906 research outputs found

    Building nations in the XXI century. Celticism, Nationalism and Archaeology in northern Spain: the case of Asturias and León

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    This investigation presents an overview of ‘Celtic’ nationalism in northern Spain, with the regions of Asturias and León as case studies. In these areas, archaeological narratives have served and still serve to justify contemporary political agendas. Archaeologists have thus become major actors in the discursive struggles over the past. However, they have become rather naïve and innocent regarding their contemporary public roles and their relationship towards social and political agendas. This situation has led to a lack of control over the use of their own narratives, which take on a life of their own in the public sphere. Our paper illustrates how archaeology has been used in the construction of contemporary political identities by regionalist and nationalist agents. Whereas nowadays Asturias aims to reinforce selfgovernment, the objective of León is to become a separate ‘Autonomous Community’ endowed with a certain degree of self-government separated from Castile

    La excelencia científica en pareja: Tanto monta-monta tanto

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    La presencia de las mujeres en la ciencia y la tecnología, especialmente en los niveles más altos, es escasa y no refleja, incluso en nuestros días, la masiva incorporación de las mujeres al mundo académico y profesional. El peso de los estereotipos sociales sitúa a menudo a las mujeres ante la disyuntiva "familia/carrera", dilema especialmente relevante en una profesión vocacional y muy absorbente como la investigación. Este dilema hace que la elección del compañero de vida sea crucial para el desarrollo de la mujer. Hemos escogido aquí el ejemplo de seis parejas de científicos, tres españolas y tres extranjeras, en las que ellas, todas excepcionales, han sido incondicionalmente apoyadas por sus parejas científicas y vitale

    Business groups’ internal labour markets and SME labour productivity

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    Labour market regulation constrains small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) ability to minimize redundant labour. However, it is often neglected that many SMEs might circumvent these constraints by accessing a business group’s internal labour market (ILM). In this study, we analyse whether SMEs with ILM access—i.e., with an increasing number of sister group companies in the same subnational region-industry—enjoy a labour productivity premium and whether this potential productivity premium depends on the bargaining power of labour. Because intra-group reallocation of redundant personnel often involves substantial changes in employment conditions, we argue that the value of ILM access might be reduced when the bargaining power of workers is high as they can oppose the reallocation or demand significant compensation. Using a panel of 119,801 European SMEs during 2011–2019 (639,675 firm-year observations), we find that SMEs with ILM access show relatively higher labour productivity. Further, our findings suggest that this productivity premium is higher in those contexts associated with lower labour bargaining power. Plain English Summary Intra-group reallocation of unused labour can enhance SME labour productivity, but its feasibility and value-adding potential depend on labour bargaining power. This article explores differences in SME labour productivity attributed to internal labour market access, that is, the flexibility to reallocate unproductive labour to other sister companies in the group network. We also analyse if any potential productivity premium associated with internal labour market access depends on the bargaining power of labour. Our statistical analysis shows a labour productivity premium associated with internal labour market access. Furthermore, it is especially significant in contexts associated with low employee bargaining power. For instance, when collective bargaining coverage is low (very low) we predict a labour productivity premium of 3.3% (4.5%) for all SMEs embedded in a network of 10 companies in the same region-industry. Thus, our study contributes to sharpening our understanding of SME productivity and the value they receive from group affiliation

    Ooids forming in situ within microbial mats (Kiritimati atoll, central Pacific)

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    Ooids (subspherical particles with a laminated cortex growing around a nucleus) are ubiquitous in the geological record since the Archean and have been widely studied for more than two centuries. However, various questions about them remain open, particularly about the role of microbial communities and organic matter in their formation and development. Although ooids typically occur rolling around in agitated waters, here, we describe for the first time aragonite ooids forming statically within microbial mats from hypersaline ponds of Kiritimati (Kiribati, central Pacific). Subspherical particles had been previously observed in these mats and classified as spherulites, but these particles grow around autochthonous micritic nuclei, and many of them have laminated cortices, with alternating radial fibrous laminae and micritic laminae. Thus, they are compatible with the definition of the term ‘ooid’ and are in fact very similar to many modern and fossil examples. Kiritimati ooids are more abundant and developed in some ponds and in some particular layers of the microbial mats, which leads to the discussion and interpretation of their formation processes as product of mat evolution, through a combination of organic and environmental factors. Radial fibrous laminae are formed during periods of increased supersaturation, either by metabolic or environmental processes. Micritic laminae are formed in closer association with the mat exopolymer (EPS) matrix, probably during periods of lower supersaturation and/or stronger EPS degradation. Therefore, this study represents a step forward in the understanding of ooid development as influenced by microbial communities, providing a useful analogue for explaining similar fossil ooids

    K-SITE RULES Integrating Business Rules in the Mainstream Software Engineering Practice

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    The technology for business rule based systems faces two important challenges: standardization and integration within conventional software development lifecycle models and tools. Despite the standardization effort carried out by international organizations, commercial tools incorporate their own flavours in rule languages, making difficult the migration among tools. On the other hand, although some business rules systems vendors incorporate interfaces to encapsulate decision models as web services, it is still difficult integrating business rules in traditional object-oriented analysis and design methodologies. This is the rationale behind the development of K-Site Rules, a tool that facilitates the cooperation of business people and software designers in business applications

