131 research outputs found

    Desalinasi Hybrid Med-ro sebagai Opsi Pasokan Air Bersih di Provinsi Kepulauan Babel

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    DESALINASI HYBRID MED-RO SEBAGAI OPSI PASOKAN AIR BERSIH DI PROVINSI KEPULAUAN BABEL. Sistem desalinasi hybrid MED-RO adalah kombinasi proses desalinasi MED (Multi Effect Distillation) dan RO (Reverse Osmosis) dengan sistem pembangkit daya. Konfigurasi ini mempunyai keuntungan ekonomis dan operasional dibanding dengan instalasi desalinasi tunggal. Konfigurasi hybrid dikarakterisasikan dengan fleksibilitas operasi, komsumsi energi spesifik (33,50 kWh/m3) lebih rendah dibandingkan MED (36,54 kWh/m3) dan instalasi mudah diperoleh. Hybrid MED-RO merupakan teknologi desalinasi yang komersial, proven dan handal untuk memproduksi air bersih skala besar. Tujuan studi adalah menganalisis desalinasi hybrid MED-RO sebagai opsi untuk menambah pasokan air bersih di Provinsi Kepulauan Babel ditinjau dari aspek teknologi dan ekonomi. Hasil studi memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan energi nuklir untuk tujuan ganda sebagai pembangkit listrik dan produksi air bersih lebih kompetitif dibanding instalasi pembangkit bahan bakar fosil. Konfigurasi hybrid MED-RO, dengan air umpan RO yang berasal dari rejeksi panas MED, layak dipertimbangkan sebagai opsi untuk menambah pasokan air bersih karena semakin tinggi temperatur umpan RO, kecepatan aliran air produk yang melewati membran akan meningkat. Hasil analisis ekonomi menggunakan DEEP-3.2, menunjukkan bahwa biaya produksi air dari desalinasi hybrid MED-RO (0,581 /m3)lebihrendahdibandingkanprosesMED(0,752/m3) lebih rendah dibandingkan proses MED (0,752 /m3), dengan energi dari PLTN. Biaya produksi air hybrid MED-RO dengan energi dari PLTN (0,581 /m3)lebihrendahdibandingkandenganenergidariPLTU(0,720/m3) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan energi dari PLTU (0,720 /m3)

    Phase III evaluation of the insecticidal efficacy and durability of a deltamethrin-treated polypropylene long-lasting net LifeNet®, in comparison with long-lasting nets made from polyester and polyethylene: study protocol.

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    BACKGROUND: Universal coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LNs) made from polyester or polyethylene fibres has been adopted as the standard of care to control malaria among at-risk populations. To obtain a WHO recommendation, LNs must undergo prospective monitoring of insecticidal efficacy against mosquito vectors over 3 years of household use. The retention of bioefficacy and physical durability of a LN is influenced by net usage practices, textile polymer material and insecticide treatment technology. Fabric durability is the critical factor which determines the interval required between LN replacement campaigns. To investigate factors known to affect LN durability and bioefficacy, we describe a three-arm WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) Phase III evaluation of a LN made uniquely from polypropylene (LifeNet®, Bayer CropScience) compared to standard LNs made from polyester and polyethylene, all treated with deltamethrin, over 3 years of use. METHODS: This is a prospective three-arm household randomized, equivalence trial of LNs in Tanzania, with nets as the unit of observation. Equal numbers of houses will be randomized to receive deltamethrin-treated polypropylene, polyester or polyethylene LNs; all sleeping spaces in a given household will be provided with one type of net. Bioefficacy (insecticidal activity against mosquitoes), insecticide content of net fibres, and fabric integrity (number, location and size of holes) will be measured every 6 months, using WHO cone or tunnel bioassays, chemical analysis and calculation of hole index, respectively. A cohort of LNs will be surveyed annually to assess survivorship (median LN survival time) and cumulative loss of fabric integrity. Field durability outcomes will be compared with laboratory strength tests. DISCUSSION: This is the first trial to compare the relative durability of three LNs each made from a different textile polymer, treated with the same insecticide, in the same community side-by-side over 3 years of use. Trial findings will 1) guide global health organizations on procurement policy and the type of textile polymer which maximizes the interval between LN replacement campaigns, and 2) stimulate manufacturers to improve product performance and development of longer lasting polymers. A full WHO recommendation may be granted to LifeNet® upon successful Phase III completion

