44 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pembatasan Jenis Kendaraan Terhadap Kinerja Ruas Jalan

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    Kemacetan adalah gangguan lalu lintas yang jamak terjadi di kota-kota besar maupun kota berkembang di Indonesia. Terdapat berbagai macam skenario manajemen lalu lintas yang diterapkan untuk mengurangi masalah ini. Salah satu contoh manajemen lalu lintas yang banyak dipakai adalah pembatasan jenis kendaraan tertentu di wilayah, ruas jalan, atau jam tertentu, yang diharapkan dapat mengurangi potensi gangguan lalu lintas. Mengacu pada Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia tahun 1997, kendaraan motor di Indonesia terbagi atas kendaraan berat (HV), ringan (mobil penumpang, LV) dan sepeda motor (MC). Di antara jenis kendaraan ini, kendaraan berat seperti truk dan bus sering menjadi sasaran dalam skenario pembatasan masuk di ruas jalan tertentu. Studi ini mencoba menggali keefektifan skenario ini dengan membandingkan kinerja ruas jalan tertentu melalui perubahan jenis kendaraan yang melintas melalui suatu konversi kendaraan. Upaya konversi untuk menyamakan besaran dampak tiap jenis kendaraan di dalam analisis transportasi dikenal dengan istilah ekuivalensi. Diantara jenis ekuivalensi yang paling umum dipakai adalah ekuivalensi mobil penumpang yang menjadikan setiap jenis kendaraan memiliki padanan dalam satuan mobil penumpang, smp atau pcu (passenger car unit). Analisis di studi ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan simulasi mikro, dimana variasi kendaraan dilakukan berdasarkan ekuivalensi mobil penumpang. Penilaian kinerja jalan dilakukan berdasarkan parameter kecepatan sesuai Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan RI no 96 Tahun 2015. Studi ini dibangun dengan 3 buah model: Model 1: kondisi asli, Model 2: transformasi HV ke LV, Model 3: transformasi HV ke MC, Model 4: penghilangan HV. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggantian HV ke LV maupun MC pada tingkat V/C yang sama dapat meningkatkan kecepatan lalu lintas. Lebih lanjut, penghapusan HV tanpa konversi ke kendaraan lain meningkatkan kinerja jalan secara keseluruhan


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    As the main bus station in Bogor, West Java, Baranangsiang bus station is currently located in the crowded city centre, near many offices, campuses and department stores. There is a plan of Bogor’s Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informasi (Diskominfo) to relocate the bus station to the new location in the Pangeran Sogiri Street in Tanah Baru area, near the newly built toll road, the Bogor Outer Ring Road (BORR).This research is conducted to analyze the traffic performance impact of the relocation plan of the bus station to the BORR network and the Pangeran Sogiri Street. The traffic data is obtained from the field survey in the Baranangsiang bus station and the BORR network. Some other secondary data are obtained from the Dinas Lalu Lintas and Angkutan Jalan (DLLAJ) Bogor city. Based on the obtained data, a micro simulation model is built by using Aimsun traffic micro simulation program. The analysis is conducted in three traffic performance parameters; the traffic density, speed, and vehicles queue length. With respect to the analysis result, the relocation causes a serious traffic problem to the BORR network and the P. Sogiri Street. To minimize the problem caused by the relocation, three scenarios are proposed and thus simulated based on the findings and observed traffic problems. The first proposed scenario is conducted by widening the P. Sogiri Street and providing a 4-4 toll payment gate system to the BORR. This first scenario is able to reduce traffic problem in some sections, but the average network density, speed and queue length are still high by 132%, -54%, and 200% respectively compared to the existing condition. The second scenario is conducted by widening the P. Sogiri Street and providing a 5-3 toll gate system. This second scenario is also able to reduce traffic problem in most sections, but the average network density, speed and queue length are still high by 248%, -70%, and 95% respectively compared to the main bus station before the relocation. The third scenario is conducted by widening the P. Sogiri into 4 lanes, providing a 4-3 toll gate system, and providing a new access from/to P. Sogiri Street to Bogor city direction. The simulation result shows that the third scenario is considered as the best scenario since in this scenario, the density, speed and queue length are relatively similar compared to the existing condition


