130 research outputs found

    Pengkajian Kekuatan Beton Struktur Jembatan Pasca Kebakaran

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    In this paper a case study about concrete strength assessment of bridge structure experiencing fire is discussed. Assessment methods include activities of visual inspection, concrete testing by Hammer Test, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test, and Core Test. Then, test results are compared with the requirement of RSNI T-12-2004. Test results show that surface concrete at the location of fire deteriorates so that its quality is decreased into the category of Very Poor with ultrasonic pulse velocity ranges between 1,14 – 1,74 km/s. From test results also it can be known that concrete compressive strength of inner part of bridge pier ranges about 267 – 274 kg/cm2 and concrete compressive strength of beam and plate experiencing fire directly is about 173 kg/cm2 and 159 kg/cm2. It can be concluded that surface concrete strength at the location of fire does not meet the requirement of RSNI T-12-2004. So, repair on surface concrete of pier, beam, and plate at the location of fire is required

    Implementasi Penertiban Rumah Kost di Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan proses implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kubu Raya Nomor 04 Tahun 2010, serta ingin mengetahui dan menganalisis kendala – kendala yang dihadapi oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kabupaten Kubu Raya dalam pelaksanaan penertiban rumah kost di Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa para pengusaha kost masih rendahnya kesadaran untuk membuat kelengkapan perizinan rumah kost tersebut. Sebenarnya pemerintah sudah menganjurkan agar para pengusaha kost membuat perizinan rumah kost melalui pada saat pelaksanaan penertiban rumah kost. Meskipun demikian tidak semua pengusaha rumah kost mematuhinya, dan yang mematuhinya hanya satu orang pengusaha rumah kost. Jika kondisi ini tidak diperbaiki, maka pemerintah harus meningkatkan sosialisasi peraturan daerah tentang perizinan-perizinan yang ada di Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Rendahnya partisipasi pengusaha rumah kost dalam pembuatan perizinan secara umum disebabkan oleh faktor internal dan exsternal. Diantara faktor-faktor internal yang berperan, kurangnya sosialisasi peraturan daerah kepada masyarakat tentang perizinan, sedangkan faktor-faktor eksternal mencakup para Ketua RT/RW, tokoh masyarakat dan aparat desa harus proactive dalam memberitahukan kepada masyarakat tentang perizinan. Kata kunci : peran pemerintah, pelaksana, perizinan, sosialisasi

    Sistem Informasi Inventory Alat Tulis Kantor (Atk) Menggunakan Metode Waterfall (Studi Kasus : Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Ojk))

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    Management Systems ATK (Stationery Office tools) in the Financial Services Authority ( FSA ) is currently still done manually , thus still frequent occurrence of error information . With this information errors , report creation has slowed plans for the use of goods budget submission next year. How the management of inventory data can be integrated with both the master data , transaction data and reports ? How to design a system that can give information about the classification code of the goods so as to facilitate the administration of the Head in managing data items ? How to design a system that can provide a warning when approaching the limit stock inventory minimum ? How Kasubag can obtain information in the form of a complete report as required in the master data and transaction data each period ? Intranet -based information systems that can provide information on the activities demand ATK (Stationery Office Tools) from each directorate or department . Creating a management information system design stationery that is expected to assist and speed up the reporting process and reduce errors ATK USAge information that will generate reports that can be accounted for


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    ABSTRAK The eficacy of Thiophanate, Albendazole, Pyrantel, pamfate, and Levamisole HCl on Strongyle infections and their effects on the erythrocite count, hemoglobin concentration and percentage of packedcell volume (PVC) have been investigated. Fourty eight female and male sheep natrually infected with Strongyle were divided randomly into four groups of 12 each. Group I was treated with Thiophanate 70 mg/Kg, group II Albendazole 5 mg/Kg, group II Pyrantel pamoate 20 mg/Kg and group IV Levamisole HCI 8mg/Kg body weight. On day one before and on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th day after treatment fecal samples of all experimental sheep were examined. The blood profile were examined on day before and on day 10 after treatment. The results revealed that all four nem atocidals were effective againts Strongyle infections in sheepThiophanate and Pyrantel pamoate were significantly increased the erythrocite count, hemo-globin concentration and percentage of PCVAlbendasole was significantly increased the erythrocite count and hemoglobin concertration, but not the percentage of PCVLevamisole HCl was significancy increased the percentage of PCV, but not the terythrocite count and hemoglobin concertration Keywords: hemoglobin concentration, nematod


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    AbSTRAk Dua puluh empat ekor pasien anjing Bastar umur kurang dari sembilan-bulan (12 ekor) dan 12 ekor yang lain berumur lebih dari sembilan bulan, yang tinjanya mengandung telur Ancylostoma caninum positif dua dan positif tiga diukur kadar hemoglobinnya dengan metode Sahli. Dar(hasil pengamatan diperolek hubungan langswig antara jumlah telur cacing dan kadar hemoglobin. Kelompok anjing muda (umur kurang dari 9 bulan) dengan tinja positif dua telur Ancylostoma caninum rata-rata kadar hemoglobin (Hb)-nya 6,63 gram/di yang positif tiga kadar Hb nya 5,08 gram/dl. Kelompok dewasa (umur lebih dari 9 bulan) positif dua kadar Hb nya 13,22 gram/d1 dan kelompok dewasa positif tiga kadar Hb nya 8,70 gram/d1. Pada umur yang sebaya, makin banyak positif telur Ancylostomanya, maka makin rendah kadar Hb nya. Pada anjing muda pengaruh cacing terhadap kadar Hb lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan kadar Hb pada anjing dewasa. Keywords: anjing Bastar, kadar haemoglobi