    CSR and Climate-resilient Agriculture – A JSW Case Study

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    The semi-arid tropics being dominant region is primarily agrarian with rainfed traditional agricultural production systems. Jawhar is a tribal block in Maharashtra. India characterized by high rainfall, water scarcity, degraded soils and low crop productivity. ICRISAT in collaboration wlth JSW has initiated agrlcultural interventions with watershed approach. Over a two-year period, the project has demonstrated various activities to build the resilience against climate change to cope with varying climatic risks and to improve livelihoods. Conservation of available resources through various measures was carried out with active community participation. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the community. Soli health management, rainwater harvesting, soil conservation. promotion of improved cultivars, introduction of new crops (crop diversification), income-generating activities and promotion of agronomic practices were the major interventions carried out in the project villages. These have taken farmers towards the path of building resilience to cope with climatic risks

    Translational and Rotational Motion of C8 Aromatics Adsorbed in Isotropic Porous Media (MOF-5): NMR Studies and MD Simulations

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    We combined nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to study xylene behavior in MOF-5, probing the effects of adsorbate geometry in a weakly interacting model isotropic metal organic framework (MOF) system. We employed NMR diffusometry and relaxometry techniques at low field (13 MHz) to quantify the self -diffusion coefficients (Ds) and the longitudinal relaxation times (T-1) of xylenes in MOF-5 as a function of temperature at the saturated loading for each xylene. These "experiments reveal the translational motion activation energies to be 15.3, 19.7, and 21.2 kj mol(-1) and the rotational activation energies to be 47.26, 12.88, and 11.55 for the (p-, m-, o-) xylene isomers, respectively. Paraxylene exhibits faster translational motion, yet shows four times the activation energy barrier for rotational motion vis-a-vis the other isomers. MD simulations performed on these model systems corroborate the findings for paraxylene and suggest that paraxylene has the lower free energy barrier for hopping away from its binding sites, yet has the slowest rotational motion in the plane of the xylene molecule

    Impact of natural resource management interventions on water resources and environmental services in different agroecological regions of India

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    Natural resource management is critical for addressing issues of water scarcity, land degradation and poor agricultural and livestock productivity especially in rainfed ecologies. This study was conducted in 13 Gram panchayats (cluster of villages) of three states in India representing different agroecological regions. Natural resource management works undertaken through the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) covering water harvesting, pasture land and orchard development were evaluated between November 2015 and January 2016. Density of water harvesting varied from 10 to 250 m3 h

    Microcephaly, sensorineural deafness and Currarino triad with duplication–deletion of distal 7q

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    Currarino syndrome (CS) is a peculiar form of caudal regression syndrome [also known as autosomal dominant sacral agenesis (OMIM no. 176450)] characterised by (1) partial absence of the sacrum with intact first sacral vertebra, (2) a pre-sacral mass and (3) anorectal anomalies (Currarino triad). We studied a 3-year-old girl with Currarino triad who had additional systemic features and performed array comparative genomic hybridisation to look for chromosomal abnormalities. This girl had the typical spectrum of anomalies of the CS including (a) partial sacral agenesis (hemisacrum with remnants of only sacral S1–S2 vertebrae and a residual S3 vertebral body) associated with complete coccygeal agenesis, (b) pre-intrasacral dermoid, (c) intra-dural lipoma, (d) ectopic anus and (e) tethered cord. She had, in addition, pre- and post-natal growth impairment (<3rd percentile), severe microcephaly (<−3 SD) with normal gyration pattern and lack of cortical thickening associated with a hypoplastic inferior vermis, facial dysmorphism, sensorineural deafness and decreased serum levels of IGF-1. A de novo 10.3-Mb duplication of 7q34–q35 and an 8.8-Mb deletion on 7q36 were identified in this patient. The Homeobox HLXB9 (CS) gene is contained within the deletion accounting for the CS phenotype including microcephaly. The spectrums of associated abnormalities in the IGF-1 deficiency growth retardation with sensorineural deafness and mental retardation syndrome (OMIM no. 608747) are discussed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a patient with distal 7q chromosomal imbalance and features of CS triad (including microcephaly) and the first documented case of a patient with normal gyration pattern microcephaly. The spectrum of associated anomalies in this newly recognised phenotype complex consists of growth failure, typical facial anomalies with additional (previously unreported) nervous system abnormalities (e.g. sensorineural deafness) and somatomedin C deficiency

