493 research outputs found

    Pola Interaksi Guru dan Siswa dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas X Di SMA Negeri 2 Pinrang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola interaksi guru dan siswa salam proses belajar mengajar pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA Negeri 2 Pinrang. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu salah satu prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari perilaku orang-orang yang akan diamati. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengamati dan berinteraksi dengan guru-guru mata pelajaran ekonomi dan siswa-siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Pinrang dengan cara mewawancarai dan mencari data-data di ruang tata usaha serta mengambil dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengenai pola interaksi guru dan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X di SMA Negeri 2 Pinrang, dapat diketahui bahwa pola interaksi yang paling sering dilakukan dalam proses belajar mengajar adalah pola interaksi guru-murid, murid-guru, murid-murid dimana interaksi yang terjadi adalah multiarah, siswa aktif dan saling bekerjasama dalam proses pembelajaran. Adapun pola lain yang biasa digunakan oleh guru adalah pola guru-murid yang melahirkan interaksi satu arah dan membuat siswa menjadi bosan dan pasif dalam mengikuti pelajaran. Pola guru-murid-guru terjadi ketika guru menggunakan metode tanya jawab. Pola guru-murid-murid terjadi ketika guru memberikan penugasan. Kemudian siswa yang berdekatan di minta untuk saling bertukar pikiran menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Adapun untuk pola melingkar tidak ditemukan dalam proses pembelajaran, hal ini dikarenakan keterbatasan waktu yang tidak memadai. Dari uraian tersebut, dapat di pahami bahwa pola interaksi guru dan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X di SMA Negeri 2 Pinrang sudah baik, hal ini karena rata-rata guru menggunakan pola interaksi guru-murid,murid-guru,murid-murid dimana interaksi yang terjadi adalah multi arah yaitu dari guru ke siswa, siswa ke guru, siswa ke siswa. Kata kunci : Pola Interaksi Guru dan Siswa, Belajar Mengajar

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatiftipe Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pkn Siswa Kelas Iisd Negeri 010 Silikuan Hulu Kecamatan Ukui

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    The problem in this research is the low student learning outcomes PKn class II SD Negeri 010 Silikuan Hulu, which amounted to 65.33. Based on this, researchers conducted a study with the aim to improve student learning outcomes PKn through the implementation of cooperative learning model type STAD. This research is a class act that is safe to do as much as two cycles consisting of two meetings and a daily test on each cycle. The data collection technique used is the technique of observation activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes PKn tse techniques. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that the application of cooperative learning model STAD can increase the learning outcomes of students PKn class II. This is supported by: (1) the activities of teachers has increased, in the first cycle of the first meeting obtained a score of 19 or 76.00% in both categories. At the second meeting of the first cycle of activities for teachers to get a score of 21 or 84.00% in both categories. At the first meeting of the second cycle of activity for teachers to get a score of 22 or 88.00% with a very good category. At the second meeting of the second cycle of activity for teachers to get a score of 24 or 96.00% with a very good category. In addition students are also experiencing an increase in activity in the first meeting of the first cycle, the activity of the students obtained a score of 18 or 72.00% in both categories. Activities students obtain a score of 21 or 84.00% in both categories. On the activities of students obtained a score of 23 or 92.00% with a very good category. Activity second meeting students obtained a score of 24 or 96.00% with a very good category; (2) The student learning outcomes in basic score students' average grades increased 65.53 on the first cycle as much as 46.44% to 78.03 with the percentage thoroughly studied 82.14%, increased again in the second cycle as much as 60.70% to 81.96 with the percentage of 96.40% thoroughly studied. In addition completeness of student learning outcomes also improved on the basis of the number of completeness score of students numbering 10 students or 35.70% with category yet complete and the first cycle increased with the number of 23 students or 82.14% with complete categories and the second cycle increases with the number of 27 students or 96.40% with a complete category

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Guru dalam Pembuatan Kelengkapan Perangkat Pembelajaran Daring melalui Supervisi Kepala Sekolah di SD Negeri 40 Mataram

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    The purpose of this school action research is to determine the increase in the ability of teachers in making completeness of online learning tools through the supervision of the Principal at SD Negeri 40 Mataram for the 2020/2021 academic year. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion of cycle I and cycle II above, it can be concluded that: Through the supervision of the Principal at SD Negeri 40 Mataram in the 2020/2021 school year, the teacher's ability to make complete online learning devices has increased significantly. If in the first cycle the total average score of the teacher only increased from the first cycle, namely the percentage of completeness 66.67% and 88.89% in the second cycle the teacher was generally said to be complete with the total increase in the average score of teachers was 8.67 and the total percentage increase was 22.22%, this shows that the improvement efforts carried out by researchers in the second cycle brought changes. Effective academic supervision is used to increase the competence of teachers at SD Negeri 40 Mataram in making completeness of online learning tools