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    Let G be a graph with a set of vertices and a set of edges Then the distance from vertex u to vertex v in G, denoted by is the length of the shortest path from vertex u to v. The eccentricity of vertex u in a graph G is the maximum distance from vertex u to any other vertices in G, denoted by Vertex v is an eccentric vertex from u if The eccentric digraph of a graph G is a graph that has the same set of vertices as G, and there is an arc (directed edge) joining vertex u to v if v is an eccentric vertex from u. In this paper, we determine the eccentric digraph of a class of graphs called the friendship graph and firecracker grap


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    One phenomenon that hit the teens one of them is the activity odd that offer false pleasures which later plunged the adolescent to negative things like drugs, free sex and moral damage because of embracing The hedonist ideology. Many factors that cause adolescents to clubbing activities both internal and external factors. This is because teenagers views, ability, family background and social environment. This study berujuan to know how to profile teen clubbing. This research is a quantitative descriptive research that aims to describe the profile of teenage clubbing. Population as well as samples in this research that teenagers who do odd activity in the city of Malang. Technics The sampling is snowball sampling. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The data obtained were processed using percentage formula. The result of descriptive analysis data processing. The conclusion from this study that most teens know odd activity at age 18, introduced by friends. Adolescent interpreted as an activity refressing clubbing and looking for friends or gebetan new. Benefits of clubbing activity is to relieve stress and add a friend while the disadvantage is spend money. Adolescents have clubbing activities for 2 years with a frequency go clubbing in one months can not be determined. Drink or drunk, dancing and looking for contacts is an activity that is done in odd places. By doing This odd activity teens feel quite fulfilled wishes or hopes. Although the relationship between adolescents and parents less harmonious. It is seen lack of transparency over their problems so that most people Parents do not know the odd habits of teenagers do. Activities also clubbing not affect its relationship with the social environment for adolescents have asocial nature so not worried about the negative image will rub off on adolescents


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    Learning should be tailored to the characteristics of students and create a pleasant learning atmosphere in order to enhance students' interest and learning outcomes. This classroom action research aims to improve learning in the fifth grade and test the effect of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model on students' learning outcomes. The study involved 27 students from the fifth grade of SDN Kepatihan 1, Tulungagung Regency, as research subjects. The instruments used were observation and tests. The collected data were analyzed using the classical achievement formula and class average scores. The research results showed that the implementation of the PBL model in the first cycle demonstrated student engagement of 77.7% during the implementation, while in the second cycle, it increased to 91.6%. The students' learning outcomes in the subject of Social Sciences, particularly the topic of events surrounding the proclamation of Indonesian independence, in the first cycle showed a classical achievement of 44.5% with an average score of 69.6, whereas in the second cycle, it increased to 85% with an average score of 84.5. Therefore, it can be concluded that the PBL model is capable of improving students' learning outcomes in the subject of Social Sciences, specifically the topic of events surrounding the proclamation of Indonesian independence, in the fifth grade. In this study, educators are expected to optimize the use of the PBL learning model by developing appropriate teaching materials and assessments based on students' characteristics


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    Learning should be tailored to the characteristics of students and create a pleasant learning atmosphere in order to enhance students' interest and learning outcomes. This classroom action research aims to improve learning in the fifth grade and test the effect of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model on students' learning outcomes. The study involved 27 students from the fifth grade of SDN Kepatihan 1, Tulungagung Regency, as research subjects. The instruments used were observation and tests. The collected data were analyzed using the classical achievement formula and class average scores. The research results showed that the implementation of the PBL model in the first cycle demonstrated student engagement of 77.7% during the implementation, while in the second cycle, it increased to 91.6%. The students' learning outcomes in the subject of Social Sciences, particularly the topic of events surrounding the proclamation of Indonesian independence, in the first cycle showed a classical achievement of 44.5% with an average score of 69.6, whereas in the second cycle, it increased to 85% with an average score of 84.5. Therefore, it can be concluded that the PBL model is capable of improving students' learning outcomes in the subject of Social Sciences, specifically the topic of events surrounding the proclamation of Indonesian independence, in the fifth grade. In this study, educators are expected to optimize the use of the PBL learning model by developing appropriate teaching materials and assessments based on students' characteristics


