1,085 research outputs found

    Further distribution of Gertrudielle validinervis (Herz.) Broth. in the Neotropics

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    Gertrudiella validinervis (Herz.) Broth. is additionally recorded for the dry forests in northwestern Argentina. Complete distribution in the Neotropics, including northwestern Argentina, are shown on the maps

    Design of an Anthropomorphic, Compliant, and Lightweight Dual Arm for Aerial Manipulation

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    This paper presents an anthropomorphic, compliant and lightweight dual arm manipulator designed and developed for aerial manipulation applications with multi-rotor platforms. Each arm provides four degrees of freedom in a human-like kinematic configuration for end effector positioning: shoulder pitch, roll and yaw, and elbow pitch. The dual arm, weighting 1.3 kg in total, employs smart servo actuators and a customized and carefully designed aluminum frame structure manufactured by laser cut. The proposed design reduces the manufacturing cost as no computer numerical control machined part is used. Mechanical joint compliance is provided in all the joints, introducing a compact spring-lever transmission mechanism between the servo shaft and the links, integrating a potentiometer for measuring the deflection of the joints. The servo actuators are partially or fully isolated against impacts and overloads thanks to the ange bearings attached to the frame structure that support the rotation of the links and the deflection of the joints. This simple mechanism increases the robustness of the arms and safety in the physical interactions between the aerial robot and the environment. The developed manipulator has been validated through different experiments in fixed base test-bench and in outdoor flight tests.Unión Europea H2020-ICT-2014- 644271Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2015-71524-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2017-89790-

    Segmentación no supervisada de señales de audio y voz

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se encuentra dentro del campo de la segmentación de audio, en concreto se comparan varias técnicas de segmentación no supervisada sobre aplicaciones tanto de segmentación de audio como de segmentación de locutores, de manera que pueda detectarse cualquier tipo de cambios, sean producidos por fragmentos de audio de diferente naturaleza o por distintos locutores. Esta etapa del procesado del audio resulta fundamental, ya que la correcta segmentación inicial del audio permitirá a etapas posteriores en diferentes aplicaciones clasificar y catalogar los diferentes tramos del audio con mayor facilidad y precisión. El proyecto se ha realizado sobre la base de datos de Albayzín 2014, que contiene 24 ficheros de en torno a 4 horas de duración cada uno (aproximadamente 100 horas de audio en total), realizando un nuevo etiquetado mediante la combinación de un etiquetado según los cambios de clase acústica (entre música, voz y ruido) y otro etiquetado según los cambios de locutor, generando un etiquetado tanto de segmentación como de diarización. Se ha partido de las características tímbricas MFCC-SDC extraídas con tres detectores GMM-UBM diseñados para detectar música, voz y ruido respectivamente [1]. Sobre estas características, se han aplicado diferentes métodos de segmentación (el Criterio de Información Bayesiano y la Razón de Verosimilitud Generalizada), implementados con una ventana temporal de tamaño fijo. La medición de los resultados obtenidos se ha realizado tanto mediante la evaluación habitual de los errores de inserción y borrado, tanto como con una medida experimental basada en las distancias entre los puntos de cambio reales y los puntos de cambio detectados por los distintos algoritmos llamada Diarization Error Rate (DER), originalmente pensada para evaluar únicamente la diarización de locutores en ficheros de audio, pero aquí empleada sobre la segmentación en general

    Aproximación al tránsito jurídico de la patria potestad: desde Roma hasta el Derecho altomedieval visigodo

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    [Resumen] La patria potestas nace como un derecho absoluto, originario y exclusivo de los ciudadanos romanos. Este poder del paterfamilias comprendía poderes atroces que se ejercían sobre los hijos e hijas y garantizaba la unidad de la familia y su descendencia por vía de varón. Con todo, este derecho fue limitándose y sufrió cambios evolutivos durante los periodos históricos por los que atravesó la vida de Roma. La caída del imperio de Occidente no supuso su derogación. Por el contrario, se proyectó posteriormente al derecho altomedieval del reino visigodo de Hispania[Abstract] The patria potestas born as an absolute right, and exclusive original Roman citizens. This power of the paterfamilias understood atrocious powers guaranteeing the unity of the family and their offspring by male. However, this right was limited and suffered clinical course during the historical periods that spanned the life of Rome. The fall of the Western Empire meant not its repeal. Rather, patria potestas was screened later Visigothic Hispania