    Pengaruh Kualitas Informasi, Kemampuan Individual Dan Norma Subyektif Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Dalam Menggunakan Internet Sebagai Sumber Pustaka (Survey Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas informasi, kemampuan individual dan norma subyektif terhadap minat mahasiswa dalam menggunakan internet sebagai sumber pustaka. Survey pada mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode convenience sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan mengggunakana metode survey dengan penggunaan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Sampel dalam penelitian ini mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 mahasiswa. Data yang diperoleh diuji validitas dan uji reliablitas. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda yang meliputi uji F, uji t. Hasil penelituan menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kualitas informasi diperoleh nilai thitung = 2,190 > 1,988; sehingga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat mahasiswa dalam menggunakan internet sebagai sumber pustaka. (2) Kemampuan individu diketahui bahwa hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai thitung = 2,870 > 1,988; sehingga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat mahasiswa dalam menggunakan internet sebagai sumber pustaka. (3) Norma subyektif diperoleh nilai thitung = 3,510 > 1,988; sehingga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat mahasiswa dalam menggunakan internet sebagai sumber pustak

    Penerapan Model Belajar Kelompok pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Minat dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 37 Ampenan

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    The objective of this research is to find out: increase in interest and learning achievement in learning Indonesian by applying the group learning model of Class V students at SD Negeri 37 Ampenan for the 2018/2019 academic year. This research is a classroom action research. The subjects in this study were 29 students of grade V SD Negeri 37 Ampenan with 11 male students and 18 female students. The data collection techniques used were observation, documentation, and tests. The increase in students' cognitive learning outcomes before and after the implementation of Group Learning at SD Negeri 37 Ampenan can be seen from the percentage acquisition of each indicator, namely: That Indonesian learning outcomes have increased in each cycle. This is evidenced by the acquisition of data on Indonesian learning outcomes in the initial data, cycle I, and cycle II. In the initial data, the average Indonesian learning outcomes of students also increased, in the initial data the average learning outcomes obtained by students were 75.79 with completeness 68.97, experiencing an increase in the first cycle with an average acquisition of 78.52 with completeness 82.76. And there was an increase in cycle II with an average gain of 78.52 with 100 completeness. Learning planning carried out by the teacher was an increase from 75.00% in cycle I and 85.00% in cycle II. So the lesson planning carried out by the teacher is very good. While the implementation of learning by the teacher also experienced an increase from 79.17% in cycle I and to 87.50% in cycle II. So the implementation of learning carried out by the teacher has also increased. Student learning activities that the average percentage in the first cycle was 80.00%. But in cycle II, student learning activities have increased to 90.00%. So student learning activities in Indonesian language learning are good


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    The purpose of this study is to answer the following research questions: 1) What methods are used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in providing material during the current pandemic at SMP Negeri Simpang Kosgoro, Musi Rawas Regency ?, 2) What are the inhibiting and supporting factors faced in innovation methods by Islamic Religious Education teachers in providing material during the current pandemic at SMP Negeri Simpang Kosgoro, Musi Rawas Regency ?, and 3) What are the student learning outcomes in taking Islamic Religious Education learning during the Covid 19 pandemic at SMP Negeri Simpang Kosgoro, Musi Rawas Regency ? This study uses a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The method used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in providing material during the current pandemic at SMP Negeri Simpang Kosgoro, Musi Rawas Regency, is a guided learning method to students. Through guided learning methods can make students excited in learning. 2) Student innovation in participating in Islamic Religious Education learning during the Covid 19 pandemic at the Simpang Kosgoro State Middle School, Musi Rawas Regency, is that students are expected to develop their potential in participating in learning through watshapp (WA). 3) Obstacles and solutions of Islamic Religious Education teachers in motivating students to ­understand and practice the values of Islamic Religious Education subject matter at SMP Negeri Simpang Kosgoro, Musi Rawas Regency, which is seen from the internal factors that affect the interest in learning Islamic Religious Education at SMP Negeri Simpang Kosgoro, Musi Regency. Rawas is influenced by the talents and abilities of students and external factors that affect the interest in learning Islamic Religious Education at SMP Negeri Simpang Kosgoro, Musi Rawas Regency is influenced by the family, because family is important in the success of learning, facilities and infrastructure also affect interest in learning, fiber environment also influences external factors of interest in learning at school

