12 research outputs found

    Larval pufferfish protected by maternal tetrodotoxin

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    Marine pufferfish contain tetrodotoxin (TTX), an extremely potent neurotoxin. All species of the genus Takifugu accumulate TTX in the liver and ovaries, although the tissue(s) in which it is localized can differ among species. TTX is the major defense strategy the pufferfish appears to use against predators. TTX is also used as a male-attracting pheromone during spawning. Here we demonstrate an additional (and unexpected) use of maternal TTX in the early larval stages of the Takifugu pufferfish. Predation experiments demonstrated that juveniles of all the species of fish used as predators ingested pufferfish larvae, but spat them out promptly. Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MSMS) analysis revealed that the pufferfish larvae contain a small quantity of TTX, which is not enough to be lethal to the predators. Immunohistochemical analysis with anti-TTX monoclonal antibody revealed that the TTX is primarily localized in the body surface of the larvae as a layer of protection. Our study showed the female parent of the Takifugu pufferfish vertically transfers TTX to the larvae through its accumulation in the ovaries, and subsequent localization on the body surface of the larvae

    Modified Protein-Water Interactions in CHARMM36m for Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Proteins in Dilute and Crowded Solutions

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    Proper balance between protein-protein and protein-water interactions is vital for atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of globular proteins as well as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). The overestimation of protein-protein interactions tends to make IDPs more compact than those in experiments. Likewise, multiple proteins in crowded solutions are aggregated with each other too strongly. To optimize the balance, Lennard-Jones (LJ) interactions between protein and water are often increased about 10% (with a scaling parameter, λ = 1.1) from the existing force fields. Here, we explore the optimal scaling parameter of protein-water LJ interactions for CHARMM36m in conjunction with the modified TIP3P water model, by performing enhanced sampling MD simulations of several peptides in dilute solutions and conventional MD simulations of globular proteins in dilute and crowded solutions. In our simulations, 10% increase of protein-water LJ interaction for the CHARMM36m cannot maintain stability of a small helical peptide, (AAQAA)3 in a dilute solution and only a small modification of protein-water LJ interaction up to the 3% increase (λ = 1.03) is allowed. The modified protein-water interactions are applicable to other peptides and globular proteins in dilute solutions without changing thermodynamic properties from the original CHARMM36m. However, it has a great impact on the diffusive properties of proteins in crowded solutions, avoiding the formation of too sticky protein-protein interactions

    Photon-flux determination by the Poisson-fitting technique with quenching corrections

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    Single- and multi-photon spectra of pulsed -ray beams produced at 17, 34, and 40 MeV in the laser Compton scattering were measured with an 8” 12” NaI(Tl) detector. By using the experimental single-photon spectra as the probability function of generating random numbers, response functions of the NaI(Tl) detector to -fold photons ( = 2, 3, 4 ...) were constructed. The least-square fits to the experimental multi-photon spectra by the Poisson distribution consisting of the response functions were made. The multi-photon spectra measured at 17 and 34 MeV follow the Poisson distribution. A quenching phenomenon of multi-photon spectra was observed for 40 MeV -rays as a result of the saturation at the photomultiplier tube of the NaI(Tl) detector. The original Poisson distributions were restored from the quenched spectra using a saturation curve in the form of with =e. We discuss the accuracy of photon-flux determination