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    Tujuan pendidikan karakter adalah untuk membentuk manusia sempurna yang seutuhnya yakni mengembangkan potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berahlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Perencanaan proses pembelajaran meliputi silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang memuat sekurang-kurangnya tujuan pembelajaran, materi ajar, metode pengajaran, sumber belajar dan penilaian hasil belajar. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran matematika yang interaktif diperlukan persiapan pembelajaran dan bahan ajar yang dapat membimbing peserta didik.Bahan ajar yang diperlukan oleh pendidik tidak hanya berupa cetak saja tetapi dapat berupa bahan ajar berbasis ICT. Kata kunci : pendampingan, perencanaan pembelajaran, pendidikan karakter

    Factors Becoming The Students’ Problems in Learning English-2 As Seen on Their Sentences

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    Learning foreign language, specifically English langauge as the international language, may make some students feel bored. The feelings emerge because of some factors experienced by the students. The factors are lack of interest to learn it, lack of basic knowledge of it, or lack of motivation to learn it. All of the factors reasoning may be caused by the late to build and have motivation to learn the langauge. For students of higher education institutions, the students have to have enough basic knowledge of the language learned because actually the students have learned the language since they were in high schools. Even, some students might have learnt English language since when they were in junior high schools. The basic knowledge can actualy give very dominant influence on their learning continuity. Many students taking English-2, in Faculty of Business, Buddhi Dharma University, seem to feel the significance of having basic knowledge in order that they could improve their English mastery. Therefore, those who don’t have enough basic knowledge got some problem to improve their English. Meanwhile those who have got enough basic knowledge could continue improve their skills in the use of the English language. Relating to the learning activities, Edgar Dale (1962) stated that there are two kinds of learning; they are passive learning and  active learning. The best way to improve the learning must be about activating the both, active and passive learning. However, to activate the both is not a simple thing. There are some factors that the general students face like the students of Semester-2, Business Faculty have faced. The factors that make problems are the motivation to learn, the opportunity to practice, the lack of basic knowledge, etc. Some students may have good enough basic knowledge, while some other students may have not enough basic knowledge to improve their skills. Indeed, problems can disrupt the students to improve their capability to learn English as a foreign language. This condition creates another problem for the teachers to improve the class activity as it should b


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    “Taman Hiburan Rakyat (THR) Sriwedari” is one of tourist destination in the “Taman Sriwedari” complex at Jalan Slamet Riyadi 275, Surakarta. The multimedia application that is a merging from various components like text, voice, picture and animation will make the users become more comfortable to enjoying information presented. Using animation and 3d’s object it will make presentation of object information more fun. The use of animation and 3-dimension object on the developing Augmented Reality (AR) “THR Sriwedari”would make people become more interested to come in “THR Sriwedari”. The Augmented reality application was designed and developed using themethod of study that was looking a reference library and materials related to the research conducted. The augemented reality was carried out using some design and animation software like 3D Studio Max 2010, Adobe Photoshop CS3,Autodesk Maya dan Dfusion Studio. This research provided a Augmented Reality applicationthat would provide information about games park therein “THR Sriwedari” . Keywords : augmented reality, THR Sriwedari ,3D , 3D games park Taman Hiburan Rakyat ( THR ) Sriwedari Surakarta merupakan salah satu wisata permainan yang berada di dalam kompleks Taman Sriwedari, Jalan Slamet Riyadi 275, kota Surakarta.Aplikasi multimedia yang merupakan penggabungan dari berbagai komponen seperti teks, suara, gambar, dan animasi akan membuat penggunamenjadi lebih mudah untuk memahami. Penggunaan animasi dan obyek 3 dimensi dalam pembuatan Augmented Reality THR Sriwedari ini diharapkan dapat menarik minat masyarakat untuk datang ke THR Sriwedari. Aplikasi augmented reality di THR Sriwedari ini dirancang dan dikembangkan menggunakan metode studi pustaka yaitu mencari referensi dan materi yang berhubungan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan dan observasi langsung. Pembuatan aplikasi augmented reality di THR Sriwedari dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa software desain dan animasi seperti 3D Studio Max 2010, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Autodesk Maya dan Dfusion Studio. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi Augemented Reality yang memberikaninformasi tentang Wahana permainan yang ada di THR Sriwedari. Kata kunci : augmented reality, THR Sriwedari ,3D , wahana permainan 3


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh financial distress, debt default dan disclosure terhadap opini audit going concern pada perusahaan real estate dan property yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2015 - 2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif asosiatif menggunakan data sekunder. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode analisis regresi data panel menggunakan aplikasi Eviews 9. Penelitian dilakukan pada perusahaan real estate dan property menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah 8 perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa financial distress berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern, debt default dan disclosure tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern. Sedangkan financial distress, debt default dan disclosure secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern
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