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    Misal G adalah suatu graf dengan himpunan vertex V(G) dan himpunan vertex E(G) . Jarak dari vertex u ke vertex v di G, dinotasikan d(u,v), adalah panjang dari path terpendek dari vertex u ke v. Eksentrisitas vertex u dalam graf G adalah jarak maksimum dari vertex u ke sebarang vertex yang lain di G, dinotasikan e(u). Vertex v adalah suatu vertex eksentrik dari u jika d(u,v) = e(u). Digraf eksentrik ED(G) dari suatu graf G adalah suatu graf yang mempunyai himpunan vertex yang sama dengan himpunan vertex G, dan terdapat suatu arc (edge berarah) yang menghubungkan vertex u ke v jika v adalah suatu vertex eksentrik dari u. Dalam makalah ini diselidiki digraf eksentrik dari suatu kelas graf yaitu graf cocktail party H m , n , untuk m = 2 . Kata kunci : eksentrisitas, digraf eksentrik, graf cocktail part

    Evaluasi Geometri Jalan Menggunakan Uav Dengan Aplikasi Agisoft Photoscanner Pada Jalan Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga

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    There are various road construction projects in Indonesia, but most of these projects still use conventional methods in evaluating road geometry. This study aims to evaluate the geometry of the road using UAV and analyze the accuracy and accuracy of photogrammetry in the evaluation of road geometry. This research took place at Dramaga's IPB Campus on Meranti street and was conducted from April to July 2019. From a series of processes that have been carried out it can produce accuracy of measuring 97,243% and 98,296% across the road for orthophoto results without and with coordinate correction and using GCP. For accuracy in this study obtained a value of 0.858 m so that it can be concluded that the data processing map is included in the class 3 horizontal accuracy. The horizontal alignment parameters analyzed in this study are bend angles, turn radius, and turn length, there are two curves analyzed. For the value of each parameter each turn successively for data without coordinate correction and elevation is 149 °; 90 °; 40.61 m; 53.75 m; 23.39 m; 90.71 m. The results of horizontal alignment analysis for data with coordinate correction are 150 °; 88 °; 30.81 m; 49.34 m; 21.39 m; 89.3 m. The vertical alignment analyzed in this study has two parameters, namely vertical curvature and slope. The value of the analysis results for the two parameters of the two points for results with correction and without correction of coordinates are 16.08%, 17.22%, 53 m, 51 m and 6.88%, 3.77%, 53 m, and 51 m

    Analisis Perkiraan Tingkat Pelayanan Jalan (Studi Kasus Rencana Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta Ruas Bekasi Raya)

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    In 2017, Jakarta was ranked as 7th most congested city in the world. To overcome the problem of congestion in Jakarta, the Government implements the construction of road infrastructure through 6 toll roads inside Jakarta City, but the construction causes pros and contra regarding the effects of induced demand. This research aimed to analyze the service level of Bekasi Raya road on existing and toll roads in Jakarta City and analyzing Bekasi Raya road performance after the operation of the toll road and the off ramp impact of toll road. The analysis were conducted based on Indonesian Road Capacity Manual 1997, the Greenshield model, and the Highway Capacity Manual 2000. The result showed that the level of road service in segment 1 was C for Bekasi and D for the Pulogadung direction. In segment 2 the level of service was E for both directions, and in segment 3 the level of service was C. The level of the toll road service was C for both directions. The toll roads construction would increase the level of road service to C and reduce vehicle volume of 64,1% in Bekasi direction and 45,2% for Pulogadung (Jakarta) direction. The off ramp impact was the the toll road would not experience significant congestion until 2035