17 research outputs found

    Learning model and learning motivation on basketball learning outcomes

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    This experimental study aims to examine and prove the effectiveness of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model on learning outcomes, the effect of the interaction between learning models and learning motivation on learning outcomes, and the influence of learning motivation on learning outcomes. The research population is students of class X MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Sukawati for the academic year 2021-2022. The sampling technique was done by simple random sampling. Methods of data collection using test results of learning and learning motivation questionnaire. The research was divided into three activities, namely pretest, treatment, and post-test. The conclusions in this study are (1) Students who follow the PBL model get an increase in the average score of higher learning outcomes compared to students who follow the conventional learning model. (2) Higher student basketball learning outcomes are obtained by students who learn to use the PBL model, this occurs due to the advantages of the PBL model in improving student learning outcomes. (3) Basketball learning with the PBL model is proven to be better than the conventional learning model because of the compatibility between the characteristics of basketball learning and the PBL model. (4) The interaction between the learning model and learning motivation affects basketball learning outcome

    Value Engineering Approach for Construction Materials Selection of Irrigation Drainage

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    In this globalization era, many alternative choices of construction materials. The limited funds available make engineers have to think creatively to choose materials used in order to obtain the cost as efficiently as possible. There are many ways to do the cost efficiency of the project, one of them by doing value engineering. The construction design selection is very important to do because it can show the project quality, as well as produce the development with an efficient and optimal cost. The value engineering approach in the construction field is an organized and creative approach aimed at identifying unnecessary costs. These unnecessary costs are costs that do not provide quality or USAbility/functionality. The value engineering application is to construct projects has considerable potential savings from the project budget. This study aims to obtain cost savings made during the design phase and irrigation drainage project implementation. The scope of the study in the present study is the wall project on the DAS irrigation drainage improvement at Cengcengan River in Sukawati, Gianyar. This analysis uses the steps of value engineering plan, i.e., information, creative, analysis, development, and recommendation steps. Whereas, the criteria used to evaluate the components/systems included aspects of cost, quality, implementation time, methods, mobilization, availability, and aesthetics

    Pemetaan Topografi Kawasan Pura Bukit Mentik, Desa Adat Batur, Kintamani, Bangli

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    Pura Bukit Mentik yang terletak di Desa Adat Batur, Kintamani, Bangli, dibangun dengan tetap menjaga penyatuan antara kondisi alam dan arsitektur tradisional sehingga diperlukan informasi berupa peta kawasan dalam rangka penataan dan pengambangan pura. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdain masyarakat ini adalah pemetaan Kawasan Pura Bukit Mentik, sehingga diharapkan dengan adanya peta Kawasan Pura Bukit Mentik ini, menjadi pedoman bagi mitra dalam menata dan mengembangkan Kawasan Pura Bukit Mentik sebagai kawasan suci dan obyek wisata spiritual di Kabupaten Bangli khususnya serta dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan umat dalam melakukan persembahyangan. Metode yang digunakan diantaranya survey pendahuluan, sosialisasi masyarakat, pengukuran topografi pengolahan data penyusunan pelaporan dan penyerahan dokumen. Kegiatan pengukuran melibatkat mahasiswa dan mitra dalam menentukan batas-batas pura dan pelinggih-pelingih. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa peta kawasan Pura Bukit Mentik, Batur, Kintamani, Bangli. Informasi yang dapat diberikan yaitu batas-batas pura dengan kawasan hutan lindung, kontur, luas areal kawsasan pura dan bagian-bagiannya, informasi pelingih-pelingih akses jalan dan lokasi rencana penataan parkir. Dengan terwujudnya kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat memperoleh umpan balik dan masukan lain bagi Politeknik Negeri Bali dalam meningkatkan relevansi pendidikan dan penelitian yang dilakukannya dengan kebutuhan situasi

    Pembinaan Kelompok Pertukangan Melalui Kegiatan Manajemen Pengelolaan Proyek Di Banjar Petak, Desa Petak Kaja , Kecamatan Gianyar , Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali

