229 research outputs found

    1D Convolutional Neural Network for Detecting Ventricular Heartbeats

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    This paper shows a novel approach for detecting ventricular heartbeats using a 1D Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN). The algorithm input is the raw ECG signal, i.e., no signal pre-processing nor feature extraction are involved. The output of the 1D-CNN is filtered using a combination of linear and nonlinear filters to produce the final output. The MIT-BIH arrhythmia database was used for both algorithm training/tuning and evaluation. The assessment methodology followed the interpatient paradigm, where the algorithm was trained and evaluated using independent subsets. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated for two tasks; QRS detection, and heartbeat classification. QRS detection resulted in a sensitivity of 99.0% and a positive predictivity of 96.5%. The performance assessment of the ventricular ectopic beat detection resulted in a sensitivity of 85.8% and a positive predictivity of 64.5%. Although there is still room for improvement, the results suggest that convolutional neural networks are a promising approach for building heartbeat classifiers

    La salud reproductiva de los estudiantes de educación secundaria y media superior de San Luis Potosí

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    En el presente informe se muestran los resultados de la Encuesta de Salud Reproductiva de los estudiantes de educación secundaria y media superior de San Luis Potosí, en colaboración entre el CRIM y el Consejo Estatal de Población de San Luis Potosí.1. Algunos señalamientos sobre la salud reproductiva de los adolescentes en México. 2. Diseño muestral de la encuesta. 3. Educación sexual en la escuela. 4. Conocimiento sobre el sida. 5. Conocimiento sobre métodos anticonceptivos. 6. Edad media a la espermaquia y edad media a la menarquia. 7. Perspectivas de vida. 8. Recomendaciones

    Impact of mandatory social isolation measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the subjective well-being of Latin American and Caribbean dentists

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    With the spread of the COVID-19 virus, containment measures such as home confinement were implemented, generating stress, anxiety, depression and aggravation of pre-existing diseases in the population, in- cluding dentists, who have also be

    Perceived stress in dentists and dental students of Latin America and the Caribbean during the mandatory social isolation measures for the covid-19 pandemic : a cross-sectional study

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    This study aims to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically considering the mandatory social isolation measures implemented, on the perceived stress of a sample of dentists and dental students from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the associated sociodemographic and pandemic-related variables. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a sample of 2036 dentists and dental students (1433 women). For the main outcome, the 14-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14) was used. The survey also questioned sociodemographic aspects, questions on the COVID-19 pandemic, health variables, and habits. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses (linear regression) were applied to observe the factors associated with perceived stress. The PSS-14 mean score was 24.76 (±11.76). Hierarchical regression models showed significant variables associated with the PSS-14 scores: income level during mandatory social isolation, having older adults under care during mandatory social isolation, self-perceived level of concern regarding COVID-19, self-perceived health, Coffee consumption during mandatory social isolation. In general terms, the pandemic has influenced the personal, social, labor, and everyday life of dental staff and affected the mental health of this population specifically when perceived stress is considered. Public policies, strategies, and mental health surveillance systems are required for this population

    Diagnostico de intemperismo en la catedral de puebla

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    This paper presents a physicochemical approach to diagnose basalt weathering at Cathedral of Puebla facade, building located at downtown Puebla, which was built in the XVII century and has the particularity of having three sides exposed to the action of rain, wind and sun. Applied methodology included physical inspection of the building, collection of weathered samples, which were grounded, mixed with distilled water to prepare an analytical sample, determined physicochemical parameters allowed to discriminate which anions are causing basalt weathering.

    Nuevo registro de siren intermedia (caudata: sirenidae) para el estado de Veracruz, México

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    The Lesser siren (Siren intermedia) is recorded for the first time in Tuxpan, for the second time in the state of Veracruz, and for the third time in Mexico. This finding increases the points of distribution of this species, previously reported from Matamoros and Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas and Gutierrez Zamora, Veracruz. This species has so far, a disjunct distribution in Mexico. La sirena menor (Siren intermedia) es registrada por primera vez en Tuxpan, por segunda vez en el estado de Veracruz y por tercera vez en México. Este hallazgo incrementa los puntos de  distribución de la especie, previamente informada para Matamoros y Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas y Gutiérrez Zamora, Veracruz. Hasta donde se sabe, esta especie tiene una distribución disyunta en México