    Clinical anatomy of cervical spondylosis

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    The aim of this study is to describe the anatomical alterations in complementary tests (MRI and EMG) in patients with cervicobrachialgia according to sex and age. Retrospective study of 184 patients with cervicobrachialgia who underwent cervical MRI and EMG. The variables analyzed were gender, age, elements of spondylosis (osteophytes, arthropathy, spondylolisthesis and canal stenosis), the type of disc disease (protrusion and herniated disc) and curvature in the sagittal plane. The EMG was used to evaluate the neurogenic findings in the muscles dependent on the spinal roots of C4 to C8-T1. Average age was 53.65±11.96 years. The patients were evaluated for the presence of osteophytes (n = 111), arthropathy (n = 76), spondylolisthesis (n = 15) and stenosis of the spinal canal (n = 35). The highest incidences were osteophytes in C5-C6 (n=108), protrusions in C5-C6 (n=58), herniated disc in C5-C6 (n=18) and neurogenic findings in C7 (n=130). The rectification of cervical lordosis appeared in 124 patients. Spondylosis increases with age. Disc herniations, disc protrusions and motor radiculopathy are more frequent in the 5th to 6th years of life. In patients with cervicobrachialgia, the sagittal rectification is more common than the normal lordosis

    Metro de Madrid rolling stock models and comparative studies relating to comfort

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    This paper presents the work carried out by Metro de Madrid and the Railway Technology Research Centre (Polytechnic University of Madrid), aimed at setting up rolling stock simulation models with a high level of detail. To do this, the features of the SIMPACK simulation tool used to create models have been briefly outlined, explaining the main features of models in two of the series modelled: 7000 and 8000. Finally, the results obtained from comparing comfort in the 7000 and 8000 series are presented

    Caracterización geológica del metamorfismo diastatermal mesozoico en la Cuenca Neuquina y su relación con la anomalía térmica en el sinrift

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    Fil: Suárez, Rodrigo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; Argentina.Fil: Gonzalez, Pablo Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Suárez, Rodrigo Javier. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; Argentina.Fil: Gonzalez, Pablo Diego. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Sede Alto Valle. Instituto de Investigaciones en Paleobiología y Geología. Río Negro, Argentina.A mineralogical, textural, and microstructural analysis as well as a characterization of the physical conditions of the regional and diastathermal metamorphism of the very-low grade metamorphic rocks from Rahue-Chachil and the Cordillera del Viento syn-rift depocenters are presented. The thermal anomaly related to metamorphism results from a combination of heat coming from the asthenospheric wedge of the extensional back-arc, the associated arc magmatism and the geothermal gradient by burial. Meso- and microscale compaction structures indicate that the metamorphic pressure is lithostatic. The mineral associations and paragenesis point to prehnite-pumpellyite and zeolite facies for the rocks of the Precuyano cycle, and between zeolite facies and diagenesis for those of the base of the Cuyo Group. The metamorphic grade increases towards the oldest rocks concomitantly with the increase in depth due to the lithostatic charge of the youngest rocks. A counter-clockwise trajectory of the pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path is depicted and characterized by two contrasting segments, one prograde with peak temperature predating peak pressure, and another retrograde with exhumation. The age of the metamorphism is constrained between the deposition of the rocks in the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic and the first episode of tectonic inversion of the basin, with the consequent exhumation of the depocenters from the Middle-Upper Jurassic.Esta contribución trata el análisis mineralógico, textural y microestructural de rocas metamórficas de muy bajo grado del sinrift de la Cuenca Neuquina en los depocentros de Rahue-Chachil y Cordillera del Viento. Además, se brinda una caracterización geológica de las condiciones físicas del metamorfismo considerado como regional y de tipo diastatermal. La anomalía térmica que produjo el metamorfismo fue producida por la combinación del calor proveniente de la cuña astenosférica en el retroarco extensional, el magmatismo de arco asociado y el gradiente geotérmico por soterramiento. La presión asociada al metamorfismo es de tipo litostática con formación de meso- y microestructuras de compactación. Las asociaciones y paragénesis minerales indican un grado metamórfico variable entre facies prehnita–pumpellyíta y ceolita para las rocas del ciclo Precuyano y entre facies ceolita y diagénesis para aquellas de la base del Grupo Cuyo. El grado metamórfico aumenta en dirección a las rocas más antiguas en forma concomitante con el aumento de la profundidad por la carga litostática de las rocas más jóvenes. La evolución metamórfica de presión-temperatura-tiempo (P-T-t) de las rocas tiene una trayectoria antihoraria y está caracterizada por dos segmentos, uno prógrado donde primero se accede al clímax térmico y luego al bárico, y otro retrógrado con exhumación. La edad del metamorfismo está comprendida entre la depositación de las rocas en el Triásico Tardío-Jurásico Temprano y el primer episodio de inversión tectónica de la cuenca, con la consiguiente exhumación de los depocentros a partir del Jurásico Medio-Superior

    Aprendizaje basado en la experiencia en cursos de estrategia

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    Memoria ID2022-095. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2022-2023