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    Desa Petak Kaja membujur dari Utara ke Selatan yang diapit dua sungai, sebelah barat sungai Pakerisan dan sebelah timur sungai Sangsang II. Desa Petak Kaja memiliki luas 325 Ha. Keadaan masyarakatnya mengalami  perkembangan khususnya di bidang tukang bangunan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini untuk mengetahui kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat di Bajar Petak Desa Petak Kaja, mengetahui bagaimana manajemen pengelolaan proyek pertukangan di Banjar Petak Desa Petak Kaja. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian melalui 3 tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan pembinaan, dan tahapan evaluasi. Kegiatan pelatihan diikuti oleh kelompok tukang bangunan “Wayan Kanca” sejumlah 10 orang. . Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Bali akan dilaksanakan di Desa Petak Kaja, Kecamatan Ganyar, Kabupaten Gianyar. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah dalam rangka membantu dan meningkatkan peran aktif masyarakat dalam membangun daerahnya secara swadaya. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah masyarakat setempat belum mengetahui cara perhitungan biaya proyek yang  lebih efektif dalam melakukan kegiatan di proyek dan penggunaan baja ringan sebagai material kap dari bangunan . Semoga dengan program Pengabdian Masyarakat ini, masyarakat terbantu dan bisa lebih mandiri membangun dan memelihara apa yang sudah mereka bangun nantiny

    Modification of combined cycle power plant to reduce CO2 footprint

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    Worldwide concern on reducing global warming consequences has motivated the development of power generation technologies to move towards renewable and sustainable energy. The process takes time and currently, a significant percentage of the world’s electricity systems are driven by fossil fuels. The transition phase from fossil fuel to renewable technology has allowed the combined cycle gas power plant to play an essential role in our global energy mix. This investigation aims to develop scenarios to improve its performance and reduce the carbon footprint during its operation. A baseline scenario of the natural gas combined cycle has been developed using Aspen Hysys software, and the simulation performance is validated with ASME PTC 4-4. The analytical validation results in a 1.13% difference in air and fuel flow rate of 642.95 kg/s compared with 650.28 kg/s as simulation input. Four scenarios are developed following the baseline scenario: seawater cooling and intercooling with LNG cold energy utilization, carbon capture, and hydrogen blending. Those scenarios are compared with three key performance indicators such as system efficiency (%), levelized cost of electricity (USD/MWh), and specific carbon dioxide emissions (gr-CO2/kWh). The analysis shows that sea water cooling with LNG cold energy achieves the highest efficiency of 56.46%, a 0.12% increase compared with the baseline scenario. Hydrogen blending with natural gas achieves the lowest LCOE and specific carbon dioxide footprint of 46.97 USD/MWh and 351.23 gr-CO2/kWh, respectively. The reduction of 12.58 kTon annual carbon dioxide is achieved by implementing 5% hydrogen blending by volume into the combined cycle power generation system.VĂ€rldsomfattande oro att minska konsekvenserna av den globala uppvĂ€rmningen har motiverat kraftgenereringsteknik att gĂ„ mot förnybar och hĂ„llbar energiutveckling. Processen tar tid och förnuvarande drivs en betydande andel av vĂ€rldens elsystem av fossila brĂ€nslen. ÖvergĂ„ngsfasen frĂ„n fossilt brĂ€nsle till förnybar teknik har gjort det möjligt för kombikraftverk att spela en viktig roll i vĂ„r globala energimix. Denna rapport syftar till att utveckla scenarier för att förbĂ€ttra dess prestanda och minska koldioxidavtrycket under dess drift. Ett utgĂ„ngsscenario för naturgasens kombinerade cykel har utvecklats med hjĂ€lp av Aspen Hysys programvara, och simuleringsprestandan Ă€r validerad med ASME PTC 4-4. Den analytiska valideringen resulterar i en skillnad pĂ„ 1,13 % i luft- och brĂ€nsleflöde pĂ„ 642,95 kg/s jĂ€mfört med 650,28 kg/s som simuleringsindata. Fyra scenarier utvecklas efter baslinjescenariot: havsvattenkylning och mellankylning med LNG kall energianvĂ€ndning, kolavskiljning och vĂ€teblandning. Dessa scenarier jĂ€mförs med tre nyckeltal som systemeffektivitet (%), utjĂ€mnad kostnad för el (USD/MWh) och specifika koldioxidutslĂ€pp (gr-CO2/kWh). Analysen visar att havsvattenkylning med LNG kall energi uppnĂ„r den största verkningsgraden pĂ„ 56,46 %, en ökning med 0,12 % jĂ€mfört med utgĂ„ngsscenariot. VĂ€tgasblandning med naturgas uppnĂ„r lĂ€gsta LCOE och specifika koldioxidavtryck pĂ„ 46,97 USD/MWh respektive 351,23 gr-CO2/kWh. Minskningen av 12,58 kTon Ă„rlig koldioxid uppnĂ„s genom att implementera 5 % vĂ€tgasblandning i volym i det kombinerade kraftgenereringssystemet

    Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Perubahan Laju Aliran Massa Udara Pendingin Terhadap Performa Kondenser Untuk Sistem Organic Rankine Cycle (Orc) Berkapasitas 1 Kw

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    Sektor industri menggunakan energi dalam jumlah yang besar. Akibat inefficiency, hampir 20 – 50% energi ini menjadi gas buang. Setiap industri memiliki tipikal gas buang tertentu yang mana gas buang bertemperatur rendah masih belum optimal pemanfaatannya. Sumber panas bertemperatur rendah ini masih berpotensi untuk dikonversikan menjadi energi listrik dengan teknologi Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). Siklus ORC merupakan pengembangan siklus Rankine sebagai proses pembangkitan listrik yang tidak menggunakan air sebagai fluida kerja melainkan refrigerant, hidrokarbon atau siloxanes. Komponen utama dalam Organic Rankine Cycle diantaranya kondenser, pompa, turbin dan evaporator. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi Organic Rankine Cycle dengan menggunakan Software Aspen PlusÂź. Terdapat 6 jenis fluida kerja yang digunakan dalam simulasi diantaranya R123, R141b dan R245ca, Pentane, R245fa dan HFC-M1 (50%R245fa+50%R365mfc) dengan batasan temperatur outlet evaporator 950C dan temperatur inlet udara pendingin 300C. Simulasi dilakukan dengan memvariasikan tekanan inlet turbin untuk mengetahui hubungannya terhadap daya, kalor input dan effisiensi sistem. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan menggunakan fluida kerja R141b untuk membandingkan hasil simulasi dengan kondisi aktual. Analisis pada eksperimen difokuskan pada kondenser yakni dengan memvariasikan kecepatan udara pendingin kondenser kemudian menganalisis performa kondenser. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pada tingkat tekanan yang sama 5 bar Pentana memiliki kalor output tertinggi 1.621 kW sementara effisiensi tertinggi dimiliki R141b sebesar 8.65%. Refrigerant R245fa dapat mencapai nilai effisiensi yang lebih tinggi yakni 11.382% saat dioperasikan dengan tekanan yang lebih tinggi. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan koefisien konveksi eksternal tube kondenser semakin tinggi seiring dengan peningkatan laju aliran massa udara dengan nilai tertinggi 70.763 W/m2K pada kecepatan udara 2.2 m/s dan nilai terendah 50.668 W/m2K pada kecepatan udara 1.34 m/s. Koefisien konveksi sisi dalam tube semakin menurun seiring dengan penurunan kualitas uap proses kondensasi dengan nilai rata – rata 3359.46 W/m2K. Performa kondenser dianalisis dengan metode Number of Transfer Unit dan Effectiveness (NTU – Δ) dimana nilai effectiveness yang meningkat secara eksponensial terhadap NTU dengan nilai tertinggi sebesar 0.845 dan nilai terendah sebesar 0.7527 =========================================================== The industrial sector uses enormous amounts of energy. Due to equipment inefficiency, almost 20 - 50% of this energy is released as flue gas. Each industry has a typical exhaust gas in which the low temperature exhaust gas still not optimally utilized. These low-temperature heat sources still have the potential to be converted into electrical energy using Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology. The ORC cycle is the development of the Rankine cycle as an electricity generation process that does not use water as a working fluid but rather a refrigerant, hydrocarbon or siloxanes. The main components in Organic Rankine Cycle include condenser, pump, turbine and evaporator. In this study, the Organic Rankine Cycle simulation is conducted using Aspen PlusÂź Software. There are 6 types of working fluid used in the simulation including R123, R141b and R245ca, Pentane, R245fa and HFC-M1 (50% R245fa + 50% R365mfc) with the temperature limit of 950C at evaporator outlet and air coolant inlet temperature is set at 300C. The simulation is performed by varying the inlet pressure of the turbine to determine its relation to power, heat input and system efficiency. After the simulation, an experiment is conducted using R141b as a selected fluid to compare the simulation results with the actual conditions. The experimental analysis focuses on the condenser by varying the air velocity of the condenser and then analyze its performance. Simulation results show that at the same pressure level of 5 bar, Pentane has the highest power output of 1,621 kW while R141b has the highest efficiency of 8.65%. Refrigerant R245fa can achieve a higher efficiency value of 11.382% when operated with higher pressure. The experimental results show the condenser external heat transfer coefficient getting higher along with the increase of air mass flow rate. The highest value of 70,763 W/m2K at the air velocity of 2.2 m/s and the lowest value is 50.668 W/m2K at 1.34 m/s airspeed. The inner heat transfer coefficient due to condensation decreased with decreasing the vapor quality, with an average value of 3359.46 W/m2K. Condenser performance is analyzed by Number of Transfer Unit and Effectiveness methode (NTU - Δ). The value of effectiveness increased exponentially with increasing NTU with the highest value of 0.845 and the lowest value of 0.7527