    Cooperative Virtual Sensor for Fault Detection and Identification in Multi-UAV Applications

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    This paper considers the problem of fault detection and identification (FDI) in applications carried out by a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with visual cameras. In many cases, the UAVs have cameras mounted onboard for other applications, and these cameras can be used as bearing-only sensors to estimate the relative orientation of another UAV. The idea is to exploit the redundant information provided by these sensors onboard each of the UAVs to increase safety and reliability, detecting faults on UAV internal sensors that cannot be detected by the UAVs themselves. Fault detection is based on the generation of residuals which compare the expected position of a UAV, considered as target, with the measurements taken by one or more UAVs acting as observers that are tracking the target UAV with their cameras. Depending on the available number of observers and the way they are used, a set of strategies and policies for fault detection are defined. When the target UAV is being visually tracked by two or more observers, it is possible to obtain an estimation of its 3D position that could replace damaged sensors. Accuracy and reliability of this vision-based cooperative virtual sensor (CVS) have been evaluated experimentally in a multivehicle indoor testbed with quadrotors, injecting faults on data to validate the proposed fault detection methods.Comisión Europea H2020 644271Comisión Europea FP7 288082Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad DPI2015-71524-RMinisterio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad DPI2014-5983-C2-1-RMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FP

    Ocupación de la empresa y de los holding de empresas peculiares comerciales de responsabilidad limitada en la Roma clásica

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    [Abstract] The capital protection of the employer - the owner and the limitation of liability of owners of businesses in ancient Rome were the legal pillars of procedural principle “melior est occupantis peculio”. The judges watched and evaluated the interests of owners and creditors in the process of occupation and settlement business bankruptcy business unique.[Resumen] La protección del capital del empresario – dueño y la limitación de la responsabilidad patrimonial de los dueños de las empresas de la Roma clásica fueron los pilares jurídicos del principio procesal “melior est peculio occupantis”. Los jueces vigilaron y valoraron los intereses de los dueños y de los acreedores en los procesos de ocupación y liquidación por quiebra de de las empresas peculiares comerciale

    Coupling strategies for solving the RANS equations

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    For the present work two implicit methods of coupling the compressible Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations in conjunction with the one equation Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model have been developed. The first approach, known as fully coupled technique, strongly couples the two different systems of equations, and accordingly solves for a single system. The second technique has been defined as weakly coupled approach. On the one hand, it also solves for a single set of equations. On the other hand, the full Jacobian is not build by excluding the evaluation of the cross derivatives. The latter approach must be understood in the sense of an intermediate step between the loosely and fully coupled techniques, allowing to evaluate the coupling solution strategy. The subject of this thesis is to examine whether it is advantageous to solve the systems of equations in a mathematically consistent coupled manner or loosely coupled. For the space discretization, an unstructured finite volume scheme based on node-centered dual mesh is used. The solution procedure is based on a nonlinear agglomeration multigrid technique combined with a multistage line implicit Runge-Kutta smoother. The inner system of equations is solved through a Block Symmetric Gauss-Seidel scheme. The assessment of the newly developed methodologies is obtained by a comparative study with a loosely coupled solution strategy along with experimental data. The attention is focused on the accuracy of the results, the number of overall cycles and convergence rates of the solution method. Several numerical computations have been carried out in four two-dimensional and three-dimensional well known benchmark test cases: the CASE 9, MDA30P30N, DPW5CRM and the NASA Trap Wing. The obtained results evidence that no improvement is obtained regarding accuracy but demonstrate superiorities and inferiorities in the convergence rate for the weakly coupled and fully coupled strategies.Outgoin

    La intoxicación de origen estafilocócico y su profilaxis

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