    Using rapid diagnostic tests as source of malaria parasite DNA for molecular analyses in the era of declining malaria prevalence

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria prevalence has recently declined markedly in many parts of Tanzania and other sub-Saharan African countries due to scaling-up of control interventions including more efficient treatment regimens (e.g. artemisinin-based combination therapy) and insecticide-treated bed nets. Although continued molecular surveillance of malaria parasites is important to early identify emerging anti-malarial drug resistance, it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain parasite samples from ongoing studies, such as routine drug efficacy trials. To explore other sources of parasite DNA, this study was conducted to examine if sufficient DNA could be successfully extracted from malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), used and collected as part of routine case management services in health facilities, and thus forming the basis for molecular analyses, surveillance and quality control (QC) testing of RDTs. METHODS: One hyper-parasitaemic blood sample (131,260 asexual parasites/μl) was serially diluted in triplicates with whole blood and blotted on RDTs. DNA was extracted from the RDT dilution series, either immediately or after storage for one month at room temperature. The extracted DNA was amplified using a nested PCR method for Plasmodium species detection. Additionally, 165 archived RDTs obtained from ongoing malaria studies were analysed to determine the amplification success and test applicability of RDT for QC testing. RESULTS: DNA was successfully extracted and amplified from the three sets of RDT dilution series and the minimum detection limit of PCR was <1 asexual parasite/μl. DNA was also successfully amplified from (1) 70/71 (98.6%) archived positive RDTs (RDTs and microscopy positive) (2) 52/63 (82.5%) false negative RDTs (negative by RDTs but positive by microscopy) and (3) 4/24 (16.7%) false positive RDTs (positive by RDTs but negative by microscopy). Finally, 7(100%) negative RDTs (negative by RDTs and microscopy) were also negative by PCR. CONCLUSION: This study showed that DNA extracted from archived RDTs can be successfully amplified by PCR and used for detection of malaria parasites. Since Tanzania is planning to introduce RDTs in all health facilities (and possibly also at community level), availability of archived RDTs will provide an alternative source of DNA for genetic studies such as continued surveillance of parasite resistance to anti-malarial drugs. The DNA obtained from RDTs can also be used for QC testing by detecting malaria parasites using PCR in places without facilities for microscopy

    Eating disorders in sport : current status and future directions in the study of the psychological factors

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    Este trabalho procura atingir dois objetivos. Em primeiro lugar, apresenta-se a situação atual da investigação sobre desordens alimentares no desporto. Neste caso, salientam-se as linhas de investigação dedicadas ao estudo da prevalência destes problemas no desporto e analisam-se as diferenças entre atletas e modalidades desportivas. Dadas as dificuldades destas linhas de investigação na compreensão dos comportamentos alimentares de risco nos atletas, são avançadas outras possibilidades de desenvolvimento da investigação. Assim, e enquanto segundo objetivo deste artigo, salientamos a necessidade dos estudos se dirigirem para a compreensão dos fatores psicológicos associados aos comportamentos alimentares de risco e implicados no desenvolvimento das desordens alimentares. Esta abordagem tem como vantagem adicional ajudar a prevenir estes problemas através da promoção das competências mentais dos atletas no sentido de resistirem melhor aos possíveis efeitos nocivos da prática desportiva, onde se inserem os problemas com a alimentação.This paper focuses on two main goals. In first place, we present the current status on the research about eating disorders in sport contexts. In this case, we point out studies dedicated to the analysis of the incidence of eating disorders in sport and studies that observe the differences between athletes and different sports in the tendency for these problems. Second, we proposed new research directions on this subject, namely the need of analysing the psychological factors that are related with the development of eating disorders on athletes. This research approach has the advantage of helping the prevention of eating disorders on athletes through the promotion of psychological skills that protect athletes from the negative effects of sport practicing, where are included maladaptive eating behaviors.(undefined