    Modification of combined cycle power plant to reduce CO2 footprint

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    Worldwide concern on reducing global warming consequences has motivated the development of power generation technologies to move towards renewable and sustainable energy. The process takes time and currently, a significant percentage of the world’s electricity systems are driven by fossil fuels. The transition phase from fossil fuel to renewable technology has allowed the combined cycle gas power plant to play an essential role in our global energy mix. This investigation aims to develop scenarios to improve its performance and reduce the carbon footprint during its operation. A baseline scenario of the natural gas combined cycle has been developed using Aspen Hysys software, and the simulation performance is validated with ASME PTC 4-4. The analytical validation results in a 1.13% difference in air and fuel flow rate of 642.95 kg/s compared with 650.28 kg/s as simulation input. Four scenarios are developed following the baseline scenario: seawater cooling and intercooling with LNG cold energy utilization, carbon capture, and hydrogen blending. Those scenarios are compared with three key performance indicators such as system efficiency (%), levelized cost of electricity (USD/MWh), and specific carbon dioxide emissions (gr-CO2/kWh). The analysis shows that sea water cooling with LNG cold energy achieves the highest efficiency of 56.46%, a 0.12% increase compared with the baseline scenario. Hydrogen blending with natural gas achieves the lowest LCOE and specific carbon dioxide footprint of 46.97 USD/MWh and 351.23 gr-CO2/kWh, respectively. The reduction of 12.58 kTon annual carbon dioxide is achieved by implementing 5% hydrogen blending by volume into the combined cycle power generation system.VĂ€rldsomfattande oro att minska konsekvenserna av den globala uppvĂ€rmningen har motiverat kraftgenereringsteknik att gĂ„ mot förnybar och hĂ„llbar energiutveckling. Processen tar tid och förnuvarande drivs en betydande andel av vĂ€rldens elsystem av fossila brĂ€nslen. ÖvergĂ„ngsfasen frĂ„n fossilt brĂ€nsle till förnybar teknik har gjort det möjligt för kombikraftverk att spela en viktig roll i vĂ„r globala energimix. Denna rapport syftar till att utveckla scenarier för att förbĂ€ttra dess prestanda och minska koldioxidavtrycket under dess drift. Ett utgĂ„ngsscenario för naturgasens kombinerade cykel har utvecklats med hjĂ€lp av Aspen Hysys programvara, och simuleringsprestandan Ă€r validerad med ASME PTC 4-4. Den analytiska valideringen resulterar i en skillnad pĂ„ 1,13 % i luft- och brĂ€nsleflöde pĂ„ 642,95 kg/s jĂ€mfört med 650,28 kg/s som simuleringsindata. Fyra scenarier utvecklas efter baslinjescenariot: havsvattenkylning och mellankylning med LNG kall energianvĂ€ndning, kolavskiljning och vĂ€teblandning. Dessa scenarier jĂ€mförs med tre nyckeltal som systemeffektivitet (%), utjĂ€mnad kostnad för el (USD/MWh) och specifika koldioxidutslĂ€pp (gr-CO2/kWh). Analysen visar att havsvattenkylning med LNG kall energi uppnĂ„r den största verkningsgraden pĂ„ 56,46 %, en ökning med 0,12 % jĂ€mfört med utgĂ„ngsscenariot. VĂ€tgasblandning med naturgas uppnĂ„r lĂ€gsta LCOE och specifika koldioxidavtryck pĂ„ 46,97 USD/MWh respektive 351,23 gr-CO2/kWh. Minskningen av 12,58 kTon Ă„rlig koldioxid uppnĂ„s genom att implementera 5 % vĂ€tgasblandning i volym i det kombinerade kraftgenereringssystemet

