60 research outputs found

    Milk Chemical Composition of Dairy Cows Fed Rations Containing Protected Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fermented Rice Bran

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    The research was conducted to investigate the effect of ration containing protected omega-3 and fermented rice bran on chemical composition of dairy milk. The research employed 10 female PFH dairy cows of 2-4 years old with body weight 300-375 kg. The research was assigned in randomized complete block design. The treatment consisted of P0= control ration, P1= P0 + 20% fermented rice bran, P2= P1 + 4% soya bean oil, P3= P1 + 4% protected tuna fish oil and P4= P1 + 4% protected lemuru fish oil. The results showed that the effects of fish oil supplementation in the rations significantly (P<0.01) decreased feed consumption, cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, lipids, and saturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, it increased milk production, content of high density lipoprotein, omega-3, omega-6 and unsaturated fatty acids in the dairy cows milk. It is concluded that the inclusion of 4% protected fish oil in the rations can produce healthy milk by decreasing milk cholesterol and increasing omega-3 fatty acids content

    Milk Chemical Composition of Dairy Cows Fed Rations Containing Protected Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fermented Rice Bran

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    The research was conducted to investigate the effect of ration containing protected omega-3 and fermented rice bran on chemical composition of dairy milk. The research employed 10 female PFH dairy cows of 2-4 years old with body weight 300-375 kg. The research was assigned in randomized complete block design. The treatment consisted of P0= control ration, P1= P0 + 20% fermented rice bran, P2= P1 + 4% soya bean oil, P3= P1 + 4% protected tuna fish oil and P4= P1 + 4% protected lemuru fish oil. The results showed that the effects of fish oil supplementation in the rations significantly (P<0.01) decreased feed consumption, cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, lipids, and saturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, it increased milk production, content of high density lipoprotein, omega-3, omega-6 and unsaturated fatty acids in the dairy cows milk.  It is concluded that the inclusion of 4% protected fish oil in the rations can produce healthy milk by decreasing milk cholesterol and increasing omega-3 fatty acids content

    Fungsi dan Peran Api dalam Seni dan Kehidupan Masyarakat Bali

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    Api terbentuk dari tiga elemen yakni, panas, bahan mudah terbakar dan oksigen. Api memiliki panas dan cahaya. Api digunakan dalam kehidupan manusia dari memasak, penerangan, perkawinan sampai pembakaran jenazah. Api terletak di angkasa, di bumi, dalam diri. Api dijadikan simbol semangat, penyucian, peleburan, pencerahan, api asmara, api dendam. Terjadi over heated/panas berlebih yang tidak lagi mengindahkan norma, etika, aturan. Studi kepustakaan, wawancara, observasi, dan percobaan merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan ini. Seyogyanya api baik sebagai simbol maupun teks, difungsikan sesuai kapasitas/perannya masing-masing, baik dalam diri maupun diluar diri, semua itu harus dikendalikan penggunaannya, agar keharmonisan bhuana alit dan bhuana agung dapat terwujud, kapan menggunakan api kecil, sedang maupun besar, karena semuanya penting

    Digestibility and Egg Yolk Pigment Intensity of Local Ducks Fed Shrimps Head Meal, Leucaena Leaf Meal and L-Carnitine Supplementation

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    The experiment was conducted to determine the nutrient digestibility and egg yolk pigment intensity of local ducks which fed shrimps head meal, leucaena leaf meal and L-Carnitine supplement. The experimental method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments i.e : R0 (feed with leucaena leaf meal), R1 (feed with 25 ppm L-Carnitine supplement), R2 (feed with 2% shrimps head meal) and R3 (feed with 4% shrimps head meal). A total of 0,20% FeSO4/kg feed were supplemented to all treatments. The results showed that L-Carnitine supplements and fed shrimps head meal (2% and 4%) have no significant effects (P>0,05) on crude fat and crude protein digestibility but have significant (P<0.05) effects on yolk pigment intensity. L-Carnitine supplements resulted in 86,69% crude fat and 90,78% crude protein digestibility). Ducks fed with 4% shrimps head meal (R3) produced eggs with highest yolk pigment intensity (10,55). (Animal Production 9(1): 30-35 (2007