    Spatial distribution and incidence of dengue cases: an analysis of the situation in Medellín, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: To analyze the spatial distribution of dengue cases and the incidence of this disease. Methodology: 17.400 dengue cases were spatially located by means of the addresses of patients which were reported by Data Generating Primary Units to the Medellin Office of the Health Secretary from 2007 to 2011. Dengue incidences were calculated and geospatially ranked with the ArcGIS 9.3 software, and they were categorized by risk level according to the Pan American Health Organization. Results and Discussion: the disease was distributed heterogeneously throughout the various neighborhoods of the city. The years 2007 and 2010 had the highest number of cases, thus being epidemic years; the other years showing an endemic behavior. In 2007 none of the neighborhoods was in very high risk category; however, in 2010, 49 neighborhoods were placed inside this category. As for endemic years according to dengue incidence, of the 249 neighborhoods of the city, just two of them were found in high risk in 2008 and 2009, but none in 2011. Moreover, a large percentage of neighborhoods in these years were considered to be in the low risk category."RESUMEN:Analizar la distribución espacial de los casos y la incidencia de dengue. Metodología: se ubicaron espacialmente 17.400 casos de dengue notificados por las Unidades Primarias Generadoras de Datos a la Secretaría de Salud de Medellín en el período 2007 a 2011 a través de las direcciones de las viviendas de los pacientes. Se calcularon las incidencias y se ubicaron geoespacialmente utilizando el software ArcGis 9,3, categorizándolas por niveles de riesgo según la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Resultados y discusión: la enfermedad se distribuyó heterogéneamente en los diferentes barrios de la ciudad. Los años 2007 y 2010 presentaron el mayor número de casos, correspondiendo a años epidémicos, mientras que los demás años mostraron un comportamiento endémico. En el 2007 ningún barrio se ubicó en la categoría riesgo muy alto, pero sí 49 localidades para el año 2010. Para los años endémicos según la incidencia de dengue, de los 249 barrios de la ciudad, en los años 2008 y 2009, solo dos se encontraron en riesgo alto y ninguno para 2011, y un gran porcentaje de barrios en estos años se ubicaron en riesgo bajo."RESUMEN:Analizar la distribución espacial de los casos y la incidencia de dengue. Metodología: se ubicaron espacialmente 17.400 casos de dengue notificados por las Unidades Primarias Generadoras de Datos a la Secretaría de Salud de Medellín en el período 2007 a 2011 a través de las direcciones de las viviendas de los pacientes. Se calcularon las incidencias y se ubicaron geoespacialmente utilizando el software ArcGis 9,3, categorizándolas por niveles de riesgo según la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Resultados y discusión: la enfermedad se distribuyó heterogéneamente en los diferentes barrios de la ciudad. Los años 2007 y 2010 presentaron el mayor número de casos, correspondiendo a años epidémicos, mientras que los demás años mostraron un comportamiento endémico. En el 2007 ningún barrio se ubicó en la categoría riesgo muy alto, pero sí 49 localidades para el año 2010. Para los años endémicos según la incidencia de dengue, de los 249 barrios de la ciudad, en los años 2008 y 2009, solo dos se encontraron en riesgo alto y ninguno para 2011, y un gran porcentaje de barrios en estos años se ubicaron en riesgo bajo

    Oxygen mobility in A_(2)Ti_(2y)Zr_(y)O_(7) (A: Y, Gd) ionic conductors

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    © Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. Los autores del CINVESTAV-IPN agradecen a CONACYT el apoyo económico prestado para la realización de este trabajo (Proyecto 31198U). K. J. Moreno agradece al CINVESTAV-IPN el apoyo económico concedido para su estancia en la Universidad Complutense. Los autores de la Universidad Complutense agradecen el apoyo económico del MCYT (MAT 2001-3713-C04).Presentamos un estudio de la conductividad iónica en las series Y_(2)Ti_(2-y)Zr_(y)O_(7) y Gd_(2)Ti_(2-y)Zr_(y)O_(7) (0≤y≤2) obtenidas por síntesis mecanoquímica. Se presenta un estudio de la dinámica de iones oxígeno en estos materiales mediante la técnica de Espectroscopia de Admitancias. La variación con el contenido en Zr de la conductividad dc y de su energía de activación se interpreta en términos del aumento tanto del número de vacantes de oxígeno como del desorden en la estructura al aumentar el contenido en Zr.We report a study of ionic conductivity in the series Y_(2)Ti_(2-y)Zr_(y)O_(7) and Gd_(2)Ti_(2-y)Zr_(y)O_(7) (0≤y≤2) obtained by mechanochemical synthesis. We present a study of oxygen ion dynamics in these materials by Impedance Spectroscopy. The change in dc conductivity and activation energy with Zr content is interpreted in terms of the increase in the number of oxygen vacancies and of structural disorder when increasing Zr content.Depto. de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y ElectrónicaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUECONACYTCINVESTAV-IPNMCYTpu

    Active flux seasonality of the small dominant migratory crustaceans and mesopelagic fishes in the Gulf of California during June and October

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    The biological carbon pump is the process that transports carbon vertically out of the mixed layer in the ocean. Besides the sinking flux of organic particles, active flux due to the daily vertical migration of zooplankton and micronekton promotes a significant carbon transport not fully accounted for or understood in the world’s oceans. The diversity and abundance of epipelagic and mesopelagic species in the Gulf of California has been extensively studied, but the role of micronekton in carbon export has not yet been investigated. We studied the carbon flux promoted by juvenile and adult mesopelagic fishes and crustaceans (Decapoda and Euphausiidae) during the transition from the cold to warm period (June) and the onset of the warm season (October) in 2018. We provide the first estimation of migrant biomass and respiratory flux of the most abundant migratory species of mesopelagic fishes, decapods and euphausiids in the Gulf of California. The micronekton species collected accounted for a large biomass of mesopelagic fishes and pelagic crustaceans. The average migrant biomass estimates were 151.5 ± 101.2 mg C·m−2 during June and 90.9 ± 75.3 mg C·m−2 during October. The enzymatic activity of the electron transfer system (ETS) was measured as an estimate of their respiratory rates. Average specific ETS activity was significantly different between fishes and decapods, and between fishes and euphausiids (p < 0.05). The respiratory flux of fishes was predominant in the Gulf of California, followed by pelagic decapods and euphausiids. Seasonal changes in respiratory flux were observed for fishes (June: 6.1 ± 1.5 mg C·m−2·d−1; October: 3.2 ± 1.8 mg C·m−2·d−1) and decapods (June: 0.4 mg C·m−2·d−1; October: 0.7 ± 0.05 mg C·m−2·d−1). Respiratory flux estimation by crustaceans (decapods and euphausiids) and fishes together was 6.86 mg C·m−2·d−1 during June, and 4.21 mg C·m−2·d−1 during October 2018, suggesting a functional role of this large micronektonic fauna in the biological carbon export in this region.3,26