    Aplikasi Klinik Renograf Ir-03 Untuk Rumahsakit: Teknologi Dan Analisis Biaya

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    APLIKASI KLINIK RENOGRAF IR-03 UNTUK RUMAHSAKIT: TEKNOLOGI DAN ANALISIS BIAYA. TeknikRenografi menggunakan Alat Renograf adalah salah satu modalitas pemeriksaan fungsi ginjal selain denganpemeriksaan laboratorium dan teknik Sinar-X. Renograf IR-03 untuk pemeriksaan fungsi ginjal hasil rancangbangunBATAN telah dikonstruksi dan menjalani uji laboratorium di PRPN-BATAN Serpong dan uji klinis di RSUPDR.Sardjito Jogyakarta. Biaya yang berkaitan dengan pemakaian klinik Alat Renograf di rumahsakit telah dianalisisyang terdiri dari komponen nilai radiofarmaka dan nilai investasi alat Renograf. Perhitungan biaya radiofarmakahippuran 131Iodine per tahun dengan estimasi jumlah pasien 2000 orang sebesar Rp. 30 juta, Total Direct Costadalah Rp. 212,5 juta dan biaya modal satu Alat Renograf sebesar Rp. 250 juta. Nilai Titik Impas (Break EventPoint) Investasi satu Alat Renograf adalah 1194 (0,597%) atau setara Rp. 209,475 juta, dengan biaya per proseduradalah Rp. 85.000,-. Harga ini tergantung pada beberapa variable terutama volume (kapasitas pelayanan pasien).Perhitungan analisis Cash-Flow untuk melihat seberapa jauh investasi tersebut menarik dan memberi prospek kemasa depan menunjukkan nilai Rate of Return yang diperoleh yaitu ROR ( i*) adalah 22,6%, jauh diatas suku bungasimpanan Bank saat ini yaitu <10%. Perhitungan analisa Payback Period menunjukkan nilai 1,818 tahun, sangatprospektif secara ekonomi

    Storytelling method using big book to improve children's listening skill

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    The low of listen ability in children aged 5-6 years is the background of this action research, so this research aims to improve these abilities. One method that has proven to be effective solve that problem is the method of storytelling with a big book. Data on classroom action research was collected using observation techniques and analyzed in quantitative descriptive. This study involved ten students as participants. The result of the study showed that storytelling with a big book can improve the listening skill of 5-6 years old children in PAUD Bintang Mutiara, Pekanbaru. Before applying storytelling method with big book, the participants’ listening skill was categorized as ‘has not been developedâ€. After applying the storytelling method with big book, their listening skill was categorized as “Developed as expected†with a score of 71.67%. The improvement of participants’ listening skill from ‘pre-cycle’ to ‘cycle 1’ was 21%. From cycle I to cycle II, their listening skill was improved by 64%. From pre-cycle to cycle II, the improvement was 89%. Overall, the improvement of listening skills was 75.56%

    Pengembangan Literasi Anak Melalui Metode Pembelajaran Inovatif Dan Aktif Di SDN 3 Bengkaung Batu Layar Lombok Barat

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    Development of children's literacy through learning methods is one of the supporting factors in the implementation of learning carried out in schools. This is a capital for a teacher to create a pleasant and not boring classroom atmosphere, not only that by using good learning methods it greatly affects children's learning outcomes. However, the fact is that teachers at SDN 3 Bengkaung do not understand and pay attention to this. The learning method used is still low order thinking skills. The teaching materials used so far are teaching materials that are oriented towards mastery of concepts in accordance with the material in textbooks that apply nationally. This is what causes the lack of children's learning outcomes, as well as the low literacy skills of children at SDN 3 Bengkaung. That is why the community service activities which are located at SDN 3 Bengkaung, Batu Layar District, West Lombok Regency were carried out by PPKN students at the University of Mataram, by implementing several solutions in the form of innovative and active teaching methods, such as carrying out morning literacy activities, showing educational videos, and coloring the sketch. This is proven to be able to create an active learning atmosphere and restore children's enthusiasm for learning, and provide new knowledge to children


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    Budidaya tanaman dengan sistem hidroponik saat ini semakin banyak dipilih masyarakat karena semakin terbatasnya lahan sebanding dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan air. Hidroponik dengan sistem Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) dapat dijadikan solusi terhadap kebutuhan air yang diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang instalasi hidroponik sistem NFT dan menumbuhkan tanaman pada sistem NFT. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tahapan pembuatan pondok, pembuatan instalasi, penyemaian benih, pembuatan larutan nutrisi dan pemindahan benih ke instalasi. Metode penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Mei 2022, &nbsp;di halaman SMAN 16 Gowa, Lauwa Biringbulu.&nbsp; Terdapat 10 (sepuluh) orang siswa dan 2 (dua) orang guru ikut berpartisipasi dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perancangan hidroponik sistem NFT dimulai dengan pembuatan pondok, naungan dan instalasi. &nbsp;Pertumbuhan tanaman selada, pakcoy dan kangkung hingga panen selama 38 hari. Hasil ini, hampir sama dengan pertumbuhan tanaman pada sistem hidroponik lainnya, namun lebih cepat dibandingkan budidaya konvensional. Air yang dibutuhkan pada instalasi hidroponik NFT dalam menumbuhkan tanaman selada, pakcoy dan kangkung hingga panen sebanyak 190 liter. Jumlah ini lebih sedikit dibandingkan penggunaan air hidroponik lain karena penempatan instalasi yang kurang tepat, sehingga air cepat habis karena penguapan
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