    Human rabies epidemiology in Bali, Indonesia

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    Epidemiological studies against human rabies have been conducted in Bali using data were obtained from Bali Provincial of Health Office reporting system, and then the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, the results show domestic dog are main vectors of human transmission while cats, monkeys, and bats do not play an important role in the spread of human rabies in Bali. Similarly, there is no indication of human to human transmission during the incubation period after dog bites and rabies victim treatment in hospital. The frequency and the number of dog bites are likely related to the highly of dogs population density in the residential sector in the region. Dog bite cases showed the highest in 2010 (24.4%) and are likely to increase following the frequency of cycle dog breeding season occurs in March, and then give birth in July when approaching the peak of the dry season in August, following the mating season in October and breeding season in March, so the next cycle of the breeding season in July and mating season in October

    Value engineering approach for construction materials selection of irrigation drainage: Case study on project of DAS irrigation drainage improvement at Cengcengan River in Gianyar

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    In this globalization era, many alternative choices of construction materials. The limited funds available make engineers have to think creatively to choose materials used in order to obtain the cost as efficiently as possible. There are many ways to do the cost efficiency of the project, one of them by doing value engineering. The construction design selection is very important to do because it can show the project quality, as well as produce the development with an efficient and optimal cost. The value engineering approach in the construction field is an organized and creative approach aimed at identifying unnecessary costs. These unnecessary costs are costs that do not provide quality or usability/functionality. The value engineering application is to construct projects has considerable potential savings from the project budget. This study aims to obtain cost savings made during the design phase and irrigation drainage project implementation. The scope of the study in the present study is the wall project on the DAS irrigation drainage improvement at Cengcengan River in Sukawati, Gianyar. This analysis uses the steps of value engineering plan, i.e., information, creative, analysis, development, and recommendation steps. Whereas, the criteria used to evaluate the components/systems included aspects of cost, quality, implementation time, methods, mobilization, availability, and aesthetics