    Sistem Informasi Pendataan Penduduk Pendatang Kecamatan Tegallalang

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    Kecamatan Tegallalang yang terdapat di Kabupaten Gianyar Provinsi Bali masih banyak menggunakan proses pendataan penduduk secara manual sehingga terjadi penumpukan berkas dan memicu terjadinya kehilangan berkas surat ijin. Dari sana munculah ide penulis untuk membuat sebuah Sistem pendataan penduduk pendatang Kecamatan Tegallalang menggunakan metode waterfall. Sistem informasi pendataan penduduk pendatang ini diimplementasikan dalam bentuk website. Sistem informasi ini dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP, DataBase MySQL dan Codeigniter sebagai framework. Adapun cara pengujian progam ini menggunakan metode blackbox. Telah dihasilkan sebuah system informasi yang dapat mempermudah pendataan penduduk pendatang di kecamatan Tegallalang. Berdasarkan pengujian blackbox sistem yang dihasilkan berjalan dengan baik

    Investigating market-based opportunities for the provision of nutritious and safe diets to prevent childhood stunting: a UKRI-GCRF action against stunting hub protocol paper

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    Background Inadequate access to affordable, safe, desirable and convenient nutrient-dense food is one of the underlying causes of child stunting. While targeted nutrition-sensitive interventions (eg, backyard ‘nutri-gardens’) may increase dietary diversity within farming households, such interventions have limited scalability across the wider food system where markets remain underdeveloped. This research aims to develop and assess market-based interventions for key nutrient-dense foods to help improve the diets of women and children in the first 1000 days of life. Methods Data collection uses four parallel approaches in each of the three study countries (India, Indonesia and Senegal). (1) A novel food environment tool will be developed to characterise the accessibility and affordability of nutrient-dense foods in the study countries. The tool will be validated through pretesting using cognitive interviewing and piloting in purposively sampled households, 10 (cognitive interviewing) and 30 (piloting) households in each country; (2) stakeholder interviews (eg, with producers, intermediaries and retailers) will be conducted to map out nutrition-sensitive entry points of key value chains (eg, animal-sourced foods), before hotspots of potential food safety hazards will be identified from food samples collected along the chains; (3) the Optifood and Agrifood tools will be used to identify foods that can address food system nutrient gaps and engage key stakeholders to prioritise market interventions to improve nutrition outcomes. Optifood and Agrifood parameters will be informed by publicly available data, plus interviews and focus groups with value chain stakeholders; (4) informed by the previous three approaches and a campaign of participatory ‘group model building’, a novel system dynamics model will evaluate the impact of alternative market-based solutions on the availability and affordability of nutrient-dense foods over time. Ethics and dissemination The study has received ethical approval in the United Kingdom, Senegal, Indonesia and India. Dissemination comprises peer-reviewed journals, international disciplinary conferences and multistakeholder dissemination workshops

    Assessment of the role of gut health in childhood stunting in a multisite, longitudinal study in India, Indonesia and Senegal: a UKRI GCRF Action Against Stunting Hub protocol.

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    IntroductionChildhood stunting has a complex aetiology, with poor gut health being an important contributor. This study will assess inter-relationships between maternal and infant gut health indices and infant linear growth. Inter-relationships between gut health indices, systemic inflammation and growth hormones in early childhood will also be assessed.Methods and analysisA longitudinal observational study of cohorts of 600 newborns and their mothers in India, Indonesia and Senegal will be conducted. Women will be recruited during pregnancy and their children followed up to age 24 months. Stool, urine and blood samples will be collected from the women and children for assessments of helminthic and protozoal parasites, bacterial pathogens, faecal microbiota taxa, biomarkers of environmental enteric dysfunction, systemic inflammation and growth hormones. Child anthropometric measurements will be collected at birth and at ages 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months. The gut health indices will be integrated with cohort data from other Action Against Stunting Hub (AASH) workstreams for interdisciplinary analyses of childhood stunting and the development of a new typology of stunting.DiscussionThis study will advance scientific understanding of the role of gut health in childhood stunting and will contribute to a broader knowledge of the complex aetiology of this condition as part of the interdisciplinary AASH research to reduce the global burden of childhood stunting.Ethics and disseminationThis study has been approved by the relevant Ethics Committees in Senegal, India, and Indonesia and LSHTM. The results will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals
