basically is Law No. 12 in 2012 and the decision of the Director General of Islamic Education No. 3389 Year 2013 The method used is content analysis approach to the study of philosophy and Islamic education policy. The analysis showed that the Islamic colleges that have shaped the university can be in organizing educational and scientific development of both general and religious clumps. This is called the integration and interconnection (non-dichotomous) scholarly knowledge of Islam among the general sciences. Scientific form of integration is reflected in the naming of the faculty (eg. Tarbiyah and Teaching Science, Adab and Humanities, Faculty of Da'wa and Communication) and the distribution of subjects. In essence, in each course served at UIN containing core Islamic sciences, both normative and descriptive
